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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 4 Body LanguageI 教学内容分析 本单元的中心话题是“身体语言”。身体语言的交流在不同的文化中所蕴涵的意义是不一样的。这样,人们在互相交际时,就会出现这样或那样的问题或障碍。本单元就是从该话题展开,通过一系列的交际误会的场景,形象地表现出话题的中心:身体语言本身没有对错或好坏之分,它们是在特定的文化发展规律过程中形成的。Warming Up 部分由两部分组成。练习1通过让学生讨论四幅照片交流对日常交际的看法。然后让学生选择课本提供的15个日常交际用语中的一个,用身势语言表演出来,让同伴猜测其意义。Pre-reading 部分设计了四个问题。这些问题集中引导学生思考“语言的目的”、“离开语言人们如何交流”、“有多少途径可用非语言手段向人问好”、“预测下面阅读课文的内容”等,这些问题既是对“热身”所引出的话题的总结,又承接了下一步的阅读教学。Reading 部分描写了作者在机场迎接外国客人的场景。这几位来自不同国家的学生初次见面时,都按照自己国家的风俗习惯向对方问候,结果却遭遇了尴尬。这一场景增加了文章的真实性和形象性,使读者仿佛身处其中,能引发读者的好奇心,为下面引出中心做好了铺垫。Learning about Language 包括词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分含有三个练习:从1至3分别为猜词义、用词填空。语法部分分两步走:练习1要求学生从课文中找出含有v-ing形式的句子;然后在练习2中运用v-ing形式,做到了讲练结合。Using Language 该部分包括四大块:阅读与交谈、写作、听写说和说写。在这一部分学生的各项知识和技能得到了充分的提高。阅读部分进一步阐述了身体语言的重大作用,并用具体的身体语言举例来告知学生们如何使用它们。写作部分环节合理:先收集句子,然后表演,最后写下自己所观看到的主要内容。第三部分先讲述了一场车祸,接着让学生根据图片来表演相关内容,听练结合,学以致用。最后一部分让学生在生活中应用所学的知识:看到Lin Pei的反常行为后,先向另一个朋友描述其举止(以对话的形式);然后建议Lin Pei讲出心事(以写信的形式展开)。Learning Tip 指导学生如何更好地掌握理解身体语言看英语版的电影或与母语是英语的外国人交谈。II教学重点和难点1 教学重点(1) 本单元教学目的和要求中的生词和短语;(2) 掌握动词的-ing形式的句法功能;(3) 学会与人或动物进行身体语的交流。教学难点:(1) 培养学生的跨文化交流的心理素质,成为具有跨文化交流能力的现代人;(2) 动词-ing作为定语和状语的辨别;(3) 重点词汇的运用。III教学计划本单元建议分六课时:第一课时:Warming-up, Listening (Workbook) & Talking (Workbook)第二课时:Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehension第三课时:Learning about Language 第四课时:Using Language 第五课时:Listening task (Workbook) & Speaking task (Workbook)第六课时:Reading task (Workbook) & Writing task (Workbook)IV. 教学步骤:Period 1 Warming Up, Listening(Workbook)& Talking (Workbook)Teaching Goals: 1.To get Ss to know something about body language.2.To encourage Ss to learn to express themselves by body language.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Leading-inPurpose : By showing Ss a few pictures of body language, ask Ss to guess the feeling each picture can convey.Lead Ss to the topic of this unit. Teacher may say, “All of the pictures show many difference. Can you tell the others what each picture shows? Are these actions kind of language? Can we communicate with a person who cant speak or a person whose language is different from yours?” Ask Ss to give their explanation for all the above pictures in order to arouse their interest in the topic body language.Step 2. Warming UpPurpose: To introduce the topic of this unit to Ss in the form of discussion. 1. Ask some Ss the following questions.l If you are painful, what expression will you have on your face?l If you are very angry , how will you show the feeling?l If you want to show “Be quiet!”, what will you do without speaking?l 2. Ask Ss to present the actions to their desk mates. The part can be done like this: Students A can say meanings and Student B acts them out. Then they can do in turn.Conclusion:We can communicate with people even if we dont use words or voice. Body language is part of language which sometimes can convey more emotions than words. But sometimes body language may cause trouble because different cultures have different body language or even if the same body language may mean contrariwise. So it is a necessity for us to know body language to avoid misunderstanding.Step 3. Pre-listeningPurpose: to help Ss to guess the main idea about the listening text by the given pictures.1. Divide Ss into groups of six and ask them to discuss the pictures with their partners.Who is the woman in the picture? (Jane Goodall.)What is the animal?.(Chimp.)What are they doing? (Talking with each other/ kissing with each other/greeting each other)Are they friendly to each other? (Yes.)2. Get Ss to look at the pictures on P62 and let their partners state their opinions on the listening material. At the same time remind them of the key words: similar, peaceful, smiling, angry, chimps, humans, angry, safe and protected, affection, like.Step 4. Listening (Workbook)Purpose: To get Ss to listen for comparisons To develop the listening ability of Ss. To gain some knowledge of body language and find how similar some animal body language is. 1. Ask Ss to look through the questions of Ex2 on P62 and listen to the tape carefully. Play the tape twice. For the first time, just ask Ss to listen for the gist. For the second time, ask Ss to finish Ex1 on P62. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and answer the questions in Ex3 on P62. If Ss have some difficulty in finding out the answers, stop the tape where necessary.Step 5. Talking (Workbook)1. Explain for Ss “commands”, “warnings” and “prohibitions”.l command: give orders to e.g. He commanded silence.他命令大家肃静。I command you to go.我命令你去。l warning: advice to beware /a cautionary e.g. Because of her warning, I was careful.由于她的提醒,我很小心。