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一. 单项选择21. Babies are not born with _ moral sense; they cant tell _ difference between right and wrong. A. the; theB. a; aC. a; theD. /; a22. The house hasnt been _ by anyone for a few months. A. employedB. hiredC. occupiedD. rent23. The brakes of my bike dont work. Yes, they cant be mended; they have to be _. A. reusedB. replacedC. repairedD. rebuilt24. Dont you think that _ is no use promising without doing ? A. thisB. thatC. itD. what25. The way you talked like this was likely to _ misunderstanding. A. result fromB. lead toC. pick upD. pick out26. Poor food contributed _ her illness and her illness had a strong effect _ her character. A. to; onB. to; for C. for; onD. with; at27. I am wondering _ this happened to him. Its unfair. I understand, but _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. A. why; what B. what; thatC. that; the fact D. how; which28. Youve made a few spelling mistakes in your composition, but _ youve done pretty well. A. first of allB. above allC. as a whole D. on the other hand29. Many people think Chinese _ are more difficult to learn than English words. A. wordsB. characters C. vocabularyD. phrases 30. I dont know what the signal “X” _ on the road. Could you tell me ? A. stands outB. refers to C. sticks toD. stands for 31. There must be someone who can take _ of these naughty children. A. over B. outC. place D. control32. The test _ a number of multiple choice questions. A. is consisted of B. is made of C. composes of D. is made up of33. I just wonder _ that makes him so excited. A. why it doesB. what he does C. how it isD. what it is34. Leaves are found on all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly _ size and shape. A. onB. fromC. byD. in35. Could you fetch me my glasses from the kitchen ? _. A. Its a pleasureB. At your serviceC. It doesnt matterD. Thats my pleasure答案:21.【解析】选C。考查冠词的用法。moral sense是非感。第一空是泛指孩子不会生来就具有是非感, 因此用不定冠词a;第二空考查的是固定短语tell the difference between. . . and. . . , 因此正确答案是C项。22.【解析】选C。句意: 这套房子已经有好几个月没有人住了。这里occupy意为“占据, 居住”, 符合语境。employ和hire指“雇人”;rent表示“租房子”, 形式不对, 它的过去分词应为rented, 故选C。23.【解析】选B。句意: 我的自行车刹车不灵了。是, 它们已经没有办法修了, 需要更换。从they cant be mended知道“只能更换”, 所以选replaced。24.【解析】选C。考查it的用法。句意: 难道你不认为只承诺不行动毫无用处吗?此句中, that引导宾语从句, 从句中it为形式主语, 真正的主语是promising without doing。25.【解析】选B。考查动词词组。句意: 你说话的这种方式很容易引起误解。lead to“导致”, 符合题意。result from“由而导致”;pick up “捡起, 获得, 学会”;pick out“挑选(出)”的意思, 不合题意。独具【举一反三】This will probably _ trouble in the future. A. lead toB. result from C. lie in D. cause to【解析】选A。句意“这可能导致将来的麻烦”。lead to 这里是“导致”的意思;result from“由而导致”后面接原因;lie in“在于”;cause 当“导致; 引起”讲时是及物动词, 不用接to。26.【解析】选A。考查动词词组。contribute to. . . “是的成因;贡献”;have an effect on. . . “对有影响”。27.【解析】选A。分析句子成分后可知前句是由wonder引导的宾语从句, 在宾语从句中缺少原因状语, 故用why引导;下句中含有一个主语从句, 在主语从句中缺少宾语, 故用what引导, 所以A项正确。句意: “我想知道这为什么发生在他身上, 这是不公平的”“我理解, 但是他在会议上所说的使在场的每个人都惊呆了”。28.【解析】选C。句意: 你作文里有几处错误, 但是总体上说, 写得不错。as a whole“作为整体, 从总体上来说”, 符合题意。first of all “首先”; above all“重要的是”; on the other hand “另一方面”。29.【解析】选B。考查固定短语。句意: 很多人认为汉字比英语单词难学多了。Chinese characters是“汉字”的意思。30.【解析】选D。句意: 我不知道马路上的这个“X”标志代表什么, 你能告诉我吗?stand for“代表, 象征”, 符合题意。stand out“出色, 突出”;refer to“代替, 指代”;stick to“坚持”。31.【解析】选D。 句意: 肯定有人能管住这些淘气的孩子。take control of. . . “控制, 取得对的控制”, 固定搭配, 符合题意。32.【解析】选D。句意: 测试由大量的多项选择题组成。 consist of= be made up of “由组成”, 故D项正确。33.【解析】选D。句意: 我只是想知道什么使他如此的兴奋。此句中含有what引导的宾语从句, 在宾语从句中又有个强调句型it is that. . . , 强调主语。34.【解析】选D。句意: 在各种各样的树上都可看到树叶, 但是它们大小不同, 形状各异。考查动词与介词的搭配。differ常用搭配: differ from 与不同;differ in 在某方面不同, 故D项符合题意。35.【解析】选B。考查交际用语。句意: 你能帮忙到厨房里拿一下我的玻璃杯吗?乐意效劳。At your service“听候吩咐, 乐意效劳”, 符合语境。Its a pleasure“不客气”; It doesnt matter“没关系”是用来回答I am sorry的。Thats my pleasure “不用谢”是用来回答Thank you的。