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智慧树知到文学话语研读章节测试答案 智慧树知到文学话语研读章节测试答案第一章1、What has inspired James Joyce to write about disillusion?A.Domestic warB.Long-term mental painC.Irish political conditionD.Irish people答案: Irish people2、According to Grace, what can be affected by the ravage of alcohol?A.IndividualsB.Society C.Both A and B.D.Neither A nor B答案: Both A and B.3、What does World War I symobolize in Europe during the last century?(Choose all that apply.)A.The collapse of the old world order.B.Therebirth of the Eastern countries.C.The beginning of European decline.D.The birth of modernity.答案: The collapse of the old world order.,The birth of modernity.4、All the stories in Dubliners reflected Irish political turmoil.A.对B.错答案: 对5、We can identify world-wide human traits, for example, greed, envy, hypocrisy, hatred, love and so on, in James Joyces Dubliners.A.对B.错答案: 对6、Like illumined pearls the lamps shone from the summits of their tall poles upon the living texture below which, changing shape and hue unceasingly, sent up into the warm grey evening air an unchanging unceasing murmur. What time of day does this passage suggest?A.MorningB.EveningC.MidnightD.Afternoon答案: Evening7、In the story The Dead, the man finds out that in fact his wife has loved him more than anyone else.A.对B.错答案: 错8、From Joyces perspective, the political turmoil in Ireland was accompanied with the Independence War.A.对B.错答案: 对9、Which one is the main reason that led to James Joyces leaving Ireland?A.Disillusion with government policiesB.Disillusion with himselfC.Disillusion with Irish peopleD.All of the above答案: Disillusion with Irish people10、In A Painful Case, what does gallery of pleasure mean?A.Sexual relationshipB.Trust relationshipC.Dating relationshipD.None of the above答案: Sexual relationship第二章1、What caused Lawrences death?A.Lung DiseaseB.SuicideC.PoisonD.Heart Disease答案: Lung Disease2、Which of the following statements is not from Lawrence?A.I shall always be a priest of love.B.For man, as for flower and beast and bird, the supreme triumph is to be most vividly, most perfectly alive.C.There is no such thing as darkness; only a failure to see.D.The essential function of art is moral.答案: There is no such thing as darkness; only a failure to see.3、What does Lawrence mean by saying that life in our society is too visible?A.We put too much emphasis on visual phenomena.B.We put too much emphasis on luxuries.C.We dont value privacy enough.D.We lack the capacity of perception.答案: We put too much emphasis on visual phenomena.4、Which story illustrates Lawrences opinion towards the power of touch?A.Odour of ChrysanthemumsB.The Blind ManC.KangarooD.Sons and Lovers答案: The Blind Man5、Which of the following works was written by Lawrence?(Choose all that apply.)A.The Plumed SerpentB.DavidC.SunD.Glad Ghosts答案: The Plumed Serpent,David,Sun,Glad Ghosts6、D. H. Lawrence conducted critical studies on classic Asian literature.A.对B.错答案: 错7、All of D. H. Lawrences works make people feel depressed.A.对B.错答案: 对8、Lawrence was not a pornographer but a moral writer.A.对B.错答案: 错9、Odour of Chrysanthemums is actually about the replications and implications that the death of the husband has for the wife.A.对B.错答案: 对10、The mechanization of human society and the dehumanization of civilization can be seen in Odour of Chrysanthemums.A.对B.错答案: 对第三章1、Which of the following might be a possible reason for Bartlebys mental disorder considering the historical background?A.World War Is harm to civiliansB.Isolation caused by industrialization C.The outbreak of the smallpox plagueD.The mental stress caused by the Cold War答案: 2、In Billy Budd, which image did Claggart use to refer to Billy?A.MantrapB.LavenderC.Beluga whaleD.Pole Star答案: 3、In Bartleby, the Scrivener, the author described Bartleby as someone who obstinately refuses to go on doing the sort of writing demanded of him.A.对B.错答案: 4、When sitting in front of the desk, Bartleby was always facing the wall and this condition may be the reason of his depression.A.对B.错答案: 5、When sitting in front of the desk, Bartleby was always facing the wall and this condition may be the reason of his depression.A.对B.错答案: 6、Melville deliberately writes in a nonconformist way to avoid writing mechanically.A.