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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ? (教案)Teaching goals : 1. Words & phrases: diary, activity, everyone, dislike, bored, below, wonderful etc. 2. indefinite pronouns & simple past tense of regular and irregular verbs3. 正确使用动词过去式谈论过去的事件4. 特殊疑问句(where引导) Important and difficult points : Where did you go on vacation ? I went to New York City. Teaching aids : cards and a tape ,a computerPeriod 1 Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in 1. Free talk . 2. Put up the pictures. T: I went to New York City Ss repeat .Ss: I went to New York City T: OK. Today well learn how to talk about indefinite pronouns & simple past tense of regular and irregular verbs. Step 2 Pre-task . 1. Look at the picture carefully and tell what you see in the picture . 2. Write the activities from the pictures in the box and add some more . 3. Practice reading . Step 3 While-task 1. Using the activities we write in 1a to make conversations .For example : Where did you go on vacation ? I went to New York City. .2. Pair work .Practice in pairs . 3. 用第三人称练习对话. 4. Group work . Divide the Ss into groups of four or five .Make conversations . 5. Listening . Check the answers . (1. First ,read the names of the people . 2. Play the recording and let Ss fill in the chart . 3. Check the answers . )Step 4 Post-task Read the conversations first . Group work and fill in the chart .Step 5 Homework Write down the new words. Period 2 Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Free talk . 2. Revise : Make conversations with the sentences: Where did you go on vacation ? I went to New York City. Step 2 Pre-task 1. Call attention to the sentences together .Read them by the Ss .Ask a student to say the question using the word he and then again using a boys name . 2. Do in the same way with “she” and a girls name. Step 3 While-task 1. Read the conversation by the Ss and practice reading . 2. Listen and fill in the chart .3. Check the answers . 1. Look at the conversation in the box . 2. Practice reading . 3. Pair work . Make conversations using the information in 2d . 4. Act out your conversations .Step 4 Post-task my vacation Retell your dream vacation . Write something on a piece of paper using what we learnt . Share the vacation .Step 5 Homework Write 2 conversations about 2d in the exercise books .If you dont finish your dream writing, do it at home . Period 3 Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Free talk . 2. Check the homework :Ask one or two Ss to say something about their dream vacation .并给出全适的评价. Step 2 Pre-task . 1. Say each phrase and ask Ss to repeat . 2. Call attention to the pictures .Say something about the pictures .Match each phrase with a picture . 3. Check the answers .Step 3 While task 1. Make conversation. Work with your partner .Talk about what you would like to do on vacation 2. Share their conversations.SB Page 16 , 2a&2b . 1. Read the reporters questions together . 2. Play the recording and check the answers .Step 4 Post-task 1. Find a new partner . Student A is the reporter .Student B is interviewee . A interview B . 2. Read the conversation .Step 5 Homework 1. Remember the new words . 2. Write the conversations about your interview . Period 4 Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings . 2. Make an interview with a student . Step 2 Pre-task T: Where did you go on vacation ? 1. Ask each other ,write down their answers . 2. One student to present his /her exercise . Step 3 While-task 1. Read the article .Tick out the new words . 2. Read the article to the class .3. Explain the new words . 4. Play the tape .Ss listen and repeat . 5. Point out the five numbered pictures .Ss identify the items . 6. Check the answers . 7. Play the tape again .Practice reading . T: This is an article about vacation plans .Call attention to the blanks in the paragraph .Read the paragraph to the class ,saying the answers to the questions. Read the paragraph and fill in the blanks . Step 4 Post-task T: We read about the students vacation. Write about your vacation plans .Give them help if they need . Step 5 Homework Complete the Self-check.


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