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人教版高中英语人教版高中英语系列优秀课件系列优秀课件英国 British Isles Great Britain England The United Kingdom The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Commonwealth British Empire Video Main TopicsDifferent Names1National flag and anthem 3Geography2language4Rivers5Main Topicsclimate6Major cities 7people810What is the British Isles? The British Isles is a geographical term which includes Great Britain, the whole of Ireland, and all the offshore islands. Dept.of Foreign Studies Politically, the British Isles is made up of U.K. and Republic of Ireland.Dept.of Foreign Studies It is the largest island lying off the western coast of Europe, comprising the main territory of the United Kingdom. Great Britain includes three political divisions: England, Scotland, and Wales. Dept.of Foreign StudiesWhat is the UK?The United Kingdom is made up of1. England -The capital is London. 2. Scotland-The capital is Edinburgh . 3. Wales-The capital is Cardiff. 4. Northern Ireland - The capital is Belfast. 5. Numerous smaller islands The official namethe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Different NamesDifferent NamesDept.of Foreign StudiesThe Commonwealth The Commonwealth of Nations=the Commonwealth =(formerly)the British Commonwealth Established in 1931. a free association of independent countries without special powers. to cooperate within a framework of common values and goals, outlined in the Singapore Declaration.Dept.of Foreign Studiessun-never-setting empire Why was the British empire called “the sun-never-setting empire”?What is British Empire?The Sun-never-setting EmpireColonization of thinly-populated America Slave tradeEast India CompanyForeign Expansion英国 British Isles Great Britain England The United Kingdom The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Commonwealth British Empire不列颠群岛大不列颠英格兰(联合王国)英国大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国英联邦英帝国Prominence of the current UK The UK is a member of the European Union (EU). one of the five permanent membership of the UN Security Council. a founding member of NATO. one membership of the Group of Eight. The UKEngland: 1. more than 130,000 square kilometers (60% ) 2. highly urbanized country( 80% )3. dominance in culture and economy4. capital: LondonScotland 1. the most rugged part of the U.K.; “the most beautiful scenery in Europe”2. Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Britain. 3. capital: Edinburgh Wales 1. the smallest among Great Britain; 2. the key industry: coal-mining 3. language: welsh;4. capital: cardiff;Northern Ireland: In 1949,the Republic of Ireland became independent. Most of the English settlers refused. Northern Ireland: 1. the smallest one; 2. mostly rural; 3. capital: Belfast1)The British Isles a geographic term which includes two large islands, and , and 5,000 small islands. 2)Great Britain: comprises only England , and _.3)Ireland island: includes Northern Ireland and southern Ireland. Northern Ireland is a part of , while southern Ireland became an independent country . 4)The UK: is made up of and . is made up of , , _ and_ Ex1: Fill in the blanks below.Great BritainIreland islandScotlandWalesThe UKRepublic of IrelandGreat BritainNorthern IrelandEnglandScotlandWalesNorthern IrelandEx2: What is the reference of each picture? 123456The UKScotlandGreat BritainEnglandBritish IslesWalesGeographical location The UK is an _ country. The UK is located in the _ Europe.The UKislandnorthwesternGeographic location The UK is country of island surrounded by _ ( to its east), _ (to its north) _ (to its west and between Great Britain and Ireland),_ (to its south). North seaIrish seaAtlantic oceanEnglish Channel and Strait of DoverThe English Chunnel English Chunnel= Channel +Tunnel. Open in 199450.5 kilometre75 metres deepone of the Seven Wonders of the Modern WorldEurostar passenger trains goes across English chunnelGeography Area: total 240,000 sq km Coastline: more than ten thousand kilometers. Terrain features Highland Zone in the north and west Lowland Zone in the South and Southeast.The highland zone The highlands of Scotland The Central lowlands (middle valley) of Scotland The southern uplands The Pennines: backbone of England The lake District of Cumbria The welsh MassifThe Lowland Zone The midlands of England The plain of Lancastria The northeastern lowlandsNational FlagUnion Flag (Union Jack)英语专业八级考试在线课堂英语专业八级考试在线课堂National anthem God Save the Queen (God Save the King)God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble QueenGod save the QueenSend her victoriousHappy and gloriousLong to reign over us: God save the Queen. Thy choicest gifts in store On her be pleased to pour Long may she reign May she defend our laws And give us ever cause To sing with heart and voice God save the Queen上帝保佑女王,上帝保佑女王,祝她万寿无疆,祝她万寿无疆,神佑女王神佑女王常胜利,沐荣光;常胜利,沐荣光;孚民望,心欢畅;孚民望,心欢畅;治国家,王运长;治国家,王运长;神佑女王!神佑女王! 扬神威,张天网,扬神威,张天网,保王室,歼敌人,一鼓涤荡。保王室,歼敌人,一鼓涤荡。破阴谋,灭奸党,把乱萌一扫光;破阴谋,灭奸党,把乱萌一扫光;让我们齐仰望,神佑女王!让我们齐仰望,神佑女王! 愿上帝恩泽长,选精品,倾宝囊,万愿上帝恩泽长,选精品,倾宝囊,万岁女王!岁女王!愿她保护法律,使民心齐归向,一致愿她保护法律,使民心齐归向,一致衷心歌唱,神佑女王!