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智慧树知到大学英语(山东联盟)章节测试答案 智慧树知到大学英语(山东联盟)章节测试答案第一章1、 After a _physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.A:compromisedB:comprehensiveC:composedD:compiled正确答案:comprehensive2、Sam _ the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.A:instilledB:importedC:impactedD:inherited正确答案:inherited3、 A bee that has found honey is able to _ to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.A:transmitB:transferC:transformD:transport正确答案:transmit4、Some people believe that the earth can _ enough food to support at least twice its present population.A:resortB:submitC:yieldD:emerge正确答案:yield5、In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks_.A:in advanceB:on impulseC:in frontD:on purpose正确答案:in advance第二章1、Thanks to the _ of air transport, everyone is free to go anywhere at any time.A:efficiencyB:effectiveC:affectionD:reflection正确答案:efficiency2、The wedding ceremony of my sister was a very _ experience for our family.A:confidentB:ridiculousC:emotionalD:romantic正确答案:emotional3、The local government is pressed to find new places to _ wasteA:curbB:donateC:polishD:dump正确答案:dump4、Jennifer couldnt _ her tears when she saw the sick children at a new blood cancer center in Virginia.A:keep backB:keep up withC:strip offD:throw away正确答案:keep back5、Mary was a careful speaker; every word seemed to have been _ before it was allowed to escape through her lips.A:polishedB:preparedC:advancedD:achieved正确答案:polished第三章1、If a company decreases health benefits for its employees, they should increase salaries to _ the workers.A:competeB:compensateC:compareD:connect正确答案:B2、Some of your suggestions have been _, but others have been turned down as they are not workable.A:adaptedB:adeptC:adjustedD:adopted正确答案:adopted3、I find it very difficult to _ the fact that two of our best students failed the exam.A:stand outB:set upC:account forD:add to正确答案:account for4、We have sent our union _ to look into the case and see who is responsible.A:representativeB:characteristicC:characterD:massive正确答案:representative5、The key to an effective presentation is to state your points clearly and _ each of your points at the end of your presentation.A:modernizeB:summarizeC:characterizeD:specialize正确答案:summarize第四章1、Fortunately, the accident didnt_many people, for there was little traffic at that hour.A:involveB: concernC:damageD: harm正确答案:involve2、She her ambition of becoming a fashion designer after years of hard work.A:claimedB: fulfilledC:changedD:accepted正确答案:fulfilled3、The duties to provide services for children in need are not to the local social services department.A:foundB:advocatedC:resistedD: confined正确答案:confined4、This rule should be entirely clear in the minds of everyone and should not be misunderstood under any_.A:conditionB:circumstanceC:guidanceD:part正确答案:circumstance5、 My daughter was shy; she was afraid to ask questions, _to questions in class, or talk with other children.A:respondB: judgeC: improveD:appear正确答案:respond第五章1、We all admitted that the trip was worthwhile after we saw a _ palace and a fantastic museum.A:significantB:flexibleC:indispensableD:magnificent正确答案:magnificent2、Shops try to meet the DIY fashion by offering consumers parts and hardware which they can _ at home.A:assembleB:collectC:processD:operate正确答案:assemble3、According to the terms of your _, you must give three months notice if you intend to leave this company.A:issueB:manualC:contractD:record正确答案:contract4、It was _ that the professors lecture failed to impress the students as some of them had left before it was over.A:preciseB:apparentC:permanentD:arbitrary正确答案:apparent5、The local government has been providing _ support to them, without which they couldnt have been so successful.A:controversialB:essentialC:substantialD:potential正确答案:substantial第六章1、The difficult curriculum, and fierce competition have a serious on students physical and mental health.A:done harmB: taken tollC:caused damageD:had effect正确答案:taken . toll2、Animal fats and sugar to a weight problem and can be a factor in heart disease.A:yieldB:causeC:contributeD:amount正确答案:contribute3、Thousands of miles apart, we met with quarrels, and sometimes even a cold war, but we still to love.A:hold onB:keep onC:count onD:get on正确答案:hold on4、Encourage your child to reach a(n) between what he wants and what you want.A:harmonyB: agreementC:balanceD:compromise正确答案:compromise5、Competition in the financial market has profits.A:erodedB: increasedC:boostedD:corrupt正确答案:eroded第七章1、Nowadays all governments try their best to serve their people and fight against _.A:corruptionB:enemiesC:environmentD:efficiency正确答案:corruption2、Some students in our universiy have been _ for cheating on their final exams.A:forcedB:failedC:expelledD:tested正确答案:expelled3、We can use special machines to detect _money.A:falseB:wrongC:badD:fake正确答案:fake4、Its _ to break into peoples house to take pictures.A:impoliteB:illegalC:allowedD:punished正确答案:illegal5、Punishments for_ which is a form of intellectual dishonesty differ from country to country.A:stealingB:copyC:plagiarismD:absence正确答案:plagiarism第八章1、The bulletin board has become the childrens favorite, on which they often display their creative drawings.A:magnetB:magneticC:magneticallyD:magnetize正确答案:magnetic2、If students dont study their lessons as they were told, will show up quickly when they take an exam.A:deficiencyB:deficitC:deficienciesD:defect正确答案:deficiencies3、 A firefighter tried to get into the burning house, but he was forced to by the intense heat.A:retreatB:retreatingC:retreatedD:being retreated正确答案:retreat4、He carried the cup across the room, walking carefully for fear of the tea.A:spillB:spilledC:spillingD:being spilled正确答案:spilling5、 With this method, you can produce really designs with the simplest machines.A:elaboratelyB:elaborateC:elaborationD:elaborating正确答案:elaborate第九章1、I think I got serious about this only recently when I _ one of my former students, fresh from an excursion to Europe.A:ran