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雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文合 同 模 版注意事项为了维护您的合法权益,确保交易的安全,请在使用本合同范本前仔细阅读下列注意事项:1、本合同为根据相关法律规定制定的通用性示范文本;雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文2、如有必要,请根据具体的交易背景、交易目的等适当修改、调整本合同范本的相关条款;雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文LABOURLABOUR COCOR RCTCT劳劳动动 合合同同C, LTD有限公司有限公司A ADD与*( (人名)人名)I IDEXDEX 目录目录1.PSTION ASS OFWOK 职务及工作职责2.RAL ERIO 试用期3.UATO OF THECONTRACT合同期限4.SALAR 工资5.PREMIUM BONU 奖金及分红6.PESONA INOME AX 个人所得税7.TAING 培训8.WRKG HURS工作时间9.DISCIPLINE 劳动纪律10.SICKS & NJUY EAVE 病假及伤假11.LABOU SAET &HYGIEN劳动安全及劳动卫生保障12.OCIAL ISRANC 社会保险13.HOLIDAYS 休假14.EXCLUSIITY & NO-COMPEIO 唯一性及非竞争协定15.COFIDENTIALY保密协定16.ESPONSIBIIIES OFTHE PARTIES 双方职责17.TRMINATIO THE CNTRCT合同终止18.AMNDMENF TECNTRACT 合同修订19.APLICABLE LW 适用法律20.ETTLEE OF DISPUTES 争议的处理及解决21.MISCELNUS 其它事宜甲方(用人单位甲方(用人单位) )全 称: 住 所: 联 系 电 话:法 定 代 表 人: Herinafer efred to as the “COMPAY”,以下简称“本公司”乙方(劳动者)乙方(劳动者) 姓 名:雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文性 别: 出 生 年 月: 出 生 地: 有效身份证件号码:(护照)现 住 址:联 系 电 话:rinaft refertos th “MLYE”,以下简称“该员工”Herinafer collecivlyefered to as he“PARTIE”. 甲方、乙方以下统称“合同双方”。n cordan htLbour Lw and otherrelvt lw and rgulaions ofh Peopsepublic oCn, the PARTIEhaveocldethe fllowin labour onract (hreinafter erredtoasth“CONTAT”)合同双方依照中华人民共和国劳动法以及中华人民共和国其它相关法律法规,共同约定以下劳动合同(以下简称“本合同”)。ARARICIC : : POPOITIOITIO & T TKSKSF F WORKWORK第一条第一条: :职务及工作职责职务及工作职责1.1.The EMPLYEE wll hveefllowing posin: 该员工将担任以下职务:_ 1.2.Ifncessary de o t mangmn rganisation of he COMANad or he compeeneadabiliieof the EMPLOE the CAN ma adjs t postion,dutis a responsibilities of MPLOYE.若由于本公司管理编制的需要及/或由于该员工本人资格与能力的原因,本公司可在必要的情况下对该员工的职务和工作职责进行适当调整。A ATICLETICLE 2:2: T TIALIAL P PI IDD第二条第二条: :试用期试用期2.1h trial pio wllsart n the ateosignatr of th CRAC Thdurat o thtrialpiod isthree (3) moths. Durg thtral perod hePLOEE wll be ound by ll ticles o thscontact 试用期自本合同签署之日起开始,时间为三个月。在试用期间,该员工受本合同全部条款所约束。2.2ftr the pecified rialer nd f no notice of teminations gvenhe MPLOYEE automaticaly becoesple under the rms an conion of tis COTCT雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文在约定的试用期内,若该员工没有收到关于解除劳动关系的通知,在试用期满后,该员工自动转为本公司正式员工,执行本合同规定的条款。ARTARTLELE 3:3:DUDUATIOATIO OFOF THETHE ONONRACTRACT第三条:合同期限第三条:合同期限3.1Th duraoof this ONTRACi twny-fou(7) monhs.本合同期限为 27 个月。3.2ThisCOTRA maybe extended upn reeenofbot PATIES. An tesion oCNTRACT shll cmeto fce nly fter a writtn aeemen hsengnedby bot ARTIES.本合同经合同双方同意后可以续签。