易错题 (8)

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易错题 (8)_第1页
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易错题 (8)_第2页
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III. Listen and choose . 听问句 , 选答语 。( 10分 ) ( ) 1. A . In November . B . In October . ( ) 2. A . Yes , I do . B. Yes , he does . ( ) 3. A . Music . B . Milk ( ) 4. A . 20 pupils . B . 20 dollars . ( ) 5. A . Its cloudy . B . Hes cold .I. Read and choose . 选出最合适的选项。(10分) ( ) 1. - _ subject do you like best ? -PE . A . Where B . What C . Who ( ) 2. What do you often do _ English ? - Sing the songs . A . on B . in C . of ( ) 3. What lessons do you _ on Monday ? A . have B . has C . having ( ) 4. I _ learning new words . A . like B . likes C . / ( ) 5. Football _ my favourite .A . am B . is C . are II. Read and number .将下列句子排序。(10分) ( ) Native Americans help them to build houses . ( ) The ship lands in America . ( ) The people from England are cold and hungry . ( ) The people want to thank the Native Americans . ( ) The people are looking for a new home .


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