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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2000年10月高级英语试题及答案 课程代码:0600本试题分两部分,第一部分考核课程内容,1页至4页;选择题42分,非选择题18分。第二部分考核水平,4页至8页;选择题20分,非选择题20分。本试题共8页,满分100分。考试时间150分钟。全部题目用英语作答(英语汉题目除外),并将答案写在答题纸的相应位置上,否则不记分。 Part One 1.The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (0.5 point each, 12 points) . Programmers live in (1) fear of losing anyones attention -anyones. The (2) way to avoid doing so is to (3) everything brief, not to (4) the attention of anyone but instead to provide constant (5) through variety, novelty, action and (6). .But before he ever begins to write he will have (7) an emotional attitude from which he will never completely (8). It is his job, no doubt, to (9) his temperament and (10) getting stuck at some (11) stage, or in some (12) mood. .His car needs mechanics, and mechanics grow more expensive and less (13). The gadgets in the home are cheaper to (14) than repair. The more efficiently (15) the home seems to be, the more dependent it is on the great (16) corporations, as well as a diminishing army of servitors. Skills at the lowest level have to be (17) slavishly and exorbitantly (18). .It is only lately that I have (19) how much science of genetics is (20). Agronomists have taken to (21) all sorts of vegetables and fruits (22) their original nature. This sounds wonderful and often is insane. For the scientists have not as a rule (23) any interest whatsoever in the taste of the things they have (24) with! A.acquired B.avoid C.breeding D.changing E.constantF.discipline G.efficient H.escape I.found J.impersonalK.involved L.keep M.movement N.perverseO.premature P.replace Q.rewarded R.self-contained S.stimulation T.strain U.surest V.takenW.tempered X.wooed II. There are 15 sentences with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (1 point each, 15 points) 25.In a hot summer day you would find the village children () in the small pond behind the woods. 26. I dont like the dishes in some Chinese restaurants abroad; for they () the local taste too much and the result is that the food is neither Chinese nor foreign. 27.Two pupils from the Hope Schools were () to represent Chinese children in the Euro 2000 ceremonies. 28. I think there is too much ( ) made by all people concerned, the parents, the media, and the authorities, about the university entrance examinations. 29. Suddenly the lights went out. She () in the dark for the matches. 30.He was very sad because he had tried very hard in the last three years but ()very little. 31.Im afraid what you have said just now is not ()to the subject under discussion. 32.Poor food and overwork finally () his health. 33.From the samples they had chosen (), they found 80 percent of the products were not up to the standard quality. 34.As a result of the accident, the child was ()bed for six weeks. 35.When you teach children, you should try to (0 your explanation for them. 36.You will have to learn to make difficult decisions if you are to () in business. 37.The dam was not strong enough to () the pressure of the rising water. 38. He had always been rather () on the issue of internal decoration of the house. But when his son wanted to install a bar in it ,he said no. 39.He was actually a spy but () a journalist when he went abroad. A.accompanied B.accomplished C.at random D.cater to E.confined to F.defined to G.fumbled fussH.impaired J.impressed K.live L.mumbleM.noncommittal N.passed for O.passed out P.relative Q.relevant R.pointed out S.simplify T.singled outU.splash V.sprinkle W.survive X.withholdIII. Each of the following sentences is given two choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points) 40.At the moment of its (Aconcept, B conception), every detail of a great musical work would become clear in Mozarts mind. 41.The very idea of cheating her is (A distasteful, B tasteless) to me. 42.Be careful. You are driving on a road with many (A quick, B abrupt) turns. 43.It is (A mysterious, B miraculous) how much weight you have lost. 44.We all paid her a (A compliment, B adopted) for primary school teaching. 45. The masses are the real heroes, while we ourselves are often (A childish, B childlike) and ignorant. 46.Difficult books are sometimes (A adapted, B adopted) for primary school teaching. 47.He turned down her kind invitation with a (A regrettable, B regretful) smile. 48.The Asian financial crisis caught many Asian governments (A on, B off) guard. 49.Our protest was successful, (A in so far as, B as long as ) the Minister agreed to reconsider the matter. 50.It is socially impolite for a man to attend a party wearing a terribly (A folded, B wrinkled) shirt. 