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精 选 中 考 复 习 真 题英 语 试 卷I.听力第一节:听句子,选择你所听到的信息。每个句子读两遍。1. A. B. C. 2.A. B. C. 3.A. B. C. 4. A. Polite B. Lazy C. Brave5. A. She cant play the violin.B She is good at playing the violin.C. She cant play the violin very well but shes still learning.第二节:听句子,选择恰当的情景应答语。每个句子读两遍。6. A. Thank you.B. It doesnt matter.C. Go ahead.7. A. Its Monday.B. Its June, 18th.C. Its 9:058. A. Yes, we are.B. No way!C. Thats right.9. A. Congratulations.B. Sounds great.C. Im sorry to hear that.10. A. Watch out!B. Never mind.C. Enjoy your trip!第三节:听对话及问题,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。11. What does the boy want to buy?A. A book on history.B. An English dictionary.C. A book on English writing.12. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At home.B. At school.C. At an airport.3. How long has the man waited for the bus?A. For 10 minutes.B. For 20 minutes.C. For 30 minutes.14. When is Earth Day?A. On April, 22nd.B. On March, 22dn.C. On April, 2nd.15. Why didnt the boy sleep well last night?A. Because he got a headache.B. Because its too noisy outside.C. Because he stayed up late doing his homework.第四节:听短文,根据其内容选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。16 How many times a day do people laugh?A. 7 times.B.17 times.C. 70 times.17. Laughter is good for you because _.A. it is good exerciseB. it makes people youngC. it costs nothing18. In English, people say that laughter is the best _.A. present.B. suggestion.C. medicine.19. Which of the following is TRUE about laugh?A. One hundred laughs are the same as an hour of running.B. People laugh very often when they are alone.C. Laughter helps people feel part of a group.20. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Laughter helps you relax.B. Laughter is good for you.C. People laugh every day.II.语法与情景对话阅读下列各题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。1.The man is driving at 40 kilometres _ hour.A. aB. anC. theD. /2.In every _ there has to be some give-and-take.A. friendshipB. instrumentC. attentionD. blackboard3.There are many good teachers in _ school.A. weB. himC. ourD. themselves4.Look at the picture on the right! She is going _A. into the libraryB. out of the post officeC. into the supermarket5. Can we play soccer here? No, you _ play it near the road. Thats too dangerous!A. canB. mayC. wontD. mustnt6.I know his face _ I cant remember his name.A. andB. butC. orD. so7.She _ an English magazine when I came in.A. readsB. had readC. will readD. was reading8. Is dinner ready? Not _.A. alreadyB. justC. yetD. ever9.My two cousins decide _ a business together.A. to startB. startingC. startD. started10. Hello, Sally! Can I see Mr. Brown? _. Ill tell him you are here.A. What a pityB. Just a minuteC. CongratulationsD. Never mind11.The earth goes _ the sunA. aroundB. throughC. betweenD. across12._ pencil is this, Toms or Henrys?A. WhatB. WhenC. WhoD. Whose13. What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time in the US? _A. Theyre supposed to kiss each other.B. Theyre supposed to bow.C. Theyre expected to shake hands.D. Theyre expected to hug.14.Never put off _ tomorrow what you can do today.A. untilB. beforeC. whenD. as15.What lovely flowers! Could you please tell me _?A. why did you get themB. where you got themC. when will you get themD. how will you get them16. I cant find my English textbook. Is it possible that you _ it at home?A. lostB. sawC. leftD. gave17.The number “23,456” can be read as “_”.A. twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-sixB. twenty-three thousand and four hundred fifty-sixC. two three thousand and four five sixD. two three thousand, four and five six18.After two years physical training, he was _ and healthier.A. weakerB. longerC. strongerD. shorter19.Our city is cleaner than it _ be.A. is used