对B.错答案: 7、At the end of Bartleby, the Scrivener, what is Bartlebys death associated with?A.The lawyerB.New YorkC.No oneD.Everyone答案: 8、Captain Vere disagreed with Billys action, but appreciated his spirit because he had to push himself in this special period after rebellion.A.对B.错答案: 9、The word depraved comes up repetitively in Billy Budd.A.对B.错答案: 10、It is Claggart who has become deprived as opposed to the beginning of the story where it is Billy who is described as deprived.A.对B.错答案: 第四章1、What did Conrad want to indicate by saying that The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness? (Choose all that apply.)A.We dont need to explain human actions by notions of good and evil.B.We dont need to explain human actions through God or Satan.C.Evil is within the individual himself rather than from exterior sources.D.If you are an atheist you are bound to be wicked.答案: 2、In the nineteenth century, what was used to explain intellectual differences?A.EnvironmentB.ParentsC.AncestorsD.Physical differences答案: 3、What is the theme of Heart of Darkness?A.Human psyche, moral and civilizationB.Imperialism C.ColonialismD.All of the above答案: 4、Which of the following statements about Heart of Darkness is correct? (Choose all that apply.)A.The deeper Marlow goes into the heart of the jungle, the deeper he explores within himself.B.The deeper Marlow goes into the heart of the jungle,the more he explores the human psyche, moral and civilization.C.Ivory symbolizes the wealth that European culture emphasizes and encourages. D.Ivory symbolizes the destructive nature of man .答案: 5、In terms of the scope of Conrads story Heart of Darkness, it can be termed as a/an_A.novellaB.short storyC.novelD.epic story答案: 6、Through Heart of Darkness, Conrad tells us that we need to explain human actions by notions of good and evil.A.对B.错答案: 7、In Heart of Darkness, Conrad concentrates more on human evil and mans inhumanity to man.A.对B.错答案: 8、Conrad believes that colonialism does more good than bad.A.对B.错答案: 9、In the nineteenth century, physical differences were used to explain intellectual differences.A.对B.错答案: 10、It is hard for non-native speakers to read Heart of Darkness because of the complexity of its language.A.对B.错答案: 第五章1、How did Gatsby establish his tremendous wealth at the beginning?A.Organized crime and bootleggingB.Family inheritanceC.Honest hardworkD.Brokerage答案: 2、What does the east egg stand for in the novel The Great Gatsby?A.A new class established by accumulating money in unfair waysB.The mystery and unknown for GatsbyC.Wealthy aristocratic family through inheritanceD.American dream答案: 3、Which of the following is not a similarity between The Great Gatsby and Heart of Darkness?A.Novella B.Isolation and alienation of the human individual C.Monosyllabic ungrammatical language D.A movement from the regular flicker to the constant flicker答案: 4、Consumerism is indicated in The Great Gatsby by all the following except _.A.Gatsbys shirts, motor cars and modern inventions B.the fascinating DaisyC.Gatsbys false identityD.the jungle答案: 5、Which collocation below is correct?A.Anti-heroes: Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby and Mistah Kurtz in Heart of DarknessB.Narrator and observer: Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby and Charles Marlow in Heart of Darkness C.Anti-heroes: Daisy in The Great Gatsby and Mistah Kurtz in Heart of DarknessD.Narrator and observer: Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby and Charles Marlow in Heart of Darkness答案: 6、The Great Gatsby is called The Modern American Novel.A.对B.错答案: 7、In The Great Gatsby, new money is represented by Gatsby who earned his wealth through criminal activities, while old money is represented by Tom who inherited his fortune from his family. Thus, old money is more respectable than new money.A.对B.错答案: 8、The American Dream is the dream of the self-made man who arrives in a new country and becomes extremely wealthy through his honest hard work and endeavor. Jay Gatsby is a representative of the American Dream.A.对B.