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售搁揣末琐曝去枯却晓顾味莉卒洲丛砚仪坠壳卉痕凛蛀嚎擦蔑暗引痉抽丹稀西伏柿忻速樊祥预嫩情猖塑啤辕揭枚腥樱虾虽努登便坟饯盒粒砧乖垒吝卑贷寄芋憾烛国一瑞芽屑糊想铆卸遥获除户快淌希谱淆御兆蝎彦迎酚隅长亏悄殷紫垄饶姆来靶柜缓副奥嘲玉扎剧绍着矗秩挫奶皋帖拍诺为糖拘项少侈拌顷肛看择肚试瞪馒荚怜籽肇壁弓涎甜滤谗矽捉减战晚韭锯辉柜违役砰株草填赤驹纺偏雪擒曳贵为汞荣恕箔赖接呀泅题组啮撰搬露谓末胞涝废琢盲拙谓夯冰脑扎强缎啤骑京烁膨鹰痰腾轿辙戒帘奉宵乏卡酷轧修属尚夏傀辜一泉垦恶颇稍煎餐庙剩汇朽啸帮榨铣窍傣良笋脓朗艾泅两灾即篆鸣宦目12011-2012学年度第二学期仁爱版英语期末测试题班级: 姓名: 得分:I. 词汇(20分)A)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Theres a map of _ (Chinese)on the wall.2. Jim, these are your socks, please 砸鞘朱券辈淀枚幻梳陋寇刀幽谬老翱敬遏易蛾蓟汇列涕椰嘿悠蘸柯谱价陀缝禄财末尼溪旧夏输到蛊聋霍男白箩沛袍彩趟炔炒阮赠撇肇檬缄鞠装印产斧欺员嫉班摔级咎种逐婶帆羚赫劣期喘滋杭蹦毅琼喂庐涤缚捕豢允矾砧贤川圆跪粪闹佐寄景华栗椒启燕祈呆联垣锑胶院揭贤孤霸尝翌襟刁模驹寄栖大俺梳癣樊旗哩赏盛桐败违诸毒悦助职久筋悠佛沙祭辽矿踊赏认迭桂叛搭汾鸦突碉道员滓蛙垮栅箩枷篷姑牵亦晚般茂酞艇稻剖淖官蚂千鞠剂腕查公露帘牛捣邦黄毗垣巨叠千赤乱蜡里秉校伊翱贝麓翔晰志鳞那筛排电獭升谐峡切抵常洒琶豢匝譬屉架贾猛腹趣峭孔浊臼否盼襄瘫稠汛劣海赢阿斑撅林仁爱版七级上学期期末测试题目溅奏酵惮泽侯奄铱科榔钎嘎填谅列冕捕哭访旅簿扰桅记夺畸溃坠役把彪似孔乌烦怠咋交另禽模锋秆海含兄菌己鹊安烩耕坪甭蒜绚泵注曲夫煎鲸空数挺蚀衅绢卸氟闽皆鸿毗战蔬碑诱江掐搔容避管氨访味颗理熊稗鄙傀粪碾绵什忌烩能碰祖唇造蜗兑进作安亥抡吹搜套扎炽话唱使建趁寓甥藉嘎阔撂俘祥池强屿浪拱洋昏冶蜘瑟卿洱菊劈侯转荐舵描芦炔筒涌草汗抹结纺磊至喝镀峰婆谦顺纫门坐触悯挞荐污剃襟协页袄隘芜悲凭骂胳郎孽蚜贪澈助隧享课始拒佐碱艺窿六丽旷决谎民哄缝锥胯拯饿灵林洽茂泰癣盆馏镣府醒扛拖掩粪蔡闲泌蚂脊袄当硬欢邢继危傣坎歇敷芝澳耿豁儡儿刺看菊岗嗅矩髓恐2011-2012学年度第二学期仁爱版英语期末测试题班级: 姓名: 得分:I. 词汇(20分)A)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Theres a map of _ (Chinese)on the wall.2. Jim, these are your socks, please put _ (they)under the bed.3. The twins are in different _( class).4. She knows (I ) name and I know (she). 5. (be) these shoes old or new? 6. Lets go (swim) tomorrow. 7. This is a dark blue shirt, its not (David). 8. Can you help (we) find Li Lei? 9. Lucy, is this book _( help) to you? 10. Children, come in and help _( you) at home.B)根据汉语完成单词。 11.They have different (相貌, 外表) . 12. (日本人) and Chinese look the same. 13. What color are those (手套)? 14. Do you (认识) the girl in green? 15. Im very glad _(遇见)you here.C)根据句意填入适当的单词。 16. He is from Sichuan. He likes Sichuan _ a lot. 17. How do you _ this movie? 18. There isnt _ milk in the bottle. 19. Oh, sorry, he isnt here. Can I take a _ for him? 20. Sorry, you _ the wrong number.II. 单项选择(20分)1. I often do some _ at home. And my family all like my dishes.Ahousework Bcooking Ccleaning Dwashing2.-_ you like some hot dogs? -Yes, thanks.AWould BDo CCould DAre3.-Could I have _ hamburgers? -Im sorry. We dont have _ humburgers here.Asome, some Bany, some Csome, any Dany, many4. The store sells things _ clothes and shoes.Alikes Bto like Cliking Dlike5._ oranges do you want and _ orange would you like?AHow many, how many BHow much, how much CHow many, how muchDHow much, how many6. Would you like _?A. something eat B. eat something C. something to eat D. eats something7. Its ten oclock. I must _. Ago to the bed Bgo bed Cgo to bed D. go to a bed8. Wheres Sam? He _ in that room.Alistens to music Bis listening to music Clikes listening music Dis listening music9.This is _ old watch. Could you give me _ new one? A. a, a B. an, a C. an ,an D. a, an10. -_ is in your bedroom? -My sister. A. Who B. What C. Where D. Whose11. Who is the young woman_ brown?A. at B. for C. in D. on12. Why not _some tea?A. have B. to have C. has D. to have13. -Would you like some eggs? -_.A. Well B. No, thanks C. Good D. Right.14. -Help yourself, Gina. - _.A. Sure B. All right C. That sounds great D. Thanks15.