只有在合同双方签署书面协议后,续签的合同方能生效。A AT TCLECLE: : SALARSALAR第四条第四条: :工资工资4.1TheCOMANY shaldine its own aary polcy n accance it reulations tipulaed by heta ad unicipa venmet. ThOMPAY sallensre that the moty saary o the ELOYEEs ntes thae miimum y sndrd set b heloc govment.本公司将依照中华人民共和国和北京市有关政策法规制定本公司的员工工资标准。本公司保证该员工的月工资将不低于当地政府规定的最低工资。4.2h EPLOYE willrceve a gross mhly or 口 anulalaryof 3,00.00 enibi (RMB3,00.00)and increase theeater h basis f th saf peone, e onomcvloptf COMPANYnd acoin toh sla plicy ofthe MPANYaproved by the Board ofDiecorsof heOMPANY, and et.该员工税前工资将为 每月或 口每年叁仟元人民币,今后将按照该员工的工作表现、本公司的经济效益以及由本公司制定并经董事会批准的工资标准每年递增。4.3Suh salay shallb rnfere te bankaccoutigaed by the MPLYEEbeteen the hr and ifh ay ofeah oth.上述工资将于每月 3 号至 5 号期间汇入该员工所指定的银行账户。A AT TE E 5:5: P PEMIEMIMM &ONONS S 第五条第五条: :奖金及分红奖金及分红5.1At thell dscreo f t Chairmand baseduponi/her genealtttude nd t esultf is/erwor nd flilmet ofhis/e obctivesdealed witiher maag and atthbegining ofach calendar 雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文yeathe EMPOYE will b nitled to nanabonus t eceeig(1)moh oflaryan sll be paid the EMPLOYEEfo ech fu alendar earwch te MLOEE works rth COMANY i two ()instalmet the following ar.经本公司董事长同意,并且根据该员工的工作态度、工作成果及其上级主管规定之工作目标的完成状况,该员工将有权在每个公历年初享受年终奖金(奖金总额不超过该员工的月工资)。员工为公司工作满一年时,奖金将于次年分两次发放给个人。ARTICLEARTICLE : : P PRSRSALAL NCONCO TAXTAX第六条第六条: :个人所得税个人所得税6.1Th EMPLOYEsll pay nividalicom tx in accordance wthterlva las and regulatins of th Peoples Republic of Chin. Te COMPAY shall wthhod autnd pay ttoth cmpetntta brau.该员工须 按照中华人民共和国相关法律法规缴纳个人所得税。本公司将为该员工代扣代徼个人所得税,并将应纳税款上交相应税务机关。R RICLICL 7:7: TRAININTRAININ第七条第七条: :培训培训7.1Th CMPANYwil estlis n EMPLY trainisystem and prvidenecssay raiigto theEMPLYE in accodanc with telvat las and eguios oftePole Reublc o Chi ands e COMPANY nes.本公司将依照中华人民共和国有关法律法规及公司需求,为该员工设计一套培训体系,向该员工提供必要的培训。ARTICLEARTICLE8:8: WORWORINGINGHOURSHOURS第八条:工作时间第八条:工作时间8.1e OMANY wll ilent working usytem of forty inimu(40) hour perweek inaccordacewith the relantlaw and regations xclusive f lunch time.本公司依照相关法律法规实行每周 40 小时工作制(每周工作时间不得少于 40小时),不包括午餐时间。e okng hor ae rm Monayto Friday from 9:00A to :00PMwith e ()hourfor lunch tht may vary intim so as tohave atest nestf meme in te fce uringlunch tim.工作时间从周一至周五,每天上午 9 点至下午 6 点,午餐时间为一个小时。午餐时间将根据具体情况进行安排以确保届时至少有一名员工留守办公室。雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文8.2Sbject he operaton needs the COMPANY a apt iregular working our ystem r clculae workighors n snthetic is根据实际工作需要,本公司可能采用不规则时间工作制或依照综合标准计算工作时间。