toB. used toC. uses toD. is used20. You look smart today! _A. Not good.B. Thats OK.C. What a shame!D. Thank you.21.I really like the family photo _ we took on my grandpas 80th birthday.A. whoB. thatC. whatD. whose22. All of my classmates have passed the PE test. _ exciting the news is!A. HowB. WhatC. What anD. How an23. Its my turn to give a report, I feel so nervous. Just _, I bet youre the best.A. give it upB. go awayC. take it easyD. have no idea24.Which of the following words has a different stress pattern(重音) from the others?A. dailyB. basketC. countryD. fifteen25.Which part is the VERB of the following sentence “Tom rides his bike to school every day.”?A. “Tom”B. “rides”C. “his bike”D. “every day”.完形填空One place that is very important in my life is my grandmothers house. She _26_ in a small village in the south of the country. I go there every summer, to visit my grandmother, _27_ the city and relax. The village is just a group of white houses on a hillside with some shops, and its _28_ peaceful.One reason why I like it is because its a beautiful place. My grandmother has a lovely garden and we always sit _29_ the trees, drinking sweet tea and chatting. Its so pleasant. But the main reason why this place is so important to me is _30_. She is so kind to me, and wonderful to talk to. Also, shes a great cook and the meals she prepares are simple _31_ so fresh and. rich? No, no, I mean tasty. And shes always giving me eh. What do you call _32_? small plates of food during the day, so I always return home feeling calm and refreshed and_33_!I wouldnt like _34_ there though. I prefer living in the city. Im a city person. I _35_ live in a small village where everybody knows each other. Id rather live in a busy, exciting place. But I really love visiting the villages for holiday.26. A. livedB. will liveC. livesD. was living27. A. get upB. get away fromC. get toD. get ready for28. A. reallyB. quietlyC. onlyD. hardly29. A. inB. overC. onD. under30. A. local peopleB. my friendC. my grandmotherD. the teacher31. A. orB. andC. soD. but32. A. himB. meC. themD. us33. A. fatB. uglyC. bigD. lazy34. A. livingB. to liveC. lovingD. to love35. A. dont have toB. couldntC. wouldD. shouldIV.阅读理解A阅读材料,根据其内容判断材料后各个小题正、误。正确的选A,错误的选B。36. This is a tour advertisement.37. The 15-day circle tour costs 3,790 dollars per person.38. You will visit 10 countries in this circle tour.39. You can book the tour on June 18th, 2018.40. You will take the plane during your tour.BWhat Does a Lifelong Learner Look Like?Lifelong learners never think of themselves as the greatest expert in anything. They continue-to learn and bring a great deal to the groups they belong to. What does a lifelong learner look like? Here are some of their main characteristics (特征).They are knowledge seekers. They are always searching for much information on a topic theyre interested in and looking for new experience or opportunities to improve their knowledge or skills.They are social and self-directed learners. They like taking different courses and taking part in discussions around subjects they are interested in. _ they also know their own learning styles, and their strengths and weaknesses. They can plan and organize their own learning.They are critical(批判性的) thinkers. They always use a lot of ways to analyze (分析) and synthesize(A EX)information. From their research they judge the information to see if it is useful for the question at hand.They are problem solvers. They will meet different problems while learning. However, they usually see problems as challenges and life experiences and try to stand above them.41. What does the underlined knowledge seekers mean?A. Persons who are looking for knowledge.B. Persons who are teaching knowledge.C. Persons whose jobs are inventing knowledge.D. Persons who are testing knowledge.42. What