错答案: 9、Both The Great Gatsby and Heart of Darkness areA.novelsB.novellasC.short storiesD.tragedies答案: 10、Which of the following statements about The Great Gatsby and Heart of Darkness is correct?A.Most of the major characters in the two books are phantoms of lost ideals.B.The American Dream in The Great Gatsby is built upon honesty and hardwork.C.They both convey the isolation and alienation of human individuals.D.Shallow consumerism is epitomized by Daisy in The Great Gatsby.答案: 第六章1、Which description below about Jonathan Harker is incorrect?A.He happily marries Mina in the end.B.He tries to eradicate vampires from Europe.C.He finally resists the temptation from the three vampires.D.He stands for Victorian values.答案: 2、Which description below about Jonathan Harker is incorrect?A.He happily marries Mina in the end.B.He tries to eradicate vampires from Europe.C.He finally resists the temptation from the three vampires.D. He stands for Victorian values.答案: 3、The character Van Helsing is _.A.a vulgar man B.a man of scienceC.a randy manD.a man of superstition答案: 4、One of Stokers intentions in writing Dracula was to help avoid the collapse of Victorian society. He fought against it using the following methods except .A.scientific invention B. resisting temptationC.indulging in secular enjoymentsD.excluding the Other答案: 5、In the novel, Dracula is a figure of many interpretations except .A.a representative of feudalism B.a haunting existenceC.the Other in the Victorian societyD.a figure of superstition答案: 6、There is a strong misogynist current in the novel Dracula.A.对B.错答案: 7、Prostitution was legal in Victorian Britain.A.对B.错答案: 8、Stoker manages to hide sexuality by using non-existent creatures like vampires in Dracula.A.对B.错答案: 9、Which of the following descriptions about Dracula is incorrect?A. Dracula is a representative of feudalism.B.The purposes of Stocker in writing Dracula are to present the confrontation between scientific spirit and superstition and to show that science ultimately triumphs.C.The Vampire Dracula has neither reflection nor shadow in the novel.D. Mina is considered the epitome of virtue and womanhood in Dracula.答案: 10、Then the beautiful eyes of the fair women open and look love, and the voluptuous mouth present to a kiss - and man is weak. Which interpretation of the sentence is correct?A.It is an expression of male anxieties.B.Man is weak and needs help to resist temptation.C.The women in Victorian times were all extremely attractive in sexuality.D.Males in Victorian society were frightened of the progress of women and the fact that a woman would have her own sexual appetite.答案: 第七章1、What might be the principal intention of political writing?A.To teach people and give them inspirationsB.To delight readersC.To instigate a riotD.All of the above答案: 2、Which of the following is NOT the reason why James Joyce can be regarded as political in Dubliners?A.The stories are influenced by Irish nationalism.B.Politics is the only theme of the short stories in Dubliners. C.The stories are influenced by Parnell.D.His intention was to awaken people who were in paralysis. 答案: 3、Which of following elements is NOT contained in Dubliners?A.Paralysis of DublinersB.Absence of loveC.Positive relations and compassionD.Nationalism and political inspirations答案: 4、Why did D. H. Lawrence have a bad reputation throughout his life?A.He was persecuted for being a pornographer because of the sexual descriptions in his works.B.There was something inelegant in his life habits.C.He is politically reactionary.D.He broke the law.答案: 5、What might be a possible explanation to D. H. Lawrences sexual descriptions? (Choose all that apply.)A.He was just describing his point of view on sex, sexuality, women and life.B.He was reflecting on his times and describing sex as one part of human society.C.He just wanted to make money through pornography.D.He tried to cater for the reader.答案: 6、What is the constant theme of Dubliners?A.EpiphanyB.ConfessionC.SuperficialityD.Religious oppression答案: 7、In the short story Two Gallants, Corey holds up the coin like a knight who has found the grail. What might be the best interpretation?A.It mocks at the hypocritical society.B.It alludes to the recovery of conscience.C.It emphasizes the degeneration of morals .D.It is simply a description of action.