51. He threw it away with a (A contemptible, B contemptuous) gesture, but he didnt say anything in front of the host. 52.Half drunk, he (A stumbled, B tumbled) along the street humming a pop song to himself. 53.A significant feature of Chinas table-tennis is the constant (A emergence, B emergency) of promising new players. 54.She finally realized that she had lost her way on an island (A inhabited, B lived) only by birds. IV. Translate the following into English and write your translation on your answer sheet. (55-59 2 points each, 8 points for 60, 18 points) 55、我想,知道自己愚蠢的人是聪明的,而知道自己撒谎的人是诚实的。 56、总的说来,在那少量的时间进而电视比这个国家的报纸做得更好。 57、丑陋是疾病的症状之一,美则是健康的象征。 58、我对法律的兴趣是出于对黑人区未来的关切。 59、摇滚乐与其说是一种音乐的力量,不如说是一种社会心理的表现。 60、在一个星期天的下午,布里尔小姐像往常一样来到公园。她在一条长登上坐下来,看着周围的一切。她仿佛是在观看一部生活的戏剧。突然她意识到自己在剧中也扮演了一个角色,也在舞台上表演。顿时她感到不那么孤独了。 Part Two Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding four items: V, VI, VII and VIII. 1)How shall we begin to talk with one another all around the globe? What language shall we use? Must we forever be dependent on interpreters? The realization of the dream of world-wide communication and the growing belief that men can plan for change are opening new potentialities for human relationships. But there is a paradox. For although our ability to see and hear has been vastly expanded, we still cannot talk with one another easily or on an equal basis. With every door of communication opening wide, we are held back by the barrier of language. 2) In the past, when only a few travelers made their way to far-off places, they translated their experiences of new landscapes and new peoples, strange sights and sounds and smells, as best they could into their own tongue. And when people went abroad as conquerors, traders or colonists, two things were very likely to happen. Those who were dominant imposed their own language as the high-level mode of communication; and very often they made use of a trade language or pidgin as a low-level mode of communication. Both practices accentuated the differences of those who came into contact with one another. 3)Today all this is changing, and perhaps the necessity of making a new choice presents to us a unique opportunity. The very rapid movement of jokes and slangs, fashions and fads and slogans from one continent to another suggests that even now people, especially young people, are struggling to create a kind of common idiom in spite of language barriers. This may well be the moment to establish a secondary world language that all the worlds peoples will learn, in addition to their own, for use around the whole earth. 4)There are those who believe that the choice is already being made. They point to the number of people everywhere who are using one or another of the major languages for business, science and international politics. If they are right, sooner or later the languages of the most populous and powerful advanced nations will swamp the smaller languages and the world will be more strongly than ever divided into blocs. But I believe the choice is still open. If we can move fast enough, we may arrive at a decision that will bring people everywhere into more meaningful contact. 5)A few decades ago, some people campaigned for a world language. They believed that the beginning of world community depended on the invention of a new, artificial language for world-wide use. Since this would be the language of no nation, it could, without offending anyone, become everyones language. 6)What there pioneers did not notice, however, was that each of these invented languages, because it was basically a simplification of existing European languages, would still give tremendous advantages to those who spoke any one of them. Conversely, these artificial languages offered little to all those with a different linguistic tradition. So the various candidate languages were tried out - in vain. This, of course, did a great deal of harm, for with each failure the danger increased that more people would treat the idea and the advocates of an auxiliary universal language as silly, boring and cranky. 7)Why, then, are we coming back to the idea? In fact, we have not come back but moved in a new direction. Recently students of the relationship between language and culture, working together with the new scientists of the cybernetic* revolution, have learned about the natural languages-all languages that have been moulded by the speech of many people over many generations. 