intoB:ran forC:ran toD:ran in正确答案:ran into2、Perhaps language should be _ as a road map and valuable possession.A:looked forB:looked upC:looked atD:looked upon正确答案:looked upon3、In short, participation in sports is extremely _ for college students not only physically but also emotionally and socially.A:competentB:beneficialC:preciseD:allergic正确答案:beneficial4、Too much _ to dirty air can cause people to suffer from allergies and diseases that will eventually affect peoples health.A:exerciseB:experienceC:exposureD:expense正确答案:exposure5、The mayor decided to _his speech in order to leave enough time for his audience to raise questions.A:condenseB:condemnC:composeD:conclude正确答案:condense第十章1、 In our class, most discussions and activities take place in assigned small groups. These groups provide a supportive and safe environment that learning.A:promotesB:encouragesC:enlightensD:inspires正确答案:promotes2、It is the development strategy of the company toits overseas expansion in order to take a slice of the world market.A:makeB:accelerateC: openD:boost正确答案:accelerate3、 There is a real need to academic achievement in schools and help with the development of a students overall character.A: enlargeB:boostC:explodeD:make正确答案:boost4、Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew from his imagination rather than from, reason and language.A:representB: simplifyC:clarifyD:analysis正确答案:analysis5、Being a single parent, there is no way for her to _the time and energy she has devoted to her children for the past 10 years.A:detectB:plusC:calculateD: take正确答案:calculate第十一章1、 It is _ for every family to make earthquake emergency plans and know how to leave the area during the chaos following an earthquake.A:sensibleB:sensitiveC:sensationalD:sentimental正确答案:sensible2、People who were born _ to the 60s or 70s in the last century tended to become financially independent earlier.A:seniorB:juniorC:priorD:inferior正确答案:prior3、Horror and doubt _ his troubled thoughts.A:attractB:concentrateC:distractD:appeal正确答案:distract4、Economists are interested in all the factors that can help to _ the extent to which a price change will affect supply and demand in the market.A:labelB:predictC:witnessD:restore正确答案:predict5、The committee agreed that his papers _ a wider circulation because of their essential and fundamental interest to a larger audience.A:proceedB:grantC:lodgeD:deserve正确答案:deserve第十二章1、We are too young to tie the _.A:cuteB:marriageC:knotD:bond正确答案:knot2、She was not _to his personality, but she was scared.A:staleB:disgustC:likeD:immune正确答案:immune3、His "bad boy' image was just too _to resist.A:temptingB:ambitiousC:romanticD:charm正确答案:tempting4、I really loved him but was _about our chances for success.A:weirdB:boringC:disapproveD:pessimistic正确答案:D5、Sam is always a perfect gentleman and _a lot of credit for that.A:bloomB:weaveC:deservesD:confess正确答案:C第十三章1、Many drivers think that most passengers are very pleasant, although occasionally they can be .A:nastilyB:nastyC:friendlyD:warm正确答案:B2、Sales of the new drug will be until more tests are completed.A:suspendedB:continuingC:suspendD:suspension正确答案:C3、Our union leaders want to a good working relationship between the government and labor unions.A:cementingB:cementC:weakenD:impair正确答案:B4、On television, we can see many demonstrations against the ever-growing between the "super rich' and the "struggling middle class'.A:crackB:separationC:blankD:gap正确答案:D5、The soldiers were in need of food and medical supplies. Otherwise, they could only resist for two days.A:urgentB:urgencyC:urgentlyD:emergency正确答案:C第十四章1、Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary importance, its potential role in _ innovative acts cannot be ignored.A:motivateB:motivatingC:to motivateD:motivated正确答案:B2、Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21st century and their _ birth rates have also posed problems.A:floatingB:fluctuatingC:flowingD:drifting正确答案:B3、People are concerned about the environment issue because air and water pollution not only affects everyones health but also makes it difficult for businesses to _.A:rewardB:benefitC:profitD:award正确答案:C4、To illustrate my point of view, I would like to _ from a source that many of us find more authoritative than the words of a businessman.A:quoteB:quotationC:referD:reference正确答案:A5、These people living in this area are still _ their traditions which give their life meaning and help them in answering many questions.A:attached toB:revolving aroundC:coming in handyD:clinging to正确答案:D第十五章1、A gentle fog was beginning to _ the valley, thus making it more mysterious.A:coverB:climbC:flowD:veil正确答案:D2、The two countries failed to agree on everything but finally came to a(n) _.A:accommodationB:conclusionC:endD:result正确答案:A3、As a reader, you should know how to make _ in the choice of books.A:chooseB:discriminationC:selectD:difference正确答案:B4、In general, everyone is not _ to admit his dullness.A:disposedB:rightC:decideD:forced正确答案:A5、An out-of-court settlement was the largest _ he made.A:ideaB:decisionC:mindD:concession正确答案:D第十六章1、She was an excellent teacher, whose _courses on womens writing were very popular among the students.A:functionalB:optionalC:eternalD:external正确答案:B2、When I opened the album, I carefully examined every photograph in _ detail by wearing my reading glasses so as not to miss anything.A:minuteB:roughC:infiniteD:finite正确答案:A3、Smoking is campared to self-poisening and self-destroying, thus making the _ effects of smoking cigarettes trully alarming.A:beneficialB:advantageousC:favorableD:evil正确答案:D4、It will be up to the doctors judgement whether or not the organ can be successfully _ to the child who has been waiting for it.A:transferredB:transmittedC:transplantedD:transported正确答案:transplanted5、Teachers can no longer use their past experiences to prepare students for their career;_, our young people need to rely on themselves.A:henceB:althoughC:neverthelessD:despite正确答案:hence


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