答案: 8、James Joyce portrayed moments of extreme personal crisis and intense personal reflections in Dubliners.A.对B.错答案: 9、Which of the following is an embodiment of spiritual paralysis in Joyces Dubliners?A.Disillusionment of loveB.Imprisonment of marriageC.Barriers of communicationD.All of the above答案: 10、In Dubliners, the paralysis of local peoples spiritual life is principally interpreted in terms of religion, politics, emotion and psychology.A.对B.错答案: 第八章1、Which of the following could be interpreted as Bartlebys resistance?A.His refusing to writeB.His reply I would prefer not to.C.His refusing to workD.All of the above答案: 2、Which of the following was not written by Herman Melville?A.Bartleby, the ScrivenerB.Billy BuddC.Moby DickD.Heart of Darkness答案: 3、What does the horror, the horror mean?A.The world is strange.B.It refers to the darkness of humans heart.C.The character is in danger.D.African people are very cruel.答案: 4、Which of the following is not a feature of Heart of Darkness?A.It is difficult to understand.B.Its language is highly accessible.C.Its writer is not a native English speaker.D.It was written by Joseph Conrad.答案: 5、Which of the following ideas is not conveyed in Heart of Darkness?A.White people are always civilized.B.The exploitation of African people is very inhuman. C.The wealth of white people is accumulated by exploiting the colonized.D.The white have destroyed the environment of Africa.答案: 6、Herman Melvilles personal experience has important influence on his creation. For example, sailor Billy Budd was inspired by his previous career of sailing, and his dislike to write in the way other people wrote is pretty much like Bartlebys refusal of copying.A.对B.错答案: 7、Which of the following counterparts is principally presented in Billy Budd?A.Justice and lawB.Industrialization and humanityC.Freedom and moralityD.Feudalism and capitalism答案: 8、There are many difficult, rarely-used and enigmatic words in Heart of Darkness which are completely attributed to the authors identity as a non-native English speaker.A.对B.错答案: 9、In the end, Marlow kind of respected Kurtz because he understood that Kurtz finally realized the reason for his death and the eventual tragedy.A.对B.错答案: 10、In Heart of Darkness, Conrad reveals that there is little difference between so-called civilized people and savages and the evil in human heart is but a thought.A.对B.错答案: 第九章1、Which one of the following is a constant theme of The Great Gatsby?A.DisillusionB.ConfessionC.EpiphanyD.Religious oppression答案: 2、Fitzgerald considered all the following titles for the novel The Great Gatsby except _?A.The High-Bouncing LoverB.On the Road to West EggC.Trimalchio in East EggD.Trimalchio答案: 3、Whats the similarity shared by The Great Gatsby and Dubliners?A.Both of them denounced the bourgeoisie.B.Both of them were written in the early 20th century.C.Both of them have narrators.D.Both of them criticized the imperialists.答案: 4、Which one of the following might be a possible interpretation of the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg? (Choose all that apply.)A.Simply an advertisementB.A God-like watcherC.A moral compassD.The embodiment of beauty答案: 5、Which one of the following best describes the character of Nick?A.CompassionateB.FrivolousC.Humorous D.Rigorous答案: 6、Why does James Gatz change his name into Jay Gatsby?A.He wants to conceal the fact that he was once a bootlegger.B.Gatsby is a more noble and recognizable surname. C.Gatsby hates the sound of his original name.D.He wants to impress Dan Cody, an extremely wealthy retired miner and yacht owner.答案: 7、Why does Gatsby always get phone calls?A.He is talking secretly to Daisy.B.He is arranging fabulous parties through phone calls.C.His phone calls are probably about some illegal business.D.He constantly receives warnings of his business.答案: 8、Which of the following is wrong about Myrtle Wilson?A.She is stunningly beautiful.B.She is snobby and attracted to dominant men.C.She is content with the status quo.D.She has smoldering vitality.答案: 9、The eradication of Dracula can be a symbol ofcastration.A.对B.错答案: 10、Fitzgerald won the Nobel Prize of Literature for The Great Gatsby.A.对B.错答案:


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