2020人教版英语选修六双基限时练【8】Unit 3 Part Ⅱ含答案

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2020学年人教版英语精品资料双基限时练(八)Unit 3Part 基 础 夯 实.完成句子1I found _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a week. (finish)我发现一周内完成我们的工作很难。答案it difficult for us to finish our work2_ _ _ _ they should start early. (suggest)建议他们早点动身。答案It was suggested that3_ _ _ crying over spilt milk. (use)覆水难收。答案Its no use4It is easy _ _ _ _ _ _. (work)做出那道数学题很容易。答案to work out the maths problem5_ _ _ _ _ to the hospital. (it)去医院走路需要两个小时。答案It is a twohour walk6The manager thinks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this week. (hold)经理认为本周再召开一次会议很有必要。答案it very necessary to hold the meeting again7_ _ _ _ _ since we met last time. (it)自从我们上次见面以来已过了两周。答案It has been two weeks8_ _ _ _ _ to finish reading the book. (take)我花了一周时间才看完这本书。答案It took me a week9I _ _ when people use my new car. (hate)我很讨厌别人用我的新车。答案hate it10He _ _ _ _ that he gets up before dawn. (make)他习惯了黎明前起床。答案makes it a rule.单项填空1The fire made _ difficult to rescue the people trapped under the ruins in the earthquake.A/ B. thisC. that D. it答案与解析Dit在此作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式。2Do you know _ won the first gold medal for the China Olympic team in the Beijing Olympic Games?Awho was it that B. who was itC. who it was that D. who was that答案与解析C考查强调句型的疑问形式。强调句的一般形式为:itbe被强调成分that (who/whom);强调句的一般疑问形式为:beit强调成分that;强调句的特殊疑问形式为:疑问词beitthat。由于强调句在宾语从句中,用陈述语序,故C项正确。3_ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger and more prosperous economy.AAs B. ThatC. This D. It答案与解析Dit为形式主语,真正的主语为后边的that从句,其他三项无此用法。4I consider _ a great honour that I have been invited to give a speech.Ait B. that C. this D. what答案与解析Ait作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后边的that从句。5I dont forget forever how many years ago _ was that I last met her in the coffee bar.Athis B. itC. which D. when答案与解析Bforget后的部分是宾语从句,从句中含有一个强调句型,被强调的部分是how many years ago,所以答案为B项。6 Have you got used to the weather here? Yes. But I dont enjoy _ in the summer when it rains on end.Athis B. thatC. one D. it答案与解析D句意:你习惯这里的天气了吗?是的。但是我不喜欢夏季阴雨绵绵的时候。根据enjoy的用法,后接when从句时,需先用it作形式宾语。7For Lin Miaoke _ is too early to be part of the world of entertainment and she needs a good education first.Athat B. thisC. it D. she答案与解析Cit为形式主语,真正的主语为to be part of the world of entertainment。8Since you can solve the problem, I dont feel _ worthwhile taking such trouble.Athis B. meC. that D. it答案与解析Dit代替复合宾语中的动名词,此处为形式宾语,真正的宾语为taking such trouble。9From the teachers patience and understanding, I have learnt what a big responsibility _ is to educate us.Athis B. thatC. it D. one答案与解析C考查it作形式主语的用法。句中have learnt后面是由what引导的感叹句, it是形式主语,动词不定式是真正的主语。语 篇 提 能.阅读理解AHealth officials have begun a campaign to urge children to get enough sleep. The officials say children need at least nine hours of sleep every night. They say research shows that children who get this much sleep perform better in school, suffer fewer accidents and are less likely to become too fat.Studies show that lack of sleep causes tiredness and problems with clear thinking. People who do not get enough sleep become angry easily and have trouble controlling their emotions.Among children, problems that result from lack of sleep often are mistaken for more serious disorders. Unlike adults, tired children seem to have endless energy. Some doctors mistakenly identify this as hyperactivity(活动过度)Experts say many American teenagers are not getting enough sleep. Teenagers stay up late for several reasons, including schoolwork, afterschool activities and latenight fun. Many high school students in the United States start school very early in the morning.Four years ago, education officials in Minneapolis, Minnesota changed the starting time of seven high schools. The officials delayed the starting time by almost ninety minutes.A University of Minnesota study found that attendance at the high schools improved after the starting time was changed.However, the later start did not greatly affect the performance of the students. Still, school systems in other parts of the country are discussing later starting times for high school