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IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 1 of 211Action log templatePROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERPROJECT PHASEPROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL UNITIDShort descriptionP OwnerDate assignedTarget dateDate launchedDateperformed/ completedStAssociated action IDsIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 2 of 211ID: Action identifierP: Priority - High/Medium/LowSt : Status - Open/Assigned/ClosedAssociated actions IDS - Record the identifiers of any actions associated with this action, e.g. an effectiveness review actionIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 3 of 211Asset inventory templatePROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERPROJECT PHASEPROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL UNITAssetOwnerAllocationNameStartEndRetdd/mmm/yy dd/mmm/yyIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 4 of 211Ret - Returned indicator - * = returnedIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 5 of 211Asset inventory reviewDate of last reviewCommentsIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 6 of 211Change log templatePROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERPROJECT PHASEPROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL UNITIDShort descriptionRaised by /Stakeholder Change IDP Date raisedOwnerTarget dateSt Status dateIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 7 of 211ID: Change identifierP: Priority - High/Medium/LowSt: Status - Open/Approved for Analysis/Approved for implementation/Implemented/Rejected/Deferred/ClosedIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 8 of 211Change request templatePROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERPROJECT PHASEPROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL UNITChange request identificationChange IDShort descriptionPriority Date raisedStatusRaised by /Stakeholder change IDChange request assessmentDetailed descriptionTimescale for analysisSmall changeYes / NoAccepted for analysis byAccepted for analysis onAssigned toAssigned dateIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 9 of 211Change request analysisImpact analysisSolutions consideredEffort estimateCost estimatePotential start date forimplementationPotential target dateImpact levelResourcesEstimates validated onEstimates validated byAnalyzed byIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 10 of 211Change request implementationImplementation decision Approved/Rejected/DeferredDecision dateBy whomApproved effortApproved costApproved start date for implementationTarget date for implementationApproved onApproved byImpact on plans and/or agreementsIncorporated into plans onIncorporated into plans byPlans changedIncorporated into agreements onIncorporated into agreements byAgreements amendedCompletion criteriaChange order ID(s)IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 11 of 211Date closedDate completedCommentsPriority: Critical/High/Medium/LowStatus: Open / Approved for Analysis / Approved for implementation/ Rejected / Deferred/ ClosedIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 12 of 211Compliance incident document templatePROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERPROJECT PHASEPROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL UNITIDShort descriptionSeverityHigh/Medium/LowIncident dateStatusNot notified/Accepted/Rejected/ClosedCompliance Incident descriptionSponsor or Supplier involvedType (1)IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 13 of 211OwnerCompliance Incident consequencesNumber of People involved DurationImpactNumber of People involved x durationIncident damage Compliance Incident resolutionNo.OwnerTarget date CommentsResolution damageIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 14 of 211Claimed damage (2)Accepted damageAccepted byAccepted onCompliance Incident historyDateComments(1) Type: Delay in Delivery/Delay in Validation/Missing a Meeting/project technical Environment Failure/.(2) Claimed damage = Incident damage + Resolution damagesIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 15 of 211Compliance incident log templatePROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERPROJECT PHASEPROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL UNITIDShort descriptionSIncident dateSponsor orSupplier involvedTPeopleinvolvedDurationClaimeddamageAccepted damageStStatusdateAssociated events IDsIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 16 of 211ID: Compliance incident identifierT: Type - Delay in Delivery/Delay in Validation/Missing a Meeting/project technical Environment Failure/.S: Severity - Critical/High/Medium/LowDuration - length of incident in days / hoursClaimed/Accepted damage - monetary cost of the incident (incident + resolution)St: Status - Not notified/Accepted/Rejected/ClosedAssociated event IDs - Record the identifiers of any event associated with this compliance, e.g. a Change request or an IssueIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 17 of 211Communications management plan templateforPROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERVersion numberN.NDraft/Final as ofdd/mmm/yyPrinted ondd/mmm/yyAuthorAuthors nameAuthors address Authors e-mailAuthors telephone numberOwnerOwners nameIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 18 of 211Document informationDocument sourceThis document is maintained as an online document. Contact the author for the latest version.Revision historyVersion numberDateSummary of changesRevision marksn.ndd/mmm/yy First versionNoApprovalsThis document has been approved by the following people. The signed approval forms are filed in the Project Control Book.NameFunctionDate of approvalSignatureDistributionThis