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留学基金委试题Section 1Section 2Asking for information1. You are now studying at a British university. You have read a notice about a part-time job. Make a call to get more information. Ask questions about:Job requirements Duties/Responsibilities Hours per day/week Starting time Workplace length of the job Pay造句: Excuse me , I am a college student , I read the notice about your company , so I am calling to ask about the job. What is the job and requirements , what is my duties if I get the job? And , as a college student , I have to know how many hours do I have to work for , the starting time and the workplace , the length of the job . at last , may I know how is the pay ?2. You are now studying at a British university. You want to apply for a rail card which allows you to buy cheaper railway tickets. Make a call to the station to get information. Ask questions about:Types of the card Benefits Duration of the card Documents/ Proof needed Costs Restrictions Application deadlineHello , I am calling to know some information about applying for the rail card. What is the benefits of the rail card? how many types of card is there ? as I am a college student , is there a type fitting me ? how does the rail card cost ? is there some necessary documents to apply for the rail card ? and is there some restriction about the rail card ? what is the duration of the card and how is the application deadline?3. You have just arrived at a British university as a visiting scholar. You want to get some information about the schools health center. Make a call to the center and ask questions about:Opening hours (workdays/ weekends/ holidays) Location Setting Services provided Charges Appointments Ways of paymentExcuse me , I am a visiting scholar of the university and I am calling to know about the health center . can you tell me where is the health center ? what is the opening hours of workdays? Weekends and holidays? How many services does the health center provides ? how does it charges? How can I make a appointment ? at last , how many ways of payment does the health center provides ?4. You are invited to attend an international conference because a paper of yours on environmental protection is awarded a prize. Write an e-mail to the organizer of the conference and ask the following questions:Time for the meeting Venue for the meeting Need for speech Topics on the conference Documents/ certificates needed Speakers Costs accommodation and foodOrganizer : I am so honored to be invited to attend the conference. I am writing to ask about some information about the conference . firstly , when and where is the meeting held? Is there some need for speech ? and what is the topic on the conference ? is there any document or certificate needed ? who are the speakers on the conference ? at last , please allow me to ask about the cost , accommodation and food . / 5. As a visiting scholar, you are now conducting a research on modern western architecture in your university, and need to use the school library. Now make a phone call to the librarian and ask the following questions:Books related books that can be borrowed returning time library card photocopying opening hourHello , I am a visiting scholar of the university , I am looking for some books about western architecture , can you tell me is there some related books ? how many books can be borrowed ? and when is the returning time ?do I need to apply for a library card for borrowing books ? at last ,can you tell me where to do photocopy and what is the opening hour of the library?6. You are now studying at the University of Manchester. You want to join in a two-day tour to Scotland at a weekend. You learn that there is a travel agency, which offers different travel plans. Make a phone call to the agency and ask the following questions:Transportation travel schedule accommodation and food special local products travel documents to prepare costs for each person interesting places museums Hello , I want to make a two-day tour to Scotland and I hear about you offer such travel plans. Can you tell me some basic information about the travel plan? Firstly ,What is the transportation and the travel schedule ? how is the accommodation and food ? what is the special local products and interesting places such as museums ? at last , I want to know how much does it cost for each person and what kind of travel documents do I have to prepare ?7. You learn that a new movie is on general release and youd like to watch it in the cinema. Make a phone call to the cinema and ask the following questions: Days for screening screening schedule each day ticket types (e.g. full ticket, student ticket, or senior ticket) and cost for each original or dubbed film stars in it location of the cinema Hello , I hear there is a new movie is on general release , can you tell me what is the day for screening and the screening schedule of each day ? how many types do you offer ? how much does it cost ? how many stars are there in the movie ? at last , where is the cinema ?8. You are going to travel from Manchester to York, and you want to make a reservation at a guesthouse for your accommodation there. Now write an e-mail to a guesthouse and ask the following questions:Cost of accommodations location of the guesthouse food provision room facilities opening hours transportation to the guesthouse Dear servant: I want to make a reservation at your guesthouse, I am writing to know about some information . please tell me how much is the cost of accommodation ? how is the food provision and room facilities ? what is the opening hours? Where is the guesthouse and how can I get there? Yours guest9. You are going to be studying at a British college. You meet a student who studies in the same city as you hope to go to. Find out about the cheapest way to live there.Accommodation food entertainment transportation books discounts for students shoppingHello , I am glad to meet you ! can you tell me your experience of living in the city ? such an how is the accommodation and food ? is there some cheap entertainments? What is the cheapest way of transportation ? where can I buy books at the lowest price ? is there some discounts for students? Where is the cheapest shopping centre?10. You have just arrived at your college in Britain and you hear about a party to welcome new students. You