l prohibition: the act of prohibiting or the condition of being prohibited.e.g. prohibition of corporal punishment in schools 学校的禁止体罚2. To ask Ss to act them out for the whole class by using the given sentences.Suggested Answers:commandswarningsprohibitionsGo away / Be quietStop!Dont sit here.Come hereWatch out! A car is coming!Dont stop here.Pick up the booksBe careful! Dont slip.Dont enter here.Step 6. Homework1. Ask Ss to think of more actions to express themselves instead of by words.2. Ask Ss to go over all the new words and prepare for the reading text.Period 2. Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingTeaching Goals:1. To learn about the importance of body language.2. To develop Ss reading skills.3. To arouse Ss interest in body language.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Pre-reading Purpose: To make Ss realize the importance of body language.1. Show some pictures and encourage Ss to guess the meanings. Then ask them to answer the following questions.(1) If you are happy, which picture will show the same meaning?(2) If you want to show you are very cool, which picture will show the same meaning?(3) If you are very sad, which picture will show the same meaning?(4) If you are shy, which picture will show the same meaning?(5) If you want to show you are friendly, which picture will show the same meaning?(6) If you want to sing high praise for something or somebody, which picture will show the same meaning?(7) If you wish somebody good luck, which picture will show the same meaning?2. Get Ss to talk freely with their desk mates about body language. And ask them to give the answers to the three questions of Pre-reading on P25.Step 2. Leading-in Purpose: to stimulate Ss interest in reading the textAsk Ss to answer the following questions.1. What would you do when you meet someone for the first time?2. When you meet your boss, how do greet him or her?3. When you first came to the high school, how do you introduce each other with your new desk mate?4. Have you ever paid attention to the distance between people who are greeting each other? Step 3. Fast readingPurpose: To get the gist of the passage.1. Ask Ss to look at the picture on P26 and then read the text quickly and find out the main idea of the passage.(Tell Ss that most topic sentences may appear at the beginning or the end of the passage or paragraph.)Suggested Answers:Body language is very general, but no tall members of all cultures behave the same way.2. Ask Ss to read the text again and analyze the organization of the passage.The topicSurprising scenes Some examples ConclusionAuthors opinionSuggested Answers:details general details general.3. Ask Ss to underline all the countries and continents in the passage and try to group them.Suggested Answers:Europe Britain; North America Canada; South America Columbia; Asia JapanStep 4. Intensive readingPurpose: to get Ss to learn the details of the text.1. Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and decide which of the following statements is true and which one is false.(1) Mr. Garcia kissed Miss Julia Smith because they have known each other well. ( )(2) George Cook reaches his hand out in order to shake hands with the Japanese. ( )(3) All cultures dont greet each the same way. ( )(4) When a Japanese bows to you, he is apologizing to you for what he has done . ( )(5) French people, like the English, will keep a certain distance from others. ( )(6) Men from all Muslin countries will not shake hands with women. ( )(7) From the passage we can see western cultures are better than eastern cultures. ( )(8) Its necessary to study body language because it helps us to get better understanding among people from different cultures. ( ). Suggested Answers:(1) F (2) T (3) T (4) F (5) F (6) F (7) F (8) T 2 Ask Ss to read the text again and finish the Ex1,2 on P27.3 Ask Ss to have a small discussion to finish Ex2 on P27. 4 Ask Ss to read the text again and underline important or new phrases.at a major hotel; in a curious way; introduce to; kiss sb. on the cheek; takeaway from; reach ones hand out ; in the same way; communicate with somebody; spoken language; express ones feelings; keep physical distance; stand close to; be likely to do; as well; nod at somebody; shake hands (with); eitheror; avoid difficulty in communicationStep5 Homework 1.Ask Ss to use the new words to make some new sentences.2. Ask Ss to read the text fluently. 3. Ask Ss to use body language to show their meanings and understand more body language. Period 3 Learning about LanguageTeaching Goals: 1. To get Ss to know how to use new words and phrases.2. To help Ss to master some new words and expressions.3. To get Ss to have the knowledge of this grammar point: The v-ing form of the verb can be used as an adverbial describing a verb and as an attribute describing a noun.