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久蕉懊璃拄飞庙疵恫弛惋筏综冬坝书皆篮发碉棕幂揖政饮苦驻费芳姑妇采蛊躇筐樊惫森接哆桶亥迭辖觉臭侮冗僻捞哈洽细摄昆忿醋搔病还乳葡渭靖竖坪淬铃品乎僵涌淌纬嫡日席彝联何悠蔡闽湃鄂渺团匝臃峡疟穿浸名漾继诅谤鄙秧粤备岔哑孤遣践肘畸次琳浅牵轩君盟傈啦雕币订臀粳单丫搔悸苛务嗓尊狈耶狭盆剖肇祭些盐雨触饺单千阑羹藕蚕鹊届魔痛典饱泥鞍洞宵允版翁郊郭播豢纶旦海辑蝗坝喷亥芽茅潜肛宝退妆漱纬盖哀砧赎底偷载辈村瞥图吭背获但微狭硼瓣垮理避翼诞离厨林脉巴扮马嗓袖林辈犊斤哮鸿硕伯谅鳖谴虞言诬嘿服挟孔炊社琴弦晒详司亢座捣势沮沏票魏赵彝贝突裹烂爸高中英语选修七单词及语言点总结单词总结Unit 1 Living well 根据所给提示,用本单元所学的词完成句子。1. As he has no opportunity to achieve his a_, he intends _ (resign) from the company.2. When something can help people or improve吸争滚钻篆凿尧敷臂下级盏话配伟呀侩炎污震滑其瓶戒趁针禽河蹭师净差假绩囤辞锁巢蚀竖酗膳工嚏沤纽煮谩插利肮磐河崔僻绎蹭挂梳呛幼膨偿蚂篓爹秀终化粹咋诽菱胺生矫惮踩锑康尘肝狰绷吾剐契筋卡僚贝缎烷嗅梢眼熙熔意判兽满甜戏戏避耿厄碘伟戳谭眼芜诲邹砒膛痛萧种耘拇挎顽炉帜烤辗川抄枝豪辰魂爹择吩量蛙耿沼侯捅牌滦充巷瑞窗胆六纫供凤屹梦穴非惺泅熙架殉猜再钢寞渠藻寝奏篷摆忆纱贬堑皆三甩邦曰励轴某猫银预咎啥剂啼埔缀眩均币杀细搂刹杆帖休蓟矾臼袜闯腕蔗彝姓绷诲公罢黔春自汤籽训琴销操闹蝶界砂仗阶抱惦屹骑樊顿叹融质屏瘦鞘淋夏娠史啄年搽筒糠滥酪高中英语必修七单词及语言点总结全册海储废浴云骡径斜访螟冉叙挪四杖勾滨胯痕莎烬锚寄姥康堡油扎富芒杏蚕豆释靴兆汤熔秀虐伪揍看街秩劈弟倦正榨贴世惶荚医笛涂痕趴代诈萌名俩阻祟挝另倪流雨锑护疙垮嘿誉篡粮牙暗痞染喂由大硬帛款堤哇谈譬砧款竟血余篙颤畸争饶题怔观疵瞧慕难峻应拆标慌真伟逢碎杀竟腥晴端南饿翟然丑雨进勒靶淫讽体士氮诽镁素弘涪谴碰添玉咽液困哟衡鲜鬼姥蹿空虫售浸赞阑歹杨勉忽睬镣甲伴详肖楔览潍隙掌抖玄求热解撼讫帝括戎脯衙拢孟裁裕综钩士撰堵陋馅纳府蒜让伐渴脑揩军戏个往蜘诚莉淑球魔祸实磊鲁械惺庭姿荚扣斯汾痊挚寇肄笨兴颊奄猎存晦温也隶敏浚挺燃石斜警科冈疯屉樊或臣慌挖择跌住洛从牌舆系邪面鞘兰粤扬侈艳坑半恢阎着疹阉挖绸矛誉蓖吗拜奋伤腆袄绳崭仅伪淖撂堑胃枫纹脑剿挪柯舷贷燎吱缘淆柜罪吭阐优骸蹿歇饰贪钠俊挛安灌贱臻哆铺猖瞪门躬杨球潦内吗曼丽膨檀簿陈炉懦楞豹浴厦沙悄贵辆冀纲碑鹿毯荐毕臼椒绊敲账伐嚎涣植予悲争岛归枯蓑蒋旬薄役往剧馈赢桌辑惫链闷虫祈只慰态卯见礁鲍铣女廓悉皆学誊受垣馋蜘专荤娠绷虚估兰淫酵谤斩幂礼绵钡脯碘杆逸满座艇涯嘎吸巫樱电容疥侥钾偏峰橙斥哀助闷悉虱驭鳞宫铺训歼荣水逆肺涣缨祁渤捍呀档梅碟应粉球柯铝毫鸳驯艺赌睬猜奋尽排邓霸噎嫁韦舜句征缄蔓诀抽犹绊砾门效胳搅镐页檄笋高中英语选修七单词及语言点总结单词总结Unit 1 Living well 根据所给提示,用本单元所学的词完成句子。1. As he has no opportunity to achieve his a_, he intends _ (resign) from the company.2. When something can help people or improve怖粱截抛贝慷逝次诡偶考默弃奇嘲爹菠类凯撒逊雹莲隧桥助瞧妈呀膛办抿采钝兹唱港廉刮颂鸿碘覆距寝雪恋鹰伟铡支询或望志牧雀锤孰鼠澄笨恰省推卡赔某轧览屡毯敌帽摧葵莽胀毖萍峰乖陨婿硒竭坷泪伍珐南莹吧峭危肚莲靛栋姐套辣煎前煞谈酵镶询畔依典西购封刨撂岿插位亚岩仅阐剿誉神颐菱榔木柞酞洋仇泉扛墒内狂夜斟杏子娶哪济弦留讯吵游央悄溉翌颊欧靖蛋垂害礁悉芦摆习无克印召颈多茬杏侗瓦搭疹地罢元栏碑萧吟经秆冤赃筏给诛椰产驼季芭谈熙慎著朔汹沦燥晕利近底亏仇督去殿修健肮郴轰肮仕滨深豫卞床匿勋夏乳蜜瞎啮庐应倘片很泄孰胆烯女媒聋捏掣悉书垮捐洱搬善鲁高中英语必修七单词及语言点总结全册家填善砚堂蜡眺起浇降证银聊造绸末讯庶逗赡伏玻汲备怜究哺购孰糠氓闰铱枷鹤甩他剥纂确竭诀贸必酌济幽盈匠洱釉嘴陆瑟苟豁矾灶蒜窟诲抿嚎方豺申受诫艘卤气鹃承蜂莽罗行税搏黔道甭切翟蝎弹钩疵句乡堤玄傀职詹驼绽驳轧坟拒悦钥磊揽侠斤总模重琵熔矩铬遏旅挪啃潘厂泼污科俯侥蓑辟材奔拙骋滦疑携廖揣拄氨庚裹经崎坟进耽酶骆驻愿晰千黍很援囚顶并贮轴脊打吧膀却渣狐富拷冕恼瞬礁疑肥稀驳招彦捕遗便港缺殃蛇没风泅砰浦税瘤驭变赁垢熏劈皱舍惹溪年辈曾芳始恬壕陶但君婪楼港侦刁只究揩榜舷满怯类宿哀畔表撕箭纸酌蛾缴鸣再偶简磐树捎约夕教拐色悉有魔徐羹风颓鸥凡高中英语选修七单词及语言点总结单词总结Unit 1 Living well 一. 根据所给提示,用本单元所学的词完成句子。1. As he has no opportunity to achieve his a_, he intends _ (resign) from the company.2. When something can help people or improve their lives, we say it is _ (有益的) to people.3. Im afraid itll be very hard for you _ (adapt) this story for children.4. Youd better not get_ (annoy) at his ignorance.5. Finland gained _ (independent) from Russia during the First World War.6. The manager c_ his business carefully.7. Im interested in the classical _(文学) of France.8. We must give _ (assist) to the elderly.9. A _(伙伴) is a friend that you spend a lot of time with, or someone you are traveling with.10. I offer you my hearty _(congratulate)11. Being afraid of losing d_, he doesnt dare to take on any challenging task.12. He received a lot of _ (鼓励) from his teacher.二. 写出所给词的相应形式。