2020高中英语人教版 选修9教师用书:Unit 1 SectionⅡ Warming UpReading — Language Points Word版含答案

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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Section_Warming Up & Reading Language Points 1approximate adj.近似的,大概的What is the approximate number of students in each class?每个班大致有多少学生?be approximate to接近approximately adv. 大约;近似地Your story is approximate to the real facts.你所说的接近事实真相。The journey took approximately seven hours.旅行大约用了七个小时。(1) 他们的日常花费一月大约2 000元。Their daily cost is_approximate_to 2,000 yuan a month.(2)飞机大约在20分钟后着陆。The plane will be landing in_approximately_20_minutes.2reality n真实,实在;事实;逼真,活现He doubted the reality of what he had seen, thinking he must have dreamed it.他不相信自己所见到的是真的,以为自己一定是在做梦。It is sometimes hard to face reality.有时很难面对现实。in reality (in fact)事实上,实际上with reality 真实地,逼真地She seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.她看起来信心十足,而实际上她紧张得要命。(1)他可以把所有的事情都描绘得活灵活现。He can describe all things with_reality.(2)尽管她看起来很年轻,实际上,她已40多岁了。Though she looks very young, in_reality_she_is_over_forty.3tough(1)adj.困难的That task we should finish in two days was tough.要我们两天之内完成的那项任务很困难。(2)adj.强硬的;坚韧的This material is as tough as leather.这料子像皮革般坚韧。(3)adj.难对付的,棘手的a tough job/problem棘手的工作/问题get tough with (以强硬方式)惩罚,对付be tough on 严格对待Its about time that the school started to get tough with bullies.现在学校该对侍强凌弱者开始采取严厉措施了。(1)Dont be too_tough_on_him(对他太无情)He was only trying to help.(2)My mother was_tougher_on (对更加严厉) my elder sister than she was on me.4extreme(1)adj.极度的,偏远的,末端的,偏激的,狂热过分的His hometown lies in the extreme edge of the forest.他的家乡位于森林的最边缘。(2)n.完全相反的事物(常用pl.);极端,最高程度Sometimes he eats too much and sometimes nothing.He goes from one extreme to the other.他有时吃得太多,有时不吃,从一个极端走到另一极端。go to extremes/take sth.to extremes采取极端行为in the extreme 非常,极度extremely adv. 极其,非常Taken to extremes, this kind of behaviour can be dangerous.这种行为如果走向极端将是非常危险的。The journey would be difficult in the extreme.这段旅程将极其艰难。(1)With time going by, the weather conditions will become more_extreme (extreme) than ever.(2)Im extremely (extreme) sorry to have troubled you.5unfit adj.不太健康的;不适宜的The water is unfit to drink.这水不宜饮用。She was unfit and could not play in the big match.她身体状况不佳,不能参加这次大赛。be unfit to do sth.不适合做某事be unfit for sth. 不适合Your car isnt fit to be on the road.你的车子还不适合上马路。The food is not fit for human consumption.这食物不适合人吃。(1)她从不锻炼身体一定不好。She_never_takes_any_exercise_she_must_be_unfit.(2)我认为他不适宜担任公职。I_think_he_is_unfit_for_public_office.6urge (1)vt.催促;力劝urge She urged me to give up smoking and I made it at last.她力劝我戒烟,最后我做到了。He urged us that we should go at once.他督促我们马上走。The manager urged his staff on.经理激励员工更加努力。(2) n强烈的欲望,冲动He no longer has the urge to write letters to anybody. 他再也没有想要给任何人写信的欲望了。 urgent adj.紧急的,急迫的in urgent need of 亟待This law is in urgent need of reform.这项法律亟待修订。随着期末考试的来临,老师督促我们努力学习。Our teacher urges_us_to_study/into_studying_hard,_with the final exam drawing near.Our teacher urges that we (should)_study_hard,_with the final exam drawing near.7accomplish vt.完成,贯彻,实现(计划等),达到(目的);实行He hopes to accomplish all his aims by the end of the year.他希望在年底前实现所有的目标。We have accomplished all we set out to do.所有计划要做的事情,我们都已完成。This task was accomplished with great effort.完成这项任务花了很大力气。accomplishment nC成就,完成accomplished adj. 有才华的,有(艺术)造诣的Playing the piano is one of her many accomplishments.弹钢琴是她的多项才能之一。accomplish, finish, achieve, complete, end(1)accomplish指成功地完成预期的目标、任务等,通常接task,aim,journey,voyage等名词,有时兼有“达成(效果)”之意。(2)finish多指日常事务的完成,强调事情了结终止。(3)achieve多指排除困难完成宏伟计划或大业。(4)complete则强调事物完整地完成或终结,多指使计划、理想、工程、事业等圆满完成。(5)end停止某一活动,不管是否达到目标。作不及物动词时,一般与介词with,in,by连用;作及物动词时后直接跟名词。用finish, complete, end, accomplish, (1)Have you finished writing your novel?(2)Do you know when the railway station willbe_completed?(3)Women have toachieve full equality in the workplace.(4)To my disappointment, the attempt ended in failure.(5)I dont feel I have_accomplished my aim.8devotion n献身;忠心People admire him for his devotion to his duty.人们因为他忠于职守而赞美他。From my first job at the restaurant, I learned teamwork and devotion. 从我在餐馆的第一份工作中,我学会了合作与奉献。(1)devote v献身;致力devote oneself to . 致力于;献身于devote time/money/energy to (doing) sth.