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Lesson 25 Mrs. Smiths kitchen kitchenktn refrigeratorrfrdret electric lektrk cooker kk Mrs. kitchen refrigerator fridge left right electric cooker cook middle n. of room cup 夫人 厨房 电冰箱 左边 右边 带电的,可通电的 炉子,炊具 厨师 中间 (属于)的 房间 杯子Important words and phrases a refrigerator 一台电冰箱 an electric cooker 一个电灶 on the right 在右边 on the left 在左边 in the middle(of) 在中间electric cookerrefrigeratortablebottlecuptap Is Mrs. Smiths kitchen big? What colour is the electric cooker?Mrs. Smiths kitchen is small. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator is white. It is on the right. There is an electriccooker in the kitchen. The cooker is blue. It is on the left. There is a table in the middle of the room.There is a bottle on the table. The bottle is empty. There is a cup on the table, too. The cup is clean.a cupon the table cleanThere is a cup on the table.The cup is clean.There is a clean cup on the table.a boxon the floor largeThere is a box on the floor.The box is large.There is a large box on the floor.a glassin the cupboard emptyThere is a glass in the cupboard.The cupboard is empty.There is an empty glass in the cupboard.a knifeon the platesharpThere is a knife on the plate.The knife is sharp.There is a sharp knife on the plate.我我(I)用用am,你,你(you)用用are, is连连着他着他(he),她,她(she),它,它(it); 单数名词用单数名词用is,复数名词全用,复数名词全用are。变疑问,往前提,句尾问号莫丢变疑问,往前提,句尾问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易,弃。变否定,更容易, be后后not莫忘记。莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。大写莫迟疑。a fork on the tin dirtyThere is a fork on the tin.The fork is dirty.There is a dirty fork on the tin.变为一般疑问句:Answer: Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.Is there a dirty fork on the tin?就划线部分提问:Where is the dirty fork? (It is) on the tin._a bottle in the cupboard fullThere is a bottle in the cupboard.The bottle is full.There is a full bottle in the cupboard. 变为一般疑问句:Answer: Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.Is there a full bottle in the box?就划线部分提问:Where is the bottle? (It is) in the cupboard._ 1某处某处(某时某时)有某人有某人(某物某物)”, 其基本句型为其基本句型为“There be + 某物或某人某物或某人 + 某地或某时某地或某时” There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. 否定句否定句 通常在通常在be后加后加not构成构成 There is not a refrigerator in the kitchen。 一般疑问句及其答语一般疑问句及其答语 把把be提到提到there前前,首字母大写首字母大写,句末用问号即可。句末用问号即可。 Is there a refrigerator in the kitchen? Yes, there is. (No, there isnt.) Complete the sentences using a or the. Give me _ glass. Which glass? _ empty one.2. Give me some cups. Which cups? _ cups on the table.3. Is there _ book on _ table? Yes, there is. Is _ book red?4. Is there _ knife in that box? Yes, there is. Is _ knife sharp?aTheTheathetheathe a/an具有不确定的意义不确定的意义,对于听者或者读者可能是不知道的人或者物是不知道的人或者物 a/an只能用于可数名词单数之前a/anan+元音音素a+辅音音素_ useful book_ honest /nst / boy_ English engineer_ one-hour trip定冠词the 表示说话双方都了解的或上文提到过的人或事表示说话双方都了解的或上文提到过的人或事物物 Would you mind opening the door? 表示某一类人或物 the French the United States play the guitar The horse is a useful animal. 用于世上独一无二的事物名词前面 the universe, the moon, the Pacific Ocean 表示一家人或对夫妇 the Greens, the Wangs tips 特指双熟悉,上文已提及;特指双熟悉,上文已提及; 世上独一无世上独一无二,序数最高级;二,序数最高级; 某些专有名,习语及某些专有名,习语及乐器。乐器。 下列情况应免冠,代词限定名词前;下列情况应免冠,代词限定名词前; 专专有名词不可数,学科球类三餐饭;有名词不可数,学科球类三餐饭; 复数复数名词表泛指,季节星期月份前;名词表泛指,季节星期月份前; 颜色语颜色语种和国名,称呼习语及头衔种和国名,称呼习语及头衔以疑问词 where 所引导的特殊疑问句Where ? 询问地点询问地点Where is the refrigerator ?On the right.Its on the right .there be 句型:表示某处有某物句型:表示某处有某物there is + 可数名词的单数/不可数名词+方位短语there are + 可数名词的复数形式+方位短语homework1.1.听录音并跟读。听录音并跟读。2.2.每个单词每个单词5 5遍,课文遍,课文1 1遍并背过。遍并背过。3.3.将下面的句子翻译成英语。将下面的句子翻译成英语。 1 1)桌子上有一本书。)桌子上有一本书。 (变成否定句,一般疑问句以及回答)(变成否定句,一般疑问句以及回答) 2 2)厨房的中间有一个冰箱。)厨房的中间有一个冰箱。 3 3)电磁炉里有一个面包。面包是热的,)电磁炉里有一个面包。面包是热的,4. 25-264. 25-26课课练课课练


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