8)A language that works has been shaped by its people. A natural language allows for the whole range of human intelligence and responsiveness and it is far richer and more expressive than are any individuals capacities for using it. And this is why, if we are to have a universal language, it must be a natural language. It must have the complex resources on which all the worlds people can draw. But it cannot be one of the present-day major languages now in competition. For we need to protect all the languages there are. Soon diversity of language will be the principal remaining evidence of mans extraordinary inventiveness in creating different ways of living. 9)In time, this is also what a universal secondary language must carry for the peoples of the whole world-the significance of worldwide talking with one another within a shared civilization. If we chose as a secondary language the natural language of a small, politically unimportant, non-European literate people, we could accomplish our several purposes. 10)It can be done now. It may be very difficult to do later. *cybernetic:控制论的 V. There are 10 incomplete statements, followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. (1 point each, 10 points) 61.At the beginning of the passage, the author seems to be uncertain about () A.the barrier of language B.the abilities of interpreters C.human communication on equal basis D.human relationships in the world 62.Both practices in Paragraph 2 refers to (). A.the practices by the travelers and those who went abroad as conquerors, traders or colonists. B.the fact that the dominant treated their own language and the trade-language differently. C.the fact that the travelers translated their experiences of both new landscapes and new people D.the fact that those who were dominant treated the high-level language and low-level language equally 63.According to the author, the following statement that () is NOT true. A.people speaking different languages could also exchange ideas B.the conquered people would not be allowed to speak their own language C.pidgin is often used as a means of communication among businessmen D. people speaking the rulers language are held superior in communication 64.Those who believe the choice is already being made base their view on the fact that(). A. one or another of the major languages is used in world affairs B.English is widely used as a world language C.an artificial language has been invented D.a natural European language is used 65.According to the author, the following statement about artificial language that () is NOT true. A.only non-European language speakers consider it as silly, boring and cranky B.while an English speaker can pick it up easily, a French speaker may not C.it possesses no complex resources on which all the people can draw D.it will never replace the major languages in the world today 66.Those who advocated the invention of a new, artificial language believed that it could A.not make any one happy B.make some people upset C.be widely accepted D.be rejected 67.According to the author, to choose a world language() A.should be done as soon as possible B.may be postponed C.can be done whenever possible D.can be accomplished immediately 68. It can be inferred from the authors view that the candidate for a universal language might be()A.a language of literate people of a small, politically insignificant nation not using any European languageB.an artificial language based on none of the European languagesC.any natural language winning the campaign for a world languageD.one of the major languages used for commerce, science and world politics 69.The invented languages would give more advantages to some nations because(). A.they are simple in structure B.they are based on existing European languages C.they are simplified forms of small languages D.they take all languages into consideration 70.The most suitable title for this passage is (). A.Natural Language and Artificial Language B.Farewell to Interpreters C.Towards a Dominant Language D.Towards a Shared Language VI. There is one underlined part in each of the following sentences, followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that is the closest in meaning to the underlined part. (2 points each, 10 points) 71.Both practices accentuated the differences of those who came into contact with one another means that both modes of communication (). A.helped different speakers exchange ideas B.brought different speakers closer together C.made it possible for different speakers to converse D.emphasized the differences between different speakers 72.This would be the language of no nation. A.the language accepted by no nation B.the language derived from the language of any nation C.the language used by no nation D.the language specific to no nation 73.What these pioneers did not notice. A.artificial language designers B.non-European language speakers C.linguists who never offended anyone