document has been distributed to:NameFunctionIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 19 of 2111PrefaceThe Communications management plan defines the regular meetings and reporting, and the other communications activities that take place during the project. Its purpose is to help ensure that all the project stakeholders and team members receive all the information they need in a timely manner.2OverviewSummarize the principles and key aspects of the plan under the following subheadings.2.1Communications with the sponsor2.2Communications with functional management2.3Communications with subcontractors2.4Communications within the team3MediaDescribe any important aspects of the communications media and technology that is used.4Scheduled meetingsComplete one block of the following table for each type of regular meeting, e.g. Sub-project, Subcontractor, Project, Change board, Project steering committee, Executive steering committee.IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 20 of 211MEETINGProvide a short, meaningful title for the meeting.PurposeBriefly define the objectives of the meeting LocationSpecify where the meeting is heldFrequencySpecify how often the meeting is held, the day and start time, and the planned duration.ChairpersonName the person who runs the meeting.Minutes byName the person who takes the minutes.AttendeesName all the other regular attendees.AgendaList the standard agenda items Distribution listName anyone other than the attendees who receives a copy of the minutesMediaSpecify how the minutes are produced and distributed5ReportingComplete one block of the following table for each type of regular report, e.g. Individual, Sub-project/team, Subcontractor and Project status reports.REPORTName the reportPurposeBriefly define the objectives of the reportFrequencySpecify how often and when the report is producedAuthorName the person who writes the reportDistributed toName the people to whom the report is distributedMediaSpecify how the report is produced and distributedReference toIndicate if any specific procedure has been defined for reporting6Other communicationsIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 21 of 211Complete one block of the following table for each type of other regular communication Name of the communicationShort name of the other type of communicationDescriptionDescribe other planned communications such as news bulletins, senior presentations or periodic information flow meetings.AudienceThe audience for whom the information is intended, such as the project team, IBM management, etc.FrequencyTiming of information delivery.MediaDescription of media to be used, such as face-to-face meeting, conference call, e-mail, team room, or written report.7ScheduleAttach a Gantt chart, prepared with a suitable project planning tools, showing the activities and timescales to implement the plan.8Assumptions, dependencies and risks8.1AssumptionsList any important assumptions upon which the plan is based.8.2DependenciesList any important factors upon which the plan depends.8.3RisksList any important risks inherent in the plan.IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 22 of 2119CostsItemize any costs, not accounted for in any other plan, that must be incurred to implement the communications management plan.IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 23 of 211Contact list templatePROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERPROJECT PHASEPROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL UNITNameLocationTelephoneE-mailSiteOfficeOfficeMobileHomeInternalInternetIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 24 of 211IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 25 of 211Correspondence log templatePROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERPROJECT PHASEPROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL UNITIDCorresp. name Correspondence descriptionCategoryStakeholder IDReceived fromSent toDate ofcorresp.Date loggedArchival locationIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 26 of 211ID: Correspondence identifier or Transmission IDCategory - Notification, Approval, Information, Controversial, OthersIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 27 of 211Deliverable definition templatePROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERPROJECT PHASEPROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT Deliverable IDDeliverable name Deliverable descriptionDeliverable contentsDeliverable properties (1)IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 28 of 211Ownership properties (2)Unique features (3)Reference to agreementAcceptance criteria / Level of service measuresIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 29 of 211Delivery planDeliverable version or components description (4)Target delivery dateRelease authorityRelated milestonesReceipt authorityDateDeliverable history ReferenceDocumentsDocument the different status, indicate all the reviews, the Delivery ID(s), acting as evidences.Deliverable revisionIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 30 of 211RevisionComments(1) Deliverables properties: Specify the scope (Inclusions or Exclusions), the number of items, the volume, the languages used, the physical medium, the delivery conditions.(2) Ownership properties : Specify the copyright implication, the license restrictions, the application of royalties.(3) Unique features : Briefly describe what makes that deliverable unique.