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154. Because of the strong sun Mrs. Williams new dining room curtains _ from dark blue to gray within a year.A. faded B. fainted C. paled D. diminished155. Jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent. _, I cant speak too highly of him. A. As a result B. By the way C. On the whole D. In a word156. Evidence obtained from observation and experiment is often used to _ a scientific theory. A. confirm B. confine C. conform D. conceive157. Political parties often differ in their views on various _ concerning their own countries.A. ways B. measures C. issues D. patterns158. _ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide. A. In spite of B. On account of C. Regardless of D. Instead of159. The lawyer was expected to _ some proposals after reading all those documents. A. come up with B. put up with C. look up to D. keep up with160. While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping _ to give her long and flowing hair a smooth. A. occasionally B. simultaneously C. eventually D. directly161. In my opinion, you can widen the _ of these improvements through your active participation. A. dimension B. volume C. magnitude D. scope162. The noise was so _ that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it. A. dim B. soft C. faint D. gentle163. If he refuses to _ my plan, I can probably find someone more cooperative. A. put up with B. fall in with C. do away with D. get along with164. Some people either _ avoid questions of right and wrong or remain neutral about them.A. violently B. sincerely C. properly D. deliberately165. Her skirt had been so _ in packing that she had to iron it before going out. A. faded B. torn C. dirty D. crushed166. His landlady gave him a weeks _ to leave the flat. A. threat B. notice C. advice D. caution167. Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not more expensive than, _ at the other store.A. anyone B. the others C. that D. the ones168. When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above _.A. average B. ordinary C. regular D. normal169. With the change of the economic foundation the entire immense superstructure is _ rapidly transformed.A. anything but B. more or less C. at large D. any more 170. The author of the report is well _ with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.A. acquainted B. informed C. enlightened D. advised171. It is clear that the whole world is passing through a social revolution in which a central _ must be taken by scientists and technologists. A. process B. attention C. measure D. part172. The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more _. A. at length B. at last C. at stake D. at ease173. When the big bills for mothers hospital care came, father was glad he had money in the bank to _. A. fall short of B. fall through C. fall back on D. fall in with174. These plastic flowers look so _ that many people think they are real.A. beautiful B. natural C. artificial D. similar175. The managing director promised that he would _ me as soon as he had any further information. A. communicate B. notice C. notify D. note176. When I worked as the general manager of the firm, I sometimes had _ to visit London on business.A. opportunity B. possibility C. occasion D. chance177. The most important _ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people. A. element B. spot C. sense D. point178. It has always been the _ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities.A. plan B. campaign C. procedure D. policy179. The climbers _ their ambition by reaching the summit of the mountain.A. obtained B. sustained C. maintained D. realized180. I remember her face but I cannot _ where I met her.A. recall B. remind C. remember D. remark181. He has left his book here on _, so that you can read it. A. purpose B. intention C. aim D. meaning182. The magician picked several persons from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance. A. by accident B. on occasion C. at random D. on an average183. The open university was started in order to help those who _ having a university education when they were young. A. stopped B. failed C. missed D. ceased184. His _of the aeroplane was correct in every detail and could really fly. A. shape B. pattern C. design D. model185. If you _ your demand, then maybe you will have more chance of getting what you want. A. conduct B. dismiss C. grant D. moderate186. Dont _ the news to the public until we give you the go-ahead (许可,准许). A. release B. discard C. relieve D. retain187. The storm sweeping over this area now is sure to cause _ of vegetables in the coming days.A. rarity B. scarcity C. invalidity D. variety188. Jack almost fell off the cliff, but managed to _ until help came. A. keep on B. catch on C. count on D. hang on189. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to _ healthy.A. preserve B. stay C. maintain D. reserve190. Expected noises are usually more _ than unexpected ones of the like magnitude. A. manageable B. controllable C. tolerable D. perceivable191. It isnt so much whether he works hard; the question is whether he works _. A. above all B. in all C. at all D. after all192. Mary had taken _ to see that her guests had everything that they could possibly want. A. efforts B. pains C. attempts D. endeavors193. He ate what he could, and gave the _ of the food to the birds.A. remain B. uneaten C. rest D. part194. The government placed _ on the numbers of foreign cars that could be imported. A. limitations B. restraint C. requirements D. restrictions195. We wont know whether it will be successful. We wont know whether there will be good _. A. ends B. results C. effects D. causes196. No one imagined that the apparently _ businessman was really a criminal.A. respectful B. respectable C. respective D. respected197. At first the institute refused to purchase the telescope, but this decision was _ revised. A. occasionally B. consequently