高考英语一轮复习 Module8 Unit 4 Films and film events(2)课件 牛津译林版(湖南专用)

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高考英语一轮复习 Module8 Unit 4 Films and film events(2)课件 牛津译林版(湖南专用)_第1页
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Module8Unit 4 Films and film events(2)怎样写好看图作文怎样写好看图作文, 结合下面的题目略加叙述:要求:假若下面图画中的学生就是你, 根据以下六幅图画, 用英语写一篇故事。生词: calling card 名片 注意:1故事须包括所有图画的内容, 可以适当增加细节, 使故事连贯。2词数120左右。 我们可以分三步来写这个故事。 第一步:确定体裁。通过认真阅读所给的文字说明和参考词汇及画面, 我们可以确定, 命题者是要我们写一篇记叙文。要想确定体裁, 我们重点看一下第一和第五幅图, 看过第一幅图, 可以得到这样的信息:“我”在放学回家的路上捡到一个钱包。第五幅图提供的信息是:我把钱包还给了失主。因此, 我们可以作出判断, 命题者要我们写一个拾金不昧的故事, 属于记叙文的范畴。 第二步:确定主题。作文体裁确定之后, 紧接着就要确定主题。确定主题的时候, 我们应全面、深刻、细致地观察每一幅画面, 对每一幅画中的人物、情景进行缜密的分析研究, 从而获得全面准确的信息, 而后对这些信息进行处理加工, 最终得出作文的主题。通过第一步我们已经知道第一幅图说明的是:我在放学回家的路上捡到了一个钱包。第二幅图说明的是:我打开钱包, 发现里面有许多钱和一张名片。第三幅图:通过名片, 我知道了失主的名字、地址和电话号码。我马上用公共电话给失主打电话。第四幅图:我在公共汽车站等候失主前来认领钱包。第五幅图:失主来了, 我交还了钱包。第6幅图:失主拿出钱来酬谢我, 我婉言谢绝。通过对这六幅图进行分析研究, 我们可以得到以下信息:出题者提供给我们6幅图, 让我们以第一人称叙述自己放学回家的途中捡到钱包, 不为金钱所动, 主动把钱包还给失主的故事, 从而讴歌我们社会年青一代所具有的拾金不昧的高尚品质。 第三步:编写提纲。要想写好一篇作文, 只是确定体裁、主题还是不够的。第三步也是非常重要的。看图写作的时候, 我们可以编写一份提纲, 也可以打个腹稿, 无论是编写提纲还是打腹稿, 一定要注意内容切题、要点齐全。 这个故事的提纲为: (1)我放学回家 (2)我在323路公共汽车站附近捡到一个钱包 (3)我打开钱包 (4)钱包里有许多钱和一张名片 (5)我给失主打电话 (6)我在323路公共汽车站等候失主 (7)失主前来认领钱包 (8)失主表示感谢 提纲列好了, 还应当考虑怎样写才能有条有理、层次分明, 也就是段落的划分问题。段落的划分, 有关“我”的内容为第一段, 有关“失主”的内容为第二段, 即最后一段。 做完上面的事情之后, 我们就可以提笔写作了。写作的时候, 还应当注意语言要规范, 表达要准确。尽量选择自己最有把握的表达方式, 句子宜短不宜长, 应慎用分词或复合句。拿不准的, 可采取“回避”的办法, 在不改变原有意思的前提下, 改换另一种表达方式。要学会灵活运用语言, 切忌生搬硬套汉语的表达方式。为了使要点之间衔接得更紧密, 在适当的地方, 可以进行合理的想象。 One possible version: One day, on my way home after school, I found a wallet near the No.323 Bus Stop.I opened the wallet and saw lots of money and a calling card in it.From the calling card I knew the owners name, address and telephone number.So I went to the public telephone and called the owner.Then I waited at the bus stop.Before long the owner arrived, and I gave the wallet to her. The owner was so thankful to me that she took out a 100yuannote to reward me.But I politely refused it and went back home.根据下面两幅图画, 以“Laughter Is the Best Medicine”为题, 写一篇不少于120词的短文。One possible version: In our daily life, if we laugh more often we will feel happier and healthier because “laughter is the best medicine”. From the pictures, we can see everyone seems quite happy. That is because laughter can really bring us a lot of benefits. First, laughter has a similar effect to physical exercise. Next, laughter is a kind of pain relief. When we laugh, we produce a kind of chemical materials in our body that helps us to relieve