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六年级下册英语教学设计课 题Unit3 A healthy diet课型新授课时 8-1备课时间3.19授课时间教学目标1 .能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己对所学内容的看法。2 .能使学生认识到要养成健康饮食,健康生活的习惯。重点难点能正确地理解并朗读课文内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试叙述自己或他人的饮食。教具准备录音机、挂图、食物金字塔图片教学过程二次备课Show teaching aimsStepl. Warm up1 . GreetingT: Good morningafternoon , boys and girls, Ss: Good morningafternoon, MissMr. 2 .Free talkT: What did you have for breakfast ?Ss: I had today. (2 -3)T: We know a lot of food. Today we will talk about food. Please say more in groups.2分钟的时间复习以前学过的单词。T: What do you like to eatdrink? drink T: Are they healthy food?Learn the new word healthy. (Healthy meansthey are good for our bodies.)Then Ss say some healthy food.( )Step2. Presentation1. Talk about the food pyramidT: Our bodies need food to give us energy.Look at the food pyramid. It shows us how much of each kind of food we need every day.Showthe phrases: a lot of, some, a little, a few, Howmuchshould we need?Talk about the meaning of the phrases in groups.通过课件呈现-1 -图片,通过比较的方法理解意思上的区别,然后介绍与名词的搭配用法。Ss: We need a lot of some a littlea few (帮助学生理解理解四个词组的含义,前两个学生不会出错,对于后两个的使用可以点拨 提示)PPT呈现图片: 第一组 a lot of eggs, some eggs, a few eggs 第二组 a lot of apples, some apples, a few eggs 第三组 a lot of cola, some cola, a little cola 第四组 a lot of rice, some rice, a little rice学生自主练习或小组内操练,然后个别展示。让学生初步理解健康饮食 要有“量”的限制。2.Text teaching.(1)T: The food pyramid shows us a healthy diet. Learn the new word diet .(diet means somebody s eating and drinking habits.) What do they have for three meals?Read the text and finish the form.T: Whatand howmuchdo they have? Let s read the text and finish the form.breakfastlunchdinnerMikeYang LingShow in groups.(2) Read and finish the exercise on P28, True or false.Check the answer together.(3) Finish the exercise on P28, Read and write.Step3. Consolidation1. Reading timeT: Now we know the story. Let s listen and repeat.(1) .First, the students read the text in groups and help eachother. The teacher helps the students to read better.(通过学生在小组内再次朗读课文,让学生从整体上再次回顾课文内 容,引导学生在小组内互相帮助,合作学习。)(2) .Secondly, read the story by yourselves. Please payattention to the intonation, pause ,stress and linking.(通过教师示范朗读,指导学生注意朗读时的语音语调、停顿、重音和 连读等朗读技巧。)2. Retell the text.-# -T:I think all of you know the story well. Canyou retell the story according to the form on the blackboard? Have a try. Prepare for it.Ss: Yang Ling has a healthy diet. She often has for breakfast. She hasfor lunch. She hasfordinner. Shelikestoo, but she eatsat a time. She eatsevery day.T: Well done. Good job.(指导学生根据关键词及短语复述课文。然后根据复述能力的差异,给 予不同等第的评价。)3.Discuss in groups Let s look at Mike and Yang Ling s diet. T: Who has a healthy diet? Why?Ss: Mike likes sweet food, they re bad for teeth. He drinks a little water every day.T: Being healthy is the most important. Please makea healthy diet for yourself.(PPT出示表格)Step4 .Homework1. Listen and read the story.2. Retell the story.3. Make a healthy diet for your family members.(PPT出示作业)-7 -Blackboard designa lot of eat (s)somedrink(s)a few +have hasUnit 3 A healthy diet+可数名词复数、不可数名词可数名词复数a little + 不可数名词课 题Unit3 A healthy diet课型新授课时 8-2备课时间3.19授课时间教学目标1、The students can use the phrases a lot of , some, a few and a little.2、The students can retell the text and say some body s diet.重点难点1、The students can use the phrases a lot of , some, a few and a little.2、语音语调止确的朗读课文,复述故事。