译林版九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Films Task(2)-牛津教学

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1. 避开高峰期2. 把车停在停车场3. 角落的最后一排4. 赫本如此美丽/ 是如此美丽的一个姑娘,以致于很多人都被她的美貌所震惊。5. 赫本表演得如此好,一些人将她误认为真的公主。6. 我买了许多DVD以便我能更多地了解中国功夫。7. 学习中国功夫到底是什么8. 参加有关中国功夫的课程9. 我最喜欢的男演员avoid the rush hourpark the car in the car parkthe last row in the cornerHepburn was so beautiful/ such a beautiful girl that many people were amazed by her beauty.Hepburn acted so well that some people mistook her for a real princess.I have bought a lot of DVDs so that I can learn more about Chinese kung fu. learn what Chinese kung fu is all aboutattend a course on Chinese kung fumy favourite actor1. 老少皆宜2. 票价3. 老北京的故事4. 一部给你展示50年前的北京是什么样子的一小时的纪录片5. 恐龙的世界 6. 爱上某人7. 将恐龙活生生地搬到荧幕上8. 特价优惠be suitable for all agesthe ticket pricetales of old Beijinga one-hour documentary that shows you what Beijing was like 50 years agothe world of dinosaursfall in love with sbbring dinosaurs alive on screena special offer1. 校长说这件事已经远超他的职权了。 The principal says that the thing _. 2. 我听说那个老人在睡梦中安然辞世了。 I heard that the old man _.3. 影院正在上映的这部影片成功吸引了我的注意。The film _. 4. 他们别无选择,只能让这个女孩担当主演。 They _.5. 她如此可爱,以致于这两个男生都已爱上了她。 She is _.6. 我们很早就开始排队等候以便于我们得到这个特价优惠。 We started to wait in line very early _ _. in order to get/ has gone far beyond his dutypassed away peacefully in his sleep showing at the cinema caught my attention successfullyhad no choice but to let the girl play the lead role so cute that the two boys have both fallen in love with her so that we could get the special offer Chinese Kung fu superstarDrunken Master (1978)a big success in Asia醉拳醉拳 Ia great success in Hollywood尖峰时刻尖峰时刻西域威龙西域威龙新警察故事新警察故事the New Police Story serieshe has acted in nearly 100 films and won many awardshe can join humour and exciting action together把幽默和激动人心的动作结合在把幽默和激动人心的动作结合在一起一起Charity WorkA . A website about films is inviting people to write about their favourite film stars. Daniel wants to write about Jackie Chan. Read the fact file about him.stuntmann.特技替身演员特技替身演员considervt. 认为;考虑认为;考虑1. When was Jackie Chan born?2. How many years did he spend at the China Drama Academy?3. What did he do after he graduated? Ten years.He was born on 7 April 1954. He worked as a stuntman.4. When was Drunken Master on?5. Which film was a great success in Hollywood? 6. What did he set up in 1988?He set up the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation.Rumble in the Bronx.In 1978. B. Daniel is writing an article about Jackie Chan. Help him complete it. Use the information in Part A to help you.My favourite film star is (1)_. He is famous all over the world.Jackie Chan was born on (2)_ in (3)_. He spent ten years at the (4)_. After he graduated, he worked as (5)_. Later he became an actor. Jackie Chan 7 April 1954Hong Kong China Drama Academy a stuntman In 1978 the film Drunken Master soon made Jackie Chan famous in (6)_. His other successful films include the (7)_ series in the 1980s and 1990s. Later he went to Hollywood. In 1995 his film Rumble in the Bronx was a great success in (8)_. Then the (9)_ series and the Shanghai Noon series made him even more popular. Asia Police Story Hollywood Rush Hour So far he has acted in nearly (10)_ and has won many awards. His films are special because they successfully join (11)_ and exciting action together.Jackie Chan is a Chinese kung fu superstar, but his achievements are far more than that. 100 films humour He set up the (12)_ in 1988. He has spent many years doing (13)_. He has helped people not only in China, but in over (14)_ all over the world, including the USA, Australia, Japan, Russia and South Africa.Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation charity work 30 countries Jackie Chan is considered by many people as a superstar, not only for his success in action films but also for his efforts in charity work.1.1.个人资料个人资料2. 2. 出生日期出生日期3.3.出生地出生地 4.4.中国功夫巨星中国功夫巨星重点短语重点短语personal detailsdate of birthplace of birthChinese Kung fu superstar5.5.当替身演员当替身演员6.6.演艺生涯演艺生涯7.7.演了近演了近100100多部电影多部电影8.8.成功地把幽默和激动人心的武打结合在一起成功地把幽默和激动人心的武打结合在一起work as a stuntmanacting careeract in nearly 100 filmssuccessfully join humour and exciting action together9.9.做慈善工作做慈善工作10.10.远远不止远远不止 11.11.遍及世界上遍及世界上3030多个国家多个国家12.12.被认为被认为do charity workfar more thanover 30 countries all over the worldbe considered as13.13.创立、建立创立、建立 14.14.获得很多奖获得很多奖15.15.使他更加受欢迎使他更加受欢迎 set upwin many awardsmake him even more popular16. 16. 到目前为止,成龙出演了到目前为止,成龙出演了100100多部电影并且获多部电影并且获得过很多奖。得过很多奖。 17.17.他被许多人认为是超级明星,不仅仅因为他他被许多人认为是超级明星,不仅仅因为他在动作片方面的成功,也因为他在慈善方面的努在动作片方面的成功,也因为他在慈善方面的努力。力。So far, Jackie Chan has acted in over 100films and won many awards. He is considered by many people as a superstar, not only for his success in action films but also for his efforts in charity work. Jackie Chan is considered by many people as a superstar, consider请仔细观察并分析下面例句中请仔细观察并分析下面例句中consider的用法,然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。的用法,然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。【例句【例句】1. Youd better consider my suggestion.2. They are considering going to Qingdao for the Spring Festival.3. We all consider him (to be) the best student in our class.【结论【结论】1. 例句例句1 Youd better consider my suggestion.中的中的consider意为意为“_”,后跟名词等。,后跟名词等。2. 从例句从例句2 They are considering going to Qingdao for the Spring Festival.可知可知consider doing sth. 意为意为“_”。考虑考虑 考虑做某事考虑做某事 3. 例句例句3 We all consider him (to be) the best student in our class. 中的结构中的结构consider sb. (to be) . 的意思是的意思是“认为认为某人某人”。【运用【运用】根据汉语意思,完成下列英语句子。根据汉语意思,完成下列英语句子。1. 杨先生正在考虑去美国旅游。杨先生正在考虑去美国旅游。 Mr Yang is _ _ to America for a trip.2. 这个男孩认为自己是幸运的。这个男孩认为自己是幸运的。 The boy _ _ to be lucky.3. 你应该考虑一下这个问题。你应该考虑一下这个问题。 You should _ _ _.considering going considered himself consider the question C .You also want to write an article about your favourite film star. Use Daniels fact file and his article as a model.Personal details:Date of birth: 27th November 1940Place of birth: San FranciscoAppearance: strong, thinTalent: a kung fu expert, play the role of kungfu expert very wellBruce Lee (李小龙李小龙)Acting career:When he started acting: at a very young age How he started acting: Lee had his first role as a baby who was carried onto the stage.Titles of films: The Big Boss (1971) Fist of Fury (1972) Way of the Dragon (1972) Enter the Dragon (1973) Game of Death (1973)Awards:Golden Horse Award for Best Actor(1972, Taiwan)Lifetime Achievement Award (Hong Kong Film Award, 1993)一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. The talk on films has been _ (取消取消) this Saturday.2. The girl is _ (愚蠢的愚蠢的).3. The accident is _(可怕的)(可怕的) because five people lost their lives.cancelledstupidterrible4. The young man f_ in love with the kind girl at the first sight.5. Although the car hit the dog, people found it was still a_.liveell二、用所给词的适当形式填空。二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I dont think this jacket is _ (suit) for me. Its too short.2. The baby dinosaur _ (choose) to the future king of the family.3. There have been great _ (change) in the play.suitablewas chosenchanges4. He lost his wallet yesterday. _(luck), there wasnt too much money in it. 5. Youd better _ (not hurry). There is still enough time to go.Luckilynot hurry


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