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. ConsolidationPurpose: To consolidate the words and phrases in the text.1. Ask Ss to read the reading text again and finish Ex1 on P28Suggested answers:Defence, likely, Italy, canteen, represent, dash, approach, association, cheek, flight2. Ask Ss to finish Ex2,3 and check the answers in pairs.Suggested answers:Ex2: approached, Jordan, cheek, curiously, dashed, misunderstood, contraryEx3: crossroads, adult, major, dormitory, greeted, representing, association, spoken, Colombia, curious, flightStep 2. GrammarPurpose: To get Ss to know the function of the ving form of the verb.1. Ask Ss to work in pairs and finish Ex1 on P29. After that, lead them to draw a conclusion.Conclusion: The rule of the grammar in this unit.We have learned that the ving form of the verb can be used as the subject and the object in Unit 2 and it is can be used as the predicative and the attributive in Unit 3. In this unit, we will go on to learn the ving form of the verb used as the attributive and the adverbial. (1) As the attributive A single ving form should be placed before the noun it serves; if a phrase after the noun it serves.For example: running water; floating ice block; leaking pipes; dripping taps; a boy standing there; the man smoking a cigarette; the driver driving a new cara sleeping bag; a fishing pole; a sewing machine(2) As the adverbial The ving form should be used as the adverbial of time, reason, way, result, condition , etc. For example:Passing the house, he saw a girl playing the piano. (time) I got to know him while working with him. (time) Being excited, none of us could fall asleep. (reason) He came running. (way) She stood waiting for a bus. (accompany) They opened the fire, killing one soldier. (result)(3) The ving form can be used in the following structures. Present participle phrases such as adding /pointing out/reminding/warning can introduce statements in indirect speech. For example:He told me to start early, reminding me that the roads would be crowded. After the verbs of sensation, such as see, hear, smell, listen (to), notice, and watch, the action can be either complete or incomplete. For example:I see him passing my house every day.Didnt you hear the clock sticking?I felt the car skidding.She smelt something burning and saw smoke rising.I watched them rehearsing the play. catch, find, leave+ object + present participle. For example:I caught him stealing the apples. (I found him doing this.)If she catches you reading her diary, she will be furious.I found him standing at the door.I left him talking to Bob. = He was talking to Bob when I left. spend/waste + an expression of time /money +v-ing. For example:He spends two hours a day traveling.Tom spends much money modernizing his house. e busy +v.-in. For example:She is/ was busy packing. The v-ing can replace as/since/because +subject +verb. For example:Knowing that he wouldnt be able to buy food on his journey he took large supplies with him.Being a student he was naturally interested in museums. When one action is immediately followed by another by the same subject, the first action can be expressed by a present participle. For example:He rode away. He whistled as he went. = He rode away whistling. When the second action forms part of the first, or is the result of it, we can express the second action by a present participle. For example:She went out, slamming the door.He fell over, hitting his head against the table.The negative form of the v-ing form is not v-ing; the present perfect form is “having done”; the passive form is “being done”.Step 3. Practice1. Ask Ss to do the following exercises to grasp the grammar well.(1) He told us a very _ (有趣的) story. (2) The boy _(坐在我身边的) is my son.(3) There is nothing _ (鼓舞人心的) in his words.(4) Did you see the boy_(正在被那个人审问的)?(5) The new is _ (鼓舞人心的). (6) He kept me _ (等了好长时间). (7) He can get the machine _ (发动). (8) He was found _ (躺在地上). (9) _ (听到这个消息), he burst into laughter. (10) Be careful when _(过马路时).(11) _ (因为很穷), he couldnt go to school. (12) _ (由于不知道他的地址), I cant get in touch with him. (13) _ (由于未收到会回音), he decided to write another letter to her. (14) He sat there _(读一本书).(15) The captain covered the boy with a national flag only _(把脸露在外面).