教具准备tape recorder , pictures ,PPT教学过程二次备课Show teaching aimsStep 1: Revision1、. T: Last class we learnt a story about a healthy diet. In the text, who has a healthy diet.Ss: Yang Ling has a healthy diet.T: Yes. Let s read the whole story together.Can you t ell us her healthy diet and Mike s bad diet? Pleasebe prepared for it.Ss: Show time. (3-4分别讲述Yang Ling 和Mike的饮食,教师作评价或引导学生评价)2、T: Can you give Mike some suggestion?Ss work in groups. You shouldn t eat drink a lot ofYou should eatdrink a lot of somea fewa littleT: You have a lot of good ideas.Step 2 Grammar time1. T: From the story we know different people has different diet. But we should make a healthy diet. We should know how much we should need.Who can read the sentences like this.教师示范朗读,纠正发音,学生练习读。2. T: Let s read the following sentences in groups. Divide the class into groups of four. They should read the sentences loudly. 呈现Grammar time中的句子,让学生在小组里读一读。3. Underline the words noodles , meat, vegetables , bread , eggs, water.戈U 出句中 的名词。板书 a lot of noodles meat, some vegetables bread, a few eggs, a little water4. Discuss in groups.组内讨论 a lot of, some, a few, a little的用法。5. Report.小组代表发言总结。6. The teacher sums up.教师总结。很多 a lot of.一些 some 几个a few + 一点儿 a little +可数名词复数、不可数名词可数名词复数不可数名词T: What uncountable nouns do you know? Work in groups.Ss: bread, juice, water, tea, milk, coffee, riceT: We don t adds or“es” to the following words.T: But we can adds or “es” to the following words, theyare countable words.Please rememberthe words : mango, potato, tomato. Weusually add “es” to them.8. Practice.PPT呈现一些名词或图片,选用 a lot of, some,a few ora little.Step 3 Fun time1. T:Last lesson we have a homework, make a healthy diet for yourself. Now tell us what do you have for breakfast?教师可先与一名学生做示范。T: what do you have for breakfast?S1: I have T:What does he she have for breakfast?She has (操练 lunch 和 dinner)2. Pair work.组织学生两人一组进行对话练习。达到能够叙述别人饮食的目标。3. Get the pairs to act the dialogues. Ask two or three pairs to present it to the class.Step 4Consolidation1 .T: Now boys and girls, you know a healthy diet. Let s try towrite a healthy diet, OK?You can write your diet or other s.2 .(补充习题Page )1、Listen and circle2、Listen and numberHomework :1. Listen and read the story correctly.2. Write your healthy diet .课 题Unit3 A healthy diet课型 新授课时 8-3备课时间3.20授课时间教学目标1、能正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师 的指导卜表演故事。能根据自己的饮食特点,合理完成购物任务。2、 了解中国的早餐和西方早餐不向饮食文化,并能用英语做简单的介绍。会说一 些常见中餐的英语表达。重点难点学生能了解中西方传统的饮食,并能用英语作简单介绍。教具准备PPT教学过程二次备课Show teaching aimsStepl. Review1 .Greeting2 .Review the textT: Mike and Yang Ling has similar food for lunch and dinner.But they have different breakfast. What do they have for breakfast?Ss: Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast, and Yang Ling often has has a lot of noodles for breakfast . She sometimes eats an egg too.2.Free talkT: Yes. What do you usually have for breakfast?Ss: I often have .Step 2: Culture timeT: People from different countries has different diet.Look at the pictures, which one is about Chinese people, which one is about western people?Ss: Picture 1 is about Chinese people, picture 2 is about western people.T: Discuss in groups, What s in the pictures?Ss: There is some 稀饭、馒头、包子in picture 1. There is some bread, coffee, meat, 香肠,PPT: Learn the new words: porridge, steamed buns, cereal, sausage.Play the tape , listen and repeat.Have a reading competition.Learn some