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Electronic and information engineering is the application of the computer and modem technology for electronic information control and information processing the discipline, the main research information acquisition and processing, electronic equipment and information system design, development, application and integration. Now, electronic and information engineering has covered many aspects of the society, like telephone exchange station how to deal with various phone signal, a mobile phone is how to transfer our voice even image, the network around us how to transfer data, and even of the army of the information age how to confidential information transmission, are involved in electronic and information engineering application technology. We can through some basic knowledge learning know these things, and able to apply more advanced technology in new product research and electronic and information engineering is professionalThis program is to cultivate master the modern electronic technology theory, familiar with electronic system design principle and design method, have stronger computer, foreign language and corresponding engineering technology application ability, facing the electronic technology, automatic control and intelligent control, computer and n etwork tech no logy, elec tronic, information, communication field of broad caliber, the high qua!ity, comprehensive development of integrated with innovation ability engineering technology talent development. Electronic information engineering major is learning the basic circuit of knowledge, and master the computer processing with the method of information. The first to have solid mathematical knowledge, for physics requirement is high, and mainly electrical; To learn memy circuit knowledge, electronic technology, signal and system, computer control principle, communication principle, basic courses. Learning in electronic and information engineering design, to themselves have to connect with computer some circuit experiment, to operate and use tools requirements is also higher. Such as their connection sensor circuit, with computer set small communications sys tem, will also vis it some big compa ny of elec tronic and information processing equipment, understanding mobile phone signal, cable TV is how to transmission, etc, and can organic ? Course classification: 1. The mathematics The higher mat hematics-(the department of mat hematics mathematical analysis + space emalytic geometry + ordinary differential equation) speak mainly is calculus, to learn the circu it of the people, the calculus (a yuan, multi pie), curve surface integral, series, ordinary differential equation, Fourier transform, the other the Laplace transformation in the subsequent frequently encountered in theor y. Probability and statistics-al1 communication, signal processing with re leva nt course with probability theory. Mathematical physical methods-some school graduate student intellect, some schools into complex variable functions (+ integral transform) and mathematical physics equation (is partial differential equations). Study the mathematical basis of electromagnetic field, microwave. May also be introduced stochastic process (need to probability basis) and functional analysis. 2. Theory The circuit principle-basic of the program Signal and sys tem, con tinu ous and discre te sig nail time domain, frequency domain analysis, is very important but also is difficuIt Digitai signal processing-discrete signal and system analysis, signal digital transformation, digital filters, and so on. The application of information theory, information theory range is very wide, but electronic engineering often put this course speak into coding theory. Electromagnetic field and wave-the day the course, basically is the counterpart of the dynamics in the physics department of the electrieity, using mathematical to study the magnetic field (constant electromagnetic field, time-dependent electromaignetic fields). 3 Circuit Analog circuit一the transistor, the op-ampt power supply, A/D and D/A Digital circuit-a gate, trigger and combination circuit, timing circuit, programmable devices, digital electtonic system 4 Computer Microcomputer principle-80 x86 hardware work principle Assembly language, direct correspondence of the CPU commands programming Ianguage Single chip microcomputer CPU and control circuit, made a piece of int egra ted circuit, all sor ts of elec trie equipment of al 1 necessary, normal explanation 51 series. Cc+ language- (now speak only c language schools may not much) writing system programming language, and the development of hardware related often are used Software foundation-(computer specialized data structure + + + algorithm operating system database principles + compilation approach + software engineering) can also be a few course, speaks the principle of software and how to write software Professional training requirements: This major is an elec tronic and inf orma tion engineering major Students of this specialty mainly studies the signal acquisition and processing, the power plant equipment information system of professional knowledge, by electronic and information engineering practice of basic training, with design, development, application and integrated electronic equipment and the ability of the information system. Professional training requirements: This major is an electronic and information engineering major. Students of this specialty ma inly studies the signal acquisition and processing, the power plant equipment information system of professional knowledge, by electronic and information engineering practice of basic training, with design, development, application and integrated electronic equipment and the ability of the information system. The graduates should have the following several aspects of knowledge and ability: 1. Can a system to manage the field wide technology basic theoretical knowledge, to adapt to the electronic and information engineering extensive work range 2. Grasp the electronic circuit of the basic theory and experiment technology, analysis and design of electronic equipment basic ability 3. To grasp the information acquisition, processing the basic theory and application of the general method, has the design, integration, application and computer simulation of informstion system of the basic skills. 