would like to go, so you go to the Overseas Students Office to get some more details. Your interviewer works there.Organizer cost activities place time partner transportationExcuse me , I heard there is a party that welcome new students and I want to join it . so I am here to know about it . who is the organizer of the party and ?when and where is the party held? how much does it cost ? what kind of activities are there in the party ? how can I find a partner ? at last how can I get there ?11. You were absent from your writing class yesterday in which the students were given an assignment. Your interviewer is one of your classmates. Ask him/her about the assignment.Topic/content presentation submission date length title page place of submissionHi ! can you tell me the assignment of the writing class yesterday, I was absent then . what is the topic and the title of the assignment ?is there some limits in length ? what is the submission date and place of submission?12. You are a new student at a British college. You go to the Welfare Office to find out about health care provision in the UK. Your interviewer is a welfare officer there.Health care facilities public/private health care registration (doctor) medical insurance emergencies prescription/ medicine 13. You have just arrived at your college in London and want to find out about the capitals entertainment. Your interviewer is a British student. Ask him/her about it.Cinema pubs(酒店) sports theatre restaurants TVHi , can you tell me about entertainment of London ? is there some famous cinema to see films?how is the pubs? Is there some special restaurants ? which sport do you think is the most interesting ? and , which TV do people like watching?2008-01-0414. Renting a Car in AmericaYou have recently come to America to attend the University at Flagstaff, Arizona. You would like to rent a car to drive to the Grand Canyon to see the beautiful sights there before school starts. You call one of the companies that rent cars in Flagstaff to ask about the following information:Drivers license Deposit(保证金) requirement Daily rental cost Types of cars available Insurance Ways of paymentExcuse me , I want to rent a car to drive to the Grand Canyon. What kinds of cars do you offer? How much is the daily rental cost and the deposit requirement ? and what is the ways of payment ? at last , do you offer drivers license ?15. A Visa ExtensionYou are a student at California State University in USA, and you believe that you need to apply for an extension of your visa. You call the immigration office to ask about the following information:Application procedures Necessary documentation Cost of renewal Length of time needed to get renewal Office hour Transportation Excuse me , Im a oversea students at a university , and I want to apply for an extension of my visa, can you tell me about the application procedures? What necessary documentation do I have to prepare ? how long do it take to get a renewal ? how much is the cost of renewal ? what is the office hour and how can I get there ?16. Traveling in the UK Youre planning to travel for 2 weeks in Britain. Your friend used to study in Britain and has a lot of experience traveling there. Now make a phone call to your friend and ask him or her about the following information:Transportation Travel documents to prepare Weather Food Tourist attractions Souvenirs/ giftsHello , Tom ! I want to travel for 2 weeks in Britain , and I know you used to study there , so I am calling you to know some information. What kind of transportation is the best ? what documents do I have to prepare ? how is the weather there ? is there any delicious food I cant miss? How many tourist attractions are there ? at last , is there some proper souvenirs to buy for my friends ?17. Going to a PartyYou are now in America. A friend of yours has asked you to join him to go to a birthday party. Before you make a decision, you would like to ask about the following information:Date of the party Transportation Starting time Dress to wear Location Gifts to bringEh , whats the date of the party? Whats the transportation to get there ? when will the party begin ?what should I wear in the party ? where is the party held ?what gifts should I bring to the party ?18. Information about a Shopping Center You have been in America for only a few days. It is necessary for you to get some necessities. You ask your landlord about a shopping center nearby for the following information: Opening and closing time Ways of payment Location Discounts Transportation DeliveryExcuse me , I want to go to the shopping center , can you tell me about it ? where is the shopping center? How can I get there ? what is the opening and closing time of the shopping center ? how many ways of payment are there ? is there some discount for students? At last , how can I deliver my goods back ?19. Driving License One day when you are chatting with your American landlord, you come to the topic of transportation which arouses your interest in getting a driving license in America. So you ask your landlord about the following information: Age limit for application Tests involved Health requirement Cost Training courses License validity Is there age limit for applying a driving license ? how many tests are involved in the application?is there any health restrictions ? how much does it cost ? what training courses are offered ? how long is the license validity?21. Going to a Football Match You have been in Britain for a few weeks. You would like to watch a football match with your British friends. So you ask them about the following information: Ways to get a ticket Football Stars Ticket prices Starting time Teams involved TransportationHow much is the ticket and where can I buy one ? when will the match start? Which football teams is match held between ?How many football stars are there in the match ? how can we get there ?22. Renting an Apartment You have just arrived in Arizona State University. You have read the ads about several large apartment buildings which are very close to the campus. You make a call to ask about the following information: Monthly rent Necessary documents Required deposits Gas and electricity bills Car park Sports facilitiesHello , Im calling to know about your apartment . how much is the monthly rent ? is that include gas and electricity bills ? how much is the deposits required ? where can I park my car ? how is the sports facilities ? what documents is required to rent the apartment ?Section 3 (一段简单的话题讨论-相当于命题作文-80100字左右。)