can be put in the blank(空白处)?A. They dont like learning on society.B. They learn both from and with others.C. They learn from plants and animals.D. They invite each other to parties.43. Which of the following most clearly shows you are a critical thinker?A. You always use a lot of ways to analyse and synthesize information.B. You believe in the information you get and use them in your study.C. You correct mistakes someone makes as soon as you find them.D. You ask others for help when you cant correct your own mistakes.44. How is the passage organized? (P= Paragraph)A. AB. BC. CD. D45. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To describe the height, clothes and hairstyle of a lifelong learner.B. To explain the relationship between common people and lifelong learners.C. To suggest lifelong learners become experts.D. To introduce some of the main characteristics lifelong learners have.阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使句意完整、符合逻辑。(其中有两项为多余选项)Li Hua met a foreigner on his way home. L is for Li Hua; F is for the foreigner. F: Excuse me. Im afraid I am lost. _46_L: Sure! Let me see, Youre now here near the bus station, the heart of the city. F: Oh yes. _47_L: Go straight down, and then turn left, go straight, and at the third crossing youll see it on your right. F :_48_L: About thirty minutes walk. And you can also take the No. 1 Bus from this bus station and go 5 stops. You need to get off at Peoples Park, Renming Gongyuan in Chinese. _49_F: Okay Thank you!L: No problem. And, you can also ride a shared bike. Do you have AliPay on your phone? _50_F: Thanks a lot. L: You re welcome. A. Well, how can I get to the nearest bookstore from here?B. If you do, you can go there on the bike. C. Thats all right. D. Could you tell me where I am on this map?E. Ten minutes is enough, if the traffic is good. F. Its my first day in the city. G. How long will it take to walk there?词汇考查根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。51. An apple a day _ (keep) the doctor away.52. Too much sugar is bad for your _ (tooth).53. The days of spring are _ (wind) and bright.54. You shouldnt be too hard on _ (you).55. Many April Fools jokes may end up _ (be) not very funny.56. I havent seen them _ (recent).57. This machine can _ (translate) simple messages into 24 different languages.58. I have already asked him _ (two) but he hasnt given me any reply.59. Please be quiet. The children _ (sleep).60. My father usually goes to work early _ (avoid) heavy traffic.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯,每个单词或短语限用一次。 first, only, use, it, dream of, another, speak, with, sea, easyEnglish World LanguageOnce people _61_ a language that everybody in the world could understand. Now, for the_62_ time in human history, perhaps there is oneEnglish. It is the official language in more than 50 countries and 250-300 million people _63_ it as a second language. Some say that half the world will be speaking it in the year 2050.Difficult to Master?English is not the _64_ language to learnmost of its common verbs are irregular and it has a large vocabulary at least 200, 000 words are in common use.User-friendlyBut some things make _65_ easy. For example, nouns dont have gender(性别) and the usages of verbs are simpler than other languages. There is _66_ one form to speak to someone directly”you”. Adjectives don t agree _67_ nouns, and many nouns are often also verbs.English Is EverywhereSome other languages may have more speakers, like Chinese. But English _68_in many different areas. It is the language of transport: most airline pilots and air-traffic controllers use it. At _69_English is the international language of communication. The Future of EnglishWhat is the future of English as a global language? Will _70_language ever replace it? Many think notit is already too popular.B)根据所给语提示完成下列句子。