把时间、金钱、精力用在上(2)devoted adj. 热爱的,忠实的;慈爱的be devoted to . 忠实于;热心于;专心于a devoted friend 忠实的朋友He has devoted his whole life to world peace.他把一生都致力于世界和平。Since he graduated, he has been devoted to research work.自从毕业以来,他就致力于研究工作。Li Lei is my devoted friend. Since graduation, he has been devoted to improving the education of the local people. His devotion to the voluntary work moves the people there deeply.1ahead of(1)(时间、空间)在前面Ahead of us stretches a forest.我们前面是一片森林。ahead of schedule/time提前You may rely on it that the work will be finished ahead of time.你可以放心,这项工作将提前完成。(2)领先She was always well ahead of the rest of the class.她总是遥遥领先于班上的其他同学。He is ahead of the age.他站在时代的前列。(1)多亏了你及时的帮助,我提前完成了工作。Thanks to your timely help, I finished_my_work_ahead_of_schedule/time.(2)他在英语上领先于同班同学。He is ahead_of_his_class in English. 2get into sth. 被录取,穿上,养成习惯,学会,产生兴趣,使处于状态He got into parliament in 1997.他1997年当选为下议院议员。How did you get into drugs?你是怎么染上毒品的?Im getting into Jazz these days.我最近开始喜欢爵士乐。(1)I havent really got into my new job yet.(习惯于)(2)I cant get into these shoes they are too small.(穿上)(3)He has got into the habit of walking home through the park.(养成(习惯)(4)Dont get into a temper about it.(使处于状态)3come through 经历(灾难等)仍活下来,安然度过;脱险;出来,到达;(电话)接通;达到目的,获得成功,胜利Your posting has just come through you are going to Hong Kong.你的调令刚到去香港。She was lucky to come through the operation.她手术后能活下来真是幸运。come about发生come along 进步;进展come around/round 恢复知觉;苏醒;顺便拜访come down (价格、温度等)下降、降低come on 快,加油,加把劲come out (花)盛开;开花come to 被想出;总计come up 被提出;长出地面come across (偶然)遇见,碰见,发现How did it come about that some flowers came out earlier this year?今年有些花开得早是怎么回事啊?Come on!The temperature is coming down.快点!温度开始下降了。(1)How did the accident come_about since he drove at a speed of sixty miles per hour?(2)These old soldiers all came_through the two world wars.(3)Ive never come_across anyone like her before.(4)It looks as if interest rates will come_down this month.(5)Would you like to come_around for dinner? 1.Rather Ashrita attempts to break records in very imaginative events and in very interesting places.相反,阿西里塔却试图在有创意的项目上以及非常有趣的地方打破纪录。rather在此是副词,意思是“相反,而是”,表示提出不同于先前所说的或相反的观点。The walls were not white, but rather a sort of dirty gray.墙壁不是白的,而是有点儿令人厌恶的灰色。The patient was not better but rather grew worse.病人的情况不但没有好转,反而进一步恶化了。(1)rather than是连词,前后两端所连的是平行结构,多译为“而不是”或“与其说是不如说是”,有时可用介词短语instead of替代。(2)would rather表示选择或主观上的愿望,有“宁愿、宁可”的意思。如果要把取舍的双方都表达出来,则应该用would rather .than,表示“宁愿也不愿”的意思。He was writing a letter rather than (instead of) reading the newspaper.他那时正在写信而不是在看报纸。My aunt invited me to the film, but I said Id rather go on a picnic with the girls.我的姑妈邀请我去看电影,可是我说我倒愿意跟女孩子们一起去野餐。(1)He did not scold us but rather_praised_us (而是表扬了我们)(2)John should go rather_than (而不是) Jean.2While these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather than respect, in reality they require an enormous amount of strength and fitness as well as determination.虽然这些活动看起来孩子气且令人发笑而不是让人肃然起敬,但实际上,这些活动却需要强大的力量、健康的体格和坚定的决心。句中while“(用于句首)虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句。while的主要用法如下:While todays educators are using more and more technology, many believe basic handwriting skills are still necessary for students to be successful.虽然今天的教师正使用越来越多的技术手段,但是许多人认为基本的书写技能对于学生的成功仍然是必需的。While the Internet is a great help for us, we cant be addicted to it.虽然因特网对我们来说是一个巨大的帮助,但我们不能沉迷于其中。You can go swimming while Im having lunch.我吃午饭时,你可以去游泳。You like sports, while Id rather read.你喜欢体育,而我喜欢阅读。(1)In some places women are expected to earn money while men work at home and raise their children.(而,然而)(2)While I understand what you say, I cant agree with you.(虽然)(3)While the girls were eating supper, their father came home.(当时候)3Sir Chinmoy says that it is just as important for people to develop their bodies as it is to develop their minds, hearts and spiritual selves.斯里琴摩指出人们发展他们的体魄与发展他们的头脑、心灵和精神上的自我具有同等的重要性。as .as用于平级的比较。She looks just as young as she was ten years ago.她看上去和十年前一样年轻。It isnt as/so big as you think it is.它并没有你想的那么大。比较以下两句话:as .as常构成下列结构:It is as important for me to learn English well as it is to learn Chinese well.对我来说,学好英语与学好汉语一样重要。They produced twice as many cars in 2016 as the year before.