Explaining personal opinionsIn this section, you are required to explain your point of view on the following topics:1Students in China used to enjoy free higher education, but now they have to pay tuition as well as rent for accommodation. Should students in China enjoy free higher education? What is your opinion? 参考答案: Nearly every country in the developed world, and more and more in the developing world, provide free primary and secondary education. Such education is generally uncontroversial and accepted as necessary by both liberals and conservatives around the world. In the case of university education, however, there is a great deal of disparity between countries education policies. In many states students must pay fees to attend university, for which they may seek student loans or grants. Often states offer financial assistance to individuals who cannot afford to pay fees and lack other methods of payment. In other states, university education is completely free and considered a citizens right to attend. Debates center on the issues of whether there is in fact a right to university education, and on whether states can feasibly afford to finance such education.In my opinion,we should try our best to provide the fee,if we could not afford it we should apply for the loan for our education.it can develope our Financial capacity.2The internet is now playing a very important role in our daily life and work. While it is making our life and work enjoyable and efficient, it also brings us problems. What is the negative side of the internet? Should children not be allowed to visit the internet? What is your opinion on this?参考答案 ;before talking about the negative side lets say that internet is of the greatest things of this century,however it has lots of positives side and negatives side,for me the negatives side of internet is when people take your picture and do bad thing with it,most people use internet to watch sex movie and so on, i think we must use internet to discuss about about interesting by sharing our ideas,and make good reseach about some interesting subject.3In school education, the teacher or the student himself may be responsible for the success of a student. Which of the two is more important? Or are they equally important? Give us your views.参考答案the most important is certainly ourselves,because learning is our own business,teachers is the commentor who is help us to achieve the goal.but the teacher is also significant.if we are unfortunately encounter some seriously teacher which not onli affect our study but also influence our Morality.but if we want to make some difference ,the only way is by ourselves.in elementary education the teacher may play a more important role we enter the university our self-learning ability is cultivated,so we could address more and more difficult without teachers assistance or with a little.4It is said that one aims at a wealthy life (having a good income and being able to afford good things in life), and important life (a life of achievement that brings one respect), or a family life (a life completely centered on ones family). What is your choice? What do you consider important in life?参考答案I want to live a important life and family life.the respected feeling is so important which could make a profound 、impression .the money always unenough ,but the impression is forever.the scientist leave us so many inventions or laws which is helpful to us that we could construct the world beautifully.our family is a group of person we everyday meet,our mon and dad give our lives and educated us patiently.we must cherish the unique relationship.the affection between us is not obvious,however the Blood relationship could not be cutted.5What can be done to reduce the traffic jams in big Chinese cities?参考答案:In my opinion,the first thing we can do is to limit the number of cars.Firstly,People have to apply for a certificate if they want to buy a car .And the number of certificates is limited.Not everyone can get one.secondly,the government would impose a high tax on cars.,so those who want to buy cars will have pay three or four times more than they are paying now. The second thing we can do is to encourage people to use the public transportation.Firstly,the government should build more advanced efficient public transportation,which makes the people feel convenient and comfortable.Secondly,the government may develop a series of preferential policies for those who use the transit system.For example, the public transportation is fee for the elderly and children.People can get more benefits if they use the public transportation by ID cards.6 It was reported that the May Day golden week this year saw a reduction in the number of tourists. What do you think were the reasons?7 Many parents complain that their children are having too much school work. Do you think that is true? How can parents help their children?8 What can the government do about factories that seriously pollute the environment?9 With the practice of May Day holiday, National Day holiday, and the Spring Festival, more and more people choose to travel to famous tourist attractions instead of staying at home. Enjoying the beautiful natural scenery is a great treat, but many tourist attractions raise the entrance fees considerably. Do you agree to it? Why or why not?10 In recent years, Chinas economic development has gained speed and great achievements have been made in this respect. But, while making profit, people often neglect environmental protection, even destroy the ecological balance. Do you think China should develop its economy at the cost of environmental destruction? State your point of view.11 Each year around March 15, consumers focus their attention on fake products that do great harm to our daily life. More seriously, academic plagiarism has become rampant both in China and overseas, and eroding peoples trust in intellectual circles. In your view, what are the reasons for academic plagiarism? And how can scholarly dishonesty and cheating be prevented?12 With the improvement of the living standard, private cars have become an important aspect of peoples life in many parts of the county, especially in larg


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