pain. In addition, laughter stimulates our immune system, preventing us from being infected by diseases. Third, laughter improves our state of mind and affects our entire physical well beings. Each time we laugh, we feel better and more content. Finally, laughter helps to ease the tension between people. Sometimes when people are going to quarrel with each other for one reason or another, a humorous remark leading to laughter can help settle the argument.强调强调 强调句是一种修辞,是人们为了表达自己的意愿或情感而使用的一种形式。广义的强调句型包括感叹句,“如此以致”句型,含even(甚至)的句式,助动词对谓语动词的强调句型以及Its/wasthat(who/whom)等句型。狭义的强调句指的是Its/wasthat(who/whom)句型。英语中常见的用来表示强调的句型有以下几种。一、用助动词do, did, does强调谓语用助动词do, did, does放在一般现在时和一般过去时的句子中动词原形前,以强调谓语。He did tell all that had happened to him.他确实把发生的事情都说了。She does get up early.她的确常起得很早。Do be careful next time.下次务必要小心。二、用倒装句来强调以加强语气Never have I seen such a wonderful film.我从来没看过如此精彩的电影。So hard did he study that he could easily pass the examination.他那么努力才能轻易通过考试。三、用 what来加强语气He needs money.他需要钱。What he needs is money.他所需要的是钱。Learning and knowledge are important to us, but what is more important is a noble character.学问和知识很重要,但更重要的是高尚的品格。四、用in the world, on earth, at all等介词短语来表示强调,常用在疑问句中,与ever同义What in the world are you doing in my car?你究竟在我的车里做什么?How on earth did she manage that?她究竟怎么办到的呢? Are you at all worried about the forecast?对这项预报你不担点儿心吗?If you ever visit London, you must come and stay with us. 你要是来伦敦,一定要到我们这来住住。五、用It is /wasthat来强调主语,宾语,状语强调句型的构成是:It is (was) 被强调部分 that (who) 句子的其他成分。被强调的部分放在 It is (was) 之后,其他部分置于that之后。被强调部分可以是主语、宾语、表语或状语。强调的主语如果是人,可以由who代替that。 1.被强调的成分举例:原句:Tom found my pen in the classroom yesterday.汤姆昨天在教室里找到了我的笔。强调主语:It was Tom who / that found my pen in the classroom yesterday.强调宾语:It was my pen that Tom found in the classroom yesterday.强调地点状语:It was in the classroom that Tom found my pen yesterday.强调时间状语:It was yesterday that Tom found my pen in the classroom.2强调句型的一般疑问式:直接把is或was提到it之前即可。Was it Tom that found your pen in the classroom yesterday?3强调句型的特殊疑问式:特殊疑问词 is (was) it that 句子的其他成分。特殊疑问词即是被强调的成分。Who was it that found your pen in the classroom yesterday?4that (who) 有时可以省略:这种强调句型中的that或who有时可以省略。It was my brother (that / whom) you saw the other day.你前几天看见的是我的兄弟。5强调原因状语从句要注意:若从句由as或since引导,强调时则改为because,这是因为,because引导的原因从句表示的意义非常强烈,符合强调句的目的。As she got up late, she missed the first bus.变为:It was because she got up late that she missed the bus.她起床迟了没有赶上汽车。6强调句的否定转移:有些否定句在变成强调句时,要把否定转移到被强调的词语之前。尤其是“notuntil”句式的强调要特别注意。He didnt realize his mistake until the teacher had told him. 