高中英语 Unit1 getting along with others(2)课件 牛津译林版必修5

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高中英语 Unit1 getting along with others(2)课件 牛津译林版必修5_第1页
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高中英语 Unit1 getting along with others(2)课件 牛津译林版必修5_第2页
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高中英语 Unit1 getting along with others(2)课件 牛津译林版必修5_第3页
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M5 U1 TASK IListening and speaking湖南师大附中湖南师大附中 刘淑英刘淑英SKILLS BUILDING 1:Writing down the answersIf you are going to have an interview with our headmaster next week, what should you do?P.12Think about what questions to ask and write them down in advance.Before interviewingWrite brief notes only, not whole sentences.Make meaningful notes.Use contractions and abbreviations whenever possible.Be polite when you ask others to repeat.While interviewing Could you say that again?Could you repeat that, please?Did you say or?I beg your pardon?Pardon me?Polite ways to ask the others to repeat.LISTENINGDiscussion:Have you ever moved to a new town or neighborhood?What did you talk about when you met your new neighbors for the first time?How did you make friends with your new neighbors?LISTEN TO THE RADIO PROGRAM AND MAKE NOTESMoving to a new town or area can be a trying time. You might worry about how you will find your way around, how you will meet people and how you will make new friends. These things can make you feel anxious. Today, social expert Zhang Ying is here to tell you to relax because there are many ways to meet people and make new friends.P122. Ways to meet a new neighbor:visit their homes with _;join a _ or _3. Some things you should do when you meet a person for the first time.be _ and _ about yourself;ask him/her _ about _;actively _. a small giftlocal club activity groupopen honestquestionshimself/herselflisten to his/her words4. You can _ or _ to meet people with similar interests to you.5. To make true friends, you should always _ for them listen to _ be honest about _join a local clubactivity groupbe therewhat they have to sayyourself and your feelings2. visit their homes with a small gift; join a local club or activity group3. be open and honest about yourself; ask him/her questions about himself/herself; actively listen to his/her words4. join a local club or activity group5. always be there for them; listen to what they have to say; be honest about yourself and your feelings Step1 calling Teen Talk for advicePart A Read the leaflet and complete the notes.1. phone2. True3. False4. teenagers problems5. advice P 13 Teen TalkLISTEN TO THE TAPE AND FINISH PART B1. have a problem and dont know who to talk to, hope Teen Talk can help2. have two very different friends; they dont like each other3. feel trapped and divided between the two, which to be friends (Tip: write down the key words only.)4. write a letter to each friend and explain how you are feeling; let them know you want the three of you to meet outside of school5. write a letter, ask friends to meet at their favourite caf on Saturday; talk and get to know each other betterDISCUSSIONHow to be a good interviewer?


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