8.3e CMPANY exed thewokinghrs of t EMPLOYEE fter consultation wit hEMPLOYE according t the relvan awsa eguatios.依照有关法律法规,与该员工进行协商后,本公司可以延长该员工的工作时间。he COMANY py the EMPLOYEE 30 prcentof th slay, ased o n hourl amon acoring Aticl , hereo forworing dring fiiabli holia.若需要员工在法定节假日加班,公司将根据本合同第 4 条中所列工资标准计算出该员工的每小时工资,并按照每小时工资标准的 3 倍支付加班工资。8.4Notwihandg whatrovdedhereof eCOMAN shall extend e working urs egarless o Artce 8.anAticle .3in any ffollowing cses:若出现下列情况,无论是否符合本合同第.条和第 8.3 条中的规定,本公司均可延长工作时间:a.mmedite ctin whic mst beari otin case of naral disst,accdents or othrevents th willndange th PLOYEEs lfe, helth, ppey, or saf;由于发生自然灾害、事故或其它危及该员工生命、健康、财产及安全的事件,必须采取紧急措施;b.Ugen repir wchmut e caried ot in case of reaking downo peration quipmnt,comunicaton,traotatonan otheacilitiswich will endnger OMANY business or publicinerest;由于运营设备、通讯设备、运输设备及其它设备发生故障,危害到本公司的业务或公共利益,必须进行紧急维修;c.ontinus oftperatio orbusiesf the OPANY whchhall not beitruted on tulae holidayandret ays.由于无法因为法定休假和双休日而中断本公司持续开展的经营运作或业务;d.vrhal nd maintenance ofthe euipment wchshall on b d on stiplt olidays and re days;nd只能在法定休假和双休日进行的设备检修与维护;雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文e.mergency oeration assimecoceig natol defee由于国防原因需要采取紧急措施。ARARCLECLE 9:9:DDSCIPSCIPININ第九条:劳动纪律第九条:劳动纪律9.1Apart fromth poion of tis CONRhEMPOYE musespec allrelevanlws ad gulai ofhe Peles epubli ofCha rules an reguation othe COMPAN and povsions ny relent colctive labour conta.除本合同所规定之条款外,该员工还须遵守中华人民共和国相关法律法规、本公司制定的规章制度,以及其它劳动合同方面的相关规定。9.2The MPLOEE ustrespe nd execuenydall formal inrctisven o hmher egardingthe duti and rensiitso hi/h ass owo.该员工须遵守并执行一切与其工作职责有关的正式指令。9.3In cases onofnc, ross mscduc,ador ay iolationof lbudiscipline he OPAN wil nmlly carry out th folowg rocedure: 若该员工出现过错、严重过失及/或其它违反劳动纪律的行为,本公司一般依照以下程序对该员工进行处罚:1 ral warng 口头警告2 First wittewarning 第一次书面警告3 Fina write arning 第二次书面警告4 Dimisal 开除9.4Howevr the COANY resers te right o omit any of hse stage ate casemy e.然而,本公司有权根据实际情况对上述某些步骤进行调整。9.5h ELEE has te ight apea againsrtternin o disial t te abrDput Committee i y.该员工有权针对其受到的书面警告或开除决定向劳动争议委员会提出申诉(如需)。A AT TC C1 1: I IK KESSESS & ININURYURY A AE E第十条:第十条: 病假及伤假病假及伤假10.1The EPLE willbeentile to iesand ijuryleves inaccce ihth relvant awsn reguaton.雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文该员工有权根据相关法律法规享受病假及伤假。10.2Th LOYEE applying forsicknes or inur lea shalillinleav aplication fo d gt aprolfro hisher mangr.Lev for moe t two(2) day shall b apvdby he Chief Exective Oficer te COMANY ansumitted o he ffceManager, Hman Resore Manager or their Manae for veriication an fng bfore gg fr leae 申请病假或伤假时,该员工应填写“休假申请表”,并必须得到其上级主管的准许。