71. 改过不嫌晚。Its never _ late _ mend.72. 除非我们仔细点,否则我们不能把工作做好。_ we are careful, we cant do our work _.73. 我国已和一百多个国家建立了外交关系。Our country has established diplomatic relations with _ _ 100 countries.74. 只剩一份儿了,我们得分享着看了。_ only one copy left, well have to _.75. 罗马不是一天建成的。Rome _ _ in a day.书面表达76.“读万卷书,行万里路”,旅行是学习的最好方式之一。请以“Travelling”为题,根据以下思维导图的提示,写一篇短文,发表你的看法。注意:1. 要点齐全,适当发挥;2. 从思维导图Saying部分选择恰当的格言合理利用在短文中;3. 句子及篇章结构准确、连贯,书写规范;4. 词数:80-100词左右;5. 文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、学校及其它任何个人相关信息。答案与解析I.听力第一节:听句子,选择你所听到的信息。每个句子读两遍。1. A. B. C. 2.A. B. C. 3.A. B. C. 4. A. Polite B. Lazy C. Brave5. A. She cant play the violin.B. She is good at playing the violin.C. She cant play the violin very well but shes still learning.第二节:听句子,选择恰当的情景应答语。每个句子读两遍。6. A. Thank you.B. It doesnt matter.C. Go ahead.7. A. Its Monday.B. Its June, 18th.C. Its 9:058. A. Yes, we are.B. No way!C. Thats right.9. A. Congratulations.B. Sounds great.C. Im sorry to hear that.10. A. Watch out!B. Never mind.C. Enjoy your trip!第三节:听对话及问题,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。11. What does the boy want to buy?A. A book on history.B. An English dictionary.C. A book on English writing.12. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At home.B. At school.C. At an airport.3. How long has the man waited for the bus?A. For 10 minutes.B. For 20 minutes.C. For 30 minutes.14. When is Earth Day?A. On April, 22nd.B. On March, 22dn.C. On April, 2nd.15. Why didnt the boy sleep well last night?A. Because he got a headache.B. Because its too noisy outside.C. Because he stayed up late doing his homework.第四节:听短文,根据其内容选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。16. How many times a day do people laugh?A. 7 times.B.17 times.C. 70 times.17. Laughter is good for you because _.A. it is good exerciseB. it makes people youngC. it costs nothing18. In English, people say that laughter is the best _.A. present.B. suggestion.C. medicine.19. Which of the following is TRUE about laugh?A. One hundred laughs are the same as an hour of running.B. People laugh very often when they are alone.C. Laughter helps people feel part of a group.20. What is the main idea of the passage?A Laughter helps you relax.B. Laughter is good for you.C. People laugh every day.II.语法与情景对话阅读下列各题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。1.The man is driving at 40 kilometres _ hour.A. aB. anC. theD. /【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:这个人以每小时40公里的速度开车。本题考查冠词的用法。空格后面的hour发音为a(r),是以元音音素开头的单词,所以冠词应用an,故答案选B。【点睛】本题考查冠词的用法。a/an表示泛指某人或某物,a用于辅音音素开头的词前面;an用于元音音素开头的词前面。the表示特指某个(些)人或者物。本题中的hour音标为a(r),是以元音音素开头的单词,所以冠词应用an,故答案选B。2.In every _ there has to be some give-and-take.A. friendshipB. instrumentC. attentionD. blackboard【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:在每一段友谊中都必须有一些互谅互让。A. friendship意思是“友谊”;B. instrument意思是“乐器、仪器”;C. attention意思是“注意”;D. blackboard意思是“黑板”。根据后面的has to be some give-and-take.可知此处是说“友谊”,结合选项,可知A选项符合题意,故答案选A。3.There are many good teachers in _ school.A. weB. himC. ourD. themselves【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我们学校有很多好老师。A. we人称代词,主格,我们;B. him人称代词,宾格,他;C. our形容词性物主代词,我们的;D. themselves反身代词,他们自己。由空格后面的名词school,可知此处应填形容词性物主代词,用来修饰后面的名词school,结合选项,可知C选项符合题意,故答案选C。4.Look at the picture on the right! She is going _.A. into the libraryB. out of the post officeC. into the supermarket【答案】C【解析】句意:看右边的图画!她要去超级市场。A. into the library进图书馆;B. out of the post office走出邮局;C. into the supermarket进超市。根据右边的图片可以看到这名妇女正要走进超市,所以用be going into,into侧重于方位,强调进去这个动作,结合选项,可知C选项符合题意,故答案选C。5. Can we play soccer here? No, you _ play it near the road. Thats too dangerous!A. canB. mayC. wontD. mustnt【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:我们可以在这里踢足球吗?不,你们千万不能在马路附近玩,那太危险了!A. can能、可以;B. may可以;C. wont不会;D. mustnt不许,表示禁止,语气比较强烈。