other food.Discuss in groups: What do you like? Which food is better?Step 3 Cartoon time1. Listen and find.T: Where are Sam and his Mum?Ss: They are in the supermarket.T: Now let s listen What food do they buy in the supe rmarket?Ss listen and find the answer.Ss: They buy cola, rice and fish.1. Read and findT: Can Sam drink much cola?Read and answer. You can underline the key words.55: Samcan t drink too muchcola. Mumsays you shouldn t drink too much cola.T: Good. So Sam takes a small bottle. They buy so many things,is Sam happy at last?Read again and answer.56: Sam is not happy. Because Sam can not hold onto the fish and it fell into the river.2. Reading timeListen and repeat.Read in groups. Choose a way to read. Readtogether. Read after one.Read in roles.Show time.(3-4 groups show.)Summary: Sam s family have healthy diet. They buy things according to their diet.They have a healthy diet, they have a healthy life.Step 4 Consolidation1 . Do a survey: Do you have good eating habits?Read the sentences and ask and answer each other.a. Do you drink a lot of water every day?b. Do you wash your hands before eating?c. Do you watch TV when you eat?d. Do you brush your teeth every morning?六年级下册英语教学设计e. Do you brush your teeth before you go to bed?f. Do you eat a lot of sweet food?g. Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables?h. Do you eat a lot of fried food?i. Do you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner?j. Do you help to wash the dishes?2 .Write healthy tips1 . 4人小组讨论健康小贴士。2 .每人写1-2条,贴到纸上。3 .完成后要读一读哦!We can We should We shouldn t Eat every day.Drink every dayHomework:nis1. Read the cartoon freely and act it out.h the exercise book.(补充习题)教后记-11 -课 题Unit3 A healthy diet课型 新授课时 8-4备课时间3.21授课时间教学目标1 .按要求掌握本单兀单词、句型和日常用语。2 .根据所描述的对象正确地、熟练地运用a lot of, some , a few和a little重点难点1 .完成补充习题以及同步练习。2 .掌握字母组合“ ou”的发音规则。教具准备PPT教学过程二次备课Show teaching aimsStepl. Warm upQuick response “Yes or No ”Show some sentences ,and let the students read and judgeChinese people often have some steamed buns for breakfast.Mike drinks a lot of water every day.Yang Ling eats a little sweet food at a time.Sam drinks too much cola.You like eating a lot of food.Your mother cooks in your home.( 根据自己班级的实际情况设 讲一些句子)让学生把所学的内容用到实际生活中去,使学生能够真正的在生活中 使用英语。Step 2 PresentationT: Mrs Li is in the kitchen. What is she doing? Guess!Ss: She is cooking sweeping cleaning washing dishes T: Look at the picture, there is not much food in the kitchen.She is not cooking.Where is she standing?Ss: She is standing on the chair and shouting.T: Could you try to say something about the picture?Ss: Mrs Li shouts,“Get out! Get out! ” There is a little mousein her house.T: Try to listen and read it.Can you find some other words?ou: about, mouth, loud, loudly, cloud, cloudy, sound etc.T: Mrs Li is afraid of the mouse.Read in groups fulling of feeling.Show time.Attention: a little +不可数名词,a little +可数名词单数表示:一个小 For example: a little dog 一只小狗,a little boy 一个/、男孩 Step 3 Checkout time 1. Ask and answer1. Show the picture and talk about it.T: Look at the picture, Liu Tao and his parents are in the kitchen. They re cooking. What s on the table?Play a game:1 minute non stop talk a few There is a lot of some a little Let s see who will be the winner2. Ask and answer: Good memories (close books , ask and answer)Teacher asks questions first.T: Are there a lot of vegetables?Ss: Yes, there are.T:Is there any water?Ss: No, there isn t.Then, work in groups.T: Do they have a healthy diet.Step 4 Look and write1. T: Food give us different energy. Our bodies need different food. Look ,read and write.2. Check in groups first,then check in whole class.3. Fun reading.Show time. (add a topic “a healthy diet ” , make a speech in class)设计演讲的形式,让学生有目的的运用语言,训练学生的口语 表达和学以致用的意识。