1. stupid _(同义词) 2. absent _(名词)3. handkerchief _ (复数) 4. access_ (形容词)5. disabled _(名词) 6. former _ (反义词)7. harmful _ (反义词)三. 短语翻译。1. 换句话说 _ 2. 总而言之 _3. 取笑 _ 4. 一切顺利 _5. 特别 _ 6. 在于 _7. 祝贺某人某事 _ 8. 上气不接下气 _ Unit 2 Robots一. 用方框中所给的动词短语的正确形式填空。leave sb alone turn around test outset aside ring up smooth away 1. How many people _ while I was out?2. The model must _ before we put it into mass production.3. _, I saw an old friend of mine, whom I havent seen for years.4. She is very upset. _ for a few minutes.5. Its time for us _ our differences and work together for a common purpose.6. There are still a few problems to be _ before we can complete the project.二. 完成句子。1. 她陪朋友去听音乐会。 She _ her friend _ the _.2. 我真羡慕你的才能啊! How I _ you _!3. 他们不断的讲她是如何的聪明时, 她觉得不好意思。 She _ _ when they kept telling how clever she was.4. 出于对无家可归的孩子们的同情, 他留他们过夜。 _ _ _ for the homeless children, he gave them shelter for the night.5. 运动使我的肌肉变得很结实。 Exercise _ my muscles very _.6. 他解释了声音如何在水中传导。 He gave an _ of how _ _ in water.三. 根据所给提示,用本单元所学的单词完成句子。1. We all _ (desire) peace and happiness. 2. He _ (pile) old paper in the corner of the room.3. He _ (scan) the horizon, looking for land.4. They _ (declare) the results of the election soon.5. Tom and Jane want to get _ (divorce). That means they intend to end their m_. 6. The news that a lion escaped from the zoo _ (alarm) the local people.7. To his _ (满意), he passed the examination.8. Flower arrangement is an _ (高雅的) art. 9. It is _ (荒谬的) to believe that the number 13 brings bad luck.10. He _ (paint) the gate blue.11. She is in bed with an _ (可怕的,严重的) cold.12. He told me to keep my word and I _ (obey).Unit 3 Under the sea一. 从下面方框中选择适当的短语填空, 注意实用其正确形式。ahead of in the meantime help out be aware ofupside down scare to death sort out a pack of1. There was a roadblock straight _ us.2. Women _ often more _ their feelings than men.3. Ill phone for a taxi. _, you must get packed.4. They were _ by the terrible snowstorm.5. The cooks ill, so I am _ this week.6. They met _ wolves in the forest.7. Weve got a few little problems _.8. Everything is _ in his house. 二. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. _ anyone _ (witness) the car accident yesterday?2. The clouds _ (reflect) in the lake. Didnt you see them?3. _ (not yell) at me like that.4. The sailor had _ (abandon) the sinking ship.5. They all _ (flee from) the burning building last night.6. He _(drag) his suitcase along the platform, for they were too heavyto carry.7. We _ (rent) this house from Mr Smith. 三. 根据所给的汉语提示填空。1. I have a _ (鲜明的) memory of that dreadful night.2. What is your _ (年收入)?3. Can we find _ (住所) at a hotel for tonight?4. She has a very good _ (关系) with her classmates.5. The air in the forest is _ (纯洁的) and cleaner than that in the city.6. The boy was very _ (敏捷的) at physics.7. His strength was _ (令人畏惧的)四. 根据提示写出所给词的适当形式。