(16) _ (从他的口音判断), he must be a southerner. (17) _ (总的说来), his answer is right. (18) _ (综合考虑), they did a good job. (19) _ (每当看到这座山时), he always thinks of his hometown. (20) _ (已经用了) for a long time, the watch needs to be mended. Suggested Answers:(1) interesting story (2) sitting by me (3) inspiring (4) being questioned by the man (5) encouraging (6) waiting for a ling time (7) starting (8) lying on the ground (9) Hearing the news (10) crossing the street (11) being so poor (12) Not knowing his address (13) Not having received an answer (14) reading a book (15) leaving his face exposed (16) Judging from his accent (17) Generally speaking (18) Considering everything (19) Seeing the mountain (20) Having been used2. Ask Ss to work in pairs and finish Ex2,3 on P29.3. Ask Ss to finish the exercises of Using Structures on P64 and check the answers in pairs.4. Ask Ss to complete the following sentences.(1) The young man, _(坐在隔壁房间里的), is writing a letter to his mother.(2) The soup _(闻起来很香的) on the table is cooked by Mother.(3) The _(失踪的) boy was last seen _(在河边玩).(4) The school bag _(挂在墙上的) is Li Mings.(5) Anyone will be criticized by the teacher if he is found _(在考试中作弊).(6) The man was caught _(偷一辆汽车).(7) I cant leave the kitchen with_(火着着).(8) You should take him to hospital at once instead of _(让他流血).(9) _(正吃着饭时), we heard the doorbell ring.(10) The goat _(痛苦地叫着的) is badly wounded by a knife.Suggested Answers:(1) sitting in the next room (2) smelling delicious (3) missing; playing in the river bank (4) hanging on the wall (5) cheating in the examination (6) stealing a car (7) the fire burning (8) leaving him bleeding (9) While having dinner (10) crying painfully Step 4. Homework1. Review the new words and phrases and finish the exercises of Using Words And Expressions on P63.2. Recite the sentences with the ving form in the reading passage.Period 4 Using Language Teaching Goals: 1. To improve Ss listening ability. 2. To enlarge Ss vocabulary.3. To ensure Ss have really improved the important skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Reading and talking (Using Language)Purpose: To get Ss to know something about how to show themselves by body language.To get Ss to learn more words and phrases.1. Leading-inPurpose: To know how to show our feelings.Show some pictures to Ss to arouse their interest in the reading text.angry put people at ease/hide feelings agreement disagree or refuse/threatennot interested interested do not believe love /like show respect2. Fast readingAsk Ss to read the passage quickly and summarize the main idea.Suggested Answers:We should understand the personal body language of the other people and know how to show our feelings.3. Intensive reading(1) Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and finish Ex1 on P30. And then ask Ss to explain the answers.(2) Ask Ss to read the text again and finish Ex2 on P30. And then ask Ss to discuss how important body language is in the following jobs.teaching, medical care, news, management(3) Ask Ss to compare the similarities and differences of some body languages and finish the form of Writing (Using Language) on P32.Step 2. Listening, writing and speaking (Using Language)Purpose: To help Ss improve the listening ability.1. Pre-listeningAsk Ss to look at the pictures on P31 to guess what has happened and let them know the characters in the pictures. Lin Puthe driver the man who was knocked downthe cyclist a policeman2. ListeningAsk Ss to look through Ex1 on P31 to make sure that they know what to listen to. Then play the tape once without stopping. (If the students havent got the correct order, play the tape once again). Then check the answers.3. WritingAsk Ss to retell the story and find out the actions in the listening text.Suggested Answer:Lin Pu , who is driving on the road in an old car from his brother in law, has just got his license. Being feeling nervous, he crashed a bicycle and knocked over a basket full of apples. A policeman came over and asked him to pay a fine. But Lin has no more money on him except the car. The policeman told him to pay the fine by the end of the month. The cyclist felt very angry and ordered Lin to pick up his apples and Lin did so.4. SpeakingDivide Ss into groups of three and then ask them to act out the story. Remind Ss to use body language in their acting.Step 3. Speaking and writing (Using Language)Purpose: To help Ss to use spoken language and body language.1. Speaking.(1) Ask Ss to imagine that they have a good friend named Lin Pei. In the past she was a good girl and very friendly. But now she is no longer friendly and doesnt want to talk to anyone. She always looks sad and stays alone. She doesnt do her homework and looks really bad.(2) Divide Ss into groups of two and ask Ss to discuss the following questions and then write down their answers. What problem might Lin Pei have? What could be her recent “body language” or behavior?(3) Ask each group to make up their dialogue and prepare to report to the class. Ss can refer to the example given in Ex1 on P31.


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