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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Lesson 28 Five pounds too dear五镑也太贵I. New words and expression 生词和短语a. Wares: n. goods 货物, 商品Ware: n. used as a word root 器皿, 陶器, 物品(总称, 常用于复合词)silverware 银器 / ironware 铁器 / chinaware 陶器 / glassware 玻璃器皿software 软件 / hardware 五金器具, (电脑的)硬件a popular ware 热门货 / small wares 小百货 goods n.商品, 货物(商店里出售的物品)half-done goods 半成品 / home made goods = native goods 国货leather goods 皮件 / frozen goods 冻结货物 / consumer goods 日用消费品commodity n.商品, 物品(总称, 正式的经济学术语)commodity price 商品价格, commodity economy 商品经济commodity market 商品市场, agricultural commodity 农产品b. Tempt v.吸引, 引诱; Tempt sb to do sth 吸引某人做某事;Temptation n.勾引, 诱惑, 引诱The temptation to steal is greater than ever before - especially in large shops. 偷窃的诱惑力比以往任何时候更强烈了, 在大商店里尤其如此。Tempting adj.诱惑人的, 吸引人的 = (attractive adj.吸引人的, 有魅力的)c. Bargain: v. to argue about the price讨价还价;Bargain n.交易, 合同交易, 协议,便宜货a good bargain 赚钱的生意 / make a bargain 成交, 达成协议drive a hard bargain with sb 全力和某人讨价还价 bargain with sb for sth. 和某人就某事讨价还价bargain away 议价出售d. Disembark v. get off the ship下船上岸(= debark);Embark v.上船, 上飞机He disembarked. 他下船上了岸。- He decided to embark. 他决定上船。Assail: v. 纠缠, 骚扰 同义词有:pester, harass - He was assailed with worries.Afflict vt.使痛苦, 折磨 Tramps can keep free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people.f. Favour n.好处, 优惠 ;in favor of 赞成, 支持I am in favor of stopping work now. 我赞成现在停止工作。in sbs favor 得某人欢心, 对某人有利 The situation, both at home and aboard, is in our favor.out of favor 失宠, 不利 ; by favor of sb 请面交给某人(信封上用语)do sb a favor 给某人恩惠; in the text it means “a cheaper price” 优惠 favorite adj.心爱的, 受宠的; favorite n.受宠的人或物favorable adj.赞成的, 赞许的, 讨人喜欢的g. Outrageous:adj. shocking or extremely unreasonable 出人预料的, 令人不悦的, 蛮横无理的- He played an outrageous joke.Outrage n.暴行, 侮辱, 愤怒 vt.凌辱, 强*, 虐待, 伤害, 迫害Rage n.愤怒, 情绪激动, 狂暴, 精神错乱 fly into a rage 勃然大怒My father was in a rage last night. 我父亲昨天晚上十分生气。 h. Thrust v.硬塞给 Thrust sth into means “put sth in your hand very suddenly and violently”突然地硬塞进 - He thrust the pen into my hand. Thrust aside 推开; - He thrust the girl aside. Thrust oneself forward - He thrust himself forward in the crowd.thrust oneself in 强行闯入, 干涉, 探听(= thrust ones nose into) - Dont thrust yourself in private sth.thrust sth. on/upon sb. 强卖给某人 - Dont thrust your idea on me. = Dont exert your idea on me.thrust out 推出, 逐出, 解雇 thrust:throw,但是throw没有方向;thrust常与into连用eventual adj.最后的, 结果的; it emphasizes that it happens always after a lot of problems. - eventual success failure 最后的成功失败 eventually adv.最后, 终于, 结果Loaded with wares: piled high with goods; Liner: passenger shipRugs: mats, small carpets; bargaining: arguing about the price ofWent to great lengths: did everything he could; impression: mark, scratchTo get rid of him: to make him go away Text 课文Why was even five pounds too dear?Because in the end the pen was useless. It just didnt work. The text first describes the sea when the ship was entering the harbor, and then tells us about the authors experience after getting board.先描述了船进港的情景,然后讲述了作者下船之后的经历。He met two peddlers小贩,one selling diamond rings, he managed to resist the temptation抑制住了购买的冲动; the other selling pens and watches, and he bargained with this very cautiously. 最后他为自己套件还价的本事洋洋自得的时候才发现even five pound is too much because he couldnt write a single word with his pen. Dear(adj.昂贵的)= Costly(adj.昂贵的, 贵重的)= Expensive(adj.费钱的, 昂贵的)1. Small boats loaded with wares sped to the great linerloaded with 装载, 运载,装满 = filled with/ The boat was loaded with wooden goods. the decks were soon covered with colorful rugs from Persia, silks from India, copper coffee pots, and beautiful handmade silverware. 甲板上摆满了With 常和过去分词连用,表示“在之上/之内”等一种充满的状态。常用的有:be filled with; be heaped with; be packed with; be piled withwares: 复数时,means “goods”货物,商品。单数时,常用作词根,表示有某种材料制成的器具。Silverware,银器, software,软件, hardware硬件2. Speed v.迅速驶向 - Speed down hill 向山下疾驶 / Speed up hill 向山上疾驶Speed by迅速驶过- Our holiday speed by. 我们的假期迅速过去。3. It was difficult not to be tempted.双重否定)Means one would certainly be tempted.一个人一定会受到诱惑。- It was difficult/impossible not to be tempted by the beautiful shoes.4. had begun bargaining with the tradesmenBargaining: means to argue about the price. Bargaining: n. I felt especially pleased with my wonderful bargain. Bargain here means the thing you buy cheaply.