students.The American Academy of Pediatrics(儿科学) represents doctors who treat children. It notes that many sleep disorders first develop in childhood. It says doctors often do not identify the disorder until years later.The group has agreed to join in a study with the National Centre on Sleep Disorders Research. During the next five years, they plan to examine sleep problems in very young and older children. They also will develop guides for doctors to use when testing for sleep problems. And they will provide educational materials about the importance of healthy sleep.1The passage is primarily concerned with _.Athe amount of childrens sleepB. childrens health problemC. childrens hyperactivityD. serious childrens disorder答案与解析A主旨大意题。整篇文章就是在讨论孩子的睡眠问题。2What is NOT the problem caused to children if they cant get enough sleep?AThey may get tired easily.B. They cant think clearly.C. They are easy to become angry.D. They are ready to get hyperactive.答案与解析D细节理解题。文中第三段讲到,孩子睡眠不足,容易误诊为活动过度,故可知选D项。3What is the main difficulty to deal with the problem of childrens lack of sleep?AThere is too much homework to complete after school.B. Many children take part in too many activities after school.C. Children play fun into deep night.D. Doctors usually cant identify this disorder easily.答案与解析D细节理解题。此话题在第三段和第七段都有提到。4The American Academy of Pediatrics has taken many measures to solve sleep problem EXCEPT to _.Areduce the amount of childrens homeworkB. later starting times for high school studentsC. develop guides for doctors when testing for sleep problemsD. provide educational materials about the importance of healthy sleep答案与解析A细节理解题。解决问题的措施没有提到减少作业量。BStarbucks, the worlds largest chain of coffee shops, has unveiled (推出) a new logo which it says indicates its plan to move beyond its core product.The US giants new logo removes the words “STARBUCKS” and “COFFEE”, leaving just the firms white on green image of a twintailed mermaid (美人鱼). Starbucks said that in the future “its possible well have other products with our name on it and no coffee in it”However, some brand experts have criticized the move. “I think its nuts,” said James Gregory, chief executive of brand consulting firm CoreBrand. “Whats it going to be the coffee formerly known as Starbucks?”Starbucks is already moving ahead with plans to extend its product range, and now also sells ice cream. It is also considering selling beer and wine at some US outlets.Starbucks chief executive Howard Schultz said, “What is really important here is a changing refinement (改进) of the logo, which is a mirror image of the strategy. This is not just, lets wake up one day and change our logo.”Starbucks has turned around its fortunes since 2008, when overexpansion resulted in falling sales. Its profits for the first three quarters of 2010 were more than double those in 2009.This is the first time that Starbucks has changed its logo since it was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1992.语篇解读全球最大的咖啡连锁店“星巴克”更换了使用多年的商标,推出了新商标。新的商标图案去掉了原来的“STARBUCKS”和“COFFEE”字样,只保留了美人鱼图案。5Which of the following is the new logo of Starbucks?A. B. C. D. 答案与解析D细节理解题。由第二段可知,新的商标图案上去掉了原来的“STARBUCKS”和“COFFEE”字样,只保留了美人鱼图案,故D项正确。6Whats Howard Schultzs attitude towards Starbucks new logo?ADoubtful. B. Uninterested.C. Positive. D. Negative.答案与解析C推理判断题。根据倒数第三段Howard Schultz的讲话,尤其是其中的a changing refinement of the logo和a mirror image of the strategy可推知,他对新商标持积极的态度,故C项正确。7What can we learn from the passage?AStarbucks has begun to sell beer in America.B. Starbucks business was bad in 2008.C. Starbucks changed its logo to attract customers attention.D. This is the first time Starbucks has changed its logo in history.答案与解析B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,“星巴克”公司由于过度扩张,在2008年时经营状况处于低谷,故B项正确。由第四段可知,“星巴克”公司正在考虑销售啤酒,故A项错误;由第二段和最后一段可知,“星巴克”公司修改商标的主要目的是拓展产品经营范围,这是其在纽约证券交易所上市以来第一次修改商标,而非历史上首次,故排除C、D两项。8Whats the passage mainly about?AStarbucks announced a new logo.B. Starbucks aimed for new products.C. Starbucks new logo is well received.D. Starbucks is becoming more successful.答案与解析A主旨大意题。本文的主要内容是:全球最大的咖啡连锁店“星巴克”推出了新商标。


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