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This ruler is as long as that one.这把尺子和那把一样长。(变否定句)形容词分为三种等级:原级,比较级与最 高级。一、形容词的原级及用法This ruler is not as/so long as thatone.二、形容词比较级最高级变化规则形容词的原级(形容词本来面目不作变化)1单音节词比较级在词尾加er,最高级加 estrather(相当)(not) as as ( “ (不)像-样”,同级比较)not so as(“不像-样”,同级比较)nice ni cer ni cest latelater lateste.g. How happy we are! 我们多么高fine finer finest1. 表示没有进行比较或进行同级比较2. 可以修饰原级的词:very quiteenough( “足够”,用在形容词后)so pretty too howcold colder coldest talltaller tallesthigh higher highest longIon ger Ion gest比较级与最高级语法专以字母 e 结尾的词只加 r 或 st兴啊!3重读闭音节双写辅音字母再加 er 或estbig bigger biggesthot hotter hottestwet wetter wettest thin thinner thinnest red redder reddest fat fatter fattestsad sadder saddest4以辅音字母+y 结尾的词把 y 变 i 再加er 或 esteasy easier easiest early earlier earliestfunny funnier funniest happy happier happiestheavy heavier heaviest5多音节词、部分双音节词(特别是 ful结尾及 v.+ed/ing 构成的形容词 ) 及个 别单音节词 (fun) 在前面加 more 或 mostinteresting importantdifficult excitied tiredcareful popular expensiveboring fun6不规则变化little less least good / well better bestbad / ill / badly worse worstmany / much more mostold older oldest ( 年龄 大的 ,与 than 连用 )dirty dirtier dirtiestold elder eldest( “年长的”只作定语不与 than 连用 )4. 形容词比较级句式far farther farthest( 距离远 )far further furthest( 除距离外 , 还指程度上更进一步的 )副词比较级和最高级的变化规则大致与此相同三、比较级用法1. 表示两者之间进行比较,“更”2. 可以修饰比较级的词 : much = a lot(得多 )a little = a bit ( 一点点 ) even( 甚至 ) far( 远远) any ( 丝毫 , 稍微 , 用于否定和疑问句中 )1A + be +形容词的比较级 + tha n + B.(A 比 B)2Which/Who +be + 形容词比较级,A or B?( 哪个 / 谁更 , A 还是 B? )练习写出下列句子凯特很瘦。凯特和玛丽谁更瘦?玛丽比凯特更瘦。玛丽比凯特更瘦吗?是的 , 她是。这个书包和这个箱子不一样沉。 这个书包和这个箱子哪个更沉? 这个箱子比书包更沉。3. 比较级标志 : than or5.副词比较级句式:A+实义动词+副词的比较级+ than B. (A 得比 B)他是两个男孩中较高的。He s the2Which/Who +实义动词三单,A or B?(哪个/谁得更,A 还是 B?)练习写出下列句子自行车和轿车哪个走得快?轿车比自行车走得快。这只羊和这只狗跑得不一样快。这只羊比狗跑得快吗?吉姆比汤姆上床睡觉早。(上句同义句)6.比较级特殊用法:1-the +比较级+of the two-“两 tallerof the two boys.2“比较级+and+比较级”或“ moreand more +多音节词”越”他越来越高。taller.英语越来越重要more importa nt.3The+比较级,“越,越”你越快乐就越美丽。 The happier you are, themore beautiful you are.4-not +比较级+than-“不如,不比”“越来He s taller andEnglish is more andthe+比较级词的比较级+ than B. (A 得比 B)他是两个男孩中较高的。He s theno + 比较级+tha n- “一样都者中较的”不”You are not taller than me.不比我高You are no taller tha n me.一样都不高5比较级 +tha n any other +sig.+i n+ 同一范围比同一范围中其他任何一个更比较级+tha n any +sig.+i n+非同一范围比非同一范围中任何一个更She s n icer tha n any other girl in her class.她比班里其他任何一个女孩 都漂亮。(主语本身就在比较范围之中,因此是在 同一范围就主语与其他任何一个比较)sister s class .她比她妹妹班里任何一个女孩都漂亮。(主语不在该较范围之中,因此主语可以与该范围内任何一个作比较)该用法虽然出现了 in 所引导的比较范 围但是仍要用比较级,此成为用比较级 表示最高级,实质是最高级。四、最咼级用法1. 表示三者或三者以上的比较,“最”2. 形容词最高级前必须加 the,副词前的 the可以省略。3. 最高级标志:in of or4. 句式:the + 最高级 +(n.) + in +比较范围你和我She s ni cer tha nany girl in her我是我们班最聪明的。I m the2the +最高级+(n.) + of + 同类事物这本书是所有书中最有趣的。The bookis the most interesting of all the_books.3Which/Who +v.(单数)+ 最高级,A, B orC?Jay, Will 和 JJ 谁最收欢迎?Who isthe most popular, Jay, Will or JJ? _五、例题解析与难点攻克主语为人时 than 后面的比较对象若用代词用主格还是宾格?请判断正误:1. She looks ni cer tha n I do.()She looks ni cer tha n me.()Notes:than 可以作连词其后跟省略句,该省略句构成为(主格+助动词/be/情态 动词),而谓语部分可省略;than 还可以 作介词在口语中跟人称代词宾格主语为物时的比较对象的一致性问题2.Her hair is Ion ger tha n her mother.()Her hair is Ion ger tha n her mother s. ( )3.My bag is bigger tha n you. ( )My bag is bigger tha n your.cleverest in our class.She looks ni cer tha n I.My bag is bigger tha n your bag.than that of Shan ghai.()My bag is bigger tha n yours.()Notes:比较对象应与主语对等,当主语为限定词+n.