变为:It wasnt until the teacher had told him that he realized his mistake. 直到老师告诉他他才意识到自己的错误。湖南高考强调也是隔年考一次,总计1分。1如果原句中谓语动词使用的是现在范畴的时态用It isthat。如果原句中谓语动词为过去范畴的时态则用It wasthat。有时be前可以使用表示推测的情态动词构成。It is not everyone that can draw well.不是每个人都能画得好的。It was for his eyes that we asked him not to read in the sun.我们是为他的眼睛着想才叫他不要在太阳下看书的。It must be Jack who let out the secret.肯定是杰克泄露了秘密。2强调主语用人称代词主格,强调宾语用宾格。It was I who gave you the book.(不用me)It was him that they telephoned.(强调宾语用宾格)3即使被强调成分是句子中的时间状语、地点状语、原因状语等,也不能用when,where, because要用that。It was in Athens that the 2004 Olympic Games were held.2004年奥运会是在雅典举行的。4如果被强调的成分有同位语,同位语也应提前。It was from him, our English teacher, that we learned this English song.我们从英语老师那学会了这首英文歌。5当被强调的是notuntil句型时,应将not置于until之前,主句由否定句改为肯定句。We didnt recognize her until she took off her glasses.It was not until she took off her glasses that we recognized her. 注意与下面一句的区别:此句为not位于句首,要主谓倒装。Not until she took off her glasses did we recognize her.6疑问句中的强调句型。其一般疑问句形式是:Is/Was it被强调成分who/that其特殊疑问句形式是:疑问词is/was被强调成分thatWas it in the classroom that the meeting was held?会议是在教室里举行的吗?Who was it that broke the vase?是谁打碎了花瓶?7与定语从句连用的强调句型。Was it in the house where his grandfather once lived that they found the old picture?他们是在他祖父曾经住过的房子里找到那张旧照片的吗? Where did you meet him?你在哪遇到他的? It was in the hotel where he stayed.在他住的旅馆里。(本句后省略了that I met him)8与其他状语从句的区别It was at 7 oclock that I arrived. (强调句型,强调时间状语at 7 oclock )It was 7 oclock when I arrived. (when时间状语从句。在7 oclock前无介词at)主要搞清楚的一点是:强调句型中去掉It is/wasthat后仍然是一个完整的句子。而其他句型则不行。9英语中常用助动词do、does或did强调谓语。He did go to the airport yesterday, but he didnt find you. 他昨天确实去了机场,但他没有找到你。1. Was it under the tree _ you were away talking to a friend? Sure. But when I got back there, the bike was gone. A. that B. where C. which D. whileD此题很容易误选A,认为这是强调句型。其实此题的最佳答案是D。做好此题的关键是正确理解句中 it 的用法和意思。从上下文的语境来看,句中的 it 应是代词,指代 the bike,句意为:“当你离开去同朋友谈话的时候,你的自行车是在这树下吗?”“肯定是的,但当我回来时,自行车就不见了。”2. It was lack of money, not of effort, _ defeated their plan. A. which B. as C. that D. whatC此题容易误选A,受空格前逗号的影响,误认为这是一个非限制性定语从句,从而误选了A。其实,此题最佳答案为C,整个句子为一个 it wasthat 强调句,被强调成分为 lack of money, not of effort。由于句中插入 not of effort这一结构,干扰了许多同学对 it was lack of money that defeated their plan这一强调句的认识和分析。3. An awful accident _, however, occur the other day. A. does B. did C. has to D. had to B此题正确答案应选B,句末的 the other day 意为“前几天”,所以句子应用过去时态,而选项D填进去不合题意。此句有两个难点:一是句中插有 however 一词,分散了同学们的注意力;二是所填选项B为许多同学所不熟悉的强调用法。


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