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Unit 5 whose dog is it? ( Part B read and write 教案) 学校:李村小学 教师:杜媛媛 (一)、教学目标:1.能够按正确的语音、语调、意群朗读“read and write”部分的内容,并能读懂故事大意;2.能用现在进行时描述动物们正在进行的动作;3.能够在单线上正确、规范地书写句子。(二)、教学重难点:1.能够理解生词:excited和like 在语境中的意思;2.能够按照正确的语音、语调和意群朗读故事。(三)、教学步骤:一、定向导学:(1min)1.能够按正确的语音、语调、意群朗读“read and write”部分的内容,并能读懂故事大意;2.能用现在进行时描述动物们正在进行的动作;3.能够在单线上正确、规范地书写句子。二、warmup(课前热身) (1min)Please enjoy an English song about unit 5:Animals ,animals are everywhere.(欣赏英语歌)三、复习“Lets learn”(5min)1.教师展示“Lets learn”部分的单词卡,迅速抢答,准确读出每个单词卡。2.律动:“Lets do”,Act like a bird./ Act like a tiger. /Act like a panda ./ Act like a monkey ./ Act like an elephant.(全班同学起立一起来表演)3.游戏:I do ,you guess.(我做,你猜) 操练句型:What is shehe doing? She He is 四、自主学习read and write 部分 时间:5分钟 活动:pre-reading 内容: read and write 要求: 以你自己喜欢的方式读这篇短文。 (扫读) 20秒钟找出动物园里有几种小动物。 (扫读)圈出这部分的现在分词。 (略读)根据短文内容填空。Sarah and Robin are at the . Robin is .Robin is like a bear. Robin is like a rabbit. Robin is like a tiger. Robin is like an elephant. Robin doesnt want to like a fish.) 精读)根据短文判断正(T)误(F)(见导学案)。 ( )1.The bear is jumping. ( )2.The rabbit is eating. ( )3.The tiger is climbing. ( )4.The elephant is walking. ( )5.The monkey is climbing. ( )6.the fish is swimming.活动:While-reading (10min)1.观看课本动画,注意语音、语调,注意单词的正确发音。 2.跟着录音大声朗读read and write部分。 3.依据导学案上的指导示意图再次读文 。4.释疑:看图猜单词引出“excited”,让学生结合图片理解“excited”的意义;excited兴奋的 look at 看一看 want to do something 想要做某事 want后面跟动词的to do形式五、合作交流(5min)1.group work (小组合作)要求:组内分角色朗读对话,组长扮演Sarah,其余组员扮演“Robin”,一问一答进行练习;同时在阅读时要注意语音、语调。 (时间:2min)2.role-play (角色扮演)(时间:3min)要求:2组同学戴着头饰上台表演,一个扮演Sarah,其余扮演robin进行对话活动:postreading(1) Answer the questions.(回答问题)1. Where are Sarah and Robin? 2. What are the animals doingin the story?The bear is .The rabbits are . The tiger is . The elephant is . (2)比比看谁在四线三格上写得最规范了。 1.What are you doing here?2.Do you want to swim like a fish?3.I dont want to be a fish!六、质疑探究:Extensive reading.(拓展阅读)Today is Sunday. Mikes family is at home.His father Mr Black is reading a book in the living room. His mother is cooking in the kitchen. His brotherTom and his friend John are playing chess in the bedroom. His grandpa and grandma are watching TV in the living room.Where is Mike?( )1.Its_today. A.Sunday B.sunny C.Saturday( )2. Mr Black is_. A.cooking B.watching TV C.reading a book( )3._ is cooking in the kitchen? A. Mike B.Mikes father C.Mikes mother( ) 4.Tom and John are _ in the bedroom. A. sleeping B.playing chess C.watchingTV( ) 5. Mikes grandpa is in the _. A.kitchen B.studay C.living room七、summary 总结本课八、小结检测:(一)、Listen and choose.(听音选择你所听到的单词)( ) 1. A.their B.here C.theirs( ) 2. A. each B. eat C.excited( ) 3. A.exercise B.yours C. always( ) 4. A.walking B.drinkingC.picking( ) 5. A.his B.hers C.ours (二)、写出下列动词的现在分词形式。 climb sleep play eat walk run look fly swim dance (三)、Read and choose.(对答如流。)( ) 1.What are these rabbits doing ? A. Yes, he is.( ) 2.Can I play with him now? B. No, you cant.( ) 3.What are you doing? C. They are playing.( )4. Whose bike is it? D. Im dancing.( ) 5. Is he drinking water? E. Its hers (四)、Read and write.(根据所给提示,写一篇短文。)请以“The zoo”为题写一篇短文,要求能准确的描绘出你所看到的动物正在进行的动作,不少于6句话。注:斑马zebra 狮子lion 熊猫panda九、情感升华:The animals are our best friends,We shoud love them like we love ourselves!We should protect them like we protect ourselves!(动物们是我们最好的朋友,我们应该像爱我们自己一样爱它们!我们保护它们就是保护我们自己!)


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