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1Unit 11: CreativitySection A Where Do Those Bright Ideas Come From? Unit 11 Creativity2Of course we can see an old man. Look more carefully ! What else can you see?another old man with a sticka young woman carrying a babyan animal3 What is creativity?All the beautiful things in the world are the fruits of creativity. Meterscreativity=InventionsBring in New Methods Make Changes Make New Alter 4 storage batteryWeve successfully made many inventions, using connections. Here are some exampleselectrical machinery(电机电机)+ electrically operated bike5 video phone electric blanket+heating wire+6What do todays youth think about creative people?Are creative peoplenFun?nSuccessful?nPopular?nSmart?7Eight in ten youth believe it is fun to be with creative people.Almost eight in ten youth believe that creativity helps people succeed.8Six in ten youth think that creative people are smart.Only one-third of youth believe that creative people are popular.9Half of young people believe that creative people are happy.Majority of young people describe themselves as creative people.10How to be a creative person ?KnowledgeIndustriousTo exploreConfidentUnremitting不懈的不懈的ConsiderAttitude11He is a imagination and creativity Painter.He is the founder of modern art.Style of writing to cubism立体主义立体主义 .ExamplePablo Picasso 12ExampleThomas Alva Edison Invented the filament lamp, the phonograph留声机留声机, improved telephones13ExampleDante Alighieri Divine Comedy 神曲神曲 Rebirth新生新生Banquet宴会宴会 14Example15ExampleMadame curie Devoted all her life to discovering Radium镭镭.16Of course all of you can be inventors!Give full scope to creativitySafety helmetA folding bike fannerSpecialUmbrella17oRichard Wagner (1813-1883 ) : the greatest composer of German opera, who made a major contribution to the creation of music drama. Music drama combines singing, orchestra, verse (poem), story, drama and spectacle. Wagners works include “The Ring of the Nibelung”尼伯龙尼伯龙根的指环根的指环 (1853-1874), a set of four operas based on historical German stories. Part Background Information & Pre-activitiesBackground Information18The Rhinegold莱茵的黄金莱茵的黄金 The first of the four operas in the “Ring” cycle, which exemplifies Wagners theory of music drama in its purest form.19Henri Poincare (1854-1912) A g r e a t F r e n c h mathematics and theoretical science professor at the Sorbonne (University of Paris), who had a highly original influence on the development of pure and applied mathematics. He also worked on functions t h a t c h a n g e d c e l e s t i a l mechanics天体力学天体力学, helped algebraic topology代数拓扑代数拓扑and co-discovered the special theory of relativity. 20Descartes, Rene (1596-1650) A famous French philosopher, mathematician and scientist, one of the most influential thinkers in history. He is considered the founder of both modern philosophy and analytic geometry. During his life, established ideas were being challenged, so he tried to develop a way to reach the truth. He based his theory that the world is made up of mind and matter on a concept that came to him in a dream. 21Cogito ergo sum It is Latin for “I think; therefore, I exist”, a key point in Descartes philosophy. He claimed that the only thing anyone can be certain of is that s/he thinks and, therefore, s/he exists. The “I” is the mind which can exist without being extended so that it can in principle survive the death of the body.Home 22Pre-reading ActivitiesFirst reading Scan the text with the following questions in your mind.Try to answer them after first reading. And then, write an outline of the text in Section A.oWhere do good ideas come from ?oHow many examples or ways of getting good ideas are discussed?Home23Outline:Title: Where do those bright ideas come from? (The birth of bright ideas)Main idea: Good ideas come from the unconscious mind or brain activity usually not controlled by us. It is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities.Wagner: A sudden explosion of a new conception into consciousness.Poincare: The conscious mind observing the new combinations being formed in the unconscious.Descartes: A new idea in a dream whose content is very close to conscious thought.Conclusion: The unconscious is the source of instinctive activity 24Part Text Learning & Language pointsPara. 1 There are few experiences quite so satisfactory as getting a good idea. Youve had a problem, youve thought about it until you were tired, forgotten it, and perhaps slept on it, and then flash! When you werent thinking about it, suddenly the answer has come to you as a gift from the gods. 25句型提炼句型提炼:There are fewquite so adj. as There are few experiences quite so upsetting as seeing a relative pass away.There are few houses as cheap as this in this area. 