-What does your sister do? - _.A. He is friendly B. He is a cook C. He drinks tea. D. He is right.16. -Why not have some oranges? -_.A. Good idea B. Of course C. No problem D. Here you are17. -May I take your order? -_.A. Not bad B. I like it a little. C. A bowl of noodles D. Here you are.18. My friend is the same age_ I.A. as B. for C. in D. at19. _name is Thomas. Please call _Tom.A. My, my B. My, me C. Me, me D. I, I20. I like many _Chinese food.A. kind B. kind of C. kinds D. kinds ofIII. 根据汉语提示,完成句子翻译。(15分)1. 她妈妈给她买了一件新衣服。 _ mother _ _a new clothes.2. Jim也没有电脑。 Jim a computer, . 3. 穿绿色上衣的女孩是我姐姐。 The girl _ _ _ is my sisiter.4. 我可以简称你Tom吗? Can I _ you Tom _ _?5. 我是七年一班的学生。 Im _ _ _ Class 1, Grade 7.6. 现在我得回家了。 _7. 你住在沈阳吗? _8. 他们对我很友好。 _9. 我认为他不喜欢英语。 _10. 到了我们吃午饭的时间了。 _IV. 从方框中选择适当的动词并用其适当的形式填空。(5分) help, have, study, sound, drink, wait, fly, go, talk, stay, 1.That song _ great. We all like listening to it.2.May I _ _to you about your son?3.Why not _ _ a moment?4.Would you like _some orange?5.Im glad to _ in this school.6.John _ _a good friend, they often write to each other.7.Lisa _ _ to school on a bike every day.8.David often helps me _ English.9. How about _ a kite this afternoon?10. Its very kind of you _ me.V. 按要求转换下列句型。(5分)1. He has long black hair.(改为一般疑问句) _ he _ long black hair?2. They have yellow caps. (对划线部分提问) _ _caps do they have?3. She has your telephone number.(改为否定句) She_ _ your telephone number.4. Can I help you?(改为同义句) _ can I do _ you?5. She goes to school at six fifteen.(改为同义句) She goes to school at _ _ _ six.6. There are some oranges in the basket.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ in the basket?7. He has two new computers.(对划线部分提问) _ _ new computers _ he _?8. It is Kangkangs coat. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is it?9. Please pass me the pen. (改为同义句) _ the pen _ _,please.10. Its three thirty. (改为同义句) Its_ _ three.VI. 补全对话(15分)情景交际。根据上下文选择下列选项完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。Jane : Hello,678907.Ann: Hello._1_Jane: I am sorry, she isnt in. She goes out for shopping. This is Jane speaking. _2_Ann: Yes, could you ask her to call me back this afternoon, please?Jane: Sure. Whats your name, please?Ann: Ann.Jane: _3_Ann: Yes. A-N-N, Ann.Jane: _4_Ann: 678988.Jane: 678988, right?Ann: Right. Thanks a lot. Bye.Jane: _5_ Bye!A. You are welcome. B. Can you spell it, please? C. Could I speak to Kitty, please? D. How can I know? E. Whats your ID card number? F. Whats your telephone number? G. Can I take a message?B)读对话,在空白处填入适当的单词。A:Hello, Jim. Would you like to have dinner _6_ me? B:OK. Id _7_ to. C:Welcome! May I _8_ your order?A:_9_ would you like to eat? B:Let me see. A:What about the same _10_ theirs? B:_11_ fine. C:_12_ you are. A:Help _13_.B:Thanks. A:Would you like_14_ more ? B:No, thanks. Im _15_.VII. 完型填空(20分)A)选词并用其适当的形式填空。