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Unit 2 Great People Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”Unit 2 Great PeopleLesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”单单词词闯闯关关1. 采用;引进;推行采用;引进;推行_(v.)_2. 领导者;领袖领导者;领袖_(v.)_3. 生产;出产生产;出产_生产,制造;产量生产,制造;产量(n.) _4. peanut_5. variety _6. super _ introductionleaderleadproduce花生introduceproduction品种;变化超级的短短语语互互译译1. 从那时开始从那时开始_2. 同同一起一起_3. 想出;提出想出;提出_4. 允许某人做某事允许某人做某事_5. in ones spare time _since thentogether withcome up withallow sb. to do sth.在某人的业余时间Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”短短语语互互译译6. Father of Hybrid Rice _7. in the 1960s _8. work on _9. become known as _10. spend(in) doing sth. _在20世纪60年代致力于作为而出名杂交水稻之父花费做某事Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”句句型型在在线线1. 在梦里,他种植了一种像花生一样大的新型水稻。在梦里,他种植了一种像花生一样大的新型水稻。In the dream, he grew a new type of rice that was _ _ a peanut.2. 20世纪世纪60年代,在他完成了大学的农业学习之后的几,年代,在他完成了大学的农业学习之后的几,他提出了杂交水稻的想法。他提出了杂交水稻的想法。In the 1960s, a few years _ he finished his studies inagriculture at university, he _ _ _ _ for hybrid rice.afterasanwithbigascameupideaLesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”句句型型在在线线3. 从那时开始,他花费大量时间来研究和开发新品种。从那时开始,他花费大量时间来研究和开发新品种。_ _, he has_ much of his timeresearching and developing new varieties.4. 在在1980年,杂交水稻这项技术被引进到美国,后来年,杂交水稻这项技术被引进到美国,后来(被引进被引进到世界上许多其他国家。到世界上许多其他国家。In 1980, the technology for hybrid rice_ _ the United States and, later, to many other countries_ _ _SincethethenspentwasintroducedaroundtoLesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”world句句型型在在线线5. 由于袁博士的努力工作,如今中国每年都能生产足够多的水由于袁博士的努力工作,如今中国每年都能生产足够多的水稻来养活它的人民。稻来养活它的人民。_ _ Dr. Yuans hard work, China now producesenough rice every year to_ its people.6. 在业余时间,袁博士喜欢拉小提琴和听音乐。在业余时间,袁博士喜欢拉小提琴和听音乐。_ _ _ _, Dr. Yuan lovesPlaying the violin and listening to music.BecausespareoffeedInhistimeLesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”词汇点睛 1 introduction n. 采用;引进;推行观察 The introduction of this new product made China a leader in rice production.这种新品种的推行使得中国成为水稻生产的领导者。He makes introductions all round with a smile.他微笑着将在场的人一一做了介绍。Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”探究 introduction 还可译为“介绍,引见”,用作_名词。可数Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”拓展 introduction的动词形式为introduce。 introduce是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,表示“把自己介绍给别人时”,后面接反身代词。“introduce宾语介词to”表示“向某人介绍,把介绍给某人”;接介词into时,表示“传入,引进,采用”。它可以用于被动结构。活学活用 1First please allow me to make a short _ (introduce)introductonLesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”2 produce v. 生产;出产观察 China now produces enough rice every year to feed its people.如今中国每年都能生产足够的水稻来养活它的人民。This is an oil that no longer produces.这是一种不再生产的油。探究 produce既可用作_动词,也可用作_动词。当它用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作_语。及物/不及物不及物/及物Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”宾拓展 produce 还可用作不可数名词,意为“产品”,尤指“农产品”。 Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”辨析 produce, product与productionproduce指农业生产的产品;product指工业生产的产品;production 指产量或生产的动作,特指诗歌、雕刻、绘画等文学艺术作品(可数)。2(1)This factory _ (produce) this kind of engine. (2)Silk is _ (生产) in the south of China.produces/producedproducedLesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”句型透视1The plant allowed farmers to rest in its shade. 这种植物可以让农民在它的阴凉处休息。这种植物可以让农民在它的阴凉处休息。Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer” 探究 allow作动词,意为“允许”, 后面可以接动词不定式作宾语补足语,即_,意为“允许某人做某事”。My child is only allowed to watch TV for up to an hour a day.我的孩子每天只被允许最多看一个小时的电视。 allow sb. to do sth.Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer” 拓展 allow后面可以接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。Its not good to go to the Internet bar. We dont allow that in our school. 去网吧不好。我们学校不允许。活学活用 1. 2017南充 My parents dont allow me_ late. Astay up Bto stay up Cstays up Dstaying upBLesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”2Since then, he has spent much of his time researching and developing new varieties. 从那时开始,他花费大量时间来研究从那时开始,他花费大量时间来研究 和开发新品种。和开发新品种。Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer” 探究 (1)since then意为“_”,句子常用_ 时态。Since then, the boy has made a lot of progress. 从那时开始,那个男孩已经取得了很大进步。(2)spend 意为“花费”,常用结构为“spend time/money on sth.”和“spend time/money in doing sth.”, spend的主语是_, 其中in可以_。从那时开始现在完成Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”人省略 拓展 since既可作介词,也可作连词。后面接表示过去的时间点,可以是单词、短语,也可以是句子,句子常用现在完成时态。He has been in this school since last year. 自从去年以来他一直在这所学校。I have learned English since I was five. 自从我五岁以来我一直学习英语。Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer” 辨析 spend, take, pay与costLesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”spend意为意为“花费花费”。sb. spends some time/money (in) doing/on sth.意为意为“某人花费时间某人花费时间/金钱金钱做某事做某事”。主语是人。主语是人。take意为意为“花费花费”。It takes sb. some time to do sth.意为意为“做某事花费某人多长时间做某事花费某人多长时间”。pay意为意为“花费花费”。pay money for sb.意为意为“替某人付款替某人付款”;pay money for sth.意为意为“花钱买花钱买某物某物”。主语是人。主语是人。cost意为意为“花费花费”。sth. costs sb. some money意为意为“某物花费某人某物花费某人钱钱”。主语是物。主语是物。He spent two hours in reading/on the book.他花费了两个小时读这本书。It takes me half an hour to do my homework every day.我每天花费半个小时做作业。How much did you pay for the bicycle?你买那辆自行车花费了多少钱?The red sweater cost my sister 100 yuan.这件红毛衣花费了我姐姐100元。Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”2(1)Since then, Mary_ in the chess club. Abe Bis Cwas Dhas been (2)2017北京 Lily is my classmate. We_ each other since she came to our school. Aknow Bknew Chave known Dwill know DLesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”C(3)2017云南 Youd better_ more time talking with your parents so that they can understand you better.Aspend BtakeCcost Dpay(4)2017凉山 Wow, your sweater is very beautiful! Thank you. I bought it two days ago. It_ me $50. Atook BcostCpaid DspentALesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”B


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