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人口与发展2U12年第18卷第5期POPULATION& DEVELOPMENT Vol. 18 No.5 2012代际关系的价值基础及其影响对江汉平原农村家庭养老问题的一种解释范成杰(华中农业大学 社会学系湖北 武汉430070 )摘要:利用问卷调查资料定量描述了现阶段农村家庭养老的星本惜况并从代际关系的价值思础角度 探讨了农村家雇养老面临困境的原因.当前农村家建养老迪遇问逆并不仅仅是养老资源匮乏的结果. 更是农村代际关系内含的价值失调的结采-家成琏续的价值取向已很难为家底泰老捉供终极动力支 持家腿养老作为一种超经济时伦理性行为的特征止在消失这是当前农村社会出现严重的家腹养老问 超的根木症结所在.关健词:家庭养老;代际关系;价值基础中图分类号:C913文献标识码:A文章编号:1674 -1668 Q012 )05 -0011 -06The Value Foundations of the Inter - generational Relations and ItsInfluenceAn Interpretation about the Problem of the FamilySupport for the Elderly in the Rural Area in Jianghan PlainFAN Cheng-jie(J)epartment of Sociology, Huazhonp Agricultural University Wuhan 430070 , C/hzri )Abstract :The article quantitatively(les( rilv(l the situation of the family sup)M)rt for the elderly in the rural area,and discussed the reason of the predicament in the family support for the elderly in the mral ;iren acaor(ling to )(ly his or her Glial sentiments for parents9 the old - age support, and perform the responsibility of living looking after and mind comforting. One 一 child parents also should prepare in advance for up|x)rt themselves in old age, and the couples help each oilier in their okl years Only all main body of the old - age support responsibility give full play to each function, and establish mechanism of responsibility sharing, the risks and straits of the old - age support of one - child family would be effectively alleviated in the near future. Key words:one - child family in China; the okl - age upM)rt responsibility; the okl - age support risks iiiid straits; iiiechanim of responsibility sharingCt接第16页)16梁漱溟.中国文化要义M.上海:上海人民出版社.2005.43 - 69.17李亦昭.李亦园自选集M.上海:上海教育出版社.2(X)2.161-162.18杨善华、吴愈晓.中国农村的社区情理与家庭养老A.中国社会T.作研究傷一辑)C.北京冲国社会科学文献出版 社.2OO2.19姚远. IE正式支持的理论与实战:北京市老龄间题应对方式的再研究M.北京:知识产权出版H.2OO5.1 -3.20穆光宗.家庭养老制度的传统与变革M北京:华龄出版社.2002.16-17.21李银河.生育与村落文化M.北京:文化艺术出版社,2003.122.22 llrmuiiliii, Allirii I. gin百 in ?siu:Srthng thr Rrsunhition. Ata - Pacific Populaiion Research East - West Center. 1995. 4 ).23 Yean - Ju 1”. Sons l)au;hten;, un|mh1 in Taiuun. The American Journal of Sociology. 1994.99. U )24陈其南家族与社会一台湾与中国M:会研究的菇础理念1联经出版韦业公司.199().188.责任编辑:任强刘岚 10 1994-2013 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved,


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