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题型安排旧六级阅读: 四篇文章,每篇5道题,总共20道题。每题2分,总分40分。 包含:自然科技文章、社会、说明和一轮文章 题型: 主旨题 细节题新六级阅读: 十五分钟做一篇快速阅读,长度约1千-一千五百单词左右。后有十道题,4道判断是非题,后6道是主观填空题。出题人强调的是挖掘信息同时以自己话写出来的能力,同时考到写作能力。 考察2个能力:快速查找能力;改写原文的能力CET-6 新六级阅读第二部分: 题型:简短回答问题;选词填空 选词填空:350-400个词,10个单词被挖取为空格,给出15个词选出10个填入空格中。 简短回答问题:350-400个词,后面五道题均为开放式问法。常问细节东西 考察方向:快速阅读文章的能力和改写文章的能力题型安排 新六级阅读第三部分: 两篇文章,每篇400-450字,每道题两分,分值20分。 阅读是一个最传统最综合的模式,既考察宏观又考察微观 可以利用阅读理解的选择题去联系快速阅读和简答题题型安排 总体来说,新旧六级区别: 第一:新六级题型变得复杂,不同题型考察的思维习惯是不同的,需要时间去适应。 可以用原来的阅读理解的题型来练习,但同时也要把那一方面的能力加以练习。 第二:篇幅变得巨大,从2000年后,文章篇幅不断加长,400增至450 和480单词,大纲规定的100单词/分提高到120单词/分。 大纲规定的速度也提高了。多了一千多个单词而时间却没有改变,对速度要求越来越可怕了。题型安排六级和考研的区别:考研阅读文章长度是450-500字之间,每篇文章花费的平均时间是15分钟,而六级每篇阅读文章可能就8-9分钟。六级强调考察的是速度,考研英语注重考察的是深度和精度。六级和四级的区别:整体阅读系统没有太大的本质区别,但是四六级还是有个非常大的区别,主要体现在两点:第一:四级选项中可能含有原文单词。六级选项中一旦带有完整不变的原文单词,那这个选项成功的概率非常低第二:四级的阅读理解很多直接问的是某段第一句话,六级的有些题目出现在第一句,也有相当部分出现别的地方。文章内部结构词汇大纲要求5500单词100多常用词组长难句一篇文章4分钟看文章,4分钟做题文章结构难文章看不懂还猜对了4道题?容易文章看懂了还错四道题?看不懂的文章分析力加强看到简单文章掉以轻心一篇文章如果话题简单,则论证逻辑特别复杂文章结构形成六级考试的第二要求文章结构分析 文章结构的包含两个方面 一是文章的主旨和段落主旨 二是句子之间关系 三是作者意图和态度的考察,(如论证文,议论文)作者在写文章时带有立场阅读方法三种不同的阅读方法如何处理文章的方法取决于任务的要求第一种:扫读 scanning:scanning的过程只是在查找,所以,在这个时候,所有词汇都蜕变为符号。的过程只是在查找,所以,在这个时候,所有词汇都蜕变为符号。定位词是个符号,原文所有词都是符号。scanning是个符号对应的过程。眼睛如探照灯,同时扫过好几行找符号。在这个过程中绝对不可以对任何一句话做任何的理解(考眼力)适合查找第二种:跳读 skimming在跳读之前大概知道哪些是重要的哪些是次要的第三种:精读 intensive reading绝对不可逐句精读,应该选句精读阅读文章时一定会把三种阅读方法柔和在一起,根据题目要求不同,程度不同,角度不同去处理文章Exercise1. What is said to be the best way to conserve energy nowadays?A Raising efficiently. B Cutting unnecessary costs.C Finding alternative resources D Sacrificing some personal comforts. Forget the old idea that conserving energy is a form of self-denial riding bicycles, dimming the lights, and taking fewer showers. These days conservation is all about efficiency: getting the same or better results from just a fraction of the energy. When a slump in business travel forced Ulrich Rmer to cut cost costs at his family-owned hotel in Germany, he replaced hundreds of the hotels wasteful light bulbs, getting the same light for 80 percent less power. He bought a new water boiler with a digitally controlled pump, and wrapped insulation around the pipes. Spending about 100,000 on these and other improvements, he slashed his 90,000 fuel and power bill by 60,000. As a bonus, the hotels lower energy needs have reduced its annual carbon emissions by more than 200 metric tons. “For us, saving energy has been very, very profitable,” he says. “And most importantly, were not giving up a single comfort for our guests.” Efficiency is also a great way to lower carbon emissions and help slow global warming. But the best argument for efficiency is its cost or, more precisely, its profitability. Thats because quickly growing energy demand requires immense investment in new supply, not to mention the drain of rising energy prices.2. What does the European Union plan to do? A Diversify energy supply. B Cut energy consumption. C Reduce carbon emissions. D Raise production efficiency. No wonder efficiency has moved to the top of the political agenda. On Jan. 10, the European Union unveiled a plan to cut energy use across the continent by 20 percent by 2020. Last March, China imposed a 20 percent increase in energy efficiency by 2020. Even George W. Bush, the Texas oilman, is expected to talk about energy conversation in his State of the Union speech this week.阅读习惯 阅读习惯在很多层面上决定着阅读效率高还是不高 阅读时情不自禁用嘴巴念,此时意思跟不上,速度跟不上,阅读时嘴巴不要发声,阅读时默念。 