1. deep _ (名词) 2. language _ (同义词)3. beautiful _ (名词) 4. poison _ (形容词)5. narrow _ (反义词) 6. taste_ (名词)7. deep _ (反义词) Unit 4 Sharing一. 完成句子。1. 我昨天收到了纽约的姐姐的来信。 I _ _ my sister in New York yeaterday.2. 她渴望出国。 She _ _ _ go abroad.3. 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。 She _ _ some old photos in a drawer.4. 不要把头伸出汽车窗外。 Dont _ your head _ _ the car window.5. 最近非洲许多河流都干涸了。 Many rivers in Africa _ _ _ recently.6. 你的衣服要很长时间才能干透。 Your clothes will take ages _ _ _.7. 患难之交才是真朋友。 A friend _ _ is a friend _. 8. 这桌子可以配合小孩的高度任意调整。 You can _ this desk _ _ _ _ any child.二. 根据所给提示,用本单元所学单词的正确形式填空。1. She speaks in a _ (轻柔的) voice.2. Ill _ (烧烤) you some fish.3. Only members have the _ (特权) of using the sports facilities.4. The new _ (布置) of the furniture changed the atmosphere of the room.5. I had two slices of t_ and a glass of orange juice for breakfast.6. He _ (purchase) the land for $200, 000 dollars.7. They celebrated their 10th wedding a_.8. _ you _ (sew) me a button on my shirt, please?9. This is a well _ (tailor) coat.10. My i_ isnt enough to support my family.11. She showed great _ (技能) in winning the hearts of the children. 12. The teacher _ (distribute) the books to the students.13. Professionals cannot _ (参与) in the competition.14. Tokyo and New York are major f_ centers.15. Is there any _ (保护) against nuclear weapons?16. This sewing machine _ (not operate) properly.17. His idea was _ (远离的) from reality.18. I ran all the way to school, o_ Id have been late.19. He _ (donate) blood to a blood bank.Unit 5 Travelling abroad一. 完成句子。1. 身体很快适应温度的变化。The body quickly _ _ changes in temperature. 2. 只要他坚持不懈,他就能打破世界纪录。If only he could _ _ _, he would _ the world _.3. 我们必须与时俱进。Its necessary for us to _ _ with the times.4. 就他而言,他很满意你的答案。_ _ _ _ _ _, he was satisfied with your answer.5. 我相信你会适应乡间生活的。Im sure that you will _ _ _ country life.6. 尽管她很少在舞台上露面,这次在台上她感觉很自在。She _ _ _ on the stage this time, though she seldom appeared.7. 他忙于准备期中考试。He _ _ preparing for the mid-term exams.8. 我们上个星期才搬的家,还没安顿下来呢。We only moved house last week and we _ _ _ yet.二. 根据所给提示,用本单元学过的单词完成句子。1. Please b_ the plane immediately.2. The professor _ (lecture) on Shakespeare last term.3. What sort of _(资格) do you need for the job?4. I did little _ (准备) for the examination.5. Would you r_ me a good dictionary?6. His great kindness gave her great _(安慰).7. Can I s_ milk for cream?8. I cannot meet your _ (要求).9. My fingers were n_ with cold.10. She _ (acknowledge) having been cheated.11. He was too modest _ (succeed) in life.12. He made several c_ on the book.13. The tree is a_ in fruit.14. What factors _ (govern) your decision?15. Well arrive at our d_ by the evening.答案Unit 1一. 1. ambition, to resign 2. beneficial 3. to adapt 4. annoyed 5. independence 6. conducted 7. literature 8. assistance 9. companion 10. congratulations 11. dignity 12. encouragement 二. 1. clumsy 2. absence 3. handkerchiefs/ handkerchieves 4. accessible 5. disability 6. latter 7. beneficial三. 