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高中英语名词性从句专项练习一、用that或what填空1 .he wants is a book.2 .he wants to go there is obvious.3 .The result is we won the game.4 .This is we want to know.5 .Is he told us true ?6 .We should pay attention to the teacher is saying.7 . I have no doubt he will come.8 . I have no idea he did that afternoon.9 .has made China it is now?10 . we cant get seems better than we have .11 .A computer can only do you instructed it to do .12 .He became so angry he couldnt speak .13 .There is the city we visited last year .14 .There is no doubt the price of cars will go down .15 .None of us has a clear idea the others want to do .16 .Do he or she tells you to do .17 .he did surprised us .18 .he did so surprised us .19 .This is all I know.20 .This is I know.21 .you have done might do harm to other people.精品资料22 . he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.23 you dont like him is none of my business.24 .The fact he is a model teacher is well-known.25 .They expressed the hopethey would come over to China again.二、用if或whether填空1. I asked her she had a bike.2. we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.3. We re worried about he is safe.4. I dont know he is well or not.5. I dont know or not he is well.6. The question is he should do it.7. The doctor can hardly answer the question_the old man will recover soon.8. I dont know to go.9. you are not free tomorrow, Ill go without you.1.1 It depends on she will come.1.2 I have no idea he will be back .12 .We must stick to our promise or no .13 . It is valuable ,I cant say .14.I dont know he is lying or not.15. I didnt know to laugh or to cry.三、改正下列句子中的错误,每句一处错。1 .The American Civil War broke out in 1861 is known to many of us .()2 .That he saw there impressed him deeply .()3 .This is all what I know.(4 .Could you tell me where do you live ?()5 .The old minister came back with a message which the cloth was really magnificent .()1.1 t is unknown if he will come .()7 .As is known to all that paper was first made in China .()8 .Anyone breaks the law should be punished .()9 .How we can get more reading materials have been discussed at the meeting .()10 .The professor was very satisfied with that his students had done in the experiment .()11 .The news which our team had won pleased everyone .()12.I dont doubt whether he can work out the problem .()13. I have been worrying about if I have hurt her feeling .()14.I dont know that he wants .()15 .The reason why he didnt come is because he was ill .()16 .Who walks around in such a heavy rain will catch a cold .()1.1 I think important that we learn English well .()1.2 Its not certain that the sports meeting will be held .()19 .This is the suggestion which we have a trip the day after tomorrow .()20 .China is a great socialist country is well known .()21 .The question is if we can collect enough money .()22 .The trouble is she has lost his telephone number .()精品资料23 .We dont know that what we should do next .()24 .That he said in the office made everyone present very surprised .()25 .What we cant get seems better than that we have .()26 .Computer can only do how we instructed it to do .()27 .The fact why Lily got the first prize is well known to us all .()28 .Our city is no longer as it used to be .()29 .He said what he was pleased to meet all of us again .()30 .What he failed to pass the exam is very clear .()31 .The reason why he didnt attend the meeting was because he had been ill .()32 .Please give the note to whomever is in the classroom .()33 .Is that he told you really funny ?()34 .Please let me know that you want me to do .()35 .Those photos will show you what does our hometown looks like .()四、用适当的连词填空:1 .you dont like him is none of my business.2 .well go camping depends on it will be fine tomorrow.3 .she comes or not makes no difference.4.The question is it is worth doing.5.There is some doubt he will come./ There is no doubt he will come.6.is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.7.has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.8.1 t is said that the famous football star is not willing to play for would pay him three million dollars a year.9.It was about 600 years ago the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.10 .Go and get your coat. Its you left it.11 .You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is I disagree12 .- I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.- Is that you had a few days off?13.I remember this used to be a quiet village.14.-Do you remember he came?- Yes, I do, he came by car.15.1 t is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants16 .we can t get comes better than we have.17 .A computer can only do you have instructed it to do.18.1 t is pretty well understood controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmospheretoday.19.A modern city has been set up in was a wasteland ten years ago.20.Do you have any idea _ is actually going on in the classroom?21.See the flags on the building? That was we did this morning.22 .America was was first called “India” by Columbus.23 . troubles me most is I don t know how to calm the sick old man.1.1 I think it is you are working yourself too much.25 .The reason I plan to go is she will be disappointed I don t.26 .Danby left word with my secretary he would call again in the afternoon.27 .Do you think is right,they say.28 . Its known to us there is pollution, there is harm.29 .He made a promise anyone set him free he would make him very rich.30 . It was at the very beginning Mr. Fox made the decision we should send more firefighters here.31 .I would appreciate if you call back this afternoon for the doctor s appointment.32、 It is very exciting we are passing the flame in Shenzhen now.