便宜货4. had no soonerthan (no sooner位于句首要倒装)I had no sooner got off the ship than =immediately after I had got off the ship一就的表达方式:为了强调两动作连接的紧密性,no sooner常放在句首,句子用到装 no sooner had I got off the ship thanNo sooner had he returned home than the telephone rang. No sooner said than done=Do sth immediatelyas soon as / the moment that / on doing/ had no soonerthan / had hardlywhen一说就做5. I have no intention of doing 不打算/无意做某事, (常用否定)I have no intention of helping her after what she did to me. 她这样待我,我可不打算在帮她了。I have no intention of changing my mind. He said he has no intention of looking for another job.6. I could not conceal the fact that 我不能隐藏事实7 I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed by the size of the diamonds. Some of them were as big as marbles. 钻石这么大,我印象深刻. impress vt.留下印象 be impressed by/at/with:admire sth very much被深深打动/感动,佩服I am very impressed by/with his eloquence. 他的口才令我非常佩服。I was most impressed by his behavior. He could not conceal the fact that he was taken in.(take in 欺骗)What impressed me most was 给我印象最深的是What impressed me most was the beauty here.Impression n.印象 I have a favorable impression of her. 我对他的印象很好。He held a diamond firmly against the window and made a deep impression in the glass. 划痕,痕迹The dog left the impression of his paws in the wet cement.(n.水泥)He noticed that there was the impression of a cars wheels in the snow. 注意到雪地里有的痕迹Make/create a bad impression on sb. 给某人留下不良的印象If you dont work hard, it will make a bad impression on the boss.Make/create quite an impression on sb.给留下极深的印象Your speech makes quite an impression on me.8. get rid of sb/ sth 扔掉东西,摆脱一个人, Why dont you simply get rid of your old bicycle. 干嘛不把旧自行车扔了He didnt get rid of his guests until midnight. 直到午夜才摆脱了客人Get rid of = cure Cure:vt.治愈 - to cure a patient 治愈病人Get rid of = pay off 还清 - He can never get rid of his debts. Get rid of = wash off 洗刷掉 (stain n.污点, 瑕疵)- He thought I can never wash off this stains.I hope the doctor can cure the pain in my shoulder.我希望医生能治好我肩上的疼痛.I have tried all sorts of medicine to get rid of this cold.9. Some of them were as big as marbles.Asas 象一样 - As strong as horse / as white as snow10. The man went to great lengths to prove that go to great(considerable, any) lengths to do sth: means try all methods to achieve sth想方设法,费尽力气some women go to great lengths to make themselves look younger.有些女人为了是自己显得更加年轻费劲了心机。He go to great lengths to pass the examination.11. I examined one of the pens closely. Closely: carefullyExamine: synonyms is: “inspect” 仔细看/检查, both written and formal:means have/take a close look at The judges were examining the evidence. 法官在检查证据。Advertisers had made a close study of human nature. careful12. It certainly looked genuine. genuine: real in value 货真价实的 , 藏用来形容genuine leather/diamond/ paintings(original painting) Real adj.真实的(以实际或真实状态存在或发生的)real objects 真的物件 / a real illness 真的疾病real people真实的人/a real problem一个真实的问题/a film based on real life一部以真实生活为基础的影片Real adj.天然的, 非人工或假造的 (= Genuine)- This ring is real gold. = This ring is genuine gold. 这枚戒指是真金的。Genuine(adj.正品的非伪造的, 非假冒的)反义:Fake(adj.伪造的, 捏造的 n.捏造者, 冒牌货, 赝品)Is this a genuine vase? No, it is a fake. True adj.真实的(与事实或现实一致的、相符合的) Only parts of his story are true.反义词:False adj.虚伪的, 假的(与真理或事实相反的)false tales of bravery. 不真实的英勇故事11. At the base of the gold cap, base: means the lowest part; cap: means covering or top 笔帽The officer unscrewed the cap and put the bottle to his nostrils 瓶盖The man said that the pen was worth 50, but as a special favour,13. The man said that the pen was worth50, but as a special favor, he would let me have it for30.Favour: special treatment or a cheaper price 一种特别的优惠; for 出价钱As a special favor, the tradesman would let me have the watch for 20.14. Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to 10. wildly常用来修饰gesticulateGesticulate:make gestures because of eagerness or excitement or anger处于某种激动的情绪而做出的手势Act as if(as like) 行为、举止好象(as if = as though)means behave as if/likeHe acted like a child. 他的举止行为想一个孩子 He acted as if he has never lived in England before.He acted as if he had never seen me before. 他的行为就好像从来就没见过我一样。