根据前面的回答No,以及后面的Thats too dangerous!可知是不许在马路附近玩,语气比较强烈,所以用mustnt表示禁止,故答案选D。6.I know his face _ I cant remember his name.A. andB. butC. orD. so【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:我认得他的脸,但不记得他的名字。本题主要考查连词辨析。A. and“和”,表示并列;B. but“但是”,表转折;C. or “否则”,表假设关系;D. so“所以”,表示结果。根据题干“I know his face”(我认得他的脸)与“I cant remember his name”(不记得他的名字)的关系,可知这里是一种转折关系,因此but符合题意,故答案选B。7.She _ an English magazine when I came in.A. readsB. had readC. will readD. was reading【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:当我进来的时候,她正在读一本英语杂志。本题考查过去进行时。A. reads一般现在时;B. has read现在完成时;C. will read一般将来时;D. was reading过去进行时。根据句意“当我进来的时候,她_一本英语杂志”,可知主句应用进行时态,从句中的动词came为一般过去式,所以这里应用过去进行时,结构为was/were+动词现在分词,主语是she,所以用was,故答案选D。8. Is dinner ready? Not _.A. alreadyB. justC. yetD. ever【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:晚饭做好了吗?还没有。本题考查副词辨析。A. already表示“已经”,多用于肯定句;B. just表示“刚刚”;C. yet表示“还、仍”,多用于疑问句和否定句;D. ever表示“曾经”。根据前面的Not可知此处表示否定,所以yet符合题意,故答案选C。9.My two cousins decide _ a business together.A. to startB. startingC. startD. started【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:我的两个表兄弟决定一起创业。本题考查固定搭配。decide to do sth是固定搭配,意思是“决定去做某事”,结合选项,可知A选项符合题意,故答案选A。10. Hello, Sally! Can I see Mr. Brown? _. Ill tell him you are here.A. What a pityB. Just a minuteC. CongratulationsD. Never mind【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:你好,莎莉!我可以见布朗先生吗?稍等一会,我将告诉他你来了。本题考查情景交际。A. What a pity真遗憾;B. Just a minute稍等一会;C. Congratulations祝贺;D. Never mind没关系。根据上文“你好,莎莉!我可以见布朗先生吗?”和后面的Ill tell him you are here. “我将告诉他你来了。”可以推测此处应用“稍等一会”来回答,其它选项语意不通;故答案选B。11.The earth goes _ the sun.A. aroundB. throughC. betweenD. across【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:地球绕着太阳转。A. around围绕、环绕;B. through穿过,表示从事物内部穿过;C. between在两者之间;D. across横穿,表示从事物外部一边到另一边。根据句意 “地球绕着太阳转。”可知是around符合题意,故答案选A。12._ pencil is this, Toms or Henrys?A. WhatB. WhenC. WhoD. Whose【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:这是谁的铅笔,汤姆的还是亨利的?本题考查特殊疑问词。A. What什么;B. When什么时候;C. Who谁;D. Whose谁的。根据后面的Toms or Henrys?“汤姆的还是亨利的?”可知前面是问“这是谁的铅笔”,结合选项,可知Whose符合题意,故答案选D。13. What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time in the US? _A. Theyre supposed to kiss each other.B. Theyre supposed to bow.C. Theyre expected to shake hands.D. Theyre expected to hug.【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:在美国初次见面时,人们应该做什么?他们应该握手。本题主要考查情景交际。A. Theyre supposed to kiss each other.他们应该互相亲吻;B. Theyre supposed to bow.他们应该鞠躬;C. Theyre expected to shake hands.他们应该握手;D. Theyre expected to hug.他们应该拥抱。根据美国文化,人们初次见面时应该是握手,故答案选C。14.Never put off _ tomorrow what you can do today.A. untilB. beforeC. whenD. as【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:今天的事情不要推迟到明天去做。A. until直到;B. before在之前;C. when当时候;D. as因为。这是一句谚语,用的是祈使句,并且以never开头,语气很强;put off意思是“推迟”,根据句意“今天的事情不要推迟到明天去做”可知A选项符合题意,故答案选A。15.What lovely flowers! Could you please tell me _?A. why did you get themB. where you got themC. when will you get themD. how will you get them【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:多么美丽的花儿啊!你能告诉我你在哪儿买的的吗?根据Could you please tell me可知本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句的语序要用陈述语序,结合选项,可知A、C、D选项都不是陈述语序,所以排除,故答案选B。【点睛】宾语从句是中考必考的语法项目,主要考查三个方面的内容:语序,连接词和时态。1. 语序 无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,宾语从句都必须使用陈述语序,即“主句连词宾语从句(主语谓语)”句式。2. 连接词 1)当由陈述句充当宾语从句时,用that引导,that无词义,在口语或非正式文体中常省略。2)当由一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用if或whether引导,意为“是否”。3)如果宾语从句原来是特殊疑问句,只需用原来的特殊疑问词引导。3. 时态 含宾语从句的复合句,主、从句谓语动词的时态呼应应包括以下三点内容:1)如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句的谓语动词可根据需要,选用相应的任何时态。2)如果主句的谓语动词是过去时,宾语从句的谓语动词只可根据需要,选用过去时态即一般过去时、过去进行时、过去将来时或过去完成时的某一种形式。3)如果宾语从句所表示的是客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象或习惯性动作等,不管主句用什么时态,从句时态都用一般现在时。16. I cant find my En


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