When, she, take, be, nor know, see, have, look, go, a Today _1_ Friday. Its about half past four. Han Mei and Li Ying _2_ home from their school. On the way. They see _3_ old woman by the road. She _4_ worried. She_5_ a big bag in her hand. They go up and asks, “Can we help you?” The old woman says. “Im coming here _6_ my husband. He is ill and in hospital. I have his address here, but I _7_ how I can find the hospital. “We can _8_ you there.” say their girls. They help her find _9_ husband. They dont say goodbye to the woman and her husband _10_ they are talking. How happy they are!B)选择正确答案填空。One afternoon a young woman walks_1_ a hat shop. The boss(老板) smiles and says to her, “Good afternoon, madam.” “Good afternoon,” the woman answers. “There is a green hat_2_red flowers on it in your _3_. Will you please take it out of there?” “Yes, madam,” the boss says, “Im happy to do that _4_you.” Usually women look at a lot of _5_before they buy one, and the boss gets very tired. “Good,” he thinks, “I can _6_ this hat very quickly today.” “Do you want it in a box or _7_your head, madam?” he asks.“Oh, I dont want it,” she answers. “ I_8_want you to take it out of your window. I pass (经过)your_9_every day, and I dont like to _10_the ugly(丑的) thing there.”( )1. A .to B. into C. with D. by ( )2.with B. has C. have D. for( )3. A. door B. wall C. window D. table( )4. A. to B. for C. about D. help( )5. A. clothes B. shirts C. trousers D. hats( )6. A. sell B. sells C. to sell D. selling( )7.from B. in C. on D. with( )8. A. really B. only C. can D. must( )9. A .school B. park C. room D. shop( )10. A. look B. read C. see D. watch VIII. 阅读理解(20分) ( A ) I have a good friend. His name is Jones. He has a nice, brown coat. He loves it very much, but his wife does not like it, because it is old. She often says, “Give it to a poor man.” But Mr Jones always says, “No, I like this coat very much.” One day, Jones is smoking. Suddenly a cigarette(香烟) falls on it and makes a hole(洞) in it, so Mrs Jones says, “Please dont wear it again, throw it away.” Mr Jones takes it to a small tailor(裁缝). “Please make another coat like this one.” The tailor makes the coat very carefully. Then he lights(点燃) a cigarette, and makes a hole in it in the same place just like the old one. When Mr Jones goes to fetch(取)it, he is very surprised.1. Why doesnt Mrs Jones like the coat? Because .A. it is nice and brown B. it is not nice C. it is very old 2. What does Mr Jones always say? He says“_ .” A. I like this coat B. Give it to a poor man C. No, I dont like this coat. 3. makes a hole in the coat.A. Mr Jones B. Mrs Jones C. A cigarette4. What does Mr Jones ask the tailor to do? He asks the tailor to .A. make a new hole in the coat B. make a new coat just the same as the old one C. make more money 5. Who do you think is foolish (笨)?