新人教七年级英语下UnitSelf Check

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会计学1新人教七年级英语下新人教七年级英语下Unit Self Check 第1页/共20页music festival. Please _ Mr. Zhang at 622-6033.3amusicdanceplayguitarcancall第2页/共20页music festival. Please _ Mr. Zhang at 622-6033.3amusicdanceplayguitarcancall第3页/共20页1. 他参加了我们学校的艺术节。他参加了我们学校的艺术节。He is in our school art festival.= He joins our school art festival.be in和和join都有都有“参加参加”的意思。但前者的意思。但前者强调状态,指加入强调状态,指加入.(团体、电影、活动团体、电影、活动等等),后者强调参加的行为。,后者强调参加的行为。be in 和和 join2. 他们出演了这部电影。他们出演了这部电影。They are in this movie.= They join this movie.第4页/共20页Complete the following poster with the words in the box.playguitar CansingCanplaydrums第5页/共20页3b第6页/共20页Write your own poster for a sports day. Players Wanted for Sports DayWhat can you do for our sports day?Welcome to join us in all kinds of sports!Can you swim? Can you play basketball? Can you play tennis? Can you play ping-pong? Then you can be in our sports team. Please call Zheng Xiao at 543-8889 this week.For example第7页/共20页Self check 1 Add more words and phrases in each box. Abilities play the violin speak English swim tell stories singdanceplay the draw/ paint speak Chinesespeak Japanese speak French run,play soccerplay Play chessPlay cardsPlay gamesdo kung fuwrite storiesdo Taiji 第8页/共20页musicartlanguage sportsOther abilitiessing danceplay the piano /Violin /Guitar/DrumsTrumpet/erhudraw paint EnglishChineseJapaneseFrenchRussianSwimRunPlay basketball/ soccer/ping-pongtennisbaseballgolftell stories/play chess/cards/ games, do cong fu/taiji第9页/共20页Add as many words as you can to make phrases.25. be good with old people_第10页/共20页Add as many words as you can to make phrases.2play the piano play the violin play the guitar play the erhu play the trumpet; play basketball / soccer / pingpong / tennis / baseball / volleyball / / golf /badminton /bdmintn/ 第11页/共20页Add as many words as you can to make phrases.2Chinese, Japanese, French, RussianChinese, math, English, history, geography, biology, physics, chemistry, politics, P.E. , computer, chess, music, art第12页/共20页Add as many words as you can to make phrases.2telling a joke, speaking English, singing, dancing, playing the , play basketball, swimmingkids, children, teachers, classmates, parents第13页/共20页What can you do? What cant you do?What about the people you know?Write at least five sentences.3第14页/共20页1. Can you _? 2. Can you play _? -Yes, _ _ . -No, I cant.3. -_ _ _? 4. -_ _ _? -No, _. -_, I can.5. -_ the boy _ _ _? 6. -_ _ _? -_, _. -Yes, she can.(看图填空)123456swim I canchessCan you drawI cantCan you singYesCan play the guitarYes he canCan_she dance第15页/共20页对划线部分提问对划线部分提问.1. He can sing2. They can play basketball.3. She can play the guitar.4. Amy can dance.5. Tom can paint.What can he do?What can they do?What can she do?What can Amy do?What can Tom do?第16页/共20页1. I can play chess.(变成一般疑问句)变成一般疑问句) _ you_ chess?2. She can play the guitar.(变成一般疑问句)变成一般疑问句) _ she_ the guitar?3. They can play basketball.(变为否定句)变为否定句) They _ _ basketball.4. He can dance.(否定句)否定句) He_ dance.5. We can speak English.(提问)提问) _ _ you _?6. I can sing and dace. (改为否定句)改为否定句) I _ sing _ dance.7. 你可以参加我们学校你可以参加我们学校的的音乐节。音乐节。 You can _ _ our school music festival.8. 请给请给Bill打电话打电话1234567. Please _ Bill _1234567.Can playCanplaycant playcantWhat candocant or beincallat句型转换句型转换第17页/共20页dancepaintsingplay the guitarplay the violinplay the drums play the pianoplay chessMake a surveyWork in four, one is a reporter to interview your threepartners “Can you.?”Write down their answers,and then make a report. For example: In our group, Henry can dance and sing, but he cant paint or play the drums.第18页/共20页第19页/共20页


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