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过来人简历模板王 勇教育背景北京邮电大学*(+86)138-*-*yong.wang2008.09-2012.07北京邮电大学热能工程系工学学士中国,北京部分课程:高等数学(81),流体力学(79),宏观经济学(89),投资学(90),国际经济学(83),会计学原理(89)2011.02哈佛大学青年创新与企业家项目美国,波士顿修读关于领袖素质、商业案例分析、宏观经济比较、商业与技术创新等领域的专业课程组成项目团队,对不动产领域的投资模式进行分析,并向来自哈佛大学与麻省理工学院的资深教授进行展示2011.08香港中文大学工商管理学院国际商业交换生项目(成绩:优,前 20)中国,香港部分课程:资本市场,财务管理,管理实务,商业案例分析2011.08实习经历万通国际商业案例大赛一等奖,杰出表现奖学金(前 10%)2011.07-2011.08美国万通金融集团金融管理实习生中国,香港财富 500 强公司,超过 158 年风险及财务管理经验,全美 5 大互惠寿险公司,管理资产逾 3630 亿美元llll接受资本市场、财富管理、风险管理、退休管理、投资理财、销售循环、财务策划等入职培训协助公司拓展内地市场业务,撰写证券投资基金行业报告,对比香港与内地基金业关键性指标(包括可比财务指标、资产收益率等)并提出合理性建议,带领 7 人团队完成 35 页分析报告深入分析研究华夏基金管理公司并撰写企业报告,运用 SWOT 和 4P 法分析其产品组合,竞争地位,完成 17 页分析报告(英文版),提交给公司高层用于了解内地市场协助部门经理进行市场调研,通过问卷进行 30 名客户的调研与分析,完成任务质量在团队排名前 20%2010.07-2010.08过来人(北京)咨询有限公司实习生中国,北京中国领先的雇主品牌方案提供商,下辖中国最大的大学生求职网站,主要客户包括欧莱雅、IBM、中移动等课外活动llll领导 4 人的项目团队搜集和分析企业信息,按照相应的分析框架制作针对潜在雇员的企业分析报告(包括麦肯锡、摩立特、壳牌、BP)和行业分析报告(如投行、咨询、金融、零售)与团队合作两个月共完成报告 263 份,被引用下载次数达 60 万次,独立起草 14 份行业分析演示报告在高级咨询顾问指导下改进行业报告分析框架,为新成员提供培训,有效优化工作流程参与搜狐与贝塔斯曼等企业雇主品牌全国推广项目,在 CEO 的指导下参与客户会谈与项目执行2011.03未来企业家案例大赛团队负责人美国,纽约参加于哥伦比亚大学举办的案例大赛,与来自美国、中国的 3 名小组成员完成案例研究ll修读关于宏观经济学、微观经济学、企业战略、市场营销和财务分析等领域的专业课程带领 4 人团队在 1 个月内完成不动产相关案例的数据调研和数据调研,并完成两万字的案例报告2010.11-今过来人职业发展俱乐部创始人中国,北京全国最大的职业发展类公益团体,源自清华大学,成员逾 1 万人,来自全国 30 所知名高校lll首次在本校举办为期 3 周“职场过来人经验分享”系列活动,成功邀请超过 20 名企业嘉宾,嘉宾均来自 KMPG、P&G、HSBC 等知名企业,举办讲座超过 10 场, 吸引超过 600 名学生参与,在本年度公益活动中人数排名第一全程负责 60 名志愿者的招募、选拔、考核工作;年终评比中获得优秀团队奖(师大首次获得)编制工作财务预算,从市场推广到日常运营,管理项目资金共 43000 元2010.08-2010.092010 国际金融与财富管理论坛北京组委会 志愿者中国,北京负责超过 80 名外籍与会人士的信息整理、资料准备、接待以及后期服务工作面对 200 人发表关于金融产品的演讲,收到良好反响,得到与会 MassMutual 高层的肯定和表彰2009.08-2010.08北京邮电大学 工学院学生会宣传部副部长中国,北京获得奖项ll领导协调 4 部门成员,策划组织首届环境文化节闭幕式,邀请著名主持人*现场访谈,担任现场总负责建立 QQ 群和公共邮箱,及时与队友沟通,监督活动进程,协调整体人员及时间安排2010.062009.09其它北京邮电大学*社会工作奖学金、优秀学生干部(前 10%)北京邮电大学“*”活动优秀志愿者(前 20%)英语:CET-6:554/710(大二上通过),托业考试:790/990,英语口语流利计算机:熟练使用 Microsoft Office 办公软件(Excel, PowerPoint),掌握 C+编程兴趣爱好:音乐、排球;校合唱团成员,环境学院排球队主力队员过来人(北京)教育科技有限公司保密资料过来人简历模板Winston Y, WangAddress: Beijing University of Post and TelecommunicationsEducational BackgroundMobile: +86 138-*-*Email: winston.wang2008.09-2012.07Beijing University of Post and TelecommunicationsBachelor in EngineeringBeijing, CHINASelected courses: Calculus (81), Macro Economics (89), Accounting (78), Capital Market (82)2011.02Harvard UniversityYouth Innovation and Entrepreneurship ProgramBoston, USACompleted courses in Leadership, Business Case Analysis, Business & Technological Innovation and etc.Worked with team members on the analysis of real estate investment, gave presentation to Harvard professors2011.08Faculty of Business AdministrationThe Chinese University of Hong KongHong KongInternational Business Student Exchange Program, syllabus including corporate finance and case analysis2011.08Top Award in MassMutual International Business Case Contest, Scholarship for Outstanding Performance (Top 10%)Internship Experiences2011.07-2011.08MassMutual Asia Co., Ltd.Financial Management InternHong KongFortune 500 Company, top 5 US insurance company, asset under management exceeding USD 363 billionReceived extensive training on capital markets, asset management, corporate finance & risk