4. Understand the basic principles of information industryt policies and regulations, understand the basic knowledge of the enterprise management 5 Understand electronic equipment and information system of theoretical frontiers, with research, development of new system, the new technology preliminary ability 6. Master of literature retrievalt material inquires basic ? The future: Electtonic information engineering major is learning the basic circuit of knowledge, and master the computer processing with the method of information. The first to have solid mathematical knowledge, for physics requirement is high, and mainly electrical; To learn many circuit knowledge, electronic technology, signal and system, computer control principle, communication principle, basic courses. Learning in electronic and information engineering design, to themselves have to connect with computer some circuit experiment, to operate and use tools requirements is also higher Such as their connection sensor circuit, with computer set small communications system, will also visit some big company of electronic and information processing equipment, understending mobile phone signal, cable TV is the ? how to transfer Along with the social informatization of thorough, the most industries need electronic and information engineering professionals, and a high salary. Students can be engaged in electronic equipment and information system design, application development and technical management, etc. For example, make electronic engineers, design develop some electronics, communication device; Do software engineer, hardware design, development and all kinds of relevant software; Do project executive, planning some big system, the experience, knowledge requires high; Still can continue to study to become a teacher, engaged in scientific research work, etc. Chi net IT indus try st arted so far have ten years, very young. Fresh things, chaoyang industry is always much attent ion. It is for this reason, the computer professional quickly become the university of popular major, many schoolmates sharpening again sharpened head to the ivory tower of ivory top drill, or for interest, or to make a 1 i ving mas ter a foreign skills, or for future better and faster development. The first few years of the computer professional than hot, in recent years professional to this choice in the gradually rational and objective Students and parents consider is more of a more advantageous to the personal self based on long-term development of the starting point. In this industry, seems to have the potential law: a short career. So the body not old heart first, thought the hope the way how to turn what should IT man agemen t, sales, or under IT the bodies from beginning to the past business, or simply turned. . . , exactly what to do, still wan dering in the, in the confusion, the code of a few years ago life seems to be erased it shall not plan, leaving only the deserted what some memories. Too much about the industrys bad, many, many elder1s kind advice, in computer professional students in the heart of the buried the uneasy seeds, whether should continue to choose the bank, or career path should be explicit turn? Choose this line, is likely to mean that the choice of physical and mental suffering course, accept the industry of experience. Exit? Is the heart has unwilling, think about for several years hard work, they write in pencil full program writing paper, the class was, when working with the, less romantic hold lots of time, for the future is more a self-confidenee to submitting a professional, the profound professional resume. Who would like to be the last into the heart to the east of the water flow. Any one industry all have their own bright and gloomy, just people dont understand. For just the us towards campus, has entered the society for seniors learn elder sis ter, for differe nt posit i ons of each elder, life is always difficuIt, brilliant casting is progressive, we cam not only see industry bright beautiful beautiful appearance, and neglec t of its grow th lift behind the cliff icu It, the gap bet ween the two extremes of course huge, from such a perspective, apparently went against the objective And for his future career build is the same, itr s early form, its make, its cast, itr s affluent, and its thick, is a brick step by step a tired build by laying bricks or stones. Exactly do a steirter, dont want to entry-level, want to introduction and no entry-levelu IT people, the answer at ease in each one. Can say electronic and information engineering is a promising discipline, is not optional despise any a subject. To do a line, loves a line, since choosing it, will it never do things by halves. on Electronic and information engineering is the application of the computer and modem technology for electtonic information control and information processing the discipline, the main research information acquisition and processing, electtonic equipment and information system design, development, application and integration. Now, electronic and informeition engineering has covered many aspects of the society, like telephone exchange station how to deal with various phone signal, a mobile phone is how to t ransfer our voice even image, the net work around us how to transfer data, and even of the army of the informatiage how to confidential information transmission, are involved in electronic and information engineering application technology. We can through some basic knowledge learning know these things, and able to apply more advanced technology to research and development of new products. Electronic information engineering major is learning the basic circuit of knowledge, and master the computer processing with the method of information. The first to have solid mathematical knowledge, for physics requirement is high, and mainly electrical; To learn many circuit knowledge, electronic technology, signal and system, computer control principle, communication principle, basic courses. Learning in electronic and information engineering design, to themselves have to connect with computer some circuit experiment, to operate and use tools requirements is also higher. Such as their cormection sensor circuit, with computer set small communications system, will also visit some big company of electronic and information processing equipment, understemding mobile phone sigrml, cable TV is how to transmission, etc, and can organic ?


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