若该员工的休假超过两(2)天,则需经本公司首席执行官允许,且应在休假前将“休假申请表”提交至行政经理、人力资源部经理或直属上级经理以供审核及存档。In case oan uddnsicnessorinjr teMPOYEEsha inormhishr mager no latethn thn te frst day written nfirishall b mitedo th Ofce Managerand Human Resources anaer forveiicationand filig withn two (2) days afe heor she comes back t w若该员工突发疾病或受伤,需在当天结束前通知其上级经理,并在返回岗位后的两(2)个工作日内将书面说明提交行政经理及人力资源部经理以供审核及存档。10.3If e EMPLOEi bsent for more tan one(1)week h/shems ensue that the hef Executive Offir ae ept iordo te prgress eely intvls若该员工的病假超过一周,该员工必须每周向首席执行官报告其病情状况。10.4TheEMLOYE takin icknes rinjury leaves frmore th (1) day must vide amical crticte isueba qaifd octor. Faiure r efultovide the criate orproidig fale iccrae inoaion ill e deeeda a grosmisondu.若该员工休病假或伤假超过一天,必须提供由专业医师出具的病假条。若该员工无法或拒绝提供病假条或提供虚假信息,将被视为严重过失。ARTARTLELE 11:11: A AU U SAFETYSAFETY& Y YI INENE第十一条:劳动安全及劳动卫生保障第十一条:劳动安全及劳动卫生保障11.1The COPANY will etblishasound laour saft andhygee failiies andshl sictly pleent ruls an saards o laou safy and hygieneof the PeolesReblic f China,coduct labor aetnd hgieeducatio, prenacies nd edue occuational haards.雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文本公司将建立一套合理的劳动安全卫生保护措施,严格落实中华人民共和国劳动安全卫生制度和标准,开展劳动安全卫生教育,防止事故发生,减少职业病危害。11.2T COPANshalpovidethe MPLOYEE wilabousafey and hygene coitions an ncesay artices icnfomy withte eent wsad reguans.本公司将依照有关法律法规为该员工提供劳动安全卫生条件以及必要的设备。11.3h EMPOYEE shalv the ght rfstocarry ot ay anerou opraion redupo hm/hr y manamnt peronnel iviotn of te eeanreguation.若该员工的上级主管违反相关法律法规,要求其从事危险性工作,该员工有权拒绝。RTICLRTICL2:2: SOCSOCALAL INSINSRANCRANCS S第十二条第十二条: :社会保险社会保险12.1h COPANY must join ocialnsurnce schemsfor e PLE n ccorance wit he reeta ad rgulatons fth PeopeRepubli of Chi and shall ay otim oca insurancepemus to ocil nsurane instituioaccrdng to he sadadsst y the lal authorite.本公司严格遵守中华人民共和国有关法律法规为该员工缴纳社会保险,并且依照当地政府部门制定的标准将保险费按时、全额支付给社会保险机构。T TCLECLE 3:3: HOLIDAYSHOLIDAYS 第十三条第十三条: :休假休假13.1ThEPOYE enjys stutory lidas fr oicia public holiays,wedd,anfueralsin line wi teelevat laws nd ution fthePeops eubic of hi.该员工依照中华人民共和国有关法律法规享受法定休假,包括法定节假日、婚假、丧假、产假。13.2e MPOYEE i enttled yeary (for a ll yer worked) t aaid anu vacaio f e (0) wrin as excluiv o the stattory holiday.该员工在本公司工作满一年后有权享受每年十个工作日的带薪年假,不含法定节假日。Theholida referenceperiodis fm the first dy of Jnuary tote hirtyfirst dayf Decmber. Hos acrue duin ne eriod havet btaken on the follwing 雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文hoia eriod. For e firs yearof mlyent, idaswil be accrued atpro rat tmori.