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单项选择易错题专练1. Excuse me. Can you spare me a few minutes? .A. Whats on? B. Whats up?C. Whats more? D. What is it?2. Not that John doesnt want to help you, _its beyond his power.A. but that B. for that C. and that D. in that3. How could I thank you enough? Dont mention it. Any other man _ that.A. would do B. will do C. would have done D. had done4. When Mr. Jones gets old, he will _ over his business to his son.A. take B. hand C. think D. get5. You _ pay too much attention to your English learning, as it is so important.A. should B. must C. cannot D. neednt6. John told you that there wasnt anyone in the room at that time, _?A. was there B. wasnt there C. didnt he D. did he7. It matters little _ a man dies, but _ matters much is _ he lives.A. how; what; how B. how; it; howC. why; it; why D. that; what; that8. So you have to leave now.Yes, I _.How nice it would be if you could stay a bit longer!A. have to B. ought to C. do D. have9. Sorry to have hurt you. _. You didnt mean to, did you?A. Forget it B. No problem C. All right D. Dont say so10. You must _ carefully _ these instructions.A. attend; in B. attend; for C. attend; on D. attend; to11. The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life _ an ugly-looking goat tied to a tree in a field nearby.A. is B. being C. was D. be12. She is _ success, _ woman as she is.A. a; a B. /; a C. a; / D. the; the13. Do you like a house with no garden? _. But anyhow, its better to have one than none.A. Not a bit B. Not a littleC. Not really D. Not especially14. He reached London in 1996, _, some time later, he became a famous actor.A. where B. when C. which D. that15. In a time of social reform(改革), peoples state of mind tends to keep _ with the rapid changes of society.A. step B. pace C. progress D. touch16. The thread of my kite broke and it flew away.I told you it would easily break _it was the weakest.A. when B. for C. since D. where17. John seems a nice person. _, I dont trust him.A. Even so B. Even though C. Therefore D. Though18. Do you know _ art in the 18th century played _ more important part in peoples lives than it does today?A. an; the B. 不填; a C. the; a D. the; the19. I dont think he could have done such a stupid thing last night, _?A. do I B. could he C. did he D. has he20. I really dont know _ I had my money stolen.A. when was it that B. that it was whenC. where it was that D. it was where that21. The train was ten minutes late, so I _ have run all the way from my house to the station.A. couldnt B. shouldnt C. neednt D. mustnt22. “Bill, keep the things _ here secret, will you?” said the manager after the meeting.A. discussed B. being discussedC. to be discussed D. having been discussed23. Did you blame the accident on him?Yes, but Id _it.A. better not do B. rather not doC. better not have done D. rather not have done24. Tom is coming. With him _me, Im sure I will finish the work on time.A. helping B. to help C. helps D. help25. Watch out! A car is coming down the bridge._.A. No, you neednt remind me of thatB. Thank you. Ive already noticed thatC. Oh, it doesnt matterD. Thank goodness you mentioned that26. How do Americans like to be called?Most of them dont object _ them by their first names.A. that I call B. for callingC. to my calling D. to call27. Human beings are different from animals _ they can use language as a tool to communicate.A. in that B. for that C. in which D. for which28. We happen to be of _ age, and we all go in for _ American football.A. the same; the B. /; /C. an; / D. an; the29. We _ trying to get all the information we need before the end of the week.A. rushed around B. looked outC. hurried out D. came away30. I thought you were all proud of the work I _.Im afraid not. Youd better change it for another.A. do B. had done C. did D. would do31. It was fine yesterday._. And a very day for fishing, isnt it?A. So it was B. It is soC. So it is D. So is it32. As is known to all, _ tiger is in _ danger of dying out.A. a; a B. the; / C. a; / D. the; the33. We hadnt been out for long, _ she felt sick.A. as B. when C. while D. after34. Have you finished all of the exercises?Yes, completely. _ is left.A. None B. Nothing C. No one D. Neither35. It is the very place _ the anti-Japanese soldiers fought over sixty years ago.A. that B. which C. where D. there36. Telling Bob he no longer had a position in the company was an unpleasant _ for anyone.A. work B. duty C. task D. means37. It was _ computer games that took the boy a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons.A. to have played B. playingC. played D. having