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New Word and Expressionsallocation n. 分配attributable adj. 可归于。的bargaining n. 讨价还价;交涉carrier n.承运人charter v.租(船)consignee n.收货人consolidation n.拼箱;合并containerization n.集装箱运输;集装箱化delivery n.交货;提货eliminate v.排除,消除endorsement n.背书,签注fluctuate v.波动itinerary n.航线;路线manifest n.舱单;载货单non-negotiable adj.不可转让的principal n.委托人rebate n.回扣,折扣render v.给予;提供route n.航路;航线;路线shipper n.托运人carriage of goods by sea 海上货物运输common carrier 公共承运人contract of carriage 货物运输合同delivery order 提货单document of title 物权凭证freight rate 运费率non-conference lines 非班轮公会航线,非班轮公会航运公司non-vessel operating common carriers(NVOCC) 无船承运人pattern of international trade 国际贸易方式port authorities 港务局;港口主管机关ports of call 挂靠港;停靠港receipt for goods 货物收据 scheduled service 定期航运shipping conference 班轮公会shipping market 班轮市场shipping space 舱位supplu and demand 供求Exercises(1) Ship that do not sail on regular trade routes or have regular schedules are called _A.liners B.tramps C.charters D.NVOCCs(2)_ is the list of current freight rates issued by a shipping conference.A.Tariff B.Schedule C.Manifest D.Shipping note(3)_ is a document signed by the mate of a ship as proof that the goods specified in the document have been loaded onto his ship.A.Delivery B.Shipping noteC.Mates receipt D.Manifest(4).Which of the following terms refers to a person or company that catties goods form place to place?A.shipoer B.chartererC.operator D.carrier(5) Which of the following is the amount of money payable under a contract for the carriage of goods by sea?( )A.delivery B.rndorsementC.feright D.receipt2.Drcide whether the following statements are true or false.(1) An international freight forwarder should have knowledge of international trade.( )(2) Conference lines do not provide a scheduled service.( )(3) Tramps move from port to port without following a fixed route.(4) A sea waybill is a negotiable document.(5) A delivery order is issued by the carrier to enable a shipper to load the cargo.3.Multiple choice questions.Select all of the correct answers.(1) Which of the following are the functions of marine bills of lading?A. contract of carriage B. receipt for goods delivered C. shipping notes D. document of title(2)Which of the following documents can be issued by a carrier?A. delivery B. mates receiptC.shipping note D.bill of lading(3) What are the disadvantages of a shipping conference?A. stability of freight rate B. high ratesC. Rates do not fluctuate according to supply and demand.D. regularity of services(4) An international freight forwarder should be familiar with _A. international B. location of pots B. transshipment points D. pattern of international trade(5) Which of the following descriptions are true about an NVOCC?A. He operates a regular scheduled service.B. He owns or operates vessels.C. He assumes responsibility for both conference and non-conference lines.D. He provides a useful service by providing groupage or consolidation services.4. Translate the following into Chinese.(1) carriage of goods by sea(2) endorsement(3) mates receipts(4) shipping conference(5) shipping documents5. Translate the following into English(1) 托运人(2) 运价表(3) 集装箱化(4) 舱单(5) 提单7 / 7文档可自由编辑打印


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