Module3Unit1教学设计 外研版英语九年级上册

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M3 U1 She trained hard, so she became a great player laterTeaching aims:1. You are able to know and use the phrasesTable tennis playerA strong willTrain hardDoctor,s degreeGold medalsNever give upAttend university abroadThats amazing2. You are able to know the adverbial clause of time and causativeadverbial clause, and you need to underline all the adverbial clausesin the dialogue3. Teach students to learn the spirits from the famous peopleTeaching key and difficult points:1. New words and phrases2. The adverbial clauseTeaching proceduresStepl: lead inEveryone has a hero in his or her heart. Can you tell me who isyour hero? And why do you think he or she is your hero?StudentsToday, lets go approach such a hero.Step2: AssignmentsAssignment 1: checkingCheck the assignments I gave out before class:1. Underline and explore the phrases mentioned in teaching aim 12. Try to translate these sentences She is my hero because shes one of the best table tennisplayers in the world. She started playing table tennis when she was five. She stopped playing when she was 24. Her English wasnt good enough when she began. Whatever she does, she never gives up. She has a strong will.Assignment2: FinishingRead the dialogue twice and complete the table as below.Facts about Deng YapingWhen she was fiveSheWhen she was 24SheAfter she stopped playingShe began toin BeijingAfter seven years study abroadSheAssignment 3: AnalyzingRead the sentences including when and because and try totranslate them.1. 表示“时间”,“地点”,“原因,“方式”,“结果等的句子成分2. 状语从句:当上述内容以句子形式出现时叫做状语从句。可具体分为时间状语从句,地点状语从句,原因状语从句,方式状语从句等。3.译作“当的时候,,因为.After learning the adverbial clause, lets read and translate them again.Assignment 4 : ReadingRead the dialogue again and try to describe Deng Yapings life. You canbegin like this:Deng Yaping is a great table tennis player. She started playing whenshe was 5, sheWhenAssignment 5: homework1. Finish exercise 5 on your book2. Write down the description about Deng怎 life you described on yourhomework book.


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