played38. It made many countries angry _ the US, without the permission from the UN, started a war on Iraq.A. when B. because C. that D. if39. If a student can make what has been learned _, whether in class or from social practice, he will make steady progress.A. his own B. him C. himself D. his40. Seeing the happy _ of children playing in the park, Im full of joy and confidence in the future of our country.A. sight B. scene C. view D. sign41. We stood at the top of the mountain _ east of the city, watching _ burning sun rising.A. /; a B. the; a C. the; the D. /; the42. In that supermarket on sale is a new type of computer, _ makes it attractive to the students from poor family.A. which B. whose cheap price C. what D. the low price of which43. Ive been told that John _ from his journey to America. What about visiting him tonight?All right. Ill call for you at 6:00 pm.A. had come back B. is backC. came back D. coming back44. A sheep _ on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than _on ordinary.A. fed; one B. feeds; the one C fed; that. D. feeding; it45. When it comes to bringing up children, some people say _ discipline produces _ happy, well- behaved child.a, the B. / , a C. a , a D. /, the46. The club has _ meeting, held every other Wednesday.Aa weekly B. an annual C. a monthly D. a fortnightly47_ reading the news, I immediately rang to see if I could help.AWhen B. While C. On D. The moment48To pay to see that movie will be foolish when you can see it on television for _.A. every thing B. anything C. something D. nothing 49- What would you say to a glass of wine?- _.A. Delicious B. Cheers C. Good idea D. Never mind50. - So, how is your new roommate?- She really _. She is always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude marks.Aturns me over B. turns me off Cturns me down D. turns me out51. -Mary s got mad and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that?- Yes, but I _ her husband first.A. should have told B. shouldnt have toldC. must have told D. neednt have told52. The proposal had been put forward, and then arose the question_ we were to get the proofs _.A. what, needed B. where, to needC. what, to need D. where, needed53. All the leading newspapers _ the news that China planned to build a permanent space station.A. printed B. reported C. broadcast D. published54. - How does Helen work?- She works _ best _ she can.A. so, as B. as, / C. so, / D. as, as55. Which do you enjoy _ your spare time, playing cards at home or taking a walk in the park?A. spending B. to spend C. having spent D. to have spent56. He s brought a cottage in the country for _ he retires , with the money hes saved over half of his life.A. when B. where C. what D. which57. _ and tell us. We are all anxious to know how the story ends up.A. Hold on B. Carry out C. Speed up D. Go ahead58. - Is there anyone who is going to the Great Wall?-_.A. None B. No one C. No D. Not any59. I shall never forget those days _ I lived in the army with the soldiers, _ has a great effort on my life.A. that, which B. when, which C. when, that D. which, that60. - Li Ming is said _ abroad. Do you know what country he studied in?- Yes, in Britain.A. to have studied B. to studyC. to be studying D. to have been studying61. - I want to ask you a question, sir?- _?What B. What forC. What about D. How about 62. - What is the matter with you?- After the long walk, my legs _ and I couldnt go any further.A. gave out B. gave off C. gave in D. gave up63. - Dont forget to take the message to my teacher.- _.A. Yes, I will B. No, I wontC. I dont think so D. Sorry, I dont64. I havent seen you for ages. What have you been up _?A. in B. to C. with D. for65. - Mum, it is nice weather. I want to skate this afternoon.- Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin to _ your weight?A. stand B. bear C. catch D. take66. - Look! Someone has spilt coffee on the carpet.- Well, it _ me.A. isnt B. wasnt C. hasnt been D. hadnt been67. The party was successful, but we thought it a pity not _ you.A. invite B. to invite C. inviting D. to have invited68. - How would you like your coffee?