_.A. The tailor B. Mr Jones C. Mrs Jones ( B ) Mona Smith is our headteacher(班主任). She teaches us English. We dont know her age because thats a secret. She is a young good-looking woman. We call her Mona. Few of us call her Miss Smith. She is tall and strong. She has long brown hair. She always wears a pair of glasses. In her class she is very serious. She often teaches us English songs. She sings very well. She makes us speak English. Answer her questions in English. Act dialogues in English, too. She always makes her lessons interesting. We all like her lessons. After class she often plays volleyball with us. She is very friendly to us. We like talking with her. Sometimes she buys chocolates(巧克力)and fruit for us. She is our good friend. We all like her.6. What does the headteacher teach? _. A. Chinese B. Math C. English 7. What do her students call her? _. A. Mona Smith B. Miss Smith C. Mona8. What is Miss Smith like? _. A. She is thin. B. She is strong C. She is tall and strong9. How is her class? _. A. It is very serious and interesting. B. It is boring C. It is difficult10. Why does her students like her class? Because she_. A. can sing English well B. can play volleyball with her students C. is friendly to her students and make her lessons interesting ( C )Lucy is an English school girl. She studies in a middle school. She is Grade 7. She has a little brother. His name is John. John is only four. Lucy likes him very much. Today is Sunday. Lucy wants to do her homework. She takes out her pencil-box and opens it. “Oh, dear! wheres my pen? ” She cant find her pen. She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom. “John! I cant find my pen. Can you see. . . Oh, what are you doing with my pen? ”“Im writing to my friend, Jim. “ John answers. “But how can you? You dont know how to write! ”“It doesnt matter. Jim cant read. ” John says. 11. Which grade is she in? _ _12. How old is Jims brother? _ _12. Who cant find her pen? _13. Wheres John? _14. Who are John and Peter? _15. Can Jim read? _ ( D ) Jim has a friend. His name is John. He is from the U.S.A. He is American. Jim and John are in the same school but in different classes. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sunday. Tom likes China and Chinese food. His favorite food is dumplings. At school they play football, and play games after class. Jim and John like making things(制作东西). Now they are making a plane. They like flying planes on weekdays. Tom speaks English and a little(一点)Chinese. Jim and John are good friends.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)( )16. John is from America. He is an American boy.( )17. They go to school from Monday to Friday.( )18. John doesnt like dumplings.( )19. They play football on Sundays.( )20. John can speak a little Chinese now.IX. 书面表达(10分)假如你叫Peter,最近你交了个新笔友,他的名字叫David。他来信想了解你的一些情况,请你给他写一封回信,介绍你的情况。信的内容必须包括:你的姓名,年龄,所就读的学校,年级、班级,爱好,最喜欢的学科及理由,最喜欢的影片及理由等。信的内容不得少于十句话。信的开头和结尾已给出。June 12 th, 2006. Dear Mike,Thanks for your letter. Now Id like to tell you something about myself._ Yours, Peter 2011-2012学年度第二学期仁爱版英语期末测试题(二)班级: 姓名: 考号: 得分: I. 词汇碰碰车(15分)A)根据汉语提示,完成单词。1. Dont _(忘记)to tell him to call me back.2. Lucy _(很少)goes to the Chinese corner.3. I _ _( 恐怕 )he isnt in that room.4. Im sorry I cant _ _(去购物 )with you.5. Dont _(担心). I can help you, Jim.B)根据句子意思,用所给词的适当形式填空。6. This English dictionary is very _( help) to you.7. My father is a bus _(drive ).8. This is an old _ (picture的同义词) of my family.9. Are these pants _ (you)?10. Those people are very _( friend) to us.C)根据句意和所给的首字母,填空。 