每年 1 月 1 日至月 31 日作为一个休假年度,当年未休的假期只可累积到次年使用。在本公司工作未满一年的新员工可在次年享受年假,具体的年假天数按照其实际工作时间计算。 13.3Ate th MOYEE cplts fiv (5) yars of ontinuos wrfrteCMAY heMPLOEEs etitled el (for a fl year or) o on (1)furerworing ayo aianul acatin for each ull ea whichthe MPLOEorks for COMPNY, bu h aid anul vacati shall not exce twent (20)king days in theaggregate该员工在本公司任职满五年后,在本公司每工作满一年,每年可以增加一个工作日的带薪年假,但每年带薪年假累积最多不超过二十个工作日。13.4Allee must e taken at tims areed ih he Chief xecuive Offcr f the COMPNY ten days in advane所有休假必须提前 10 天向本公司申请并获得首席执行官的同意。A ATICLTICL14:14: X XLUSILUSII IY Y & NONOC CP PTITIONTITION第十四条第十四条: :唯一性及非竞争协定唯一性及非竞争协定14.1TheEOYE ustdo in ful al s/her working m te CMY.该员工在本公司工作期间必须勤奋敬业。14.2It s strictly fidd fr the MPLOYto hav any otherprofssinl acti frmlf/hersl ornd relative andhird parties evnfeeof charge.严格禁止该员工在本公司任职期间为其自身及/或亲属及/或第三方提供任何有偿或无偿专业劳动。14.3he EMPLOYEuetaks not toexercise diecty or indiectly onehalfo aycomettr tothe COMPAN n as free ofcharge or r hief/here ay ativity wich my ompte with ss of heMPANYfor ne ()year after theeriatin of thpreent CONTRACTThi Artile 1. snotapplicable iteinatoo eCONTRATs e to COMPY forother rsonsthn thnes cvre yrcle 14 adAicl 15. 该员工与本公司解除本合同后一年内不得直接或间接地代表本公司的任何竞争对手从事任何可能伤及本公司利益的有偿或无偿活动。若由于其它原因而非本合同第 14 条和第 15 条解除本合同的,不适用本合同第 14.3 条。雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文14.4Th MPOYEE shll ay teCOANY n ant ofRM1,0 tRMB1,00 a aenlty claue if he/shedoes not compyithAice 141., Atice 14.2., ndArtce 14.hereto Thismonoe not includ hepossieatlmages wh mabe lamd ytheOMPNY.若该员工违反本合同第4条、第4.2 条及第 14条的规定,其必须向本公司支付 1 万10 万人民币作为赔偿。该笔赔偿不包括本公司对可能造成的实际损害进行索赔的金额。TICLETICLE15:15:FIDFIDT TA AITYITY第十五条第十五条: :保密协定保密协定15.1TheEMLY shl keep strictly secretn nfidentl and nt t discoe to anthird PART ay an alltchil, conomc, fnnal, client mretig inoratn acquired fro he COMN and o obtaind becus f /hraiies inthe CMANY该员工须严守公司机密,不得向任何第三方透露自本公司处获得的及或由于该员工在本公司任职而获得的任何技术、经济、财务、客户或市场信息。Th EMPLOYEE ha te n uch ifmation for any upe wtsovr ece within andfor the task, uties,adresposibiites proded in th ONTRACT该员工亦不得将上述信息用于本合同规定之工作职责以外的一切活动。15.2ThEMPLOYE agreestat anyisclsure ornn uthris use of such inomto hall be csiea a seriosmicnct except i the case whbyt EMPLOYEhs receved a prior writteerm frthe COMPANY managemet.该员工认同,除非该员工已事先收到本公司管理部门发出的书面许可,否则,泄露上述信息或在未被授权的情况下使用上述信息将被视为严重过失行为。15.3Te EMPOE sllomly wh hisherconfidetiy obligin pusuant tothisAicle 5 foe whole ter ofthis ORCT n draion f ive (5)yers afr th temiaton ofthCONTRAT.