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AcknowledgementsI am indebted to our university for providing me with such a precious opportunity of writing this thesis to conclude my four years undergraduate education. In the course of writing, I have gained more knowledge and enlightenment than I expected.I would like to express my most sincere appreciation to my respected supervisor, Mrs. Zhao Wanli, an amiable and knowledgeable teacher, who patiently and painstakingly fulfilled the task of reading, critiquing, shaping and polishing all the preliminary drafts of this thesis.In addition, my thanks also go to my classmates who have offered me help and suggestions.AbstractEnglish vocabulary is the basis of English learning, its one of the three elements of language. As an English learner, we know the status and function of vocabulary in English learning. However, vocabulary learning is a difficult task for many students. Many students lose interest in learning English because they can not master the vocabulary .Therefore, the research of study strategy is particularly important. This paper mainly through the literature research and questionnaire investigation, making an investigation and analysis on the vocabulary learning strategies of middle school students in terms of their vocabulary learning concept ,learning strategies and other aspect. The results show that the overall level of strategies used by middle school students is low, the strategies training need to be strengthened. So it suggests to promote the effective strategy, and according to the views of experts and teachers to explore how to teach vocabulary training strategies. It aims at helping the majority of middle school students to find their own vocabulary learning methods.Key words: junior high school students; learning strategies; English vocabulary learning strategies摘 要英语词汇是英语学习的基础,是语言的三大要素之一。作为英语学习者,我们深知词汇在英语学习中的地位与作用,然而,词汇学习对很多学生来说却是一项困难的任务,很多学生因为不能很好的掌握词汇而对英语学习丧失兴趣,因此,研究学习策略显得尤为重要。本文主要通过文献研究与问卷调查,针对学生的词汇观念、词汇学习策略等几个方面通过问卷的形式对中学生的词汇学习策略情况进行了调查与分析,结果发现目前中学生的词汇学习策略整体运用水平较低,词汇学习策略训练有待加强。因此,建议对有效的策略加以推广,同时根据专家们的意见与老师探讨一下如何在教学中进行词汇学习策略训练,以帮助广大中学生找到适合自己的词汇学习方法。关键词:初中; 学习策略;英语词汇学习策略ContentsTOC o "1-2" h u HYPERLINK l _Toc12147 1. Introduction 1HYPERLINK l _Toc30137 2. Literature Review 4HYPERLINK l _Toc28400 2.1 Definition of language learning strategies 4HYPERLINK l _Toc21539 2.2 Classification of vocabulary learning strategies 4HYPERLINK l _Toc21301 2.3. Theoretical Basis of vocabulary learning strategy training 5HYPERLINK l _Toc9836 3. Investigation and Design 7HYPERLINK l _Toc26167 3. 1 Research subjects 7HYPERLINK l _Toc14968 3.2 Research Tools 7HYPERLINK l _Toc765 3.3 Research procedures 7HYPERLINK l _Toc6401 3.4 Data analysis 8HYPERLINK l _Toc2536 4. Results and discussions 8HYPERLINK l _Toc22862 4.1 Statistic and analysis of learning concept 8HYPERLINK l _Toc5118 4.2 The overall situation of each strategy 9HYPERLINK l _Toc31671 4.3 Key features of English vocabulary learning strategies 11HYPERLINK l _Toc1503 5. Conclusion 12HYPERLINK l _Toc18789 5.1 Major findings 12HYPERLINK l _Toc9993 5.2 Suggestions 13HYPERLINK l _Toc27368 Bibliography 20On English Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Junior Middle School Students1. Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundThis thesis is mainly about the use of English vocabulary learning strategies used by some junior middle school students in Shaanxi, Xi'an Province. The research background of this paper is mainly from three aspects:1.1.1 The Requirement of Era DevelopmentLearning to learn is the mainstream of the world education development trend. The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization as early as in 1972 Version of "learn to survive" in the report is put forward the slogan of "teach students learning", which encourages learners to learn to use a variety of learning strategies, thus gradually improve their autonomous learning ability. "New standard" also explicitly Learning strategies as one of the goals of English course, it is pointed out that "in English teaching, teachers should consciously help students to develop their learning strategies, and make it have the ability to constantly adjust their own learning strategies.1.1.2 The demands of curriculum reform“New standard” regulate the overall goal of English course is to cultivate students' comprehensive language application ability. The new curriculum of formation of the students' comprehensive language application ability is based on students' language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitudes, learning strategies and cultural awareness of overall development. Curriculum change the past language education only focuses on cultivating the students' knowledge and skills, and pay more attention to the students' ability of autonomous learning and lifelong learning. Stress not only to develop knowledge and skills, but also pay attention to the students'emotional