1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:FOOL, COSTUME, EMBARRASSED, COSTUME PARTY, 2) 提高学生的听力技能。培养学生从所听到的对话中获取信息的能力。2. 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标: 1)了解部分西方节日的文化常识。 2)了解不及时做某事而造成的危害, 培养学生养成良好的行为习惯。1b Tell your partner about something that happened to you recently. Use two or more words in 1a. Last Friday night, my friend invited me to his birthday partyYesterday my friends invited me to a costume party. I dressed up like Snow White. I sang and danced with my friends at the party. I enjoyed myself at first. But then I didnt hold my cup of coffee carefully. It dropped on the floor. The coffee splashed on my dress. I was so embarrassed, and my face turned red.Do you know the history of April Fools Day?It is celebrated every year on the first day of April. It has been popular since the 19th century.The day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Europe, Australia, Brazil and the United States. April Fools Day = April Fools Day= All Fools DayOn this day, people play jokes and hoaxeson each other. The jokes and their victims are known as April fools. Hoax stories may be reported by the press and other media on this day and explained later.参加鱼宴的帖,通常是用纸板做成的彩色小参加鱼宴的帖,通常是用纸板做成的彩色小鱼。餐桌用绿、白两色装饰起来中间放上鱼。餐桌用绿、白两色装饰起来中间放上鱼缸和小巧玲珑的钓鱼竿,每个钓竿上系一鱼缸和小巧玲珑的钓鱼竿,每个钓竿上系一条绿色飘带,挂着送给客人的礼物条绿色飘带,挂着送给客人的礼物或是或是鱼形工艺品,或是一个装满糖果的鱼篮子。鱼形工艺品,或是一个装满糖果的鱼篮子。愚人节习俗愚人节习俗 - 4月月1日的鱼宴日的鱼宴不言而喻,鱼宴上所有的菜都是用鱼做不言而喻,鱼宴上所有的菜都是用鱼做成。宴会上成。宴会上,主人端上以鱼为原料精心主人端上以鱼为原料精心烹制的菜肴,煎炸烤烧,应有尽有。根烹制的菜肴,煎炸烤烧,应有尽有。根据传统风俗,主人往往在宴会上给客人据传统风俗,主人往往在宴会上给客人们做假菜,这种假菜宴更增添了轻松欢们做假菜,这种假菜宴更增添了轻松欢快的节日气氛。宴会结束后,主人以糖快的节日气氛。宴会结束后,主人以糖果招待客人,不过,糖果不是放在果盘果招待客人,不过,糖果不是放在果盘中,而是放在药盒里。中,而是放在药盒里。 None is a fool always, every one sometimes.没有终身的傻瓜没有终身的傻瓜, 也没有终身不当傻瓜的人。也没有终身不当傻瓜的人。If wise men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance.聪明人做起糊涂事来聪明人做起糊涂事来,那才糊涂透顶。那才糊涂透顶。 愚人谚语、短语愚人谚语、短语HOW TO CELEBRATE APRIL FOOLS DAY?愚人节怎么愚人节怎么过呢过呢?在愚人节基本在愚人节基本上不是整别人上不是整别人就是被人整就是被人整 !1e Tell April Fools Day stories in your group. Use the information in 1c and 1d.A: What happened to Dave on April Fools Day?B: Well, a friend invited him to a costume party