九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark(第6课时)Section B(2b2d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark(第6课时)Section B(2b2d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark(第6课时)Section B(2b2d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark(第6课时)Section B(2b2d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark.第六课时Section B (2b2d)1advise sb. to do sth.意为“建议某人做某事”eg:He advised her to read carefully.他建议她仔细阅读。【拓展】advise sb. not to do sth.建议某人不要做某事advise doing sth.建议做某事【注意】advise后不可直接接动词不定式。2exactly副词,意为“确切地;精确地”。eg:That exactly what I wanted to buy.那正是我想买的。【拓展】exact形容词,意为“精确的;确切的”。3take pride in意为“为而自豪”,相当于be proud of。pride名词,意为“自豪;骄傲”,proud形容词,意为“自豪的、骄傲的”。eg:Li Ling is my best student.I often take pride in her.Li Ling is my best student.I am often proud of her.李玲是我最好的学生。我经常为她自豪。He is the pride of his parents.他是他父母的骄傲。4Now I understand that even though they are busy,they are always thinking of me.现在我明白了,尽管他们很忙,他们总是在想着我。(1)even though 意为“尽管;即使”,引导让步状语从句。eg:She went out even though it was raining.尽管在下雨,她还是出去了。(2)be always doing sth.意为“总是做某事”,常用于表达说话人的某种情绪。eg:She is always thinking of her work.她总是想着她的工作。【其他重点词组归纳】do well in 擅长take care of 照顾,照料move away 搬走make the decision 作决定in person 亲自 一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。1China sent Shenzhou successfully in October,2016.We were _ of our country.2Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong are the _ of China.We like them very much.3The hotel is _ what we want.Its a perfect one for us to stay in.4Read the passage and find the _ idea of it.5The book Who Moved My Cheese?is very helpful.Could you give me an _ of it?proudprideexactlygeneralintroduction二、根据句意,用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。pay attention to,in person,move away,to ones surprise,take care of6He couldnt come to the party because he had to _his brother.7_,my phone call changed his life.8The teacher made me _ my pronunciation next time.9Why dont you come here_?10His parents found jobs in Wuhan,so they _take care ofTo my surprisepay attention toin personmoved away三、单项选择。( )11.When I knew that China had got her first Aircraft Carrier(航空母舰),I felt _.Aexcited Bterrible Cnervous Dstrange( )12.John is so excited.Did he win the competition?Yes.He was lucky and he had _ one minute to complete the special task,no more and no less.(阿凡题:1074183)Aespecially Bprobably Cexactly DhardlyAC( )13.Who looked after your sick grandmother in hospital?My father did that _.He didnt want anybody elses help.(2016,鄂州)(阿凡题:1074184)Ain fact Bin person Cin total Din disagreement( )14.He won in the story competition and his parents were very _.(2016,江西)Asmart Bproud Csorry DupsetBB( )15.We advise parents _ their children at home alone in order to keep them away from danger.(2016,龙东)(阿凡题:1074185)Anot to leave Bnot leave Cnot leavingA四、根据首字母提示完成下面的短文。Dear Mr. Smith,I was a student of yours in Grade Seven,and I hope you can still 16._ me.I am writing this letter to tell you that the school year with you was important and special to me.I take 17._ in it all the time.rememberprideYou know I 18._ to be quiet in class.And you did something that 19._ my life a lot.You see,all through my first year at school,I 20._ to read.Books were very boring for me.Ill never forget the first day of Grade Seven.On that day,you took out a book and 21._ to read a story to us.It 22._ that your voice changed with the people in the story,and you drew pictures in my mind as you read aloud.From then on,I made a 23._ to do the reading well.I will never give up 24._ in my life!usedchangedhatedbeganseemeddecisionreading


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