故选B。二。单项选择1. In a word, the young engineer made _ excellent impression on _ staff in the company.A. the; the B. a; the C. an; the D. an; / 2. Swimming is _ in the lake after that boy was drowned in it.A. banned B. warned C. persuaded D. ended 3. He thought he would be able to get away from cheating in the exam! What a fool! He _ the punishment.A. is worth of B. is deserved C. deserves D. worth 4. Word came to the president at last _ there was no one injured in the traffic accident that happened last night.A. which B. whether C. that D. what 5. The sports meeting, originally _ be held last Friday, was finally delayed because of the bad weather.A. due to B. thanks to C. owing to D. according to 6. The world around us has changed a lot. Nowadays the Internet provides easy _ to various kinds of information. A. way B. access C. entrance D. means 7. Shall I come today or tomorrow? _. It makes no difference to meA. Thats all right B. I am afraid not C. Not at all D. Its up to you 8. Do you think it necessary _ he should not be sent to Miami but to New York?Yes, I think so. But the problem is _ he has refused to.A. that; that B. what; that C. that; what D. what; what 9. We have to _ you, because your speech has gone beyond the time limit.A. disturb B. interrupt C. indicate D. prevent10. Isnt it a surprise that I happened to meet Johnson at the Christmas party last week? If my memory serves me correctly, you _ each other for two years. A. dont see B. would not see C. didnt see D. hadnt seen11. Was the football match as wonderful as you expected?No, it was a waste of time. I _ have done my homework.A. need B. must C. could D. ought to12. However, I am afraid _ we dont take measures to keep the Internet language under control, things will go bad or even worse.A. that what B. that if C. if that D. what that13. Mr. Wang was chosen to _ our school to make a speech at yesterdays meeting.A. represent B. attend C. visit D. present14. The hotel is quite good _. It is located in a quiet place and it serves delicious foods as well. A. as well as B. in all C. above all D. as a whole15. Come and see me whenever _.A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient for you答案:1-15 CACCA BDABD DBADC 三。 单选题1. Why! I have nothing to confess. _ that you want me to say?A. What is it B. What it is C. How is it D. How it is 2. Are you going to the football game?No, the tickets are _ for me.A. too much expensive B. so much expensive C. far too expensive D. highly expensive 3. I am afraid I wont have any influence over my 17-year daughter _ her mind is made up.A. once B. the moment C. as soon as D. since 4. _ the boy is left in the house alone?He wont feel scared or lonely, Im sure.A. What B. How C. What if D. Whether 5. In our village, about 1,000 meters north of my house, _ an old temple _ back to the 15th century.A. stands; dating B. is standing; datedC. standing; dated D. stand; dating 6. _ having a full course of driving lessons, he failed the test four times.A. Instead of B. Because of C. As a result of D. In spite of 7. He _ his last chance of winning the election when he said the wrong thing on TV.A. gave off B. gave away C. gave in D. gave out 8. In the _ way, I dont think a boy of ten can take care of your pet dog _.A. ordinary; properlyB. usual; actually C. correct; exactly D. common; usually 9. Do you have anything in mind _ youd like for supper?Well, _ is Okay with me.A. what; nothing B. which; everything C. that; anything D. where; something 10. _ I book a table for dinner a few days ahead of time?Yes, you _. The restaurant is always full, especially during the holidays.A. Shall; must B. Must; can C. Shall; will D. Must; will 11. Do you know