他们2016年生产的汽车是前一年的两倍。(1)I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three_times_as_much (三倍多)(2)Qingdao is as beautiful_a_city_as_Shanghai (和上海一样美的城市)4He believes that there_is_no_limit_to peoples physical abilities.他相信人的潜能是无止境的。there is no limit to sb./sth.对于来说是无止境的It seemed there was no limit to the heights to which kites would fly today. 现在风筝似乎可以毫无限制地高飞。There beThere is no doubt that it has many advantages.毫无疑问它有很多优势。There is a possibility that the company will suffer a great loss this month.这个月公司有可能遭受巨大损失。(1)生命是有限的,但学问是无止境的。 Life is limited, but there_is_no_limit_to learning. (2)没必要担心,因为政府正在尽一切努力提供更多的工作岗位。There_is_no_need to worry about it as the government is now making every effort to provide more jobs.(3)毫无疑问,我会取得好的成绩。There_is_no_doubt_that I will get good grades.单词拼写1Can you tell me the approximate number of athletes who will participate in the Brazil Olympic Games?2They accomplished their mission ahead of time.3Having no motivation to study may be the most dangerous thing for a student.4What good does it do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?5We are working under extreme pressure at the moment.6He doubted the reality (真实性) of what he had heard.7He is rather conventional(传统的) in his daily life.8You will have to make adjustments (调整) to your thinking if you are to get promoted.9I urged (催促) him to set out early.10At the meeting we showed our devotion (忠诚) to our leader.选词填空1She could hear him urging her on as she ran past.2What has been reported in the newspaper is approximate_to the truth.3Our company is ahead_of_ other makers of spare parts for the airplane.4Were still waiting for our exam results tocome_through.5Since everything develops, we have to make_adjustments to the changing situation.完成句子1This is inconvenient in_the_extreme (极其)2You like tennis, while_Id_rather (而我愿意) read.3The fine view from the tower fascinated_us (把我们迷住了)4There_is_a_limit_to (对来说是有限的) the amount of money I can afford.5She came_third (得了第三) in the English oral competition.句型转换1He is unfit for the work.He is not_fit_to_do the work.2It took her a while to get used to living alone after the divorce.It took her a while to adjust_to living alone after the divorce.3Officially he is in charge, but actually his secretary does all the work.Officially he is in charge, but in_reality his secretary does all the work.4Their team won the second place in the match.Their team came_second in the match.5I urged Tony to stay away from computer games.I urged that Tony_(should)_stay_away_from_computer_games. .阅读理解AEvery day, in all kinds of weather, thousands of men and women jog.Why has jogging running slowly for long distances become so popular?Most joggers begin because they hear it is a very good exercise.Jogging makes the heart stronger and helps people lose weight.It can also help them feel better about themselves.Donald Robbins, who is fortytwo years old and works in an office, began jogging a few years ago because he felt he was too fat.At first he could only run about 100 yards.It took him three months to be able to run a mile.But two years later, he ran in a marathon over twentysix miles.Many joggers, like Donald Robbins, feel that if they can succeed in jogging, they can succeed in other things, and quite often this feeling helps them in their jobs.Should you jog too?If you do, be sure to ask your doctor for advice.Jogging may be too much exercise for you.Does jogging cost much?No, it costs almost nothing.But it is very important to have a good pair of shoes that are made especially for jogging.They protect your feet and legs from the shock of running on the hard surface.How fast should you go?Jog with a friend and talk to each other as you run.If you have difficulty in talking, youre going too fast.How far should you jog?Remember not to go too far too soon.In fact, you should walk, not run, the first few times.Then do some short jogs, but no more than what you can do comfortably.After that, increase your distance a quarter or half a mile every two weeks or so.Maybe in a few years, you can run in a marathon too.语篇解读:本文介绍了慢跑对人的身体的好处,以及慢跑时需要注意的一些问题。