该员工在本公司任职期间以及在本合同解除后五()年内应当按照本合同第5 条的规定遵守保密协议。15.4he EMPLOYE sll pay the COPN an amount of MB10,0 o RMB100,000s anlt i he/e doe ot comply wih hihe cofdenaliy obligations pursut o this Articl 15. This amontdoes not iclud雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文th osie aal damage which my belaie y he COMPAY若该员工违反本合同第 1条的规定,没有尽到其应尽的保密义务,则该员工必须向本公司支付万-10 万人民币作为赔偿。该笔赔偿不包括本公司对可能造成的实际损害进行索赔的金额。ARTICLEARTICLE 1616:RESRESNSIBILNSIBILTIESTIES OFOF HH P PRTIESRTIES第十六条:第十六条:双方职责双方职责16.1thero the PARTIES sall perom it esponsbiitiuder thi CONTRACTstritlyn accoan withe poviio hreof.合同任何一方都应按照本合同所规定的条款严格履行各自职责。16.2Ether of th PTIES shoulbrresponsibliies r copenatoif it ioates hs CONRACT,irngsponthe inerss of th otr PARTY adases das toother PATY. 若合同任何一方违反本合同以及损害本合同另一方的利益并给本合同另一方造成损害,该方承担违约责任。ARTICARTICE E1 1: : TETEMINATMINAT OO T T CONTRACCONTRAC第十七条:合同终止第十七条:合同终止17.1ithe of the PRTS shll beetiled t temiae ths COTRACT or resons eressly provided y the relvant lws an regutionsof thePopsRepbicf China Sch erminatoo his CONTRCT sllcly with te roeedinsprovidedby e rlvant las and gulations.合同任何一方均有权依照中华人民共和国相关法律法规终止履行本合同。本合同的终止须遵照有关法律法规操作进行。17.2Fuhrmre MPAY ma erminate the NRACTr ny one fth fllwresns:此外,在下列情况下,本公司可随时解除本合同:a.The EMLE hsa clict etee ersoa nterest nd the teret of h OPANY in eain thsuper,customr, an individual ofoh organisaions doing or sking d bsiness wth tCMPAN.该员工在与本公司的供货商、客户及其它机构的人员开展业务或收集业务信息期间发生其个人与本公司利益上的冲突。b.TheEMLYEEha aske or or receied ayadvantage r benfits eri moety or nn monetary term f ykinfrmpersons r ogasansaving 雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文bsnes ctiviiesdiecly or indirctlyth teCOMAY.该员工向与本公司有直接或间接业务往来的任何个人或机构索取或收受任何货币或非货币形式的财物或好处。c.TheELOYEE fais t perform his/he esonsibiitie uder rticle 4 an rile 5of tis CONRACT.该员工违反本合同第 14 条和第 1条的规定。d.The EPLOYE lft fo h/he wok formore than (5) wokgdyswithou prio nsent from hChiefecutiv Offier excpt i h case ofremajeu ich preventhePLOE fo ifoig theChief Exectiv cer.该员工事先未经首席执行官准许擅自离岗超过五个工作日,若因不可抗力导致该员工无法通知首席执行官除外。17.3The MLOYEmay aso hndver a wrin notie o hishr signation o penalreasons 3 days aad ItheEPLOYEE doe not proviete COMPAN with one month otie, h/sh shoul py t the CMPANY one calendarm of sry an allwnce mentioe in Artcle 4 aste copensation.若由于其个人原因,该员工可提前三十天以书面形式提出辞职。若该员工没有提前三十天向公司递交辞呈,该员工将向公司支付依本合同第 4 条所规定的一个月的月工资及补助作为补偿金。