our school will be enlarged soon? Of course. It will be _ in size, as far as I know.A. very large B. three times as large C. the largest D. larger three times 12. Sorry, Jackson. I _ you clearly. Its too noisy here.I _ that the party was great.A. havent heard; am sayingB. dont hear; saidC. didnt hear; was saying D. cant hear; will say13. The comments which she made _ the 2006 Super Voice Girl bored a lot of fans to death.A. being concerned B. to be concerned C. concerned D. concerning14. As is reported, Chinas athletes _ efforts in practice in order to get good performances in the 2008 Olympic Games.A. will have made B. have made C. have been making D. had made15. Shall I give you a ride as it is so late?Thank you. _.A. Its up to you B. It couldnt be better C. It all depends D. If you prefer答案:1-15 ACACA DBACA BCDCB四。首字母填空1. For young people growing-up n_, money matters a lot more when choosing a career.2. Im sorry to o_ your time but Id like to talk with you.3. The news is almost certainly true although it is not _ (官方的).4. To make our country better-off and stronger, everyone should make their _ (贡献).5. A man is not born for _ (击败); a man can be destroyed, but not _ (击败).6. Nothing in the world can r_ a mothers love and care.7. You could probably get by without doing much today. But then you would have wasted an e_ unique and highly valuable day.8. It is difficult for such a mechanical family environment to r_ creative children.9. Punctuality is the main constituent of good character. T_ punctuality is of great importance for every one of us.10. Because of his poor _ (词汇量), he has to start with basic sentences.11. In order to lose weight, his diet c_ almost of chocolate-covered cookies and glasses of milk.12. They looked at him with a m_ of horror, envy and respect.13. Our company provides not only the _ (一流的) products but also the circumspect and humanized services.14. In the _ (进程) of the small towns development, some built small towns lack personality and sense of beauty.15. It is necessary to make a _ (区分) between affection and friendship.16. Mastering pronunciation rules systematically really helps you to remember the word _ (拼写).17. I see, you must be an outsider, where are you from? I dont recognize your _ (口音).答案:1. nowadays 2. occupy 3. official 4. contribution 5. defeat; defeated 6. replace7. entire 8. raise 9. Therefore 10. vocabulary 11. consists 12. mixture 13. high-class 14. process 15. distinction 16. spelling 17. accent 五。首字母填空1. The boy _ (不同) from his brother in character.2. There is great difference between word and d_. So, say less and do more.3. When he was young, he used to _ (打猎) in the woods with his father.4. Clearly, she is a person who takes considerable pride in her personal _ (外表).5. High school graduation _ (代表) the most significant step in most peoples educational career.6. In fact, we can take some steps in order to _ (简化) this task.7. It is an essential principle that we must c_ theory with practice.8. What kinds of minute details can d_ the twins from each other?9. Problems i_ the opportunities, challenges mean the development.10. In spite of his _ (缺点), I like him and get along well with him.11. Dont p_ him. Let him have a choice.12. A person with good e_ can distinguish distant objects.13. Ive arranged a _ (方便的) time and place for the meeting.14. The thief was d_ out of his hiding place.15. He was a _ (讲求实际的) man and preferred to prepare everything by himself.答案:1. differs 2. deed 3. hunt 4. appearance 5. represents 6. simplify 7. combine8. distinguish 9. indicate 10. shortcomings 11. press 12. eyesight 13. convenient14. dragged 15. practical推荐精选


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