(传递火炬)33、What we feel excited is we are passing the flame in Shenzhen now.34、We are excited about news we are passing the flame in Shenzhen.35、The news Mr. Li will be our new English teacher is true.36、The news he told me yesterday is true.37、The news he told me is that Mike would go abroad next year38、The news Mike would go abroad next year is told by him.39、 She expressed the hope they would come to visit Shanghai again.40、The hope she expressed is that they would come to visit Shanghai again41. I can t decide dictionary I should buy.42. Thats he refused my invitation.43. I am very interested in he has improved his pronunciation in such a shorttime.44. we need is more time.45. The fact she had not said anything at the meeting surprised everybody.46. and they will meet has not been decided yet.47. Please tell me you are waiting for.48. Is that you are looking for?49. Would you please tell me the nearest post office is?50. I dont know he will agree to the plan or not.五、判断下列各句哪句含有名词性从句,并指出是什么从句:1. China is no longer what it used to be.2. The truth that the earth turn around the sun is known to all.3. It was snowing when he arrived at the station.4. How he persuaded the manager to change the plan is interesting to us all.5. The news that they had won the game soon spread over the whole school.6. The news that you told me yesterday was really disappointing.7. That is where Lu Xun used to live.8. He spoke as if he understood what he was talking about.9. Do you remember the teacher who taught us English at middle school?10. I wonder why she refused my invitation.六、完成下列句子。1 .Do you still remember (你何时何地见到那位著名的歌唱家吗)?2 . (无论是谁最后离 开教室)ought to turn off the light .3 (明天是否下雪) make no different to me .4 .This is (他出生的地方).5 .She expressed the hope (他将再来中6 .(你不喜欢她)is none of my business .7.One of them held the view(书中所说的 是对的).8.The question is (这本书是否值得 看).9.She always do (老师让她做 的).10.They want to make it clear to the public(他们在做着一件重要的必不可少的工作)七、语法填空:It is known to us 1 once Tom and Ann were 2 affectionate (恩爱的)couple. But to our surprise,3 broke up two years ago. 4 made them part company (分手)was5 Tom was 6 absorbed in his business 7 he overlooked (忽略) his wife sometimes. I felt it was a pity, 8( hope ) that they would reconcile (和好) .So yesterday 9 I heard the news 10they lived together again, I felt very happy.八.用名词性从句翻译下列句子。1 .你能告诉我他住在哪儿吗?2 .我不知道他住在哪里。精品资料3. 明天我们是否去野餐得看天气。精品资料4. 去拿你的外衣吧,就在你原来放的那个地方。5. 你记得他是怎样来这儿的吗?6. 我不知道你在这儿。7. 问题是我们是否需要它。8. 他在会上的发言使到会的每个人感到很惊讶。9. 问题是我们下一步该做什么。10. 我们不相信他所说的话。11. 我所需要的是更多的时间。12. 奇怪的是他昨天没有来。13. 遗憾的是我们不能去。14. 据报道我们中国队赢了这场比赛。15. 你告诉我的事情是真的吗?16. 这是因为他们学习特别细心的缘故。17. 理由是他病倒了。18. 这是因为他病倒了。19. 这些照片会使你了解我们村的面貌。20. 谁也说不清100 万年以后人类会是什么样子。21. 我听说他一周以后回来。22. 他说他很忙。23. 老师说光比声音传播快得多。24. 他坚持要汤先生做这项工作。25. 我不知道他什么时候回来。高中英语名词性从句专项练习参考答案一、用 that 或 what 填空1. What 2.That 3.that4.what 5. what 6.what 7.that 8. What 9.what, what 10. what , what 1 1.what 12.that 13 .that 14.that 15. what 16.what 17.What 18. That 19. That 20.what 21.Wha t 22.What23.That 24.that 25.that二、用 if 或 whether 填空精品资料1.if / whether 2.Whether3. Whether 4.Whether5.Whether6.Whether7.Whether8.Whether 9.if 10.whether 11.whether12.whether 13.whether 14.whether 15.whether三、改正下列句子中的错误,每句一处错。四、用适当的连词填空:1. That 2. Whether, whether 3. whether 4. whether 5. whether 6. It 7. Whoever 8.whoever9. that 10. Where 11. where 12. why 13. when 14. how 15.whatever 16.What, what17. what 18. what 19.what 20. What 21. what 22. what 23. What, that 24. because25. why, that, if 26.that 27. what, whatever 28.that where 29. that if 30.that, that 31. it32-40 全部填 that 41. which; 42. why; 43. how;4 4. What; 45. that; 46. when, where;47. who(m); 48. what; 49. where; 50. whether五、判断下列各句哪句含有名词性从句,并指出是什么从句:1 、表语从句;2、同位语从句;3、不是; 4、主语从句;5、同位语从句;6、不是;7、表语从句;8、宾语从句;9、不是;10、宾语从句六、完成下列句子。1 .when and where you met the famous singer2 .Whoever leaves the classroom last3 .Whether it will snow or not tomorrow4 .where he was born5 .that he would come to China again6 .That you dont like her7 .that what the book said was right8 .whether the book is worth reading9 .what the teacher tells her to do10 .that they are doing an important and necessary job七、语法填空:It is known to us that once Tom and Ann were an affectio 恩 爱 的 couple. But to our surprise, theybroke up two years ago. What made them part company was that Tom was so absorbed in hisbusiness that he overlooked his wife sometimes. I felt it was a pity, hoping that they would reconcile. So yesterday when I heard the news that they lived together again, I felt very hap py.精品资料Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!


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