六年级下册英语课件-Unit3 PartB Let's talk_人教PEP

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教学目标1.能听懂Lets try部分的对话并完成练习。2.能理解Lets talk内容并能听说读写下列句子:How did you go there? We went there by plane. Sounds great!3. 能听说认读单词beach等. GreetingT:How was your holiday? Ss: It was good. T: What did you do? Ss: I went swimming. Warm up! song Listen three times 1. Look at the questions.2.Translate it. 3.listen and answer. 4.Listen and check. 5.Try to retell it.Answer to this questions Where did Amy go last winter holiday? How did she go there? What did she do?Find the answers.Check the answers She went to Sanya. She went there by plane. She took lots of pictures and went swimming.Phrases winter holiday:寒假 summer holiday,暑假 go over the holiday :去度假 go over the winter holiday:度寒假 far from:离.远 lots of= a lot of 许多,大量的 sounds great 听起来不错 sometime将来某天过去某天 Sarah:Where did you go ? Amy:My faminly and I went to Sanya. Sanya is far from Beiging. Sarah:How did you go there? Amy:We went there by planeWu Yifan:How was the beach?Amy:It was beautiful.Wu Yifan:What did you do there?Amy:I took lots of pictures,and I also went swimming SureCan I see your pictures sometime?总结 我们今天学习了. Lets check口头读翻译: 想一想 Where did you go?What did you do there?How did you go there?How was the beach?Can I see your pictures sometime?1.Where did you go over the winter holiday?2.Hainan is far farm here.3.How did you go there?4.How was the beach?5.Can I see your pictures sometime?书面翻译补全下列单词并翻译1. te fresh food ( ) 2.w nt swi ming ( )3. t ok pict res ( ) 4.b ght g fts ( ) 5.be ch ( )单项选择 1. - did you go to Shanghai? - By plane. A. What B. How C. When 2. John took pictures last weekened. A. lots B. lot of C. lots of 3. - did you go last Wednesday? - I went to the bookstore. A. Where B. What C. How 4. - How was your winter holiday? - . A. It is good. B. I went swimming. C. It was good. 5. What did she do? - . A. She rode a horse. B. She likes riding a horse. C. Yes, she did.Homework1.P25,26每天听并跟读10分钟,周日之前准确朗读,背会通过微信传给老师。2.抄写第三单元对话P26的重点句子。


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