(4) Deliverable version or components description : Describe the content of the delivery, partial delivery, and/or version. At the component or version level, identify such properties as the scope, structure, physical properties (number of items, physical medium), and ownership (copyright, license restrictions).IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 31 of 211Event log templatePROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERPROJECT PHASEPROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL UNITIDDate and TimeDetailsTypeRefRelated documentsIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 32 of 211Details - Briefly, but clearly, describe the eventType - Type of event - For example: incident, phone call, decision, performance improvement directive, organizational changeRef - Event reference - ID(s) of related events in Event logIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 33 of 211Expenditure log templatePROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERPROJECT PHASEPROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL UNITDateExpenditure typeAmountOriginatorReferencedd mmm yyIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 34 of 211Mmm = month with 3 alphabetic charactersIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 35 of 211Financial plan templateforPROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGERVersion numberN.NDraft/Final as ofdd/mmm/yyPrinted ondd/mmm/yyIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 36 of 211AuthorAuthors nameAuthors addressAuthors e-mailAuthors telephone numberOwnerOwners nameIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 37 of 211Document informationDocument sourceThis document is maintained as an online document. Contact the author for the latest version.Revision historyVersion numberDateSummary of changesRevision marksn.ndd mmm yy First versionNoApprovalsThis document has been approved by the following people. The signed approval forms are filed in the Project Control Book.NameFunctionDate of approvalSignatureDistributionThis document has been distributed to:NameFunctionIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 38 of 2111PrefaceThe Financial plan is a set of one or more tables that show the different types of cost and revenues that are planned over a period of time. These tables are structured at the lowest level necessary to provide for accurate estimates and to provide for appropriate cost budgeting. The examples provided in this template are at the phase and project level. The following Financial plan contains:The estimates upon which the pricing and budget have been determined.The budget that has been approved by on .The estimates and budget are presented at the phase level (for each phase) and then consolidated at the project level. The phase level is the lowest level of detail that is required for the Financial Measurement Baseline (FMB) for this project. IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 39 of 2112EstimatesItemize the expenses for the project at each Project phase level, then summarize the expenses at the project level.2.1Itemized estimates by Project phase and by expenditure typeProvide itemized estimates for each phase of the project. For example, types of expenditure might be: permanent staff, capital, depreciation, travel, supplier expenses, training, contingency PROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT PHASEExpenditure typeNoteY1Q1 Y1Q2 Y1Q3Y1Q4Y1Y2Q1Y2Q2Y2Q3Y2Q4Y2 ProjectPermanent staff1ContractorsCapital2Travel & LivingStage paymentsSupplier expensesIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 40 of 211Purchased hardwarePurchased softwareTraining3Office & materielDepreciationSG&ATranslationContingency4Total(*) See the appendix A for a template to prepare sub-totals by phase and by expenditure typeFor each note in the above table provide any assumptions upon which the estimate is based.Note #Assumption1IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 41 of 2112.2Consolidated Project estimates Provide consolidated estimates for the entire project, by each expenditure type. See Appendix B for possible variation of this template, where columns are phases instead of quarterly.PROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGER Expenditure typeNoteY1Q1 Y1Q2 Y1Q3Y1Q4Y1Y2Q1Y2Q2Y2Q3Y2Q4Y2 ProjectPermanent staffContractors1 Capital2Travel and living Stage paymentsSupplier expensesPurchased hardwarePurchased IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 42 of 211softwareTraining3Office & materielDepreciationSG&ATranslationContingency4TotalFor each note in the above table provide any assumptions upon which the estimate is based.Note #Assumption1IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 43 of 2113BudgetThe following budget, which is based upon the Agreement, is the basis upon which the project financial data will be tracked. It is presented in a hierarchy of tables that contain the Financial Measurement Baseline (FMB). The hierarchy includes a budget at the phase level for each phase, and then at the project level.3.1Project budget by phaseFor each phase of the project, the budget for one year is decomposed into months based upon how work is scheduled in the Project management schedule. IBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 44 of 211PROJECT / SUB-PROJECTPROJECT / SUB-PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT PHASEExpenditure typeNoteM1M2M3M4M5 M6M7M8 M9 M10 M11 M12BudgetPermanent staffContractorsCapitalTravel and livingStage paymentsSupplier expensesPurchased hardwarePurchased softwareTrainingOffice & materielIBM Worldwide Project Management MethodWt520/3Action log Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002. All rights reserved. Project namePage 45 of 211DepreciationSG&ATranslationContingencyTotal Revenue typeFixed priceTime & materialEducationRoyalties1TotalrevenuesRevenue shows incomes according to the payment stream described in any Supplier or Alliance Agreements. The following table is used to make


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