河北省平泉四海中学中考英语 非谓语动词复习课件

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河北省平泉四海中学中考英语 非谓语动词复习课件_第1页
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河北省平泉四海中学中考英语 非谓语动词复习课件_第3页
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非谓语动词非谓语动词非谓语动词:也就是不能用作谓语的动词。动词不定式V_ing 过去分词 包括动词原形一.动词不定式 肯定式: to +动词原形1、构成 否定式: not to +动词原形 2、动词不定式的常见用法A、不定式作 主语当不定式作主语时,习惯上用作it形式主语,而将动词不定式后置,构成固定句型。Its +adj +to do sth.(1)To learn English well is not easy. (2)To protect our environment is very important (1)Its not easy to learn English well.(2)Its important to protect our environment.B、不定式作宾语常见的只能跟to不定式的动词及短语。想要wantwish 希望hope希望决定decide学会learn想要would like迫不及待cant wait 准备get ready(1)I hope to be a doctor.(2)She cant afford to buy a camera.计划plan负担不起cant afford Wang Tao hopes to be a scientist in the future and wishes to visit the moon by himself. He would like to collect pictures about the moon very much, so he learns to search the Internet and wants to get more Information . Then he plans to buy a computer, but he cant afford to buy one. Now he cant wait to look for a job and decides to work hard at it. At the same time he get ready to make his dream come true.C、不定式作宾语补足语常见动词:请、叫ask 告诉tell 想要want 邀请invite允许allow喜欢like警告warn鼓励encourage教teach想要would like(1)My mother always likes me to get up early.(2)Lucy often teaches me to learn English. One day my mother allowed me to go to the park, but she warned me not to come back late.My father liked me to go with Lucy,because he wanted me to learn English from Lucy. I invited her to go with me . Lucy taught me to study English and encouraged me to speak more English . Sometimes she asked me to teach her Chinese.I would like her to stay with me very much, so I told her to wait for me outside the school gate every Saturday.D、不定式作定语熟记下列短语something to eatsomething to drinkanything else to saymuch work to dosomething nice to eat 1.I have a lot of homework to do.2.Do you have anything to say?lots of housework to do 3. My father has something important to tell me.4. Would you like something to drink?E、不定式与疑问词连用,构成不定式短语,作宾语1. I dont know where to go .2. He didnt know what to do .3.Can you tell me how to get there ?4. I cant decide which to choose.“疑问词 + 不定式” 结构可以转换为从句形式(1)I dont know where I will go.(2)He didnt know what he would do.(3)Can you tell me how I can get there.(4)I cant decide which I will choose.F、常见固定搭配1.too to do(1)The desk is too heavy to carry .(2)The boy is too young to go to school .2.be + adj + enough to do(1)The girl is old enough to go to school.(2)The ice is thick enough to skate on .(3)The room is big enough for 10 people to live in .3.Its time to do sth 或Its time for sb to do sth .(1)Its time to have a rest.(2)Its time for us to play football .4.It takes sb some time to do sth . It took me three days to finish the job .5.be + adj (glad . sorry .sure . happy . afraid等表情感的形容词后)+ to do sth .(1) Im sorry to trouble you .(2) Im afraid to face my mother .二、v-ing1、常见跟ing的动词2、词组搭配中的ing形式enjoy imagine mind practise keep (on) finish suggest (1)be worth doing (2)be busy doing (3)feel like doing(4)keep sb doing (5)have fun doing (6) cant help doing (7) There be sb/sth doing 1)keep on doing 11) spend(in)doing 2)be good at doing 12) what (how) about doing 3)do well in doing 13) Its another way of doing 4)stopfrom doing 14) instead of doing 5)thanksfor doing 15) be afraid of doing 6) without doing 16) get ready for doing 7) helpwith doing 17) prefer doingto doing 8) be used for doing 18) make a contribution to doing 9) be interested in doing 19) try out doing10) look forward to doing 20) give up doing 21) devote oneself to doing3、词组搭配中受、词组搭配中受介词介词影响需用影响需用v-ing4、词组搭配中ing的形式家常做法home cooking候诊室waiting room起居室sitting room切割机cutting machine起跑线starting line终点线finishing line购物单shopping list购物中心shopping centre购物篮shopping basket阅览室reading room只有立足之地standing room only禁止吸烟No smoking禁止停车No parking游泳课swimming lesson餐厅dining room植树节Tree Planting Day 毛笔writing brushgo swimming(hiking , fishing, skating , shopping)do some (cooking, reading, washing, cleaning, shopping)三、动词原形1、使役动词:let . make .have2.常见句型:(1)Why not +动词原形(2)Why dont you+动词原形(3)Youd better +动词原形(4)Youd better not +动词原形(5 ) Will you please +动词原形(6)Will you please not +动词原形1.Lets begin our class.2.Dont make the baby cry.3.He always has me do much housework.四、过去分词1.have sth done 让别人做某事,表示动作由别人来完成 (1) I will have my hair cut. (2) I had my bad tooth pulled out.2、常见短语:A boy called Jim a man named John get lost get dressedgiven name man-made satellite a worried mother a broken glassthe book written by Luxun五、感观动词2.