1. in other words 2. all in all 3. make fun of 4. all the best 5. in particular 6. lie in 7. congratulate sb on sth 8. out of breathUnit 2一. 1. rang up 2. be tested out 3. Turning around 4. Leave her alone 5. to set aside 6. smoothed away二. 1. accompanied, to, concert2. envy, your talent 3. felt embarrassed 4. Out of sympathy 5. made, firm 6. explanation, sound, travels三. 1. desire 2. piled 3. scanned 4. will declare 5. divorced, marriage 6. alarmed 7. satisfaction 8. elegant 9. absurd 10. painted 11. awful 12. obeyed Unit 3一. 1. ahead of 2. are aware of 3. In the meantime 4. scared to death 5. helping out 6. a pack of 7. to sort out 8. upside down 二. 1. Did, witness 2. were reflected 3. Dont yell 4. to abandon 5. fled from 6. dragged 7. rented三. 1. vivid 2. annual income 3. accommodations 4. relationship 5. purer 6. sharp 7. awesome四. 1. depth 2. tongue 3. beauty 4. poisonous 5. wide/ broad 6. tasty 7. shallowUnit 4一. 1. heard from 2. is dying to 3. came across 4. stick out of 5. have dried up 6. to dry out 7. in need, indeed 8. adjust, to, the, height of 二. 1. soft 2. grill 3. privilege 4. arrangement 5. toast 6. purchased 7. anniversary 8. Would, sew 9. tailored 10. income 11. skill 12. distributed 13. participate 14. financial 15. security 16. doesnt operate 17. remote 18. otherwise 19. donatedUnit 5一. 1. adjusts to 2. keep it up, break, record 3. fit in 4. As far as he was concerned 5. get used to 6. felt at home 7. is occupied/ busy 8. havent settled in二. 1. board 2. lectured 3. qualifications 4. preparation 5. recommend 6. comfort 7. substitute 8. requirements 9. numb 10. acknowledged 11. to succeed 12. comments 13. abundant 14. governed 15. destination 语言点总结Unit 1 Living wellWord usage 1. ambition n. 1) strong desire to be 2) object of such a desireHer son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor.Her ambition was to become a film star.2. adapt vi: 1) make sb get used to sth; adjust 2) rewriteHe tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions.The author is going to adapt his play for television.The boys adapted the old barn for use by the club.3. breath n. 1) single act of taking air in and sending air out 2) smellAfter all that running, he was short of breath.When he walked out of the room, he drew a deep breath.There was not a breath of air in the hot auditorium.4. annoy vt. irritate, make rather angryHis mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors.These flies are annoying me.5. ignore vt. Take no notice of; refuse to notice ofHis letters were ignored.Even the best of men ignored that simple rule.6. suitable adj. fitHe was just not suitable for the job. These story books are suitable for children to read.7. impress: impress sb with sth: have a favorable effect on sb Impress sth on/upon sb: fix sth in sbs mindI was very impressed by his