阅读时指读,不符合我们的阅读习惯 阅读时翻译,只有到精读时最多去翻译一下,在精读时做翻译也是不好的基本题型 五种基本题型: 细节题:问一句话,查找的过程和读取的过程 查找的方法:按照关键线索单词去查找,关键词可能会被同义词替换 关键词不一定存在;按顺序去查找,出题顺序和行文顺序大体一致,正确答案多是原词的同义替换词(针对原文的一点、一句话、一个词组)直接细节、推理题(因果(针对原文的一点、一句话、一个词组)直接细节、推理题(因果推理推理找as/because/since和暗示题和暗示题imply)例如:推理题:31. It is implied that fifty years ago _ .A) eighty percent of American working people were employed in factoriesB) twenty percent of American intellectuals were employeesC) the percentage of intellectuals in the total work force was almost the same as that of industrial workersD) the percentage of intellectuals working as employees was not so large as that of industrial workers(反推)Ours has become a society of employees. A hundred years or so ago only one out of every five Americans at work was employed, i. e., worked for somebody else. Today only one out of five is not employed but working for himself. And when fifty years ago being employed meant working as a factory labourer or as a farmhand, the employee of today is increasingly a middle-class person with a substantial formal education, holding a professional or management job requiring intellectual and technical skills. Indeed, two things have characterized American society during these last fifty years: middle-class and upper - class employees have been the fastest-growing groups in our working population-growing so fast that the industrial worker, that oldest child of the Industrial Revolution, has been losing in numerical importance despite the expansion of industrial production.:直接细节题 34. According to the writer, professional knowledge or skill is _ . A) less important than awareness of being a good employee(把句中话反过 来说)B) as important as the ability to deal with public relations C) more important than employer- employee relations D) as important as the ability to co- operate with others in the organization Yet you will find little if anything written on what it is to be an employee. You can find a great deal of very dubious advice on how to get a job or how to get a promotion. You can also find a good deal of work in a chosen field, whether it be the mechanist s trade or bookkeeping (簿记). Every one of these trades requires different skills, sets different standards, and requires a different preparation. Yet they all have employeeship in common. And increasingly, especially in the large business or in government, employeeship is more important to success than the special professional knowledge or skill. Certainly more people fail because they do not know the requirements of being an employee than because they do not adequately possess the skills of their trade; the higher you climb the ladder, the more you get into administrative or executive work, the greater the emphasis on ability to work within the organization rather than on technical abilities or professional knowledge. 推理题:在同一逻辑层面上,讲的是同样的事 一个推理题等于好几个细节题,推理题的做法是排除法 推理题题干可能有推理推断这个词:infer to 题干可能有学习这个词:learn 题干可能有学习这些词:know, why, reason 主旨题:询问本文的主要内容 The main idea of the passage,the best title, writing purpose, Sum up, summarize 三个最集中出现主旨句地方:开门见山的第一句话;第一段的后面;还有第二段的第一句话。exercise猜词题:这个词一定是超纲单词,需要客观的线索依据进行猜测转折关系。例如:六级很难,但是,找转折连词But, Yet, However。并列关系。例如:A and B,问A就把B内容填进去。六级中六级中and前后一定是一致的前后一定是一致的。解释关系。用because和从句in which等联系。态度题:这个态度是相当明确的,或者是支持或者反对或者是中立,永远不需要一些暧昧的态度Suspicious(怀疑的),indifferent(漠不关心的),envious(嫉妒的),affectionate (有感情的),neutral (中立的),approval, disapproval一定会通过一些具体的单词来表达背单词时要注意看例句,分清褒贬好坏等。基本题型 五种基本题型的重要性 细节题,推理题,主旨题是几乎所有文章都会包含的,细节题几乎占40%的篇幅推理题大约会占30%左右的篇幅 细节题非常重要,细节题做得好对推理题也有帮助


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