attitude, learning strategy and the cultivation of cultural consciousness such as overall quality. For English language learning, it should break the shackles of rote learning, Emphasized by creating good English language situation and providing students with a lot of language practice opportunity.1.1.3 the current situation of vocabulary teachingIn the context of the new curriculum reform, the current situation of English vocabulary teaching in middle schools is not optimism. First, there are many misunderstandings in the teaching of vocabulary. Most teachers generally think vocabulary learning is to improve vocabulary, and improve vocabulary can only rely on rote, with nothing special effective method. In the classroom teaching, some teachers only emphasize and pay attention to vocabulary knowledge. Dealing the vocabulary teaching with isolated, specific individuals. Separating the vocabulary from semantic, and resulting in students improper in the memory and lexical use of vocabulary. Second, although some teachers pay great attention to the teaching of vocabulary, but because of the lack of good policy and the method of guidance, vocabulary teaching is inefficient, or even invalid.1.2 Purpose and significance of the study1.2.1 Purpose of the studyThis paper studies the English Vocabulary Learning Strategies of junior high school students. The purpose of the study is to explore Junior high school students' vocabulary learning beliefs, the use of vocabulary learning strategies, and the differences between the students with good and poor English in vocabulary learning strategies.1.2.2 Significance of the studyVocabulary is one of the three elements of any language, it is the basic composition unit of language skills. The importance of vocabulary learning is obviously more important, because the mastery of English vocabulary and vocabulary learning methods can not only affect the quality of English learning, but also directly affect the future study. And even determine the success or failure of a student's English learning.For students, if they master the scientific and vocabulary learning strategies, they can be independent of the teachers and do effective learning themselves. For English teachers, the survey results can provide them the first hand information of the Junior High school students, help them know the general characteristics of learning strategies in vocabulary learning process. So that teachers can control their own actual situation of school students, finds out the deficiency of the use of strategy. And teachers can introspect so as to improve the effective vocabulary teaching.1.3 The main contents and methods of the study1.3.1 Main content of the studyIn this paper, some junior middle school students from a key middle school in Xi'an were selected as the research object. The following questions are explored by investigating the current situation of the use of vocabulary learning strategies for junior high school students:(1) English vocabulary learning concept;(2)The current situation of English vocabulary strategies;(3)The differences between good and poor students in vocabulary learning strategies.1.3.2 Research methods(1) Literature methodIt is of great significance to refer to the literature, which is a basic work for a good design study. It will provide useful information for each part of the study. In the preparatory stage, I mainly adopt the literature research method. Through the network search and access to journals, reading books, etc. Collecting the definition and classification of strategies, the previous vocabulary learning questionnaires and the results of the survey. This paper makes a summary and analysis of the present situation of vocabulary learning strategies, which provides theoretical and practical basis for the further research.(2). Questionnaire survey methodThe main research methods in this paper are the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was used to investigate the students of junior high school students, to make a survey of English vocabulary learning beliefs and learning strategies in middle school students.2. Literature Review2.1 Definition of language learning strategiesTo study vocabulary learning strategies, we should first understand some of the domestic scholars have studied language learning slightly. 