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英文快板(之一)January February March May June July August September October November December.January comes after December, January comes before February.January February March April May June July August September October November December.February comes after January, February comes before March.January February March April May June July August September October November December.March comes after February, March comes before April.January February March April May June July August September October November December.April comes after March, April comes before May.January February March April May June July August September October November December.May comes after April, May comes before June.January February March May June July August September October November December.June comes after May June comes before JulyJanuary February March May June July August September October November December.July comes after June July comes before AugustJanuary February March May June July August September October November December.August comes after July August comes before SeptemberJanuary February March May June July August September October November December.September comes after August September comes before OctoberJanuary February March May June July August September October November December.October comes after September October comes before NovemberJanuary February March May June July August September October November December.November comes after October November comes before December.January February March May June July August September October November December.December comes after November December. comes before JanuaryJanuary February March May June July August September October November December.庆祝奥运会即将采取的心花(I组快板) 每个人:红太阳升起在东方轮, 在08年北京奥运会的旗帜高高飘扬, 中华民族在五大洲齐欢呼, 实现了我们多年的中华民族的梦想。 答:在北京奥运会的组织, 证明了我们国家经济繁荣。 从体育弱国的国家, 人民体质增强。 乙:奥运帆船比赛在青岛举办, 这也是全国人民的愿望, 世界各地的朋友。 大弘扬奥林匹克精神。 荤:符合奥林匹克sailling人类情感的充分, 体现的原则“团结,友谊,进步”的梦想, “绿色,科技和人文科学。” 更快,更高,更强。 :让我们最友好的人民四方, 我们最广泛的头脑, 欢迎世界运动员青岛市为了实现双赢的梦想。 每个人:五大洲的朋友来, 让我们大家聚集在一起。(打板过门) 答:迎奥运,见行动, 人们奥运献力量, 祖国很多美丽的衣服, 到处是花的海洋的。 乙:大家学习外语努力, 男人,妇女和儿童在课堂上, 什么英语,法语,日语,韩语,德语,西班牙语,认真研究的声音响起。 荤:四方的文明和礼貌。 志愿者准备帮助。 青岛向全世界的朋友, 像这类的家。 每个人:是的,世界各地的朋友到我们的青岛, 像这类的家。 (打板过门) :嘿,我们的青岛市是北京奥运合作伙伴, 在城市的中心花了释放, 浮山湾,汇泉湾, 港是奥林匹克sailling最佳匹配。 答:我们青岛山美水美更美丽, 美国著名的珍珠的Orient.The红瓦绿树反映了蓝天,气候宜人,冬季温暖,夏季凉爽, 乙:我们青岛有广泛的卓越胆识,诚信,和谐的热心, 我们最勤劳的人民在青岛, 我们最一种在青岛的好心人。 C组:中国已提出“原子” 高喊世界黄金城市的口号, 海尔,海信,澳柯玛, 全球著名的电器威。 :绿化香港高效率的振动世界, 其中大, 青岛啤酒喝足够的, 激情成就梦想好, 只有你青岛, 将留下一个美好的印象。 答:京外,青岛帆船, 与球迷的动态心,情绪,比如海洋, 四方欢迎您的第一个行动, 为你歌唱黄海。 乙:在一个明亮的微笑花, 人们在热烈的掌声中, 北京奥运会欢迎乘客, 全国人民,歌唱。 答:北京奥运会一定会取得成功, 奥林匹克精神永放光芒! 北京奥运会将取得成功, 奥林匹克精神永放光芒! Celebrate the coming of the Olympic Games take heart flower (group I Allegro)Everyone: Red Sun Rises in the East round,08 in the Beijing Olympic Games banner fluttering,Qi of the Chinese people on five continents cheers,Realized Our dream of the Chinese people for many years.A: The Olympic Games in Beijing to organize,Proved Our national economic prosperity.From sports weak country to country,Peoples physique stronger.B: Olympic yacht race in Qingdao to organize,This is also the wish of the people throughout the country,Our friends all over the world.Large carry forward the Olympic spirit.C: match of Olympic sailling full of human feelings,Embodies the principle of unity, friendship and progress and dreams,Green, technology and humanities.Faster and higher and stronger.D: Lets most friendly people of the Quartet,Our most broad-minded,Welcome to the worlds athletes,To achieve win Qingdao dream. Everyone: Come on five continents friends,Let us all gathered together.(打板过门)A: Towards the Olympic Games, see action,People were Olympic Xian strength,Much of the motherland dress Beautiful,Everywhere was a sea of flowers is. B: Everybody studies the foreign language diligently,Men, women and children in the classroom,What English, French, Japanese, Korean, German, Spanish, Studies the sound earnestly ringing.C: Quartet were civilized and courteous.Volunteers ready to help.Qingdao friend to the world,Like a kind home. Everyone: Yes, the world friends to Our Qingdao,Like a kind home. (打板过门) D: hey, Our Qingdao city is Beijing Olympic partners,The heart of the city spent release,Fushan Bay, Huiquan Bay,Port is the best match of Olympic sailling. A: Our water Qingdao Shanmei beauty more beautiful,US-famous Pearl of the Orient.The red tile greenery reflects the blue sky,the pleasant weather, warm in winter and cool in summer,B: Our Qingdao extensive excellence has the boldness,Good faith, harmonious warmheartedness,Our most industrious people in Qingdao,Our most kind-hearted people in Qingdao.Group C: China has moved atomChanted the slogan of the World Gold City,Haier, Hisense, Aucma,Appliance global Granville famous.D: Green Hong Kong efficient vibration world,Among big,Qingdao beer they drink enough,Passion achievements good dream,Only you to Qingdao,Will leave a good impression.A: outside Beijing, Qingdao sailing,With the fan dynamic heart, feelings such as oceans,The Quartet welcomes your first move,Singing for you in the Yellow Sea.B: bright flowers in a smile,People in the warm applause,Beijing Olympic Welcome passengers,People across the country-singing.A: Beijing Olympics will succeed,The Olympic spirit will shine forever!Beijing Olympics will succeed, The Olympic spirit will shine forever!回答人的补充 2010-05-24 19:20 【The star】Twinkle, twinkle, little star! 闪耀,闪耀,小星星! How I wonder what you are, 我想知道你身形,Up above the world so high, 高高挂在天空中,Like a diamond in the sky. 就像天上的钻石。When the blazing sun is gone, 灿烂太阳已西沉,When he nothing shines upon, 它已不再照万物,Then you show your little light, 你就显露些微光,Twinkle, twinkle all the night. 整个晚上眨眼睛。The dark blue sky you keep 留恋漆黑的天空And often thro my curtains peep, 穿过窗帘向我望,For you never shut your eye 永不闭上你眼睛Till the sun is in the sky. 直到太阳又现形。Tis your bright and tiny spark 你这微亮的火星,Lights the traveler in the dark; 黑夜照耀着游人,Though I know not what you are 虽我不知你身形,Twinkle, twinkle, little star! 闪耀,闪耀,小星星!one fell off and bumped his head,The mummy called the doctor and doctor said,no more monkeys jumping on the bedFour little monkeys jumping on the bed,one fell off and bumped his head,The mummy called the doctor and doctor said,no more monkeys jumping on the bedThree little monkeys jumping on the bed,one fell off and bumped his head,The mummy called the doctor and doctor said,no more monkeys jumping on the bedTwo little monkeys jumping on the bed,one fell off and bumped his head,The mummy called the doctor and doctor said,no more monkeys jumping on the bedOne little monkey jumping on the bed,one fell off and bumped his head,The mummy called the doctor and doctor said,no more monkey jumping on the bed


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