三年级上册英语课件unit3 A部分 人教PEP(共61张PPT)

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三年级上册英语课件unit3 A部分 人教PEP(共61张PPT)_第1页
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三年级上册英语课件unit3 A部分 人教PEP(共61张PPT)_第3页
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Unit 3 Look at MePart A This is .This is Mike.This is John.face This is my face .Touch your face.eyeThis is my eye.sClose your eyes.ear This is my ear .Touch your ear.snose This is my nose .Touch your nose.mouth This is my mouth .Open your mouth.moutheyeearfacenose耳朵ear听声音,眼睛eye看东西, 鼻子nose闻气味,嘴巴mouth会说话,脸是face爱干净。( nose 、nose、 eyes)What are missing? (没了什么?)没了什么?)eyeseyeWhat are missing? (没了什么?)(没了什么?)ear earsWhats missing?moutheyeearnosemouthface1122Look at me! This is my_.Eyes eyes, close your eyes.Mouth mouth, open your mouth.Nose nose, touch your nose.Ear ear, touch your ear.Face face, touch your face. Lets chantGood morning.Good morning.How are you?Im fine, thank you.How are you?Im fine, thank you.How are you?你好吗?Im fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢。How are you?Im fine, thank you.Fine,thank you.Very well,thanks.Im fine, thank you.Fine,fine,thank you.Very well,thanks.Hello, hello! How are you?Hello, hello! How are you?Hello, hello! How are you?schoolgo to学校去上学go to schoolLets go to school.Ok!我们一起上学吧。好的。Lets chantLets chantAa Aa apple apple apple. Bb Bb / b / / b / book book book.Cc Cc / k / / k / cat cat cat. Dd Dd / d / / d / duck duck duck. E e 山山F fG gH hI i工 HEGFIgheifADbecE eeF f f G gH hhI iaielephanteggfacefootgreengifticeice creamLets chantLets chantEe Ee /e/ /e/ egg egg egg. Ff Ff /f/ /f/ face face face.Gg Gg /g/ /g/ girl girl girl. Hh Hh /h/ /h/ hand hand hand Ii Ii /ai/ /ai/ ice ice ice .Homework:1、听读、听读2-26页页30分钟分钟/天。天。2、读第、读第24页课文页课文5遍并电话背遍并电话背诵诵3、单词每个抄、单词每个抄5个,字母个,字母Ee-Ii每个抄一排每个抄一排4、练习册、练习册19-20页页5、家长表格签字、家长表格签字谢谢你的阅读v知识就是财富v丰富你的人生


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