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会计学1原创新牛津英语原创新牛津英语AUnitShoppingGrammarI have some books.some和和any 表示表示“一些一些”,既可以加可数名词,既可以加可数名词,又可以加不可数名词。,又可以加不可数名词。There is some water in the glass.Millie doesnt have any money.There arent any cards on the desk.第1页/共30页There is some water in the glass.Is there any water in the glass?There isnt any water in the glass.some用于肯定句;用于肯定句;any用于否定句和疑问句。用于否定句和疑问句。总结:总结:第2页/共30页I get some gifts on my birthday. 否定句否定句:疑问句疑问句:I dont get any gifts on my birthday. Do you get any gifts on your birthday? 第3页/共30页注意:注意:在表示请求或征求意见的句式在表示请求或征求意见的句式中中,及在语气委婉并希望得到对方的及在语气委婉并希望得到对方的肯肯回答时回答时,通常用通常用some.e.g. Would you like some tea? Do you want some chocolate? Can I have some cakes?第4页/共30页Complete the sentences by using some or any. 1. Do you get _ presents at Christmas? 2. I usually get a red packet from my grandparents and there is always _ money in it. 3. We dont have _ mooncakes at Halloween. 4. Would you like _ cards for your birthday? anysomeanysome第5页/共30页someanysomeanysomesome第6页/共30页第7页/共30页There is a cat under the tree.There are two dogs under the tree.第8页/共30页概念概念结构结构用法用法There be 句型句型表示表示“某地存在某人某地存在某人/物物”。 “有有”There is/are某物某物/某人地点某人地点。表示某地方有某物,也可以表达表示某地方有某物,也可以表达某地方有某人。某地方有某人。(主语主语)第9页/共30页There is a pear on the table.There is 后加后加单数可数名词单数可数名词和和不可数名词不可数名词。看名看名词词There are 后加后加复数可数名词复数可数名词。There is some chicken on the table.There are three carrots on the table.第10页/共30页1.There _ a doll in the toy box. A. is B. are 2.There _ some bread on the plate. A. is B. are 3.There _ a lot of green trees in thePark. A. is B. are 看名看名词词第11页/共30页There is a cat and two dogs under the tree.There are two dogs and a cat under the tree.“就近一致就近一致”原则原则第12页/共30页1. There _ a desk and fifty-five chairs in the classroom. A. are B. is 2. There _ fifty-five chairs and a desk in the classroom. A. are B. is 第13页/共30页There are There are There is there are there is There are there are 第14页/共30页第15页/共30页1. There _ some water in the bottle. A. is B. are C. have D. be 2. There is _ on the desk. A. a pencil B. two books C. five apples D. a water 3. There _ a pencil box and many pencils in Toms schoolbag. A. is B. are C. have D. be 4. There are a lot of _ in the fridge(冰箱冰箱). A. meat B. chicken C. eggs D. milk 第16页/共30页There _ a pear on the table.There _ some chicken on the table.There _ three carrots on the table.There _ some tomatoes on the table.There _ a bottle of cola and five bananas on the table.There _ four apples and some rice on the table.isisisareareare第17页/共30页w There is a radio on the desk. There be 句型的一般疑问句句型的一般疑问句 Is there a radio on the desk ?w There are some shoes under the bed. Are there any shoes under the bed?w 规则:规则: is/are要提前要提前, some 变变any,其他都不变其他都不变Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.Yes, there are. / No, there arent.第18页/共30页1. There is some water in the glass.Is there any water in the glass?2. There are some children in the park.Are there any children in the park?Yes, there is. No, there isnt.Yes, there are. No, there arent.第19页/共30页 There be 句型的否定句句型的否定句w There is a book on the desk.There is not a book on the desk.w There are some apples in the box.There are not any apples in the box.(isnt)(arent)第20页/共30页1. There is some water in the glass.2. There are some children in the park.There isnt any water in the glass.There arent any children in the park.第21页/共30页提问提问1. There are some books in the bag.2. There is some juice in the bottle.How many books are there in the bag?How much juice is there in the bottle?第22页/共30页BBCAAB第23页/共30页AABD第24页/共30页There is an apple on the table.There are eight tomatoes in the basket.There is a teacher and eight students in the classroom.There are eight teachers and one student in the classroom.第25页/共30页用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空1. There _ (be) a pen and two pencils in the pencil-box.2. How many _ (watch) are there in the supermarket?3. There_ (be) some bread on the plate .4. There _(be) a pair of glasses on the desk.5. There _(be not) any rice in the bowl.6. _(there be) some trees in our school.7. _(there be) any crayons on the book?iswatchesisisisntThere areAre there第26页/共30页are thereThere isThere isThere areAre therethere arentThere areIs therethere is第27页/共30页There isnt a watermelon on the table.There arent any children in the classroom. There arent any books in the bag.第28页/共30页Is there a dog on the chair?Is there any fruit on the table ?Are there any many pencils in the pencil box?Yes, there is. No, there isnt.Yes, there are. No, there arent.Yes, there is. No, there isnt.第29页/共30页


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