he found my offer outrageous=he found my offer was too difficult to accept.Outrageous: means differently in different contexts.an outrageous price=the price is very high. 惊人的价格。/ an outrageous lie =/ a too offensive lie 无耻的谎言/ an outrageous hairstyle 非常令人震惊的发式/ an outrageous character= a very unusual character 非常 济事骇俗的人物。Eventually:finally, but it emphasizes that it happens always after a lot of problems.经过很多努力或问题之后才发生16. Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair,he readily accepted the $5 I have him. throw up his arms: 举起双臂 usually used to describe despair and helplessness. 表示绝望无奈的情绪readily:immediately and without further problem 轻而易举地马上就这5He readily agreed to help. 他毫不迟疑地就答应帮忙。17. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with ink and to this day it has never written a single world!No matter where you go I will follow you。 不管你走到哪,我.to this day: means even now=up to now = until now = till now = so far 到现在为止, 迄今To this day he doesnt know why his girlfriend left him. 课文为了生动描述我和小贩讨价还价的过程,在我和小贩的肢体语言上颇花了一些笔墨。I shook my head and held up five fingers indicating that I was willing to pay $5. (并列句) Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to $10. 分词作状语表伴随行身体语言 作者没出声,只有动作,静态,而小贩却和我形成对比 Shrugging my shoulders, I began to walk away分词作状语表伴随行身体语言Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair, he readily accepted the $5 I have him.复合句Though转折,表现了他的心里和动作的相悖,暗示了他的狡诈。句式也不同。The sentence variety also helps to make the scene more vivid.Back to the content of the text. This text is about one of the authors shopping experiences, which is familiar to us all. We all like to get sth at a cheap price. And there are some people who have this hobby of looking for cheap goods everywhere. This kind of person is called bargain hunters in English. As the author experience tells us that tourists are often the bargain groups of a tradesman. Why? Of one thing, tourists wont go back, 另外小商小贩出售纪念品后很难再找到他们,it is difficult to track the peddlers who sell souvenirs. The author is first very determined and then very cautious, but finally he is fooled. Because tradesmen usually understand our psychology. 他能漫天要价,but we are often very self-conceited(目中无人), comforting ourselves that we are very good bargainers. 但是我们通常忘记了当初的要价就是假的。所以有这样的说法 One can never get a real bargain. II. Read the passage two or three time. Make sure you understand it. And then in not more than 80 words describe what happened from the time when the car got past the boulders to the moment it stopped in the shallow pool (Para3). Use your own words as far as possible.1. Write a list of points (in note form).2. Connect your points to write a rough draft of the summary. Try to use your own words as far as possible, not only making extracts (摘抄) from the passage. Dont count the number of the words until you have finished the rough draft. 3. In the rough draft, you are likely to go well over the words limit. Correct your draft carefully, bringing the number of words down to the set limit. III. Summary-writing points1. Next man-expensive watches and pens-looked at one-looked genuine2. Worth 50-could have it for 30-writer offered 53. Eventually-writer walking away-man agree-took 54. Writer pleased-till back on board5. Pen impossible to fill-has never written Summary The next man who approached him was selling watches and pens, and when the writer looked at one, it looked genuine. The man said it was worth 50 but the writer could have it for 30. The writer offered his 5 and waited. Eventually, as the writer was walking away, the man agreed and took 5. The writer was very pleased-until he was back on board. The pen was impossible to fill. It has never written a word since. IV. Letter writing I am writing to you because I have heard that you want to sell your CD player. Most of my friends have one, so I have wanted to buy one for some time, I have looked at new ones, but I cant afford one, and my parents wont lend me the money, so I would like to buy yours. Perhaps you can tell me something about it. Can you tell me how old your machine is, what condition it is in and how much you are asking for it? Have you also got any CDs that youd like to sell with it?专心-专注-专业


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