C. successively D. subsequently.198. The speaker _ several other subjects in the course of his talk but mostly kept himself to the main topic. A. held on B. worked out C. touched on D. kept out of199. Comrade Li Dazhao, _ librarian of Beijing University, was one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party.A. sometimes B. sometime C. some time D. some times200. Alice was very sorry to hear that her grandmother had _ two days before. A. broken off B. passed off C. given away D. passed away201. What makes the space shuttle _ is that it takes off like a rocket but lands like an airplane.A. exceptional B. strange C. unique D. rare202. People cannot but feel _, for they simply cannot understand how he could have made such a stupid mistake.A. puzzled B. delighted C. induced D. inspired203. When a space shuttle has accomplished its _, it can be ready for another trip in about two weeks.A. venture B. mission C. commission D. responsibility204. Hes the kind of man who is fond of _ compliments to other mens wives.A. paying B. saying C. expressing D. showing205. Radar enables the pilot of an airliner to take off, fly and land in _.A. danger B. comfort C. continuity D. safety206. The map was drawn to the standard _ of 1/100,000, so there was not much detail.A. route B. line C. rate D. scale207. Our Party has always devoted great attention to raising the living _ of the working people.A. cost B. situation C. level D. standard208. It was _ by the railway board that the cost of rail fares would be increased by ten percent.A. noticed B. stated C. suggested D. noted209. The chances of discovering life on Neptune are about a million _.A. at one B. for one C. to one D. against one210. Everything he said then was _ by what happened later.A. identified B. signified C. noticed D. verified211. The party, which had been greatly _, was spoiled by the rude behavior of an uninvited guest. A. looked forward to B. looked up to C. called forth D. called for212. It was clear that the small grocer was _ people he owed money to. A. at the expense of B. at the risk of C. in the way of D. at the mercy of213. I _ her not to walk on the thin ice but she would not listen to me.A. warned B. persuaded C. suggested D. noticed214. When products made in factories _, they are thrown away as garbage. A. come to an end B. are put to use C. are used up D. wear out215. She is making herself ill with _ over her sons future.A. trouble B. annoyance C. disgust D. worry216. The microphone enabled them to keep in touch, in other words, it made it _ for them to contact each other.A. likely B. capable C. possible D. probable217. They did not find _ to prepare for the worst conditions they might meet. A. worth their while B. it worthwhile C. it worth D. it worthy218. In spite of the thunderstorm, the children slept _ all night.A. densely B. soundly C. loudly D. noisily219. John _ knowledge of radio just by staying around the radio station.A. caught on B. worked up C. took up D. picked up220. I support your decision, but I should also make it clear that I am not going to be _ to it.A. connected B. fastened C. bound D. stuck221. Professor Jordon is well known for his _ into the habits of the common housefly. A. examination B. introduction C. research D. expression222. The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor that he had planned to _.A. discharge B. dismiss C. resign D. resume223. It was decided to _ the search when there was no hope of finding the missing girl alive.A. call off B. take up C. keep off D. ring up224. He put in a special _ for an extra days holiday so that he could attend his daughters wedding.A. request B. demand C. inquiry D. proposal225. She _ the temptation to buy a coat she could not afford.A.challenged B.obstructed C.contradictedD.resisted226. Scientists have to work hard to keep _ with modern discoveries and developments. A. company B. track C. touch D. pace227. He didnt _ what I read because his mind was on something else.A. hold on B. catch on C. take in D. get over228. We made plans for a visit but _ difficulties with the car prevented it. A. consequent B. subordinate C. substantial D. subsequent229. Arrogance and pride are similar in meaning, but there is _ difference between them. A. a submerged B. an indecisive C. an indistinct D. a subtle230. This watch is _ to all the other watches on the market.A. superior B. advantageous C. super D. beneficial231. The government has lost a great deal of _ because of the large increase in food pries.A. strength B. support C. agreement D. vote232. The branches could hardly _ the weight of the fruit.A. retain B. maintain C. sustain D. remain233. He thought this was the first pair of shoes that had fitted him _.A. perfectly B. justly C. fairly D. rightly234. I feel sure that _ qualification, ability and experience, you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind. A. in case of B. in terms of C. in the opinion of D. in the course of235. So far as he could, John had always tried to _ the example he saw in Lincoln.A. live up to B. set forth C. call for D. cut out236. It would be _ a risk to let the child go to school by himself.A. following B. passing C. running D. carrying237. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _. A. hurt B. spoiled C. damaged D. harmed238. Paper making began in China and from there it _ to North Africa and Europe. A. sprang B. spilled C. carried D. spread239. When the entire class worked together they finished the project _. A. in no way B. in no time C. on no account D. in no case240. The _ of his clothes indicated too clearly that he had been playing football.A. state B. condition C. occasion D. situation241. Circus tigers, although they have been tamed, can _ attack their trainer. A. unexpectedly B. deliberately C. reluctantly D. subsequently242. Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which _ increase the risk of heart disease.A. in turn B. in return C. by chance D. by turns243. The patients believe that the doctor knows exactly how to put them _. A. correct B. perfect C. right D. well244. They decided to leave the waiter a big _ because the food and service had been excellent. A. note B. reward C. tip D. gift245. And you find that youre not to be _ with a position of real responsibility.A. offered B. trusted C. furnished D. retained246. There was a good _ of the countryside from the front of the bus. A. sight B. view C. scene D. scenery247. In aerospace devices the weight of the necessary power producing equipment is _.A. vital B. possible C. capable D. reliable248. This album is _ as it was the only one ever signed by the President. A. unusual B. unique C. rare D. special249. Trains stop here in order to _ passengers only.A. get off B. pick up C. pull up D. pull in250. He _ the place where he had been bitten by an insect.A. snatched B. scratched C. squeezed D. stretched251. It is not profitable to provide bus services in districts where the population is widely _.A. scattered B. dismissed C. separated D. spread252. There are usually at least two _ of looking at every question.A. ways B. directions C. views D. opinions253. He left in such a hurry that I _ had time to thank him.A. almost B. even C. nearly D. scarcely254. As more and more cars are produced and used, so the _ from their exhaust-pipes contains an even larger volume of poisonous gas.A. exposure B. distribution C. expansion D. emission255. The book seems to have been _ from various books and articles. A. pieced together B. taken off C. broken away D. pulled out256. We had a marvelous holiday: only the last two days were slightly _ by the weather. A. damaged B. hurt C. ruined D. spoiled257. I could tell he was surprised from the _ on his face.A. appearance B. view C. sight D. expression258. Id like to take _ of this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation.A. profit B. benefit C. advantage D. interests259. If you ever have the _ to go abroad to work, you should take it.A. possibility B. offer C. luck D. chance260. Scientists think they have _ in their attempt to find the causes of some major dieases. A. broken through B. worked out C. fallen out D. got round261. His test results are not very _. He does well one week and badly the next.A. invariable B. consequent C. continuous D. consistent262. The new safety regulations were agreed on after _ with the work-force. A. conference B. participation C. intervention D. consultation263. The room was so quiet that she could hear the _ of her heart.A. hitting B. beating C. tapping D. knocking264. During World War II Malta managed to _ most of Italian and German bombers by throwing up an effective anti-aircraft screen.A. put out B. shut out C. come across D. get across265. I think we should let Maria go camping with her boyfriend. _, shes a big girl now.A. Above all B. After all C. First of all D. For all266. Jims close _ to his brother made people mistake them for one another.A. confusion B. similarity C. resemblanceD. imitation267. It has been decided that this company has the _ right to print Mr. Smiths novels.A.eventual B.versatile C.extensive D.exclusive268. He has recently _ chess to provide himself with some relaxation.A. taken on B. taken up C. held on D. held up269. What a terrible experience! _ , you are safe, thats the main thing.A. Somehow B. Anyhow C. Somewhat D. Anywhere270. John always tries to _ people who are useful to him professionally.A. develop B. provoke C. correspond D. cultivate271. Although he hasnt any formal qualifications, Betas _ to do well for himself.A. managed B. succeeded C. arranged D. convinced272. The family is a cooperative enterprise for which it is difficult to _ rules, because each family needs to work out its own ways to deal with its own problems.A. set up B. put down C. keep up D. lay down273. After a short holiday, he _ himself once more to his studies.A. applied B. converted C. engaged D. exerted274. She felt _ of having asked such a silly question when the audience couldnt help laughing.A. guilty B. crazy C. miserable D. ashamed275. The driver can adjust the heating in winter and the air conditioning in summer to suit his own _.A. leisure B. preference C. convenience D. selection276. There is not much time left; So Ill tell you about it _.A. in detail B. in brief C. in short D. in all277. She got married although her parents had not given her their _.A. allowance B. consent C. permit D. appreciation278. The rain was heavy and _ the land was flooded. A. consequently B. constantly C. continuously D. consistently279. Magnificent views over the countryside have often _ people to write poems.A. convinced B. inspired C. induced D. attracted280. From the cheers and shouts of _, I gathered that he was winning the race.A. stimulus B. urgency C. encouragement D. promotion281. She once again went through her composition carefully to _ all spelling mistakes from it.A.withdraw B.abandon C.diminish D.eliminate282. When the little child caught sight of the young woman _ in white he started brawling immediately.A. dressed B. wearing C. worn D. putting on283. Some areas, _ their severe weather conditions, are hardly populated.A. due to B. but for C. in spite of D.with relation to284. Many university courses are not really _ to the needs of students or their future employers.A.associated B. relative C. geared D. sufficient285. If we can _ our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.A. get off B. come across C. come over D. get over286. Be careful how you _ that jug, it will break very easily. A. pour B. operate C. handle D. employ287. We suddenly saw the bus about to leave and had to run _ to catch it.A. hardly B. awkwardly C. hard D. strongly288. He hated the war so much that he decided to leave the army _. A. for long B. once in a while C. for good D. once upon a time289. This year the farmers w


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