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广州市黄埔区镇龙中学八年级英语备课组 编号:U5-3Unit 5 Grammar(The present perfect tense) 导学案学习目标: 1. 学习现在完成时的结构和用法,掌握现在完成时的三个基本句式。 2. 学习常与现在完成时连用的副词already, yet, ever和never的用法。学习重点:掌握现在完成时的三个基本句式。学习难点:现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。学习过程:1、 温故知新(Have a memory quiz about reading) What have Sarah and Eric done? What havent they done? Sarah Ericlearnt to use chopsticks made many new friends learnt a bit of tai chi learnt a lot bout Chineseculture and history toured around Beijing tasted Beijing roast duck had much success in Chinese painting 2、 合作探究1. 请大声朗读以下句子,并观察其规律。 (1) Sarah has learnt to use chopsticks. (2) Sarah has made many new friends. (3) Eric has learnt a bit of Tai chi. (4) They have already learnt a lot about Chinese culture and history. (5) They have toured around Beijing. (6 ) They havent tasted Beijing Roast Duck (7) Eric hasnt had much success in Chinese painting. 小结:1. 以上句子使用的是_时态 2. 这种时态的结构是 _或_ + _, 它的否定形式是在_或_后面加 _2. 句式: 看例句归纳现在完成时三种句式的构成。肯定句They have already made a lot of friends. Eric has already made a lot of friends. 结构:主语+_/_+_+其它. 否定句 They have not had much success yet. have not = havent Eric has not had much success yet. has not = hasnt结构:主语+_/_+_+_+其它. 一般疑问句Have they toured around Beijing? Yes, they have./No, they havent. Has Eric toured around Beijing? Yes, he has./ No, he hasnt.结构:_/_+主语+_+其它?回答:Yes, 主语+_/_. No, 主语+_/_.练一练: 完成课本72页, 用现在完成时填空。总结:现在完成时的用法I have spent all of my money. 我已经花光了我所有的钱了。(结果:现在我没有钱花了。)用法一:表示 (过去/现在)发生的动作,对现在 (有/没有)影响或结果。I have lived here since 2000. 我从2000年就已经住在这里。(结果:现在还在这里住)用法二:表示 (过去/现在)发生的动作或状态,一直延续到现在。3.按要求改写句子。1)She has already found her bike.(改为否定句) She _ _ found her bike yet.2)She has found her bike already.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定/否定回答) _she her bike yet? Yes, she _. / No, she _.3) He has been to Beijing before. _ he _ to Beijing before? (改为一般疑问句) No, he _ to Beijing before. (用两种不同方式作出否定回答) No, he has _ been to Beijing before.4. 观察上面1)-3)句子中带双下划线部分的副词,并归纳它们的用法:1)副词already,意为“_”,通常用于_(肯定/否定/疑问)句, 可放在句_或句_(首/中/末)。2)副词yet,意为“_”,通常用于_或_ (肯定/否定/疑问)句, 可放在句_ (首/中/末)。3)副词ever, 意为“_”,通常用于_ (肯定/否定/疑问)句, 可放在句_ (首/中/末)。4) 副词never, 意为“_” 可放在句末或单独用作简短的否定回答。 练一练:完成课本73页, Part B1 & B2 练习。三、活学活用下个月学校要组织同学到广州参加社会实践活动,请帮忙调查同学们是否参加过以下地方的实践活动(去过的打 , 没去过的打),并以小组为单位形成一份调查报告(可以用上所学副词 already , yet , never ,ever)。组员Climbed the Baiyun Hill Visited Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall Toured around Yuexiu ParkSeen Guangzhou TowerS1:S2:S3:S4:.小组问答:S1:Have you ever climbed the Baiyun Hill? S2:Yes, I have already climbed the Baiyun Hill. / No, I havent climbed the Baiyun Hill yet. S3: . S4: .S1: Have you ever visited Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall ? 组长汇报:In our group,_ students have climbed the Baiyun Hill, and _ students havent. _ students have visited , and havent. 【强化训练】一、单项选择1. I _to speak English since I was a child. A. learned B. learns C. have learned D. am learning 2._ your brother_ his homework yet? A. Has, finish B. Did, finish C. Has, finished D. Have, finished 3. -Have you _ tried Chinese moon cakes, Diana? -No, . But I have had noodles. A. never, ever B. ever, never C. yet, already D. yet, never 4. Have you eaten your lunch ? - Yes, I have eaten it. A. yet, already B. already, yet C. ever, never D. never, ever5. He has _ been to Shanghai for three times. A.already B. never C. everD. still6.-How long _ you _ here ? - For about two months . A. have, work B. have, worked C. has, work D. has, worked二、完成句子1.她已经找到了她丢失的钱包,所以她现在很高兴。 She_ _ _her lost purse, so she is very happy now.2.你曾经去过美国吗?_ you _ _ _America?3.你在这里呆多长时间了?_ _have you been here?4.-你去过他家吗? -不,我没去过。-_ you been to his home? -NO,_ _./ Not _.5.他从来没有见过这种花。He _ _ _ this kind of flowers.三写出以下动词的过去式和过去分词1.work_ _ 2.live_ _ 3.carry _ _ 4.try _ _ 5.do_ _ 6.begin_ 7.put _ _ 8.want _ _ 9.feel_ _ 10.go_ e _ _ 12.plan _ _13.give_ _ 14.carry_ _ 15.make _ _5Where there is a will, there is a way! 有志者事竟成


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