- _.A. Its well done B. Very nice. Thank you.C. One cup. That is enough D. The stronger, the better 69. I believe whoever gets the job will be well paid.Then why dont you take it ?Well, I about it .A. just think B. am just thinkingC. just thought D. was just thinking70. Do you expect to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture that we need?A. there B. that C. one D. it371 I think to finish the work in such a short time is quite impossible.A. it B. that C. this D. which72. Do you think him naughty enough? Im afraid hes than naughty.A. more clever B. cleverer C. much clever D. much more cleverer73. Will you please correct my mistakes in my design, ?A. will you B. if any C. can you D. if many74. We liked the oil painting better we looked at it.A. the moment B. the more C. as D. while75. The storm died away at last with the golden waves the shore in peace.A. striking B. hitting C. beating D. knocking76. A teacher must see to it that every one of his students develops . A. fairly B. hurriedly C. properly D. extremely77. What do you think of finding a part-time job at college? Good idea, in my opinion, it doesnt affect your studies.A. now that B. in case C. providing that D. unless78. In no country _Britain, as has been mentioned, _ experience four seasons during the course of single day.A. other than; one can B. apart from; one canC. other than; can one D. rather than; can one79. When you go outing with your sisters, you must see to _ that they are safe.A. everything B. it C. them D. yourself80. _ is human nature that many people do not value the things they possess until they have lost them.A. Such B. So C. As D. How81. All Zhou Lan wanted to do when she first got her gold medal was _thanks to her coach and teammates.A. say B. said C. saying D. about to say82. _ of you comes across trouble, Ill do what I can to help him.A. Who B. Whomever C. Whichever D. Whom83. Did you reach the top of the mountain?Yes. Even I myself didnt believe I could _it.A. work B. climb C. make D. get84. The words of my old teacher left a _impression on my mind and I am still influenced on my mind and I am still influenced by them.A. long B. lively C. lasting D. forever85. Fred didnt marry again. He never _the shock of losing Jane.A. smoothed away B. made out ofC. got rid of D. got over86. So little did I know about physics that the lecture was completely _me.A. on B. above C. over D. to87. _out after a long walk, Henry called and said he couldnt come to our meeting.A. Having worn B. Being worn C. To wear D. Worn88. Im afraid I cant finish the book within this week. _.A. Pleased go ahead B. Hurry upC. Not at all D. Take your time89. Why! Where is my passport? Maybe I left it on the plane. My Goodness! You _ things behind.A. had never left B. didnt leave C. never left D. havent left90. Clean water is _ necessary than fresh air to the people living in the big city.A. not more B. no more C. not less D. no less91. If only he _ quietly as the doctor instructed, we would not suffer so much now.A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie92. The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is (a) n _ of courage and power.A. example B. sign C. mark D. symbol93. I didnt see her yesterday.Of course, you _, because she had gone on a trip.A. cant B. may not have C. couldnt have D. mustnt have94. Fred is second to none in maths in our class, but believe it or not, he _ passed the last exam.A. easily B. hardly C. cant have D. mustnt have95. _ mistakes Mike had made in the exam were corrected very carefully.A. Few of B. Few C. The few D. A few96. I didnt like Aunt Lucy, who _ up without warning.A. always turned B. has always turnedC. had always turned D. was always turning97. The reasons for our decision are set _in my report.A. off B. in C. out D. about98. They are having a meeting.Maybe they will be through _.A. at present B. presently C. later D. for the present99. _it rains?We can go on working with our raincoats_.A. Though; on B. What; in C. What if; on D. How; in100. Thats great dinner. _Thanks. But it really only took an hour.A. I had never had it before! B. I enjoyed it very much.C. You must have spent all day cooking. D. Who cooked it?101. The education system rather than the teachers _ to answer for the heavy burden on the students.I agree. I hope the reform being carried out in our country at present will bring about the _ results.A. are; desired B. is; desired C. are; desiring D. is; desiring102. Tom was a black slave and he at last _ the cotton farm to join the North Army.A. left B. escaped C. ran away D. fled103. Have you received any letters recently?Yes. I _ letters and cards many times while I was in Italy.A. have received B. had received C. received D. would receive答案:1-5BACBC 6-10CAAAD 11-15BCCAB 16-20DABCC 21-25CADBD26-30 CACAA 31-35 DCBAC 36-40 CBCDB 41-45 ADBAB 46-50DCDCB51-55 ADBBB 56-60 ADBBA 61-65CABBB66-68BDD 69-73 BABAB 74-78 BCCCC 79-83 BAACC 84-88CDBDD 89-93 CDCDC 94-98 BCDCB 99-103 CCBDC 内容总结(1)单项选择易错题专练1. Excuse me. Can you spare me a few minutes(2)- _


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