时,than 后的其比较对象可为:1限定词+n.2名词所有格(一般省略其后相同的名词)3名词性物主代词(=形容词性物主代词+n.) mine yours his hers its ourstheirs4.The weather of Beiji ng is coldertha n Shan ghai.( )Notes:当主语有后置定语修饰时,为保证 比较对象一致,常用 that/thoes 指代比 较对象。比较范围5. The Changjing River is the Ion gest_ Chi na.The Changjing River is the Ion gest_ all the rivers in China.Notes:在最高级中,in 后跟比较范围,of 后跟进行比较的同类事物。6. China is larger than any country inAsia.()China is larger tha n any other( )country in Asia( )The weather of Beijing is colder同义句转换问题7.He is taller than anyone else in theclass.= He is taller _ _ _ studentin the class.= He is taller _ _ _students in the class.= He is the _ _ student in theclass.Notes: 同一范围内比较比较级 +than any other +sig.+in =比较级 +tha n anyone else +in = 比较级 +than the other +pl.+in(只有同一范围比较才能出现other/else)非同一范围内比较 比较级 +thanany+sig.+in that one.= That coat is _ than thisone.= That coatisn t _ big _this one.Notes: A+v.+ 比较级 +than+B (A比 B 更)= B+v.+ 比较级反义词 +than+A(B 比 A 更)=B+v.+not as(so) as (B 与 A 不一样)“less+多音节词原级+than”“不如” 降级比较= That coat is less expensive than thisone.Self Check8. This coat is more expensiver than1.Ifeel tired, so I want to go to bed most famous D.less famous_ tonight.5. Which season do you like _?A.early B.earlier C.lateD.later2.The food of our country is _ than thatof western countries.A.rather good than B.muchbetter thanC.more better than D.sogoos as3._ Theice in the lake is as _ as itSummer.A.goodB.wellC.thebetterD.best6.Lucy s pen is _ _ nicer than yoursA.tooB.moreC.quiteD.a little7. Is your brother as outgoing aswas before.A.thin B.thinnerC.thinnest Dthe thinnest4._Who isrunningstar in yourschool?A.less outgoing than meB.not so calm as IC. more outgoing than me D.asoutgoing as I8. How are you today? MuchA.famous B.more famous C.theyou? No, he s a quiet boy. He isA.good B.well C.betterD.the best9._ T om scard is newer than _.A.our B.her C.myD.his10. _ is more beautiful than roses.A. No other flower B. No another flowerC. Not other flower D. Not all flowers11._ Mary studiesharder _ in herclass.A. as any one B. than any other girl C. thanthe other D. than anyone1._ He is 3 times as_ (old) as me.2.I m too tired to go any_.(far)3._ Who is, Lily or Lucy?4._Tom is the(heavy)of thethree.5._ Tom is theofthe two boys.6._ Russia is (large) thananyother country in the world.7._ His computer is the_(expensive) of all.8.You are pretty_(beautiful).9._The book is_(useful)than that one.10._ Who s the_ (healthy) ,you, he or she?11._ How (small) the shirt is! Iwant a _ (big) one.12._ You have(short)and_ (curly) hair than Susan.13.Is this street a lot _ (noisy)than that one?14.Ifeel much _ (excited)now.15.Soccer is becoming _ and_ _(popalar) in China.16. My sister doesn t write as_ (good) as I do.17._The (much) you practice,the_ (good) your English will be.18._ No otheranimal is _ (scary)than a snake.19._Math is less_ (difficult)20._What a(funny) boy!21._Youre(bad) atsportsthan me.22.It s the third _ (long)river in China.1.Ihave a big bag. He has a small(合并)My bag is _ than _.2.You are funny. Hes funny, too.并)You are _ funny _ him.3.Tom is thinner than Sam. (句)=Sam is _ than Tom.=Sam isn t as _ as Tom.4.He and I are the same. We are quitebag.(合同义than English.boys. ( 合并 )He is _ quite _ I.5.They re tall. You re tall.too.But I m taller than anyone else.(合并)I m _ _ of all.


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