江苏省扬州市田家炳实验中学高中英语 Unit 4 Behind beliefs课件 牛津译林版选修9

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江苏省扬州市田家炳实验中学高中英语 Unit 4 Behind beliefs课件 牛津译林版选修9_第1页
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江苏省扬州市田家炳实验中学高中英语 Unit 4 Behind beliefs课件 牛津译林版选修9_第2页
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江苏省扬州市田家炳实验中学高中英语 Unit 4 Behind beliefs课件 牛津译林版选修9_第3页
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M9U4(教学案)一【教学目标】二【教学重难点】Learn some professional expressions on beliefs and religions.三【预习检查】英汉互译/识记短语 1将翻译成2. 不久,一会儿 3设宴庆祝 4.改邪归正5换句话说 6. 磨光,提高7随着时间的过去8.以为中心 9纪念10.保护免受的伤害11被描述成12.帮助某人13直到今天14.代表某人,以某人的名义15像的形状16. 向某人乞求某物四【课堂教与学】重点单词用法探究【原句回放】It comes from a story in the Bible, where a son returned to his family after being gone for a very long time. 这个习语来自于圣经中一个儿子离家很久后回家的故事。 考点 where的引申用法。点拨句中关系副词where引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the Bible,但具有引申意义。拓展能这样用的词常见的有system,point,situation,state,case,job等,这样的词后面跟定语从句时,从句的引导词用where,通常具有引申意义。如:There is a system where you can phone and tell us the numbers and youll get the book.Gradually we came to the point where we have the same opinions.He is now in a difficult situation where he is likely to lose his job.I dont care much for pay. I just want to get a job where I can be greatly valued.考例Were just trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk.A. where B. that C. when D. which (2006 山东)简析:point在句中为先行词,定语从句中缺地点状语,故选A。2.【原句回放】The message of this idiom is that just as the clay feet was a hidden weakness, people-especially those we greatly admire-also have hidden weaknesses. 这个习语的含义是,如同泥脚是一种不为人知的弱点一样,人也有不为人知的弱点,尤其是我们非常钦佩的那些人。考点 正确利用破折号。点拨句中两个破折号用于插入语especially those we greatly admire的前后,起追加、强调或补充的作用。其实将破折号部分的插入语去掉,句子就很简单。主句是The message of this idiom is.,that引导一个表语从句,表语从句是一个包括由as引导的方式状语从句的主从复合句,其中people also have hidden weaknesses.是主句.拓展 是否正确掌握标点符号,会直接影响到对句子结构的分析与选项的确定。破折号往往用在一个解释性的句子前面,也可用于一个解释性的插入语的前后,还可表示突然转折或者总括前面列举的若干项。考例1)_ some of the juice-perhaps youll like it. A. Trying B. Try C. To try D. Having tried (2000 北京春)简析:题干中的破折号相当于and,故此处应是并列句。前面应构成祈使句,这样句子结构才会正确。选B。考生容易误选A项或C项,这是由于对标点符号的忽视,而将前面部分看作了非谓语动词。2)I must be getting fat-I can _ do my trousers up.A. fairly B. hardly C. nearly D. seldom (2004 全国II)简析:本题中的破折号表因果关系。do up指“系上,扣上”,根据句意“我一定是在发胖,我几乎系不上裤子了。”B项hardly“几乎不”合乎题意。3)Mary, _ here-everyone else, stay where you are.A. come B. comesC. to come D. coming (2006全国I)简析:这是一个由破折号连接的两个非常简单的祈使句。即让Mary执行come here这个动作;让everyone else执行stay where you are的动作。答案为A。【原句回放】It is said that if you stand about 20 metres away from the pagoda and clap your hands, you will hear the sounds repeated and multiplied from the roof so that it sounds like frogs croaking. 据说如果站在离塔20米远的地方击掌,可以听到屋顶传来放大的声音回荡,类似蛙鸣。 考点 It be said to do sth句式。点拨 It是形式主语,真正的主语是由that引导的主语从句,这个主语从句包括一个由if引导的条件状语从句,从句的主句中又有一个由so that引导的结果状语从句。It is said that. 意为“据说”,repeated and multiplied作宾语the sounds的补语。拓展It is said / reported / expected / well-known / thought, etc. that. 是“据说 / 报道 / 预计 / 知/ 认为等某人某物做某事”之意,本句式也可以改写成sb. / sth. is said / reported / expected / well-known / thought, etc. to do sth.。如:It is said that the boy has stayed in Japan. = The boy is said to have stayed in Japan. It is thought that the new laws will prevent crime.= The new laws are thought to prevent crime.考例1)Is Bob still performing?Im afraid not. He is said _ the stage already as he has becomes an official.A. to have left B. to leave C. to have been left D. to be left (2005 江苏) 简析:后者回答说“恐怕不会。据说他早已离开舞台,因为他成了一名官员。”由此可知不定式用完成时。选A。He is said to have left the stage already. = It is said that he has left the stage already.。2)AIDS is said _ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.A. that it is B. to be C. that it has been D. to have been (2006 湖北)简析:根据时间状语over the past few years可知不定式要用完成式。故选D。句意为“在过去的几年里,据说艾滋病是那个地区居民的最大的健康挑战。”五【知识点讲解】Language points 1. lead a life of luxury: 过着.的生活/日子 to lead a happy life 过着快乐的生活 to lead the life of the spirit 过崇尚精神的生活We lead a quiet life in the country. 我们在乡下过着安静的生活。2. mend ones ways :改邪归正,改过自新 He was determined to mend his ways and turn over new leaf. 他决心改过自新,重新做人。Theres no sign of him mending his ways. 看不出他有改进生活方式的迹象。 3. refer to as 称为(认为是) refer to 谈到;涉及;指This is not the dictionary which I referred to. 这不是我所指的那本词典。I always refer to him as a bookworm. 