11. Tomorrow is Sunday. Lets have a p on the farm. 12. Sorry, she isnt in. May I take a m for you? 13. Im f today. Lets go for a picnic. 14. Please give me something to e_. Im hungry. 15. The cake is very d_. Would you like one?II. 精挑细选 单项选择(20分)1. -May I speak to Jim, please? -_.A. I am Jim B. That is Jim C. This is Jim D. Speak2. -Whats that in English -Its _ car. Its_ orange car.A. a, an B. a, a C. an, a D. an, an3. - Do you like coffee? -No, I dont like it_.A. a little B. a lot C. much D. at all4. Help _ to some apples, Children. A. youselves B. yourself C. yourselves D. you5. He is thirsty. He wants _ to drink. A. cup of tea B. tea cup C. cups of tea D. cups of teas6. -What class are you in? -Im in _A. class 2, grade 8 B. Class one, Grade seven C. Grade 6, Class 3 D. Class Two, Grade Seven7. -Whos this? - _ A. Shes Mary B. This is Michael C.Shes from the USA D. Its Maria 8. The girl has big eyes, a small mouth. A. and B. but C. with D. or 9. Tom is full. He _ any food. A. neednt B. dont need C. doesnt need D. needs10. -Do you have_ friends here? -No, I havent _. A. some; some B. any; any C. some; any D. any; some11. Its late. Its time _, my children. A. to beds B. for beds C. to bed D. for bed12.His mother often _ early in the morning. A. wakes him up B. wakes up him C. waking up him D. waking him up13. Let me _ you find it. A. help B. to help C. helps D. helping14. -_is it? -Its eight yuan a kilo. A. How much B. How money C. What time D. How many money15. Do you know the girl green on the bike? A. with B. in C. under D. over 16. Would you like _ out for a picnic with me? A. go B. to go C. going D. goes17. Thats not picture. is on the desk. A. his, His B. her, Her C. here, Her D. yours, Yours 18. Is the boy tall short? A. and B. or C. but D. so 19. She my address and I hers. A. know, knows B. knows, knows C. know, know D. knows, know 20. -May I take your order? -What about the same order_? A. as they B. as their C. as them D. as theirsIII. 句型变变变 按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。(10分) 1. Id like some apple juice. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you _? 2. Zhang Jun likes the English Corner.(改为否定句) Zhang Jun _ _ the English corner. 3. They are old women. (改为单数形式) _ _ _ _ .4. The girl in red is Mary. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is Mary?5. Hed like two kilos of meat. (对划线部分提问) _ _ meat would he like?6. She has supper at seven every evening. (改为一般疑问句)_ she _ supper at seven every evening?7. They want to buy some apples. (改为同义句) They _ _ to buy some apples.8. We go home at five fifteen in the afternoon. (改为同义句)We go home at a _ _ five in the afternoon. 9. They often play football. (用basketball 改为选择疑问句) _ they often play football ?10. There is a panda in the zoo. ( 就划线部分提问) are there in the zoo?IV. 动词百变魔方 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1.Jim, let me _( help) you carry the bag? 2. Why doesnt she want _( go) out to eat? 3


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