1. Language learners use the general trend of the method and the general characteristics used to describe the specific form of visual behavior (Sternberg, 1983); 2. Students' skills, methods, or deliberate actions aimed at raising Learning efficiency and easy to remember the language of the form and content (Chamot, 1987); 3. Learners to help their information suck (Rubin, 1987); 4. Learners to promote their understanding of the second language. The usual, conscious, and specific actions, steps, or techniques used and understood (Oxford, 1994) 5. As a positive, self-directed tool, learning strategies are quite heavy in language learning. It has been widely recognized for its ability to cultivate autonomous learning (Harris, 1999). Ministry of Education the "High School English Curriculum Criteria" defines "learning strategies" as "students in order to learn and use more effectively.2.2 Classification of vocabulary learning strategiesThe classification of language learning strategies is different, so is the vocabulary learning strategies. The following author introduces some domestic and foreign researchers which have a representative classification. Stoffer(1995) based on 53 projects of vocabulary learning strategies,divide the vocabulary learning strategy into nine parts. They are the real language use strategy; creative activity strategy; self motivation strategy; psychological connection strategy; memory strategy; intuitive, listening strategies; physical action strategy; overcoming anxiety strategy and organizational strategy. Gu and Johnson (1996)according to their questionnaires, divide vocabulary learning strategies into vocabulary learning concepts, metacognitive management, cognitive strategies (initial processing, consolidation and use), and their classification emphasizes that learners would treat differently depending on the frequency of use, the degree of mastery and other needs. Nobert Schmitts (1997) classification of learning strategy based on Oxfords classification method on vocabulary learning strategy is proposed. He put forward two systems of vocabulary learning strategies according to the different situation of learners: discovery strategies and consolidation strategies. Discovery strategies include decision strategies and social strategies; consolidation strategies include memory strategies, social strategies, metacognitive strategies and cognitive strategies. In the subsystem, 58 corresponding vocabulary learning methods are listed.Different domestic researchers have different focus on the classification of vocabulary learning strategies. Wen Qiufang (1996: 12-25) from the perspective of knowledge and skills, from the specific operation of the lexical learning methods, such as distinguish between positive and negative words, guess the meaning of words, use the dictionary. Ma Guanghui (1997) in accordance with the learning method, divided into mechanical memory, associative memory, independent memory and associative memory. He is more focused on the memory strategy. Li Songhao (2003) with Brown and Payne's "vocabulary acquisition five-step" model, based on the vocabulary of the order of acquisition and reference to the "Language curriculum standards ", the vocabulary learning strategies are summarized as resource strategy, control strategy (metacognitive strategy), cognitive strategy, memory strategy and flexible strategy.2.3. Theoretical Basis of vocabulary learning strategy training2.3.1 The Memory TheoryThe experimental study on the memory of the linguist indicates that the memory system is composed of two parts: information coding and information extraction surface composition. The memory encoding information in a suitable form stored in preparation for days, and encoding direct affect memory effect. Information extraction refers to the code that is stored in the stored information The frequency of interest extraction is closely related to the memory effect (Salthouse, 1985). Therefore, to improve the vocabulary of memory effect, must create a good environment and conditions. Promote students to actively choose their own way of coding and maximize the frequency of information extraction, maintain the new nature of the lexical information .2.3.2 The Processing Level TheoryCraik&Lock (1972) puts forward the theory of processing hierarchy, which holds that memory depends on the difference of cognitive processing mode. That is, the deeper the processing level, the better the memory. Lexical cognitive processing is divided into two levels: The form of processing and semantic processing level; the latter refers to the establishment of associations between words, the establishment of words and images of the connection between. Crack & Tulving put forward the concept of "finishing", and points out that it is necessary for us to acquire vocabulary when we acquire vocabulary comprehensive processing, include word pronunciation, spelling, grammatical category, context meaning and its paradigmatic relationship, etc. Witt rock (1974) presents the productive process. It emphasizes that students should actively construct information, activate and use the original knowledge, experience and ability actively to deepen memory. The experimental results show that the semantic processing is better than the more powerful words.2.3.3 Constructivism learning theoryChen Qi and Liu Rude(2007) pointed out that the constructivist learning theory which rised in the last century in 80s has a growing influence on todays educational reform. The learning theory of constructivism is not the name of a certain theory, but by a lot of based