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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Module 4 知识点梳理注:1) 单词和词组要求能正确认读和拼背,并理解词义。 2) 句型:能正确认读,理解句意。 3) 语法:能掌握知识点,并能运用。5) 打“ * ”的内容为拓展性的词汇或句子,能正确认读,并理解词义。Unit 1 My body单词和词组:P38head 头body身体fingers 手指(复)knee膝盖foot 脚(复: feet) shoulder肩膀arm 手臂hand 手 leg 腿toes 脚趾(复)P39myself 我自己 *yourself 你自己 *easy 容易of course 当然P40stretch your arms伸展手臂 raise your hands 举起双手 stamp your feet 跺跺脚 clap your hands 拍手主要句型:1. I have two eyes. My eyes are big. 我有两只眼睛。我的眼睛很大。2. I can draw myself. 我会画自己。3. Can you draw yourself? Yes, of course. 你会画自己吗?是的,当然会。4. These are my legs. Theyre long. 这些是我的腿。它们是长的。5. Look! Its me. 看!这就是我。6. How funny! 真有趣!语法:1. 能用to have的句型描述自己的身体特征。 I have two long legs and two big feet.2. 能用to be的句型介绍自己的身体部位和特征。My nose is small, but my eyes are big.This is my face. Its round.These are my fingers. Theyre thin and long.3. 能用祈使句,发出指令。如: Touch your shoulders. Dont stamp your feet. Clap your hands, please.写话: About me要求:能用几句话描绘自己的外貌特征、穿着以及爱好等 Look at this picture. Its me. Im tall and thin. I have a round face. I have two big eyes and two small ears. My hair is long. My legs are long and my feet are big. I have a new dress. Its blue and white. I can ride a bicycle and fly a kite. I like singing and dancing. Do you like me?Unit 2 Childrens Day 单词和词组:P42first 第一 June 六月 parents 父母our 我们的 great 太棒了the first of June 六月一日 Childrens Day 儿童节sing a song 唱歌 take a photograph 拍照have a class party 召开班级联谊会 at school 在校go to the park with my parents 与父母去公园 P43park 公园 cinema 电影院 zoo 动物园classmate 同班同学 on Childrens Day 在儿童节go to the cinema 去电影院P44January 一月 March 三月 May 五月July 七月 October 十月 second 第二third 第三 fifth 第五 fourteenth 第十四Saturday 周六 China 中国 (the) UK 英国Singapore 新加坡 Thailand 泰国 Japan 日本on the fourteen of July 在七月十四日 on the first of October 在十月一日on the third of March 在三月三日 on the fifth of May 在五月五日on the second Saturday of January 在一月的第二个周六in January 在一月份 in March 在三月in China 在中国 in the UK 在英国 in Singapore 在新加坡 in Thailand 在泰国 in Japan 在日本 主要句型:1. Today is the first of June. Its Childrens Day. 今天是六月一日。是儿童节。2. Happy Childrens Day! 儿童节快乐!3. In the morning, we have a class party at school. 早晨,我们在校开班级联欢会。4. Lets take a photograph here. 让我们在这拍照吧!5. What do you do on Childrens Day? I go to the cinema with my friends. 六一儿童节你做什么? 我和朋友一起去看电影。6. Do you go to the zoo on Childrens Day? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 六一儿童节你去动物园吗? 是的,去的/不,不去。7. In the UK, Childrens Day is on the fourteenth of July. 英国的儿童节在七月十四日。语法:1. 能用句型What do you do ?询问他人某一时间的活动安排,并能正确应答。 What do you do on Childrens Day? I go to the park with my classmates.2. 能用句型Do you ?询问他人的活动安排,并能正确应答。 Do you go to the park with your friend? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.3. 能用一般现在时描述日常的活动。In the morning,we have a class party at school.4. 能正确表达日期:在某个月份用介词“in”;在具体某一天用介词“on”in July 在七月 on the fourteenth of July 在七月十四日写话: Childrens Day要求:能用几句话介绍自己在儿童节的活动。Today is the first of June. Its Childrens Day. We have a class party in the morning. We have beautiful clothes. We have sweets, cakes and juice. We sing and dance together. In the afternoon, I go to the cinema with my parents. We see a cartoon film. Its funny. I like Childrens Day.Unit 3 Story time单词和词组:story 故事 time 时间 own 自己的busy 忙碌 help 救命 bad 坏的boil 煮沸 water 水 stop 停止wolf 狼(复:wolves) go fishing 去钓鱼 over there 在那里boil the water 烧水 go away 离开 be afraid of 害怕主要句型:1. Hooray! 好哇!2. Help ! 救命!3. Stop! 站住!4. Lets go fishing. 我们一起去钓鱼吧!专心-专注-专业


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