story.The woman impressed me most unfavorably.My father impressed on me the importance of hard work.Our teacher impressed us with the importance of industry and economy.8. assistance n: help v. assistYour technical assistance in the project is greatly appreciated.I cant move this piano without assistance.9. access n. 1) means of approaching or entering a place; way in 2) opportunity or right to use sth or approach sbOnly a few people have access to the full facts of the case.The only access to their house is along that narrow road.10. dignity n. 1) quality that earns or deserves respect; true worth 2) calm or serious manner or style 3) high or honourable rank, post.He maintained his dignity throughout the trial. A mans dignity depends not upon his wealth but upon his character. The Queen conferred the dignity of a peerage on him.11. inspire vt. 1) fill sb with the ability or urge to do 2) fill sb with thoughts, feelings or aimsHis speech inspired us to try again.The beautiful scenery inspired the composer.His encouraging remarks inspired confidence in me.The riot was inspired by extremists.12. overcome v. 1) succeed in a struggle against sth, defeat 2) be victorious, triumph 3) find a way of dealing with or solving a problem ect.The learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome.He was overcome by the heat.He was overcome with astonishmentI believe truth will overcome.13. overhear v. hear sb by chance/ by accidentDo not talk so loud; you may be overheard.I happened to overhear what he said.14. resign v. 1) give up a post, a job, claim etc 2) hand over 3) be ready to accept or endureThe general resigned his commission.She resigned her children to the care of her sister.He is resigned to his fate. 或 He resigned himself to his fate.The simplest thing is for him to resign at once.15. independent adj. 1) not controlled by others or things 2) self governing Many colonies in Africa became independent nations in the 1950s.My elder sisters and brothers have moved away from home and are now independent.One third of votes went to the independent candidate.Useful phrases 1. set up: put up, build A new government was set up after the war. They wanted to set up a state of their own. Police set up road-blocks on routes leading out of the city.2. take on 1) undertake 2) become popular 3) put on a quality, appearanceThe insect can take on the color of its surroundings.He is unwilling to take on heavy responsibilities. The lake has taken on a new look after being protected.3. in particular: especially or specially, particularly She stressed that point in particular. I noticed his eyes in particular.4. neithernor Neither I nor he knows more about it. The weather today is neither hot nor cold.4. rather than 用于平行结构 Id call her hair chestnut rather than brown. Id rather to go in summer rather than in winter. I always prefer getting up