译林教学设计-七年级英语上册《Unit 1 This is me》(reading 1) (新)-牛津版

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译林教学设计-七年级英语上册《Unit 1 This is me》(reading 1) (新)-牛津版_第1页
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译林教学设计-七年级英语上册《Unit 1 This is me》(reading 1) (新)-牛津版_第2页
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初中英语Unit 1 This is me教学目标1. Learn the new words2. Learn the introduction of oneself3. Develop students to speak up actively4. Let students be full of self-confidence5 learn vowels教学重点、难点1. The new words2. Useful sentences3. Learn how to make an introduction of oneself.教学过程ProcedureTimeTeachers activitiesLearners activitiesPurposeStep 1 吸引注意,回归课堂2minsThis is the third day of the new term. 1. Do you have any new friends in our class? 2. Who is your friend?3. What is he/she like?4. Whats his/her hobby? / What does she like doing?.Ss talk about their new friends.通过简单问答让学生快速回归课堂,吸引学生的注意力。Step 2 导出目标,生成结构3minsYesterday, we have met six new friends in Sunshine Middle School.1. Who are they?What are they like?Ss learn the new words by the pictures通过有效提问来引出学生对6个朋友回忆和描述,为过渡到下一环节做足铺垫。Step 3 深度延展,温旧知,添新识,初步运用结构10minsRead and answer Millie1. How old is Millie?2. Is her hair long?3. What does she love doing?SimonDo T/ FSandyFill in the blanksDanielAsk some questionsSs listen and understand the four students通过不同形式的练习来加强学生对文章的理解。Step 4引发期待行为,强化结构10minsRead the text carefully again, and try to find out: What do they like?( Exercises B on 9.and Part C on Page 10)Ss complete the part B, C通过练习等形式进一步巩固所学知识结构,为后面的输出做好准备。Step 5呈现刺激材料,活用结构5mins1. learn how to introduce oneselfPart1-general informationName/age/class Part2appearanceHair/glasses/bodyPart3hobbiesI like/loveI an good at 2. Show timeTry to say something about your classmates and ask Ss to play the guessing game.Ss play the guessing game.学生运用所学的知识描述朋友,既操练口语又训练听力,并激活课堂活跃气氛。Step 6提供反馈评价,巩固结构15minsLearn vowelsHomework(1)Review what we have learnt today.(2)Finish the workbook exercises.Ss follow the teacher and read vowelsSs do the exercises学生跟读音标,大声读,反复读和说,为后面自学单词打下基础。精心教学设计


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