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Unit 2Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!I think that mooncakes are delicious!Section A(1a-2d)Section A(1a-2d).重点单词重点单词/ /短语识记短语识记1.mooncake 1.mooncake n.n. 2.lantern 2.lantern n. n. 3.3. n.n.亲戚亲戚4.4. n.n.磅磅; ;英镑英镑5.strange adj.5.strange adj. n.n.陌生人陌生人月饼月饼灯笼灯笼relativerelativepoundpoundstrangerstranger6.go to.for vacation6.go to.for vacation 7.7. 在外面吃饭在外面吃饭8.8. 增加增加( (体重体重););发胖发胖9.9. 从从到到10.10. 与与相似相似11.11. 冲走冲走12.12. 拥有好运拥有好运去去度假度假eat outeat output onput onfrom.to.from.to.be similar tobe similar towash awaywash awayhave good luckhave good luck.重点句型重点句型13.Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting 13.Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting . . (watch).( (watch).(用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空)14.14. (What/What a/How/How a)great day!(What/What a/How/How a)great day!(选词填空选词填空)15.Bill wonders 15.Bill wonders (whether / that)theyll have zongzi again (whether / that)theyll have zongzi again next year.( next year.(选词填空选词填空)16.Bill and Mary believe 16.Bill and Mary believe (whether / that)theyll be back (whether / that)theyll be back next year to watch the races.( next year to watch the races.(选词填空选词填空)17.17.两周后我将去清迈。两周后我将去清迈。 Im going to Chiang Mai Im going to Chiang Mai . .to watchto watchWhat aWhat awhetherwhetherthatthatinintwotwoweeksweeksput onput on增加增加( (体重体重););发胖发胖Ive put on five pounds! Ive put on five pounds! 我都胖了我都胖了5 5磅了磅了! ! put onput on动词短语动词短语, ,意为意为“增加增加( (体重体重););发胖发胖”, ,其反义短语为其反义短语为lose lose weight “weight “减肥减肥” ” 。You need to eat more to put on some weight.You need to eat more to put on some weight.你需要多吃点以增加体重。你需要多吃点以增加体重。1.put on1.put on的其他用法的其他用法: : (1) (1)穿上穿上; ;戴上戴上 He put on his coat and went out. He put on his coat and went out.他穿上外套出去了。他穿上外套出去了。 (2) (2)上演上演 They put on a short play at the party yesterday. They put on a short play at the party yesterday. 昨天他们在晚会上演了一个短剧。昨天他们在晚会上演了一个短剧。2.2.与与putput有关的其他短语有关的其他短语: : put out put out扑灭扑灭, ,熄灭熄灭put upput up张贴张贴 put off put off推迟推迟; ;拖延拖延 put awayput away收拾好收拾好1.Oh,my god.I 1.Oh,my god.I 2 kg this month.2 kg this month. Dont worry.Its normal for a growing teenage girl. Dont worry.Its normal for a growing teenage girl. A.put up A.put upB.put offB.put off C.put on C.put onD.put downD.put down2.On the morning of the Spring Festival,children cant wait to 2.On the morning of the Spring Festival,children cant wait to their new clothes.their new clothes. A.put on A.put onB.put upB.put upC.put awayC.put away3.How beautiful the mountain is!Id like to 3.How beautiful the mountain is!Id like to a tent there.a tent there. Youd better not. Youd better not. A.put on A.put onB.put offB.put offC.put upC.put up辨析辨析whetherwhether与与ififBill wonders whether theyll have zongzi again next year.Bill wonders whether theyll have zongzi again next year.比尔想知道明年他们是否还吃粽子。比尔想知道明年他们是否还吃粽子。 I wonder if its similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in I wonder if its similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.Yunnan Province.我想知道它是否与云南省傣族的泼水节相似。我想知道它是否与云南省傣族的泼水节相似。词条词条相同点相同点不同点不同点whetherwhether意为意为“是否是否”, ,都能引导宾语都能引导宾语从句从句, ,常置于常置于see,ask,learn,tell,wonder,see,ask,learn,tell,wonder,doubt,finddoubt,find out out等动词或词组等动词或词组之后。之后。He asked me weather/if I He asked me weather/if I knew knew Mr.GreenMr.Green. .他问我是否认他问我是否认识格林先生。识格林先生。whetherwhether可以与可以与or notor not连用连用, ,if if 则不可。则不可。Im not sure whether he Im not sure whether he will come or not.will come or not.我不确我不确定他是否来。定他是否来。ifififif可引导条件状语从句可引导条件状语从句, ,whetherwhether则不可。则不可。If he is If he is free,hefree,he will will help us.help us.如果他有空如果他有空, ,他将他将帮助我们。帮助我们。1.Tony wonders 1.Tony wonders or not he can go out with friends.or not he can go out with friends. A.that A.thatB.ifB.ifC.whetherC.whether2.Excuse me,I wonder 2.Excuse me,I wonder . Yes,its near the bookstore. Yes,its near the bookstore. A.where we will go for the holiday A.where we will go for the holiday B.if there is a lost and found office B.if there is a lost and found office C.when she will give me a call C.when she will give me a call D.how we can go to Hong Kong D.how we can go to Hong Kong


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