我总是把他当作书呆子。 4. be proud of 以为荣 take pride in 以为傲I am proud of be a teacher of physics. 我为做一个物理教师感到骄傲。Our nation will be proud of us. 带着更加辉煌的成就,跨进新世纪。We take pride in our craftsmanship. 我们为自己的手艺感到自豪。 5. in other words 换句话说,也就是说in a word 简言之;总之in one word 用一句话来说(总而言之)keep ones word 守信;言而有信;信守诺言have words with 与某人吵架have a word with 同说句话In other words, none of us can go to the movie. 换句话说,我们都不能去看电影。In a word, practice is far more important than book knowledge.一句话,实践远比书本知识重要。6. be worth + Noun =be worth +动词-ing形式be worthy+ of +名词;be worthy + of + being donebe worthy + to be done的形式The scheme is well worth a try. His behavior is worthy of great praise. He who does his duty is worthy of being praised. His plan is worthy to be considered.六【课后巩固练习】【完成句子】1妈妈让我把要买的东西列出一张清单。(list)Mum told me to make a _ of the things_ _ _.2你没必要把手册上罗列的每件事都做了。(list)You dont need to do all the things _ _ _ _.3徒步旅行者背着一只很沉的包裹。(burden)The hiker _ _ _ a heavy pack.4她一人肩负着抚养两个孩子的重任。(burden)She _ _ _ _ two children alone.5我给你描述的东西,在你的脑子中有概念了吗?(picture)Can you _ _ _ in your mind of what I describe to you?6演说者描述了穷人的苦难。(picture)The speaker _ _ _ _ the poor.7在房间的中央立着一个电影明星的肖像。(centre)_ _ _ of the room _ the portrait of a film star.8她把注意力都集中在那个问题上。(centre)She _ _ _ _ the problem.9在这里农民可以宰杀他们的牛羊,然后让船只运走或供当地使用。(butcher) Here farmers can get their sheep and cattle _ for shipping or _ _.10人们在肉店门前排队,等着那很少的,每周一次的配给。(butcher)People lined up _ _ _ _ for their rations of meat, which they get about once a week.【单项选择】1. Hunger is_number one global health risk, so the WFP has organized a lot of programmes, which helps people most at _risk A. the; / B. a; / C. the;the D. a;a 2. At the dinner party, the manager_a welcoming speech and expressed heartfelt gratitude towards new and old customers.A. directed B. delivered C. developed D. distributed3. The vegetables are_affected by insects and pesticide, which makes them very popular among consumers.A. rarely B. thoroughly C. frequently D. merely4. Johnson almost fell off the top of the mountain, but managed to _until help came. A. keep on B. catch on C. count on D. hang on5. If a student applies to several universities, it means taking more exams in different cities, placing a physical and psychological_on him.A. relief B. alarm C. burden D. recreation6.Thenewhospitalwillbelocatedin_usedtobeawastelandandahugeshoppingmallwillalsobeconstructed_thereusedtobeaschoolmanyyearsago. A.where;whereB.what;inwhich C.what;whereD.which;where7.LawrenceCraven,adoctorfromtheUSA,istheauthorofseveralpublishedreports, oneof _introducedtheideain1953_aspirincouldreducetheriskofheartattacks. A.them;when B.which;that C.what;that D.which;when8.Thesplitbetweenhumansandlivingapesisthoughtbysomescholars_15to20million yearsago. A.tooccur B.occurring C.tohaveoccurred D.havingoccurred9. _ of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend _ her A. Warning; following B. Having warned; following C. Having been warned; following D. Warned; followed10. The advertisement company_ a mass audience. A. was intended to target with B. intended the advertisement to target C. intended the advertisement to be targeted D. was intended to be targeting 11. Turkey opened the worlds first trans-continental underwater rail tunnel_Asia and Europe on 29 October, 2013, _closer the day when it will be possible to travel from London to Beijing via Istanbul by train. A.connected; brought B.connected; bringing C.linking; brought D.linking; bringing12. China Hengda_well have won the football match, but I dont know because I wasnt there. A. could B. may C. should D. must13.We got in my fathers car and headed straight home and_I surely would have been stuck in the station for several days. A. had I not B. did I not C. if I didnt D. if I had14. 一What do you think of the UNICEF? 一Great. Its programs have saved thousands of children in Africa who would have_died from lack of food or terrible diseases. A. instead B. otherwise C. therefore D. moreoverAnswer:1.list; to be bought2.listed in this guide3.was burdened with4.bore the burden of raising5.form a picture6.pictured the suffering of7.In the center; stodd8.centered her attention on9.butchered; local use10.at a butcher shop1-5 ABADC 6-10 CBCCB 11-14 DBAB


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