17.4h COMPANY shall pay teEPLO any cmpensation prsant t rean aws nd reuation f the Pepes epbic of Chin i se rminati of hi ONTRCT uness oterise pove y thelaws orresulting from the ccurrece of the ernaion vntagred by PARTIES heeof r rsnto of th MPLOYEEfor pesonal resons Themxi aut ofcopensao b te COPANY wil o exeeone calenda month of salary and allwane mnionedinAricle 4若本合同解除,本公司将遵照中华人民共和国有关法律法规向该员工支付补偿金,该补偿金总数不超过本合同第 4 条所规定的一个月的月工资与补助总额。合同双方依法另行约定解除本合同或者该员工出于个人原因提出辞职的除外。17.5Incasof terminao ofthis CNTACdto fl o the EMLOYEE r eigntion o he MLOE for personal esos:若因该员工的过失或该员工出于个人原因解除本合同,则:雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文a.OPN need pay t he ELYEthe yeayous pvided inrtc 5 ereto;and本公司无须向该员工支付本合同第条规定的年终奖金;b.TheEMPLOYE shll efund to the COPY alltheenses and costsf the tanngprovidd to thEMPLYE accrdig to Artclehereto.该员工应按照本合同第 7 条的规定退还本公司为其提供培训投入的所有费用。A ATICLTICL 8:8: A ADMENTDMENT F F THETHE CONTRACTCONTRACT第十八章第十八章: :合同修订合同修订18.1This CONRCT my b revsd pn ageeet of both PARTES ny amendntto his CONCT sall oe ntofo n afte rtten greethas een sne bboth PARTIS.本合同经合同双方同意可作修订。本合同任何修订内容须经合同双方签署书面协议后方能生效。A AICICE E 1 1: A APLPLCABCABE E WW第十九条第十九条: :适用法律适用法律19.1Theoraton, vlidty,ndperormanc this CONTRAC and ispue thernshall b goverd b the laws of the People Rplc of i.本合同的格式、有效期、履行、以及对本合同的争议应遵照中华人民共和国法律法规执行。ARARICLICL 2 2: SETSETLEMENTLEMENT F FDDESES第二十条第二十条: :争议的处理及解决争议的处理及解决20.1Andisputearising rm th perormane of or in conction wi this CNTRA shallbe setled trough rienly conulain between the PARTES.任何因履行本合同或由本合同相关事宜引发的争议,应由合同双方友好协商解决。20.2n as no ettlemet a rece tho onsultatins ARTIES can apply fr eition to the burdispute cnciliation comiteeestablisheythe COMAN, i y若无法协商解决,合同双方可根据需要向本公司组建的劳动争议管理委员会申请调解。20.3fmediati can notbe reachedthe PARIES ay apl toariratinto he relevant laurdisute rbitratnmittee.雇佣外国人劳动合同模板中英文若无法实现调解,合同双方可向相关劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。If aAR dsagrees witthearbitae awdenered by chcommittee ths ARY may ile a itin theBaohe Ditrict PeoplesCort wthi fteen (5)ys oeing notiied the sid bitrag awrd.若合同任何一方对上述劳动争议仲裁委员会给予的仲裁结果持有异议,该合同方可于接到仲裁结果后十五日内向合肥市包河区人民法院提起诉讼。ARARCLECLE 2121:MISCMISCLLANELLANEU U第二十一条:其它事宜第二十一条:其它事宜21.1his CONTRA hallbe ittnn Cieseand Englisis I a aseoscrepancyof intepretaion etenhe Chnse and Eglish versions th Chinee rsoshllprevail.本合同以中、英文两种语言书写,若出现中、英文翻译上的差异,以中文为准。21.2ThTACT issgnedn hree rgnas.本合同一式三份。S Seded a ad dr rc coppedoppedbyby thethe follofolloinin P PRTIESRTIES n n * *h h, , ,20*.20*.合同双方于 年月 日签署本合同并盖章:*有限公司* C,Ltd20*年*月*日* 20*年*月*日


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