D.participants in the campaign for a world language 74.A language that works has been shaped by its people A.A language that is understood is usually formed by its speakers. B.A language that is used by a community has been moulded by its people. C.A language that is used as a working language is usually built up by its speakers. D.If people need a workable language, they would invent one. 75.A natural language allows for the whole range of human intelligence and responsiveness. A.needs a lot of B.includes the whole scope of C.permits the list of D.approves a series of VII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write your translation on your answer sheet. (2 points each, 10 points) 76.With every door of communication opening wide, we are held back by the barrier of language. 77.The realization of the dream of world-wide communication and the growing belief that men can plan for change are opening new potentialities for human relationships. 78.So the various candidate languages were tried out -in vain. 79.If they are right, sooner or later the languages of the most populous and powerful advanced nations will swamp the smaller languages. 80.Soon diversity of language will be the principal remaining evidence of mans extraordinary inventiveness in creating different ways of living. VIII. Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words, write your answer on your answer sheet. (10 points) What does the author mean by saying that In fact, we have not come back but moved in a new direction? Support your points. 高级英语试题参考答案及评分标准I、按课文填空(本大题共24题,每小题0.5分,共12分)1.E 2.U 3.L 4.T 5.S 6. M 7.A 8.H 9.F 10.B 11.O 12.N 13.G 14.P 15.R 16.J 17.X 18.Q19.I 20.K 21.C 22.D 23.V 24.W评分标准与答案不符则错,每错两题扣1分,如错题总数为偶数2,4,6,8,10则分别扣1,2,3,4,5,分;如错题总数为奇数1,3,5,7,9则分别扣0,1,2,3,4,分.II.选词填空(本大题在24个选选中选择15个进行填空,每题1分,共15分)25.U 26.D 27.T 28.H 29.G 30.B31.Q 32.I 33.C 34.E 35.S 36.W37.X 38.M 39.NIII、填空(本大题中,在每小题的两个选择中选择一个完成全句,每小题1分,共15分)40.B 41.A 42.B 43.B 44.A 45.A46.A 47.B 48.B 49.A 50.B 51.B52.A 53.A 54.AIV.汉译英(本大题共6小题,前5小题每题2分,第6小题8分,共18分) 55.Its a wise man, I guess, who knows hes dumb, and an honest person who knows hes a liar.56.Television does a better job in that little time than the nations press as a whole.57.Ugliness is one of the symptoms of disease, beauty of health.58.My interest in law stems from a concern about the future of the black ghetto.59.Rock music is really a sociological expression rather than a musical force.60.On a Sunday afternoon, Miss Brill came to the park as usual . She sat down on a bench, watching everything around her. She felt as if she was watching a play on life. Suddenly she realized that she was also playing a part in the play and that she was also acting on the stage. At once she felt much less lonely. 评分标准1.译文准确,句子连贯,无严重语法错误,得满。2.虽然译文与答案不完全相符,但能够正确表达原意,不扣分。3.译文不准确,内容不连贯,出现一个严重错误,扣1分。4.以句为单位,拼写错误每5个扣1分,不重复扣分,不满5个不扣分,不得出现负分。5.第6题包含6个短句,每句1分,按前4项标准评分。另外,译文的连贯性1分,印象分1分。Part TwoV.选择题(本大题共10题,每小题1分,共10分)61.C 62.B 63.B 64.A 65.B66.C 67.A 68.A 69.B 70.DVI.选择题(本大题共5小题,每题2分,共10分)71.D 72.D 73.A 74.B 75.BVII.英译汉(本大题共5小题,每题2分,共10分)76.With every door of communication opening wide, we are held back by the barrier of language.A.面对(每一扇)敞开着的交际的大门,我们却被语言障碍羁绊着/阻挡着.B.尽管交流的大门已扇扇打开,但我们仍然受到语言藩篱的阻挡.77.The realization of the dream of world-wide communication and the growing belief that men can plan for change are opening new potentialities for human relationships.A.实际世界范围内交流的梦想以及人类能够规划变革的日益加深的信念,正在为人际关系开创着新的可能性.B.进行全球交流的梦想得以实现,而人们越来越相信人类有能力制定变革的规划,这些都是为人类交往的发展开创着新的可能性.78.So the various candidate languages were tried out-in vain.于是各种有可能的语言都被一一试过,然而却均以失败告终.79.If they are right, sooner or that the language of the most populous and powerful advanced nations will swamp the smaller languages.A.如果他们是对的,人口最多和最强大的发达国家的语言迟早会把小语种淹没.B.如果他们的观点是正确的,那么人口最多、国力最强的发达国家的语言将迟早会淹没较小的语言.80. Soon diversity of language will be the principal remaining evidence of mans extraordinary inventiveness in creating different ways of living.A.不久,语言的多样性将成为人类在创造不同生活方式中表现出的非凡的创新精神的一个尚存的/仍然存在的重要的证据.B.不久,语言的多样性将成为一个尚存的重要的证据.这个证据显示了人类在创造不同生活方式中表现出的非凡的创新精神.评分标准1.译文准确,句子连贯,无严重理解错误,得满分.2.虽然译文与答案不完全相符,但能够正确表达愿意,不扣分.3.译文不准确,内容不连贯,出出一个严重理解错误,扣1分.4.出现关键的内容上的漏译,每一个扣1分;出现关键词汇的漏译,每两个扣1分,但不出现负分. VIII.回答问题(10分) 答题要点 The old approach to a world language:a) The world language was an artificial language based on European languages, andb) Therefore, it gave great advantages to those who spoke any one of them and disadvantages to those who did not. The new approach to a world language proposed by the author:c) It should be a natural language, and d) It should be a language of a small, politically unimportant, non-European literate people.


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