1. Ticking time1. Work in groups. Check each other.2. Check the answer.(补充习题及同步练习)Homework:Re1. Read the Sound time and k now the sound of“ou” .view the whole unit.教后 记六年级下册英语教学设计课 题Unit3 A healthy diet课型新授课时8-5备课时间3.21授课时间教学目标1 .能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2 .能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。重点难点能准确运用 a few, a little, many , much等表水数重的修饰词。教具准备PPT教学过程二次备课1 健康的饮食 2.take a small bottle3 .许多食物 4. a short man behind me5 .喝太多可乐 6.eat a little at a time7 .不得不回家 8. sweet food9 .和我 ,起来 10.be good for your teeth选择正确的答案,将其序号填入括号内。(10分)()1. Can I haveapples juice?A. someB. manyC. a few()2. There isn tcoffee in the cup.A. someB. muchC. many()3. There iswater in the bottle.A. a fewB. a littleC. any()4. How manyare there in the basket? There are six.A. breadB. mangoes. C. meat()5Su Haia toy car?A. Do; haveB. Does; hasC. Does; have()6. My teacher likesbikes.A. rideB. ridesC. riding()7.a healthy diet, there is a lot of fruit and vegetables.A. InB. ToC. On教 后 记课 题Unit3 A healthy diet课型复习课时8-6备课时间3.21授课时间教学目标1 .能综合运用本单元所学单词和句型2 .能熟练掌握本单元四会内容重点难点1 .完成本单元书面练习,查漏补缺2 .锻炼自主学习的能力,能和同伴共同完成学习任务,敢于用英语进行交 流和表达。教具准备PPT教学过程二次备课Stepl. Learning aims1 .能综合运用本单元所学单词和句型2 .能熟练掌握本单元四会内容3 .完成本单元书面练习,查漏补缺4 .锻炼自主学习的能力,能和同伴共同完成学习任务,敢于用英语进 行交流和表达。Step2. Presentation1 .小组比赛,拼写四会单词。2 .重点句型问答3 .综合练习总体情况分析Step3. Practice & Production1 .小组内讨论解决听力中的难点2 .各小组展示问题3 .在教师的指导下讨论并解决4 .校对所有笔试练习5 .学生订止练习6 .总结归纳笔试中的语言点Step4. Checkout1 .听力和笔试中的重难点及学生易错的题目2 .练习3 .评价i止Step5. Homework1 .复习U3词汇和句型2 .整理、复习错题教 后 记课 题Unit3 A healthy diet课型新授课时 8-7备课时间3.22授课时间教学目标复习本单元四会词组重点难点复习本单元四会词组教具准备PPT教学过程二次备课Step 1 Revision1 . Greetings.2 .听写单词、词组。1. a healthy diet 健康的饮食2.like eating sweets 喜欢吃糖3. like drinking water喜欢喝水4. a little water一点水5. eat a lot of sweets吃许多糖6. have some bread and milk for breakfast早饭吃面包喝牛奶7. some fish and meat一些鱼和肉 8. a few eggs几个鸡蛋9. every week 每周 10. have a lot of noodles吃许多面条11. eat an egg吃一个鸡蛋 12. some vegetables一些蔬菜13. eat a little rice吃一点米饭 14. like sweet food喜欢甜食15. eat a Step 2 完成英语补充练习上的题目1. Do the listening part. Then check the answer.2. Do the writing part.3. Check the answer.Step3、作业设计1. Read, recite and act the story time and cartoon time.2. Recite the key words, phrases and sentences.little at a time次吃点 16. eat some fruit every day每天吃水果教 后 记课 题Unit3 A healthy diet课型复习课时 8-8备课时间3.25授课时间教学目标复习本单元重点句型重点难点复习本单元重点句型教具准备PPT教学过程二次备课Step 1 Revision1 . Greetings.2 .听写单词、词组。Step 2复习本单元重点句子1. Mike likes eating sweets, cakes and ice cream. 迈克喜欢 吃糖,蛋糕和冰淇淋。2. He does not like drinking water.他/、喜欢喝水。3. She only drinks a little water every day.她每天只喝l点儿水。4. Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast.迈克早饭吃一*些面包和牛奶。5. I have a few eggs every week.我每周吃几个鸡蛋。6. Does Mike have a healthy diet?迈克有一个健康的饮食习惯吗?7. For lunch and dinner, she eats some meat and some vegetables.午饭和晚饭时,她吃一些肉和蔬菜。8. Do you have a healthy diet?你有一个健康的饮食习惯9. There is not much food in the fridge.冰箱里没有很多食物了。10.I have to go to the supermarket.我不得不去超市了。Step3、作业设计Copy the important sentence.教 后 记-15 -


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