感观动词+ing形式+动词原形表示动作正在进行表示动作的全过程1.常见感观动词: see , watch, hear, feel , find(1)He saw/found a purse lying on the ground on her way home.(2)I saw him go into the classroom just now. 六、下列动词既可接不定式又可接ing形式,但意义有区别。1.stop to do sth 表示停止原来的事开始干另一件事doing 表示停止正在做的事3. forget rememberto do sthdoing sth2.go onto do sthdoing sth/with +n(1)The baby is sleeping , please stop singing.(2)After a long walk , he stopped to have a rest.(1)He went on working all day.(2)After he finished his homework , he went on to review his lessons.(1)Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave the office.(2)I remembered meeting the teacher before, he worked in the lab. 4.TRY TO DO / TRY DOING 1)LETS TRY TO DO THE WORK WELL.2)LETS TRY DOING THE EXERCISES IN ANOTHER WAY . 5 NEED TO DO / NEED DOING =NEED TO BE DONE 1)DO YOU NEED TO HAVE A REST. 2)MY HAIR NEEDS CUTTING . =MY HAIR NEEDS TO BE CUT. 6 LIKE TO DO / LIKE DOING 7 HATE TO DO / HATE DOING 1. Thank you for us so well .A. to teach B. teachesC. taught D. teaching2. I often do some on Sundays.A. washed B. to washC. washing D. washes3. The boy Jack in Class One is my brother.A. call B. to be calledC. calling D. called4. It often takes me half an hour home.A. Walking B. to walk C. walked D. walks5. Dont forget her clean water every day .A. to give B. giving C. given D. give 6. I think it is important English well . A. learning B. learn C. to learn D. learned 7. The funny story made us all hard . A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed8. Our teacher told us hard at our lessons . A. to work B. work C. working D. worked 9. Could you tell me this newspaper ? A. to read how B. how to read C what to read D. what read10. I dont know next . A what to do B. what to do it C how to do Dthow do it11. My hair is too long , so I must have it this afternoon. A.cut B. cuts C. cutting D. cutted12. Remember late for class again .A not to B. be not to C not to be D. not to come 13. Mr Smith asked the man the queue .A not jump B. didnt jumpC not to jump D. to not jump 14.Why not with us ? You see , its very . A. go ; interested B. go; interesting C. to go ; interested D. going ; interesting15. What about to the cinema tonight ? -Thats a good idea. Id like with you . A. going ; going B. to go ; to go C. going ; to go D. go ; going 16.Everyone here is busy read for the coming entrance tests . A. get B. to get C. getting D. gets 17.Weve worked for two hours . Lets a rest . A. stop to have B. stop having C. to stop to have D .stopping having 18. Would you mind me a favour(恩惠)? A. do B. to go C. doing D. did 19. Mr Wang asked me him . A. help B. helps C. to help D. helping20. Please tell Jim not late again . A. to B. be C. to be D. be to 23.Please dont forget to me , will you ? A. to write B. writing C. write 22.The boy wants his father a question about the moon .A. asking B. to ask C. ask D. asked21.Miss Yang asked the boy , the baby was sleeping in the room . A. to stop to sing B. to stop singing C. stop singing D. stop to sing 25. He was made _ all day by his boss A work B to work C working D works26.Wed better on the road . A car may hit us . A. not to play B. not play C. to not play D. dont play24. Mother decided Tom away from school . A. to keep not B. keep not C. not to keep D. not keep A. 29. He says life wont be worth without love . A. live B.lives C. living D. to live 27. Liu Mei helped the Turners their tickets on the train . A. pick B. look up C. pick up D. look like 28. I often see them with some foreigners . A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked 1. 30.This morning I saw a man on the street on my way . A.lives ; there B. lived ; to school C. lying ; to school D. to lie ; home .31.He has given up tennis since he was ill . A.play B. to play C. playing D.plays 32 -Will you come to the net bar with me ? - Sorry , My mother always tells me there . A. not go B. not to go C. go D. to go 33._ Do you still remember me somewhere Beijing ? - Yes ,of course . Two years ago . A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw 34. Parents must warn their children . A. to play with fire B. not to play with fire C. of playing fire D. playing fire 35 He always does what he can _us with our English. A help B helped C helping D to help 36 When people want to relax themselves, they prefer_TV or listen to music rather than _ nespaper.A watching,read B watching, to read C to watch,read D to watch ,reading1.


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