1The article is mainly about _.Ajogging as a sportBjogging as an exerciseCjogging in a safe wayDjogging as a way to the marathon解析:选B主旨大意题。exercise意为“运动,锻炼”,如散步、跑步、划船等,主要是为了锻炼身体,不以竞技为目的,所以排除A项。2Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?AJogging should be done in the early morning.BMany people think that jogging needs ones will power.CJogging is timeconsuming.DYou should not talk while jogging.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段人们慢跑的成功经验可知,慢跑需要恒心、毅力。3Which piece of advice is NOT mentioned in the article?AHave a good pair of shoes.BHave a sports suit.CRemember not to go too far too soon at the beginning.DAsk your doctor for advice.解析:选B细节理解题。第四段提到A项,最后一段提到C项,第三段提到D项。B项在文中没有被提到,故选B项。4Why is jogging so popular according to the passage?AIt doesnt cost much.BOne can start jogging at any time and in any place.CIt is a very good exercise.DOne can talk with ones friend while jogging.解析:选C细节理解题。由第一段“Most joggers begin .exercise.”一句可知答案。BThe ancient city of Chichen Itza in southern Mexico was one of the most powerful cities and one of the most powerful ancient cultures the Maya.But today, no one lives there.It is only a group of old buildings.However, people from around the world still come to see it.People come to learn about its ancient culture, the culture of the Mayan people. The Mayan culture began almost 3,000 years ago and grew in parts of Central America.But about 1,000 years ago a group called the Itza invaded the city and built new parts of the city based on natural wells.They named the city Chichen Itza, which means “mouth of the well of the Itza”The most interesting structure in Chichen Itza is the Pyramid of Kukulcan(库库尔坎金字塔), whose four sides all come together at one point at the top.Each side on the Pyramid of Kukulcan has 91 steps.And there is one more step at the top of the pyramid.The steps are as many as the days of a year.Some experts believe the Maya could have used this building to help them know when to plant crops.Each day the sun falls on a different step of the pyramid, which could be a way to follow the year.The people of Chichen Itza especially designed one building to observe and study the movement of the stars and planets.Experts say that the observatory (天文台) is one of the most complex structures the Maya built.A set of steps went up and around the observatory tower.And there were windows in the tower.Each window had a purpose.Experts believe that a person looking through one of these windows could see particular stars on particular dates.The Maya might have believed that studying the stars could tell them the future.Chichen Itza is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an important part of the worlds history.语篇解读: 本文是一篇说明文。介绍了墨西哥南部玛雅古城遗址以及这个古城的著名的古老文化玛雅文化。5Visitors came to the city of Chichen Itza to _.Aview its beautiful sceneryBexperience and explore the Mayan cultureCstudy and observe other stars on the observatory Dlearn something about when to plant crops解析:选B细节理解题。由第一段的最后一句话“People come to learn about its ancient culture, the culture of the Mayan people.”可知,游客来到Chichen Itza的目的是体验玛雅文化。6Why did the invaders name the city “mouth of the well of the Itza”?ABecause wells can be seen in or around the city.B.Because it is large in size.CBecause the city is newly built.DBecause its location is vital.解析:选A细节理解题。由文章第二段最后一句话可知,此处有许多天然的井,故得此名。7Which of the following is TRUE?AChichen Itza is one of the World Heritages.BThe Pyramid of Kukulcan has 364 steps.CWindows in the tower predict the weather in the future.DThe city of Chichen Itza has a long history of 3, 000 years.解析:选A推理判断题。文章最后一段说Itza是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产,故A正确。从倒数第三段“The steps are as many as the days of a year.”可以看出库库尔坎金字塔有365层台阶,排除B项。根据倒数第二段“Experts believe that a person looking through one of these windows could see particular stars on particular dates.”可以排除C项;D项和原文相比,缺了almost一词,故也排除。8Whats the authors purpose of writing this passage?ATo evaluate the Mayan culture.BTo persuade readers to pay a visit.CTo introduce the ancient city of Chichen Itza.DTo present the development of the Mayan construction.解析:选B作者意图题。本文介绍玛雅古城的概况和特点,是想引起游客的兴趣,来参观这个城市。


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