翻译:翻译: 再没有比看到亲人离去更令人难再没有比看到亲人离去更令人难过的事了。过的事了。这个地区再没有比这个房子更便宜的了。这个地区再没有比这个房子更便宜的了。Key:Back26Sleep on sth.: leave sth. undecided or unattended until later time He will sleep on the matter and tell us the decision later. 翻译:他对此事要考虑一下,在翻译:他对此事要考虑一下,在把决定告诉我们。把决定告诉我们。Key: Back2728Para. 2 Of course, all ideas dont come like that but the interesting thing is that so many do, particularly the most important ones. They burst into the mind, glowing with the heat of creation. How they do it is a mystery but they must come from somewhere. For the moment lets assume that they come from the “unconscious”. This is reasonable, for psychologists use this term to describe mental processes which are unknown to the subject, and creative thought depends on what was unknown becoming known. 29 至于那些影片,至于那些影片,不是所有人不是所有人都会去模仿,都会去模仿,但是有些人会但是有些人会,特别是特别是一些年轻人。一些年轻人。句型提炼:句型提炼: dont come like that but so many do, particularly (不是所有(不是所有都会像那样,但是许多会,特别是一些都会像那样,但是许多会,特别是一些) As for those films, all people will not imitate but some will, particularly some young men. 翻译:翻译: 对于那些电影,不是所有人都会去模仿,对于那些电影,不是所有人都会去模仿,但是一些人会,特别是一些年轻人。但是一些人会,特别是一些年轻人。Key:Back30Glow with : show redness or heat with feelings, etc. 翻译:翻译: 父亲看到我的学习成绩时,脸上父亲看到我的学习成绩时,脸上露出露出满意的神情。满意的神情。 My fathers face glowed with satisfaction when he saw my college grades.Key:Back31assume sju:m take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof vt. 假定, 设想, 承担, (想当然的)认为 I assumed you can speak French fluently. 让我们假定这是真的让我们假定这是真的 3233 para.3 Intensify:make or become stronger (使(使加强,增强)加强,增强)翻译:翻译: 由于天气突然变得更加恶劣,援救伤员的工由于天气突然变得更加恶劣,援救伤员的工作作加紧加紧了步伐。了步伐。 Efforts to reach the injured man have been intensified because of a sudden turning for the worse in the weather. Key:Back3435Para. 436 37 Para. 5 38句型提炼:句型提炼: When morning came, he had established the existence of one class of Fuchsian functions. 到了早晨,他已经确证了一类富克斯函数的存在。到了早晨,他已经确证了一类富克斯函数的存在。 The world “come” is not only used to talk about a persons or an animals action but also an event or time. 翻译翻译: 经过多次失经过多次失败后才获得成功败后才获得成功是常有的事。是常有的事。 It often happens that success comes after many failures. Back39Para. 640Exemplify : show by example The rooms style exemplifies his ideal of beauty and plainness. Back翻译:翻译: 这间房子的风格表明了他对美与质朴的憧憬这间房子的风格表明了他对美与质朴的憧憬(可以作为可以作为的例证)的例证) 。41 翻译:我敬慕我的父亲,我对他的工翻译:我敬慕我的父亲,我对他的工作作充满了充满了好奇。好奇。fill sb. with :make sb. experience (that feeling) I admire my father and his work filled me with curiosity.Key:Back42Para. 743be representative of :be like or common to others of the same class翻译:他根本不能代表那起意外事故的受害者。翻译:他根本不能代表那起意外事故的受害者。 He was in no way representative of those who suffered from the accident. Key:Back4445Main Idea and Devices for Developing the TextMain idea of the text ? Good ideas come from the unconscious mind or brain activity usually not controlled by us. It is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities.Devices for developing it?举例法举例法时空法时空法对比法对比法Home46Exemplification 举例法举例法Back1)Take the example of Richard Wagner composing the opening to “Rhinegold”. (Para. 4) As a contrast, we may consider a famous story: the discovery by Henri Poincare, , of a new mathematical method called the Fuchsian functions. (Para. 5)3) A third type of creative experience is exemplified by the dreams which came to Descartes at the age of twenty-three and determined his life path.(Para. 6) 47Sequence of Time and Space 时空顺序法时空顺序法BackYou think about a problem until youre tired, forget it, maybe sleep on it, and then flash! When you arent thinking about it, suddenly the answer arrives as a gift from the gods. (Para.1)2) For weeks, he sat at his table every day and spent an hour or two trying a great number of . One night he drank Many ideas kept surging in his head; he could almost feel them pushing against one another, until two of them combined to form a stable combination. When morning came, he had established the existence of one class of Fuchsian functions. (Para. 5)48Comparison and Contrast 对比法对比法 1) In this example, the conscious mind at the moment of creation knew nothing of the actual processes by which the solution was found. As a contrast we may take a famous story: the discovery by49 2) While the Wagner story shows the sudden explosion of a new conception into consciousness, in this one we see the conscious mind observing the new combinations being formed in the unconscious.Comparison and Contrast 对比法对比法


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