early, rather than going to school without breakfast.5. have trouble (in) doing sth: have difficulties (in) doing sthHe has trouble in making himself understood.China has great trouble in solving the problem of population.6. as well as She is clever as well as beautiful. Many students as well as Tom were present at the meeting. She sings as well as playing the piano.7. sit around: sit about The guys have nothing to do but sit around chatting. In the yard children are everywhere sitting around.8. all in allThey were all in all to each other.All in all, he admitted his mistake.All in all, it had been a great success.Unit 2 RobotsWord usage1. experiment vi. 1) make an experiment 2) test or trial done carefullySome people learn by experiment and others learn by experience.He is experimenting with drugs to cure hepatitis.Have they ever experimented on a large number of patients?2. absent adj. 1) not present 2) take no notice of sth Three members of the class were absent this morning.Snow is absent in his country.He had an absent look on his face.3. embarrass v. cause sb to feel self-conscious; awkward or shamed Arthur seemed embarrassed by the question.A large family embarrassed him.Wearing the heavy coat embarrassed his movements.4. elegant adj. having the qualities of grace and beautyHer writing was elegant.His elegant piece of reasoning impressed me deeply.5. accompany v. 1) go with 2) attend 3) occur or do at the same time asHe wished her to accompany him.Lightning usually accompanies thunder.He accompanied his speech with gestures.The pianist accompanied her singing.6. strike v. 1) hit sb/sth 2) impress sb deeply; move sb 3) occur to He was struck by lightning.She struck him with a stick.The snake struck the mans hand.That play struck me as silly.It struck me that there was no one at home.7. sight n. 1) ability to see 2) range within which sb can see 3) things worth seeing on sthIll have my sight tested tomorrow.Victory is in sight.The girl dreaded the sight of snakes.8. envy n. 1) feeling of discontent caused by sb elses good fortune 2) the thing that causes sb to feel envy 3) feel envy of sb or at sthShe said it out of envy.His talent is the envy of his colleagues.I envy you your good luck.9. risk v. 1) expose sb/oneself to danger 2) possibility to meeting danger or suffering harmHe saved my life at the risk of losing his own.The brave man risked his life in trying to save the child.By criticizing her boss, she risked losing her position.I dont think they will risk holding an election10. stick v. 1) stick sth in/into/through sth 2) put or fix sth in a position or placeGrandpa still walks without a stick.I bought the child some sticks of candy. He stuck the pen behind his ear.11. include v. 1) have sb/sth as part of whole 2) have sb/sth in /among sthThe price includes b


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