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、选出画线部分读音与其她三个不同得单词(5A、foodB、schoolA、wantedB、closed*1)C、C、roomplayedD、footlistenedmanyanima1C、appleD、manknifethankC、nightD、funnyA、boxesB、orangesC、shoesD、watches二、单项选择。(201、allthegirls,Maryspenttimeandmadmistakes、A、uch;manyB、theleast;fewest2、3、5、6.8、C.ore;mostD、st;heleasThnameisTom、Whatname?I;youwordanwalkThWeatB、My;youC、youI;yourfish“hasisistheco1ourhavefiveappletreef”、C、thetheB、parkwithJnny、C、toweplaygame、B、wayC、drawlldressItsmydress、Whothelook;seeB、app1estreeisthis?Whosblackboard,butB、100kat;seeC、C、antC、appleWhotreesseD.word、plestreesWheresee;looksee;lookat9、willyoueback?Inanhour、AHowlongB、HowoftenC、HowHowsoon10didshegotoBeijing?Youwontbe1ieveit!Onot、1、TheWhatB、Whererearetwentywomentcachers;GermansinouC、B、WhenHowwomenteachers;rmenD、school、Somewomanteachers;womanteachesrGermanthemarrmen-MyyIyourbike?3、Sorry、ArideB、ridingC、rodDtoride-Whatdoesyourfatherdo?HeAamastudentB、isapo1icemanCworkshardD、isagoodmanItstimetoschookWemustnow、4、16TheThertogo;goestogo;gosupermarkeclosedB、D、atthisgoing;gogoing;goestimeofday、B、openedC、opensD、c1osedfootballgameonTVthisafternoonandImgoing17C.Myisgoingisgoingtmumisit、tohave;watchobe;1ookinourfamilyB、has;seeD、isgoingtobe;watchbusierB、thebusiestbusiestD、themostbusyetohavesuppeThankyou!Idloveo、1920Iget三、完形填空。WhenMarWouldyouShallwe10VImsorryINotatall、Itdoesntmattupat;in(10)liketoetocantdit、eraquarteB、atsixatB、D、B、D、AreyoulikeCouldyoulikeYoureweleWelldonehotmorning、D、at;onen、Wheneacher,erverymOneday,Smithwasastudent,shewastwentyandsheuch、hewantetaughtdtobeshemallschool、Shewaalotwithherchildreninhechi1dreninherclass、agirlinherclassrbeegreybeforehisbeard(胡子)does?her,likedchildrsagoodTheylovedMissSmith,whydoesamanshaMary1aughedandsaid,1dontknow、He1en,doyouknow?”Sorry,butithappnedmyfather、”Theother1aughedwhentheyheardthis、Thenaboysaid,I.、MissSmith!Amanshairbeesgreybecauseitssixteenyearsolderhisbeard!()1、A、doctorB、teacherC、workerD、farmer()2、A、soB、butC、thatD、because()3、A、yearso1dB、daysC、metersD、yearold()4、A、criedB、learnedC、laughedD、studied()5、A、saysB、asksC、askedD、said()6、A、downB、toC、forD、from()7、A、childrenB、classesC、boysD、girls()8、A、thinkB、knowC、sureD、say()9、A、fastB、slow1yC、firstD、quickly()10、A、thanB、sameC、withD、as四、阅读理解。(15*2=30)A、An old manis well know n i n h i s co untry becau s ehe canpre diet the future、He knows wh a t i sgoin g to happen、O n e d ay,the king goes to v is i t him w it h his so n、The k in g a s ks th e o Idmanto answer s omequesti on、Am I goingto liv e a lo n g time?What ismy fut u r e ?”Th e oldman100 ks at the king、And he sa ys slow 1 y,a X/Youare going t o die ih ree day s、Theking bees very worri e d、T hree days later h e dies、 Every b ody is sad、 Butifemust continue Th eki n gs son bees th enew king、 A f ter s o me days, t hn ewk i ng goe so s ee the o ld man a gai n with two sold iers、 He 1 ooks at the old mana nd says, You are ve r y c 1 ever、Tell me, wh a t i s your future?The old man 10 0ks at t he new k ing a nd say s,When are you go i n g to die?T he new ki n g laug h s an d a s ks him ,When are you going to