managementAssisted management team in developing mainland market, drafted research report on local security industry,including benchmarking analysis on key financial ratios and asset return ratiosConducted in-depth research on Huaxia Security, used SWOT and 4P framework to analyze product portfolio,competitive landscape, completed 17-page report in English for corporate executivesSupervised by team manager to conduct questionnaire survey with 30 clients, ranked top 20% in performanceMastered personal financial plan models, developed financing solutions for 2 key clients2010.07-2010.08Guolairen Consulting Co., Ltd.Assistant AnalystBeijing, CHINALeading employer branding solution provider in China, clients including Loreal, IBM, China Mobile and etcllllExcurricular ActivitiesLed a 4-member team to gather and analyze data based on established framework, developed employer analysisreports including Mckinsey, Monitor Group, Shell & BP, completed 14 industry analysis reports independentlyCompleted 263 reports and achieved over 60 thousand downloads per monthImproved report framework and template under supervision of senior consultants, provided regular training to newteam members, effectively optimized project team working loadParticipated in Bertelsmann and Fedex national employer branding projects, attended client meetings with CEO2011.03Future Entrepreneur Business Case ContestTeam LeaderNew York, USAWorked with 3 team members from US and China on the case contest held in Columbia UniversityllAttended courses in Macro & Micro Economics, Business Strategy, Marketing and Financial AnalysisConducted paper research on RE investment case, finished 20,000-word case report within one month2010.11-presentGLR Career Development ClubFounderBeijing, CHINALargest career development society in China, with over 10,000 members in 60 top universitieslllInitiated “Career Experience Sharing” Series Events lasting 3 weeks, successfully invited over 20 guest speakers fromfamous emplyers including KPMG, P&G and HSBCResponsible for recruiting, training and evaluating over 60 volunteers, won Awards for Team Achievements duringyearend evaluation (first time for Beijing Normal University)Adopted various promotion methods to attract over 600 students, ranked No.1 among all student events in 20092010.08-2010.092010 International Finance and Asset Management Forum VolunteerBeijing, CHINAResponsible for coordination and communication with over 80 overseas participants, prepared meeting materialsSuccessfully gave speech to over 200 audiences regarding financial product innovation, received positive feedback fromMassMutual management teamHonors & Awards2009.062008.09Other InformationBUTP * Social Work Scholarship, Excellent Student Leader Awards (Top 5%)BUTP * Achievement Award for Volunteers (Top 20%)Language skills: fluent in Mandarin and English, CET-6: 554/710, TOEIC: 790/990Computer skills: advanced user of Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint), familiar with C+Hobbies: Team leader of School Volleyball Team, Member of School Choral (over 40 performances)过来人(北京)教育科技有限公司保密资料


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