on the combination of the theory of constructivism. Constructivism holds that learning is a kind of situational and social interaction, language needs to communicate and use. Therefore, the process of learning language is inseparable from a certain social and cultural participation. It requires learners and teachers, classmates or other social groups regularly with communication and exchanges in a particular context and specific activities, so as to promote the construction of their own knowledge and achieve true knowledge.2.3.4The Semantic Field TheorySemantic field theory is one of the important achievements of modern semantic researches, it was proposed by the German scholar J. Trier in the 20th the first time in the 1930s. He thinks that although the language vocabulary is vast, but not chaotic, language vocabulary in the semantics are interrelated, they together constitute a complete vocabulary system. The concept of the word is the memory characterized by an extensive network of relationships, the concept of each word is characterized by a single special nodes, and with a variety of relationships with other words to form a complete system. From the "semantic field", according to the lexical meaning and associated with memory to gradually expand the word is a very feasible way .3. Investigation and Design3. 1 Research SubjectsIn this study, the students were selected from the first, second and third year of secondary school in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. I give out 160 questionnaires and have 150 reback. According to the class survey of the final exam results of the top 10 and 10 after to distinct between high and low group (good and poor students).3.2 Research ToolsThe research mainly uses the questionnaire method. The survey tool is "English vocabulary learning concept, strategy questionnaire". Vocabulary learning concepts and strategies questionnaire refers mainly to Gu & Johnsons (1996) vocabulary learning questionnaires. VLQ5 and domestic and foreign researchers on the classification of vocabulary learning strategies, combined with junior high school English vocabulary teaching practice and junior high school English vocabulary learning characteristics, revised on the basis of interview and observation.3.3 Research ProceduresThis study is conducted in a class, using a unified written instruction (see appendix). The main test men are English teachers of classes. Before the test, the main test explain the instructions to the subjects who were asked to write the questionnaire. The subjects were asked to write down the English test scores of last semester on the questionnaire, test time is 20 minutes.3.4 Data AnalysisAfter completing the survey in March 2017, 150 valid questionnaires were performed with SPPS 12. 0 statistical analysis software. According to the analysis, the main work includes:1. Statistics of the frequency of each vocabulary strategy (percentage; average and standard deviation);2. Conduct the significance test of the level of vocabulary learning strategies for good and poor students.4. Results and Discussions4.1 Statistic and Analysis of Learning ConceptTable 1 English vocabulary learning concept of junior middle school studentsCategory subject junior middle school students (150)Concept repeated memory 2.01 and 0.43context 1.77 and 0.33Practical application 1.65 and 0.38Based on the investigation of English vocabulary learning beliefs of junior middle school students, the research finds that the concept is more consistent. Repeated memory > context > actual use. The statistical results show that junior middle school students generally accept the view that words are learned by rote(M=2. 01, SD=0.43). This phenomenon is related to some domestic scholars in China, Wang Wenyu (1998) investigated the vocabulary learning of the third grade students in 100 universities, The results show that students don't believe in "natural acquisition of words". Some western scholars (Krashen, 1989; Parry, 1991) also advocates the idea of reading vocabulary naturally through extensive reading, the author thinks that the main reasons are:1. Junior high school students are influenced by the traditional Chinese language learning theories and practices. Recitation is a traditional study in our country.2. Junior high school students are restricted by the environment and conditions of learning English vocabulary. In the basic educational stage, many schools proposed to teaching efficiency. Too focused on the grammar and the sentence teaching, ignored the teaching of English vocabulary itself.4.2 The Overall Situation of Each StrategyTable2 The operational frequency of middle school students English vocabulary learning strategiesStrategy Subject Numbers Mean value Standard deviationMetacognitivestrategies Pre-planning 150 1.63 0.35Autonomous learning 150 1.55 0.32Self evaluation 150 1.56 0.24Cognitivestrategies Repeat 150


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