die?Theoldmanreplies,Imgoingtodiethreedaysbeforeyou、请判断下列说法得正误,正确得在括号中写“T”,错误得写“F()1、Theoldmancanpredictthefuture、()2、Fivedayslater,theo1dkingdies()3、Thekingssonisgoingtokilltheoldman、()4、Theoldmanisveryc1ever、()5、TheoldkingsgrandsonbeesthenewkingB、Formostpeople,thewordfashionmeansClothes、Butpeoplemayaskthequestion,Whatclothesareinfashion?”Ofcoursetherearefashionsinmanythings,noton1yinclothes、Thesearefashionsinho1idays,inrestaurants,inmoviesandbooks、Thereareevenfashionsinschoolsubjccts,jobs、andinlanguagesNowadaysmiddleschoo1studentsareveryinterestedinbaskctba1l、MosttecnagerslikewatchingKoreansoapoperasandwearingKoreanclothes、Fashionchangesastimegoes、AnEnglishhouseof1750wasdifferentfromoneof1650、Afashionablemanin17801ookedverydifferentfromhisgrandsonin1860、Mobilephoneisafashionnow,butmaybeitwillbeoutoffashionlateron、Todayfashionschangeveryquickly、Newspapers,radiostelephonesandtelevisionssendinformationfromonecountrytoanotherinafewhours、Newfashionsmeanthatpeoplewillbuynewthings,soyouseethereismoneyinfashionthepasSageWeknow-eans一A clot h esB、manythingsD a lo t of thi n gsCmostofthepopularthingsWhi c h of t h e followi ng thing isi n fas hion among s ch 001bo ys to day?A W a tching Korean films、B. Pl y ying basketball C Wearing different c 10the s、D、 Having a n inter e st i n g sub j ect i n sch ool、(3、Wh i ch gro u p of p e o pl e like to go aft er fashion mo st?AMany peopl e、B M o st housewi vcs、CYoung p eople、DOld peop 1e、 、()4 Tod a y fa s hions c hange ve ry qui c kly bee a use 、A people quickly 1 earn what is happening in the worldnew thin g s that people l i kear e o f t enshown on TVpeople like to chang e the fas hionspeop 1 e r ead n e ws p apersevery d ay5、“ The re is m o ney in fash i on、” m eansA there are n o fas h io n s witho u t mone ypeop le lik enew t h in g smon ey esfrom f ashio nD fashio n affords moneyC、 NO BOA TING IN ANY PART OF THE LAKE Cough Medicine、Sh a ke well beforeuse、T a keEach time: A d ults: 2 tea s poonfu 1Chi 1 d r en:8 1 44、 70、5 teaspoonfuls、Not for ch ildren below the ageKeep in a cold plac e、 Uset h ree times a day aft er meal s、5、1、5 te a s poonf u l s、of 4、b efore O c tobe r ,2 008DFASTFOODOPEN HOURSWEEK DAY 8: 00 A、M、8:0 0 P、M、WEEKEN D 10:00 A、M、11: 00 P、M、( )1 Fr o m the f i rst sig n we k now we can noti n th elake、A、 st a yfor 1 on B boatC fishDsw img、) ) 2、 Helen is six years old, and she s go t a ba d co u gh、 S he shou 1 d t akea day、A、1 5 tea spoonfu IsB、o、5 teasp oonfulsC、2 teaspoonful sD 3 teasp oonfu 1 sTh e coug h medicine can t b e taken byA a f o u r-ye a r - o ld child 、C、 a sev e n ye ar old child44、 You can put the med i cine A、 on a TV s e tC、 n ear a stov eB、 a t h r e e-ye a r old c h i ldD an e ight- y ear o ld chi IdB、 i n a f r idgeD by the wi n d ow()5 The fast fo o d sho p isnt o penA、 at 9: 00 P、M、 on Thu r sd ayB、 at 10:00 A、M、 o n Fri d a yC、 at 9: 0 0 P、M、 on Satu r d ayD at 10: 00 A、M、o n S unday五、根据句意及首字母提示,把句子所缺单词补充完整。(15)1. LiuLiisfromChina、HeisaCboy、2. Thiscupisempty、Givemeafone3. Mr、B1ackbooksoldbutMrs、B1acklooksy4. Donttakethisheavybike、Takethislone、5. Itsdarkintheroom,tothelight、6. Look!Who(talk)intheclassroom?7. M a r y(go)toschoolear1y10daysago8. Mysisters(be)happyyesterday、9. Whereismybike?Icfindit、10. Jiasfareonthewindows,theyareveryniceandsmellgood、Manybeesandbutterfliesflyaroundthem、11. Whichisyourbu11?Theb1acko、12. Mayisthefmonthoftheyear、13. Dotheylikefkitesintheafternoon?14. Thiskindoftrees1turnyellowinautumn、六、用5个句子,说一说您得暑假计划.(5*2)七、综合填空。(10)Itistimetgohomenow、Iminabusoarainyday,andawomanwadoggetsonthebusItisabigdogandhisfnotc1ean、Idontwantthedogtositnearme、Bthewomansaystotheconductor,“Oh,Ipformydog、Chesithereliketheopeople?Theconductorlooksatthedogandsays,Yes,madam、Butltheotherpeople,hemnotputhisfeetonthechair、


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