衷心歌唱,神佑女王! The English Language 1. Old English 2. Middle English 3. Modern English 1. Old English (5th 11th)Indo-European language The Germanic language (the Old English) The Anglo-Saxons tribe to England The earliest writings in old English Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation by Bede Hymn on the Creation by CaedmonBeowulfHwt! We Gar-Dena in geardagum,eodcyninga, rym gefrunon,hu a elingas ellen fremedon.Oft Scyld Scefing sceaena reatum 2. Middle English (11th 15th )Norman Conquest in 1066French-modeled English; The Canterbury Tales written by Geofery Chaucer in the 14th centuryGeoffrey Chaucer3. Modern English (15th ) 1746, The printing pressbrought standardization of English 1755, Samuel Johnsons Dictionaryestablished a standard form of spelling The rise of the British Empire or the Commonwealth of Nationsspread English Standard English = Queens English = BBC English =received Pronunciation based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England becoming internationalLanguage spoken in four nations England: English Scotland: Scottish Gaelic (losing ground) English (predominant) Wales: Welsh (a joint official language with English) Northern Ireland: Irish (Gaelic dialect) (second language) English (predominant)Rivers (P7)the longest river River Severn 338 kilometersDept.of Foreign Studies NEW SEVERN BRIDGERiver Thames the second longest but the most important332 kilometersbest known for flowing through central Londonmany riverside attractions: London Eye, Tower of London, House of Parliament, etc.Lake (P7) Lough Neagh, the largest lake, in Northern Ireland, Lake District The Lake District = The Lakes =Lakeland rural area in North West England. the Lake Poets.Lake Poets William Wordsworth Samuel Taylor Coleridge Robert SoutheyDept.of Foreign StudiesClimate and weatherDept.of Foreign StudiesFeatures of the British climate (P8) Changeable Strange winter: too high( 3 centigrade); summer: too low( 20 centigrade). no climate but weather. Abundant rainfall: drizzle (Smog) Capital city -London London is in the _ of the nation and is situated on the _ River near its mouth.伦敦伦敦泰晤士河SoutheastThamesCapital city-London Largest city and largest port in the UK The political center: The financial center: The cultural center:City of FogCapital city-London London is divided into the City of London and the County of LondonLondon has a reputation for the sharp contrast between the East End and West End Big Benthe largest four- faced clockDesigned by Duke Benjamin during Queen Victorias reignLandmarks & Symbols of LondonBig Ben Landmarks & Symbols of London The Palace of Westminster / House of ParliamentWestminster Abbey Cornation ceremony Royal wedding ceremony Royal tomb “Poets corner”Westminster Abby Questions about Westminster Abbey Who was the first literary figure buried here? -Chaucer (father of English history) Who was the last royal family member buried here? -Diana (Rose of England) In the right picture, whose tomb is it? -Newton The Tower of LondonTower of LondonBuckingham PalaceTower BridgeThe London Eye (The Wheel of Millennium)the largest Ferris wheel in Europe (135 meters)London EyeGreenwich ObservatoryMillennium Dome -”Pearl of London”Major CitiesEdinburgh administrative, financial, legal, medical and insurance center of Scotland beautiful scenery renowned architectureLandmarks & Symbols of EdinburghEdinburgh CastlePalace of HolyroodMajor CitiesCardiff Landmarks & Symbols of CardiffCardiff City HallMillennium StadiumCardiff Castle Major CitiesBelfast v the second largest city v capital of Northern IrelandCity HallDept.of Foreign StudiesBelfast Castle英国人 English British the people who live in England.the people who live in the United Kingdom. People Overall population: about 62 millionsDistribution: 90% in urban and 10% in ruralDistribution: England: about 50 million Scotland:over 5 million Wales: around 3 million Northern Ireland: about 1.7millionoriginEnglishAnglo-SaxonWelshCeltsScotsCeltIrishCeltClass Structure (P18) Upper class: peerage, gentry, landowners Middle class upper-middle class: senior businessmen, professionals, government officials middle class: junior above lower middle class: small tradesmen, administrative, working class skilled working class: semi-skilled and unskilled working class those at the lowest level of subsistence: pensioners; on social security, temporary workers Underclass: on the dole or on welfareCriteria: material wealth, ownership of the means of production, education, occupation, accent, dialect, birth, breeding, and lifestyle.ethnicity(P13) Multiethnic and multinational Multiethnic and multinational People from all cultures and ethnicities can be found in every corner of Britain。Population by Ethnic Group in 2001 White 92.1% Mixed 1.2% Asian 4.4% Indian 1.8% Pakistani 1.3% Bangladeshi 0.5% Chinese 0.4% Other Asian (non-Chinese) 0.4% Black: 2% Black Caribbean 1.0% Black African 0.8% Black (others) 0.2% Other 0.4%How Britain became a mixed race society Britain is and has always been a mixed race society. Early in British history they were invaded by Romans, Saxons ,Vikings and Normans and later Africans were brought to Britain by force in the 17th and18th centuries as slaves or servants. Over the years, thousands of people have arrived in Britain from France, Ireland, Russia, and other countries, escaping from persecution or famine in their own countries. Immigrants and Their New CulturesBenefits of diverse society People moving to Britain have brought their own cultures and try to keep two cultures alive, which cause the variety of British culture. Food: traditional food from all around the world are now available in the UK Music: combination of music from different cultures has sparked many new and popular styles Literature: many current popular writers in the UK are from immigrant backgroundsNegative Results for British Society British people who used to an ethnically uniform society feel their way of life to be threatened by the newcomers, and see them as competitors in many aspects. Many immigrants believe the police and justice system to be unfair in their dealings with them, and statistics suggest they are right.Racism Problems between the large white population and the smaller minority groups The National Front: the most known racist group in the UK Situation is improving but much progress is neededBritishness & Englishness (P19) A sense of national identity Key elements: geography, national symbols, people, values and attitudes, cultural habits and behaviors, citizenship, language, and various notable achievements. Video introduction


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